Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • I guess you're right.
    I still think that he should shoot him, because if he fails at getting the weapons and gets bit, it's game over for two characters.

    Yes, but they don't really know what's going on. We all know what to do in these situations because of TWD/other zombie media, but most peop

  • 2) Cameron... what the fuck?... I have to shoot you... I need to get that tear gas grenade and knife.

    AllThatRemains (!) Rich, lets go down the road and see what we can find. I was still arguing with Rich. Telling him that I wanted

  • edited May 2014

    While my classmates were distracted trying to get the SWAT guy's attention. I ran in the opposite direction and turned the corner. I saw a red backpack and quickly picked it up. I knew that the door to the exit would be locked so I headed up the stairs. Once I reached the top I noticed one of the cafeteria doors were open. I decided to go inside and try to get enough food for us, if by any chance we were going to end up on the road. I didn't want to tell my friends that I was doing this, since they would have thought it was a bad idea with all the zombies following us. I didn't want to waste our time explaining it to them either. I looked around the cafeteria and saw some trays with food on them. I took some unopened milk cartons and a few fruit cups, and put them in the backpack. I went over to the kitchen and took some fresh fruits that were in a basket, and put them in. I heard a bunch of footsteps running outside and thought it was my classmates. I needed to hurry and try to get to them.

    I hopped over the tabletop and ran out the kitchen. I spotted some water bottles to my right, and decided to go around to get them. I heard gunshots and a window breaking, outside of the hall. I didn't know what was going on but I was hoping everyone was OK. Once I reached the water bottles I quickly put them in the backpack and got ready to leave. I turned and saw a huge zombie in front of me who came out of nowhere, getting ready to bite me. I screamed at the top of my lungs hoping someone would hear me. "AHH! Shit! Someone help me! PLEASE!"

    I kept thinking about what Belan said. "Whatever, man. If it was you out there, you would want us to try and save you."

    I kept hoping that maybe one of them would come back and check if I was OK. The zombie was getting closer to me, I looked around and grabbed a tray. "Alright, fucker. You're messin' with the wrong guy!" I said at the zombie in front of me.

    I waited for it to get a bit closer and than I smacked it in it's head, with all my strength. I watched as it struggled to get back up."Yeah, bitch! How you like that, huh?!" I kicked it in it's face and made my way out of the cafeteria and into the hallway. Once I reached the door I looked to my right and saw Belan standing on a windowsill.

    "BELAN!" I yelled to him as loud as I could.

    I heard moaning and multiple footsteps coming to my left. I turned around and saw a bunch of zombies making there way up the stairs. I was alarmed at what I was seeing. "Oh shit!" I turned back around and I saw Belan looking at me and a bunch of zombies behind him as well. I ran back into the cafeteria and I needed to find a way out. I looked around and found a stool next to a vending machine. I went over to smash it. I quickly started to pick a bunch of candy bars up and put them in the backpack. I turned to look at the zombies making their way over to me.

    "Alright. That's enough, I need to get outta here." I said to myself as I zipped the backpack up and put it on. It felt about twenty pounds heavier. I was sure I had enough food for everyone. I remembered Belan standing on the windowsill, and I realized that they had jumped out. I picked up the stool and ran over to a window, and I threw it as hard as I could.

    *KSHH!* The window shattered and I ran over to look down. "Damn, kinda high up. But I think I can make it." I turned to look around and saw the zombies getting closer. "Shit! Fuck this, I'm out." I said as I climbed out the window, and grabbed onto the window sill. I looked down and got ready to jump. I heard a zombie and looked up, I saw one missing the bottom part of it's jaw trying to get me. "Goddamn, you're one ugly piece of shit." I told it, and then jumped down. I landed safely, got up and cleaned myself. I heard a car making a peel out in the front of the school. I ran over and got a quick look. It seemed like my classmates and teacher had left me behind.

    "Those motherfuckers! I can't believe this! I knew I shouldn't had tried to get food for them, the fuck was I thinkin'?!" I yelled out in frustration. I turned to look back and saw more of those zombies coming out of the woods. "Damn it!"

    I needed to go, but I wasn't sure which way. I could follow the direction my classmates were going, or I could go into the city. I needed to think of something fast!

    1) Go into the city.
    2) Follow my classmates.



