Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)




    Do I look serious to you?

    Okay!! :(
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Look man, I don't want any trouble ._.

  • Yes...

    I DUNNO! I can never tell! >.<
    Markd4547 posted: » Do I look serious to you? Okay!! :(


    lol Either can I
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Yes... I DUNNO! I can never tell! >.<

  • Whoa whoa whoa. Somehow I got confused. Mark is there?

    If so I would like to change my decision lol.
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I don't think Markd4547 will settle down. He'll probably shoot Jewfreeus.

  • Lmao, fukin Joker.
    Markd4547 posted: » lol Either can I

  • NOPE. Too late.
    Belan posted: »

    Whoa whoa whoa. Somehow I got confused. Mark is there? If so I would like to change my decision lol.

  • It Isn't Mark! It's the school group and the group with Clay and me. -.-
    Belan posted: »

    Whoa whoa whoa. Somehow I got confused. Mark is there? If so I would like to change my decision lol.

  • See... that's what I thought lol.
    JonGon posted: »

    It Isn't Mark! It's the school group and the group with Clay and me. -.-

  • >:P

    ? AllThatRemains will remember that.....and make you pay for it at a later point.

    LeeTheProfessional : 1)Okay fine, we could use the help anyway. Jewfreeus: 2) Come out from hiding and tell them to settle down. Haha Jewfreeus and AllThatRemains sitting in a tree.... K I S S I N G I boat it. #AllThatFreeus

  • Naaahhhhh @ #1

    1) Okay, fine. We could use the help anyway. (Romantic sub-plot in the making...? hehe) 2) Come out from hiding and tell them to settle down. By the way, I'm confused who split up with who. Who went where?

  • edited May 2014

    (!) You can join me. Maybe she's still out there.

    I looked down as Guilty was looking at the torn bloody piece of fabric in his hands. "You can join me. Maybe she's still out there." I told him.

    He turned to look back at me."Huh?"

    "Come on, Guilty. We can go look for her. Did you see which direction she went off to?"

    Guilty looked to his left and then his right. "No. I didn't. I was sitting here camping with her, when these guys showed up out of nowhere and started shooting at us. We got up and she told me that we should split up in different directions. I ran out the of the woods, and saw a bunch of these zombies out in the streets. I ran around and saw a wrecked car, parked into the gun shop. I ran inside to see if I could find a weapon, and that's when you showed up."

    "Okay, then let's just look around. We may be able to find something else to help us."

    After searching for a while, I found different shoe prints in the dirt, and a purple sneaker on the floor which looked like it belonged to a girl. The shoe prints looked like they had come from people wearing sneakers, and dress shoes.

    "Come over here, Guilty. Take a look at this." I told him.

    Guilty made his way over to me."What is it?" He said as he looked down at the prints and then at the shoe in my hands."Oh my god... my girl had on sneakers like that, but I don't recognize the others... and dress shoes? What the hell?"

    "Should we follow them?" I asked him.

    "Yes. I'm curious to see who the hell attacked us." He said with a serious face.

    I got up and we followed the shoe prints. We kept following them until it led us out of the woods and onto an empty road.

    "Damn it! They could have gone anywhere." Guilty shouted as he looked around.

    I looked to my left and then to my right. I looked straight forward, and it led into another part of the woods.

    Guilty turned to look at me. "Which way should we go?"

    1) Let's go left.
    2) Let's go right.
    3) Let's go forward.
    4) Let's turn back.



    (!) Cameron... what the fuck?... I have to shoot you... I need to get that tear gas grenade and knife.

    I kept looking at Cameron as he was growling and trying to reach me. "Cameron... what the fuck?... I have to shoot you... I need to get that tear gas grenade and knife." I didn't know what was wrong with him, but I could tell it wasn't Cameron anymore. He had turned into this... thing. I aimed my shotgun at his head."I'm sorry, partner. I really am... I'll find your brother. I promise you this. No matter what it takes. I will find him."

    I looked at him one more time, and remembered how he helped me escape. How he said we would both get out of this alive, and how he wanted me to leave him behind, but I still took him with me. I had only known him for a few hours, but he proved to be an amazing person. I will never forget him.

    "Goodbye, my friend." I closed my eyes, held my breath and shot him. The growls stopped and I slowly opened my eyes. I saw where Cameron's head used to be, it was completely blown off his shoulders. I fell to the ground and started to shed some tears."Goddamn it!" I yelled out. I took no pleasure in what I just did, but it had to be done. "I'm so sorry, buddy..." I managed to say.

