Opinion Game



  • I was born in Miami. Speaking spanish is pretty much a priority there.

    Man that's funny. Did you guys talk about it by PM or what ?
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Thank you, lol. I only speak it with my mom and when I'm in DR w/ my family :)

  • Yes, you are. :3 And you bet I'll try to make you the happiest guy sweetie.
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I'm I ? I'm just a man in love, making sure his future wife is happy. This is my new job, just making sure you feel good.

  • Hahaha, então beleza! Meus pais não pegam mais no pé, eles sabem que mesmo não estudando tanto eu cosigo ir bem. Eu to ferrada é com trigonometria, já é a terceira ou quarta vez que to revisando a matéria e ainda não aprendi. :p Eu botaria a culpa nos professores, mas eles sempre mudam. Heh.
    Rafoli posted: »

    Não, eu tô de boa, são só meus pais que ficam enchendo o saco o tempo todo. O que é pior é que minha professora de geometria não ensina nada, e só tem 50 minutos de aula. O que salva a gente são as video aulas :D

  • You're doing that already cutiepie :3

    Yes, you are. :3 And you bet I'll try to make you the happiest guy sweetie.

  • Hmm, I guess it's also a priority here in New York too. But so is other 50 languages xD

    Well, it's not 100% yet. But I have a feeling. I really need those PMs back so we can exchange info, lol.
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I was born in Miami. Speaking spanish is pretty much a priority there. Man that's funny. Did you guys talk about it by PM or what ?

  • Putz, que porra é trigonometria? Tomara que eu só aprofunde isso daqui a alguns anos, haha.

    Por enquanto eu só tô dando Teorema de Tales e semelhança de triângulos. O que a professora ensina em sala não é nada comparado ao que ela bota na prova. É incrível como ela ainda fala "Nós vimos isso em sala, você deveria ter estudado".

    Hahaha, então beleza! Meus pais não pegam mais no pé, eles sabem que mesmo não estudando tanto eu cosigo ir bem. Eu to ferrada é com trigono

  • I agree
    Rafoli posted: »


  • I'm glad to hear that honey! But be aware I can make you even happier. :3
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    You're doing that already cutiepie :3

  • You guys can do that right know. Just go to her profild and click on Private Discussion. It will work.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Hmm, I guess it's also a priority here in New York too. But so is other 50 languages xD Well, it's not 100% yet. But I have a feeling. I really need those PMs back so we can exchange info, lol.

  • Oh, seriously? It works now? :o
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    You guys can do that right know. Just go to her profild and click on Private Discussion. It will work.

  • You can ? Bring it on babe. I have to ask you something but I'm not gonna put you through that in front of everybody LOL.

    I'm glad to hear that honey! But be aware I can make you even happier. :3

  • I don't know how dude but my friend and I have a private chat just for us.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Oh, seriously? It works now? :o

  • Of course I can! You see. :p Haha, now I'm curious. :o
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    You can ? Bring it on babe. I have to ask you something but I'm not gonna put you through that in front of everybody LOL.

  • Huh, let me see if it works for me, then.. ._.
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I don't know how dude but my friend and I have a private chat just for us.

  • Do you know how to create thosd private chats or whatever ? The Forum sucks when you come through your phone.

    Of course I can! You see. :p Haha, now I'm curious. :o

  • I'm trying to find out right know. We both need it XD.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Huh, let me see if it works for me, then.. ._.

  • Not really, but I can try. :p Just a sec...
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Do you know how to create thosd private chats or whatever ? The Forum sucks when you come through your phone.

  • I know, right? lol. We probably need to send the link, right?
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I'm trying to find out right know. We both need it XD.

  • edited May 2014
    I think I did it. :p
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Do you know how to create thosd private chats or whatever ? The Forum sucks when you come through your phone.

  • I created one but I don't know how to post the link from my phone lol. Just go to my profile, click private discussion then post the link here.

    Not really, but I can try. :p Just a sec...

  • *walks into room and vomits rainbows*

    God this chat is so fucking cute TwT

    ...i ship it. *retreats back into darkness*
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Do you know how to create thosd private chats or whatever ? The Forum sucks when you come through your phone.

  • Não me deixe no vácuo, SweetPea :'(

    Hahaha, então beleza! Meus pais não pegam mais no pé, eles sabem que mesmo não estudando tanto eu cosigo ir bem. Eu to ferrada é com trigono

  • (This made my day, by the way)
    Jesus, man! Crazy shit just comes out of my mouth sometimes, sorry!
    BenUseful posted: »

    FUCK YOU, CLEM! I am so, so, SO sorry about posting, I AM. And I know I fucked up, but STOP, pushing me around and STOP calling me shitbird.