    I was beginning to get tried, I had been running all day. Morning had passed, it was the afternoon and the sun was beginning to go down again. I knew that I needed to get to the farm before my friends would start to worry. I was getting hungry and I hoped that Mokonage would be able to prepare a good and filling dinner. He was such a good chef, I couldn't wait to see what he would make tonight. I also hoped that WhatTheDuck and PowerStache were getting along, since they almost got into a fight earlier because WTD was making inappropriate jokes. I couldn't leave him behind, though. He had saved my life and I owed him one. When I finally reached the dirt road that led to SweetPeaClem's farm, I started to walk. I took off my backpack and checked the supplies that I had picked up.

    "Alright, some toilet paper, canned food, tooth brushes. Let's see here... ah! Here it is! A slice of pizza in a small plastic container! SweetPea is going to love this." I opened it to make sure it was okay."All right! Still in good condition. Little cold, but she can warm it up in the microwave." I said with a huge smile.

    SweetPea would always talk about having pizza parties back in the day, when I used to visit her. It was her favorite type of food. I knew her face would just light up if I surprised her with it. I closed my backpack and put it over one shoulder. When I finally reached the farm, I noticed Betsy was still outside eating some grass. I walked over to her.

    "Hey there, girl. How are you? Did any strangers come around here today?" I asked her as she let me pet her.

    I took out an apple and fed it to her. "There you go." I said with a smile.

    As I was petting her, I heard a car coming out of the forest and onto the dirt road. I looked back at it and thought "What the fuck? Who's that?" The old, rusted pickup truck was getting closer and was driving pretty fast. I saw the dirt flying in the back of it as it came down the road. I was hoping that it would drive right past me, and keep going.

    They were slowing down until they reached me. Whoever was driving parked next to the farm fence, and they waited about five seconds before opening the door. I kept staring and soon enough, both the driver and passenger opened their doors.

    "Who are you, guys? What are you doing here?" I asked them before they got out of the car.

    I saw one foot step out from the passenger side, and then someone else's foot came out from the driver side. I noticed he had on combat boots.

    "I said who are you?!" I yelled at them for an answer.

    "Bwahahaha! Don't forget to bring a towel when we cut you up!" A man on the passenger side said as he was coming out.

    He got out of the car and pointed a magnum at me. I saw a cut on the left side of his forehead with dried blood on it, and realized who they were.

    "Oh shit..." I said.

    The driver came out of the car a few seconds later."HA-HA-HA. And I thought my jokes were bad." It was the trench coat guy from before, and his partner. He pointed his AK47 at me. "Hello there, Spider boy!" He told me with a sickening open mouth smile on his face...

  • Oh shit, he should never have thrown that brick....

    Jewfreeus: 2) Follow my classmates.

    Jewfreeus While my classmates were distracted trying to get the SWAT guy's attention. I ran in the opposite direction and turned the co

  • How are you liking it so far? B]

    Oh shit, he should never have thrown that brick.... Jewfreeus: 2) Follow my classmates.

  • I'm pretty much obsessed with it :3 You make all the stories so interesting.

    How are you liking it so far? B]

  • Oh shit, Awesomeo is in trouble.

    2) Follow my classmates.

    Jewfreeus While my classmates were distracted trying to get the SWAT guy's attention. I ran in the opposite direction and turned the co

  • CornPopperCornPopper Banned
    edited May 2014
    1) Go into the city.
    lol you got the towelie quote in there

    Jewfreeus While my classmates were distracted trying to get the SWAT guy's attention. I ran in the opposite direction and turned the co

  • edited May 2014
    Glad to hear it! I was actually going to make it like the comic. Adding you guys in it, but drawing everything would have taken forever, and there would have been a lot less dialogue. I think this worked out better, haha.

    I'm pretty much obsessed with it :3 You make all the stories so interesting.

  • edited May 2014
    Shit just got real, bro!

    What did you think about the Jewfreeus part? Now that you know what happened, haha.
    JonGon posted: »

    Oh shit, Awesomeo is in trouble. 2) Follow my classmates.

  • 2) Follow my classmates.

    Jewfreeus While my classmates were distracted trying to get the SWAT guy's attention. I ran in the opposite direction and turned the co

  • Jewf has been redeemed!

    "Goddamn, you're one ugly piece of shit." haha

    Alright on to the voting...2) Follow my classmates. HE HAS CANDY BARS HOW COULD WE LEAVE HIM

    Jewfreeus While my classmates were distracted trying to get the SWAT guy's attention. I ran in the opposite direction and turned the co

  • 2) Follow classmates.