    As I lay on the ground I heard some more growls."Cameron?!" I quickly looked up. I saw the bloodied man that I tried to avoid hitting earlier making his way down the hill. He stumbled and rolled down until he hit the ground and started crawling towards the car."What the fuck are these things?!" I thought to myself. I quickly got up and walked over to it."You piece of fuckin' shit!" I shouted to it, and then proceeded to smash it's head in with the butt of my gun. I repeatedly hit it over and over until all I could see were pieces of brain matter, and cracked skull pieces on the ground. I was breathing heavily and turned to look back at the wrecked car. I looked up the hill and noticed more of those things were beginning to make their way down.

    "Shit. I have to get out of here." I told myself as I ran over to the car. I saw Cameron's motionless body sitting in the passenger seat. I grabbed the tear gas grenade and knife off of him and put them away. I checked his pockets and found the photo of his older brother Richmond1226, and put it in my pocket. I looked up once more and saw more of these things rolling down the hill. I picked up the riot shield and shotgun, which had two shots left, and closed the door. I looked at Cameron's corpse one more time."I'll find him." I said to him.

    I needed to get out of here. Those things were making there way down to me...

    1) Use shield to make my way up.
    2) Run into the woods.

  • edited May 2014
    This story is so exciting loving it

    3) Let's go forward.

    Your in the open along the road your easily spotted. Your already ahead going back is pointless only logical option is forward remain hidden in the forest hard to spot and hard to shoot plus walkers have bad agility so could escape a random attack if you run

    1) Use shield to make my way up.

    Don't be a little bitch and run use the shield take them head on also be funner to read win-win for me

    tntlee2099 (!) You can join me. Maybe she's still out there. I looked down as Guilty was looking at the torn bloody piece of fabri

  • Doing one more part for today. Going to start it now. B]
    Markd4547 posted: »

    This story is so exciting loving it 3) Let's go forward. Your in the open along the road your easily spotted. Your already ahead g

  • 4) Let's turn back.

    We could of missed a clue!

    2) Run into the woods

    Dammit! I knew shooting cameron would attract walkers.

    tntlee2099 (!) You can join me. Maybe she's still out there. I looked down as Guilty was looking at the torn bloody piece of fabri

  • 1) Let's go left.

    With all the crazies out there (no offense intended though!) the camouflage of the woods is the best option.

    2) Run into the woods.

    Maybe he'll find tntlee and Guilty.

    tntlee2099 (!) You can join me. Maybe she's still out there. I looked down as Guilty was looking at the torn bloody piece of fabri


    YES!! I was just heading to bed but I'll stay up just for this I must see

    Doing one more part for today. Going to start it now. B]

  • 2) No. You've helped enough already.
    3) Leave. They ditched me anyway.

    LeeTheProfessional "Goddamn... how can there be so many of them in just one day?" TWDFan asked me. "No clue. Let's just focus on g

  • 2) Let's go right.
    2) Run into the woods

    tntlee2099 (!) You can join me. Maybe she's still out there. I looked down as Guilty was looking at the torn bloody piece of fabri

  • tntlee: 1) Let's go left.

    I've got pretty good instincts about this sort of thing. I think.

    Gobananas: 2) Run into the woods.

    tntlee2099 (!) You can join me. Maybe she's still out there. I looked down as Guilty was looking at the torn bloody piece of fabri

  • Lee: 1) Okay, fine. We could use the help anyway. (I told you I have your back)
    Jewfreeus: 2) Come out from hiding and tell them to settle down.

    LeeTheProfessional "Goddamn... how can there be so many of them in just one day?" TWDFan asked me. "No clue. Let's just focus on g

  • tntlee: 3) Let's go forward.
    Gobananas01: 2) Run into the woods.

    tntlee2099 (!) You can join me. Maybe she's still out there. I looked down as Guilty was looking at the torn bloody piece of fabri

  • tntlee2099: 1) Let's go left. (shit man, idk where to go, but I'm gonna go with left only because most of these guys chose left.....SORRY)

    Gobananas01: 2) Run into the woods.

    tntlee2099 (!) You can join me. Maybe she's still out there. I looked down as Guilty was looking at the torn bloody piece of fabri

  • 3)Lets go forward Like Eddie said this road is straighter than my dick-Words of wisdom. 2)Run into the woods. So he can find Guilty and tntlee

    tntlee2099 (!) You can join me. Maybe she's still out there. I looked down as Guilty was looking at the torn bloody piece of fabri

  • edited May 2014

    "Haha, yeah whatever, YOU MUTHAHUMPA!" I told mokonage as he jokingly said I would burn the house down. I was sitting at the dinner table after beating the meat that he was preparing for dinner. Soon Stache, SweetPea and Raging walked in from the back door. "Oh hey! Bout time you guys made it in here. I was beginning to worry and thought I would have to eat the food all by myself, haha!"