  • I think I got it. Just do what I told you and give her the link.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I know, right? lol. We probably need to send the link, right?

  • Desculpaaa, não apareceu no feed. :c Hahaha, esses professores sempre me dão nos nervos.

    Trigonometria pra mim: Minha terra tem palmeiras onde canta o sabiá. SenA CosB SenB CosA. LOL
    Rafoli posted: »

    Não me deixe no vácuo, SweetPea :'(

  • Alrighty. Working on it right now.
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I think I got it. Just do what I told you and give her the link.

  • Nooooooo, I told Salty I didn't want him to hurt anyone. :c
    xValkyx posted: »

    *walks into room and vomits rainbows* God this chat is so fucking cute TwT ...i ship it. *retreats back into darkness*

  • Seria legal se eu entendesse alguma coisa XD

    E aí, fazendo alguma coisa de interessante além de estar flertando com Saltlick? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Desculpaaa, não apareceu no feed. :c Hahaha, esses professores sempre me dão nos nervos. Trigonometria pra mim: Minha terra tem palmeiras onde canta o sabiá. SenA CosB SenB CosA. LOL

  • Matthew is still alive, he fell off the bridge because it would break his epic ninja cover, and he had a parachute.
  • Hahaha, pra ser sincera eu também não entendo nada, só me lembro da rima mesmo. :p

    Ai Deus... :p Simm, estou procurando uma variação de ballet relativamente fácil pra eu aprender. :D E você?
    Rafoli posted: »

    Seria legal se eu entendesse alguma coisa XD E aí, fazendo alguma coisa de interessante além de estar flertando com Saltlick? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Ah sorry, i shall leave you both alone :3 i just couldn't help but comment on it lol XD

    Anyways, since this is our first time speaking have some skittles! *gives skittles* i'm sure we will probably cross paths again sometime. I'm usually the crazy girl that appears every so often with skittles so i'm kinda hard to miss xD nice to meet ya!~

    Nooooooo, I told Salty I didn't want him to hurt anyone. :c

  • We got ours to work.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Alrighty. Working on it right now.

  • Why sorry? That's okay! :3 lol Yay, I love skittles, thank you! If you ever want a pizza, just come talk to me! :b

    Nice to meet you too :3
    xValkyx posted: »

    Ah sorry, i shall leave you both alone :3 i just couldn't help but comment on it lol XD Anyways, since this is our first time speaking

  • Nice! We got ours to work too :)

    ...Well, Saltlick. It's been a pleasure talking with you. Good luck on your end!
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    We got ours to work.

  • Pizza :D yayy!

    lol so we are basically the forum's food vendors!
    well at least now if an apocalypse was to ever happen then no one will starve XD

    Why sorry? That's okay! :3 lol Yay, I love skittles, thank you! If you ever want a pizza, just come talk to me! :b Nice to meet you too :3

  • You deserve infinite amount of up-votes for this.
    IAmHoboKing posted: »

    Matthew is still alive, he fell off the bridge because it would break his epic ninja cover, and he had a parachute.

  • Como assim? Você quer saber se eu faço alguma atividade variada além de ficar o dia todo no PC? É, eu faço aula de tênis nos finais de semana, mas tá barril com esses tempos de provas.

    Incrível como esse forum acabou fazendo parte de minha rotina. A galera daqui é daora.

    Hahaha, pra ser sincera eu também não entendo nada, só me lembro da rima mesmo. :p Ai Deus... :p Simm, estou procurando uma variação de ballet relativamente fácil pra eu aprender. :D E você?

  • Oh man, finally, I can't believe you apologized through that.
    kawaiiclem posted: »

    (This made my day, by the way) Jesus, man! Crazy shit just comes out of my mouth sometimes, sorry!

  • I've said this before, but troupe-wise he represented the incompetence in us all. It's somewhat disingenuous of us to hate him because he fucks up a lot. Also, just realized I used "disingenuous" and "fucks" in the same sentence. Wow.
    dojo32161 posted: »

    I really liked Ben, he was definitely one of my favorite characters.

  • Na verdade, era se você está fazendo algo de bom agora. :p Haha
    Verdade, da minha também. Eu até venho aqui agora enquanto espero meu café esfriar pra dar uma espiada. :p
    Rafoli posted: »

    Como assim? Você quer saber se eu faço alguma atividade variada além de ficar o dia todo no PC? É, eu faço aula de tênis nos finais de seman

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