    PowerStache spoke up. "Make sure you clean the dishes this time. It's your turn to do them."

    "Oh come on! Do I really have to?!"

    "Yes. As long as you're staying, you'll have to pull your own weight around here."

    "Ugh... why can't Raging do it. He's the new guy, haha."

    "Nag, nag, nag. That's all you do, WTD." PowerfulStache told me with a smile.

    "Listen, they don't call me "Nag McNags" for nothin'!" I said with an open mouth smile.

    Raging walked over to the table and I kicked a chair out. "There you go, bud. Have a seat." I told him while smiling.

    "Uh... thank you, WTD. That's very kind of you."

    Stache walked over to me."Keep the inappropriate jokes to yourself this time. Not in front of SweetPea, okay?"

    SweetPea over heard."Like I said Stache. I can take care of myself. No need to worry."

    "Haha! Yes sir! As long as I'm stuffing my face,*wink wink* I'll be quiet." I said to him and then saluted.

    Stache covered his face with his hands and rubbed around until they were folded in a praying position."Ugh... WTD. Just pleas--"


    Out of nowhere we heard a gun shot coming from outside.

    Mokonage dropped the food. "A gun shot? It sounded pretty close!" He looked down. "Ah, shit! Guess no steak dinner tonight."

    "Forget about that, let's go check what happened!" Raging told all of us.

    We got up and ran to the windows.

    "Oh no!" SweetPea yelled out and started crying.

    I looked out and saw two guys holding AWESOMEO hostage. AWESOMEO was knelt on the ground with his hand behind his head, one of the men had a magnum pointed at the back of his head, while a guy with a trench coat was looking straight at the farm house, holding an AK47 to the side but not aiming it.

    "Mother fuckers shot Betsy!" Stache yelled out in frustration.

    "No, no, no!" Sweetpea fell to the ground and lay next to the wall, sobbing.

    "What the fuck is going on?! Is that your friend AWESOMEO out there?" Raging asked.

    "Yeah, looks like they have him hostage. Shit, you guys where's your rifle, Stache?" I asked him.

    "Up the stairs. Mokonage take SweetPea to the back, hurry!"

    "Got it. Come on, SweetPea. Let's go, now." Mokonage told her as he picked her up and they headed towards the back door.


    Raging turned to me and Stache."Shit guys! What do we do! We need to send someone out there to keep them distracted."

    "Stache, give me the rifle. I'm a grade A shooter. I used to go skeet shooting with my dad. I can kill them both from this distance with no problem."

    "I'm not a very good shooter, but I don't know, WTD." Stache told me with one eyebrow raised.

    I made a serious face."Look, I know I joke around a lot, but trust me on this. I can do this."

    He turned to Raging."What should we do?"

    Raging looked back at him."I don't know. What do you say, WTD?"

    "YOU BETTER FUCKIN' COME OUT RIGHT NOW!" The man outside yelled out.

    We were running out of time, and we needed to do something fast...

    1) Stache. Let's go upstairs and give me the rifle. Raging you stall them.
    2) Raging. Let's go upstairs, I'll get the rifle. Stache you stall them.
    3) I'll go out there and stall them. Stache you get the rifle, Raging follow him.
    4) You two go out there and stall them. I'll go upstairs and get the rifle.
    5) Me and Raging will go out and stall them. Stache you go up and get the rifle.



    CornPopper was holding the gun to his head. I looked down at Spider boy. "Why so serious? You were cracking jokes last night without any fear. Now look at you. Silent as a mouse. HAHAHAHA!"

    "Just let me fuckin' kill him already. This piece of shit needs to pay!" Corn told me.

    "No. Not yet. We need to keep him alive until the others come out of the house. Besides, you already killed that horse over there. Just relax for now and let's just wait for a moment." I told him with a smile on.

    Corn got angry. "Ahhh! Fuckin' fine. I swear Spider boy. Once I get the chance I'll fuckin' shoot you right in the back of the head!"

    "In time, Corn. in time. Be patient."

    Spider boy spoke up."You didn't need to kill the horse. It was innocent you fucking monsters."

    "Bwahahaha! That's what happens when you mess with me kid!" Corn told him.

    "I wasn't up for the idea, but it did prove that we're serious. Shut the fuck up and just wait silently for your death." I said to him.

    "You didn't need to do that... I can't wait until my friends put a bullet in you two dumb-asses!" Spider boy spoke up once more.

    "The truth has defeated you. You're scared, and you know it. For fuckin' with us, your punishment must be more severe then simply putting a bullet to the back of your head. You will watch as your loved ones die, then I will give you permission to die. You think bullets harm ME? you might as well be shooting me with a water pistol." I told Spider boy.

    "Bwahahaha! First chance I get, I'm ending your life bitch!" Corn said while still pointing his magnum at him.

    We waited to see what the others would do...

  • edited May 2014
    What do you think will happen next, with any of the characters?
  • edited May 2014
    Double post!

    Edit: Not sure but I hope people live...

    What do you think will happen next, with any of the characters?

  • 3) I'll go out there and stall them. Stache you get the rifle, Raging follow him

    WhatTheDuck "Haha, yeah whatever, YOU MUTHAHUMPA!" I told mokonage as he jokingly said I would burn the house down. I was sitting at th

  • 1) Stache. Let's go upstairs and give me the rifle. Raging you stall them.

    I'm screwing myself but I would feel selfish if I threw myself out of harms way. Plus I am the new guy and need to prove my worth. So I will sacrifice if I have to. Oh God I hope I don't die... If I do then hopefully its heroically and AWESOMEO is saved!

    WhatTheDuck "Haha, yeah whatever, YOU MUTHAHUMPA!" I told mokonage as he jokingly said I would burn the house down. I was sitting at th

  • I just think left is a good idea.

    1) Let's go left.

    Fight or flight... Well safer to run then fight, less danger. Don't want character to die!

    2) Run into the woods.

    tntlee2099 (!) You can join me. Maybe she's still out there. I looked down as Guilty was looking at the torn bloody piece of fabri

  • edited May 2014
    After 10 minutes of thinking:

    4) You two go out there and stall them. I'll go upstairs and get the rifle.

    WhatTheDuck "Haha, yeah whatever, YOU MUTHAHUMPA!" I told mokonage as he jokingly said I would burn the house down. I was sitting at th

  • edited May 2014
    4).You two go out there stall him.I'll go upstairs and get the rifle. Time to take out the trash

    WhatTheDuck "Haha, yeah whatever, YOU MUTHAHUMPA!" I told mokonage as he jokingly said I would burn the house down. I was sitting at th

  • WTD: 2) Raging. Let's go upstairs, I'll get the rifle. Stache you stall them.
  • ^ Everyone chose different options! Except WTD and Raging.
  • Choose WISELY everyone. B]
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    ^ Everyone chose different options! Except WTD and Raging.

  • Why did you pick that?
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    After 10 minutes of thinking: 4) You two go out there and stall them. I'll go upstairs and get the rifle.

  • I was thinking of what to choose for 10 minutes straight xD

    Choose WISELY everyone. B]

  • Apparently you can shoot. I'm hoping that maybe you can shoot them from an upstairs window.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Why did you pick that?

  • edited May 2014
    3) I'll go out there and stall them. Stache you get the rifle, Raging follow him

    Whattheduck his life is worth the sacrifice to save the group an honorable death R.I.P

    The truth has defeated YES!! "fanboy scream" this is my favorite chapter I have ever read in a decision thread I actually cannot describe this in words just thank you Lee :') just so beautiful it made my day

    WhatTheDuck "Haha, yeah whatever, YOU MUTHAHUMPA!" I told mokonage as he jokingly said I would burn the house down. I was sitting at th

  • Choose wisely?...

    Oh boy I am in for it. Looks like there are some imminent deaths. Ah well!

    Choose WISELY everyone. B]

  • I was thinking the same thing, but I didn't want him going up there alone.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Apparently you can shoot. I'm hoping that maybe you can shoot them from an upstairs window.

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