    Jewfreeus While my classmates were distracted trying to get the SWAT guy's attention. I ran in the opposite direction and turned the co

  • edited May 2014
    Man,I bet the people that voted to leave Jewfreeus behind feel like shit now,you know who you are >_>.And I knew that when Spiderboy saved Gwen Stacy that would get him killed.Now I gotta read PowerStache's bio to see if I can kill/beat him up if I have to.
  • 2)Follow my classmates.

    Jewfreeus While my classmates were distracted trying to get the SWAT guy's attention. I ran in the opposite direction and turned the co

  • I know, I feel like shit =/
    Hey, at least Jewf isn't dead.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Man,I bet the people that voted to leave Jewfreeus behind feel like shit now,you know who you are >_>.And I knew that when Spiderboy s

  • I just read his bio but it might just be me but it seems like me and PowerStache are the least likely to argue or fight each other.
  • Remember, he made a promise to look after SweetPea. When You first got to the farm, and started making jokes, he didn't like that because you were saying them in front of her, lol.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    I just read his bio but it might just be me but it seems like me and PowerStache are the least likely to argue or fight each other.

  • Why did you?

    I know, I feel like shit =/ Hey, at least Jewf isn't dead.

  • I guess I thought it was too risky to go back.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Why did you?

  • Well he's an ungrateful anus bucket.I save Sweetpea's friend and that's how he repays me?Slut buckle.

    Remember, he made a promise to look after SweetPea. When You first got to the farm, and started making jokes, he didn't like that because you were saying them in front of her, lol.

  • Lol, SweetPea stopped him though, It was mostly just arguing really. But he did forgive you, and thanked you for saving AWESOMEO.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Well he's an ungrateful anus bucket.I save Sweetpea's friend and that's how he repays me?Slut buckle.

  • edited May 2014
    Hmm you almost got two people killed.Well AWESOMEO is not out of this yet so you still have a chance to get him killed. :D

    I guess I thought it was too risky to go back.

  • Maybe I'll just stop voting if my choices are so bad. v_v
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Hmm you almost got two people killed.Well AWESOMEO is not out of this yet so you still have a chance to get him killed. :D

  • ^,..,^ YESH!!! BF4LIFE

    Lol, SweetPea stopped him though, It was mostly just arguing really. But he did forgive you, and thanked you for saving AWESOMEO.

  • Shit, indeed...
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Man,I bet the people that voted to leave Jewfreeus behind feel like shit now,you know who you are >_>.And I knew that when Spiderboy s

  • edited May 2014
    TBH no choice is bad.This is like TWD you just pick which is the best at the moment.And whatever you pick gives you a unique alternative wheter good or bad 8========D Need I say more? :D

    Maybe I'll just stop voting if my choices are so bad. v_v

  • Nope ^_^
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    TBH no choice is bad.This is like TWD you just pick which is the best at the moment.And whatever you pick gives you a unique alternative wheter good or bad 8========D Need I say more? :D

  • Question. Is chapter two is going to start when all the chapter one characters are dead or finish their stories? Or are chapter 2 characters going to meet chapter 1 characters?
  • Answer.Science and Pencils
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question. Is chapter two is going to start when all the chapter one characters are dead or finish their stories? Or are chapter 2 characters going to meet chapter 1 characters?

  • No. Hot sauce and science.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Answer.Science and Pencils

  • Depending on the voting. Some will go on, if they live. So far you guys are doing pretty good with the votes, though. Can't reveal the rest at this moment.
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question. Is chapter two is going to start when all the chapter one characters are dead or finish their stories? Or are chapter 2 characters going to meet chapter 1 characters?

  • edited May 2014
    Wait.Hot Sauce? *Flips through Science for Duckies textbook* Oh I guess it is hot sauce,I have trained you well ^,..,^.*pats on head*

    No. Hot sauce and science.

  • edited May 2014
    2) Follow classmates

    Sorry Jewfreeus, I did not want to leave you but my hand was forced by the other voters >_>

    Jewfreeus While my classmates were distracted trying to get the SWAT guy's attention. I ran in the opposite direction and turned the co

  • Depending if our votes went another way how many more characters would be dead?

    Depending on the voting. Some will go on, if they live. So far you guys are doing pretty good with the votes, though. Can't reveal the rest at this moment.

  • Will be my self...And you will be supriced what im capable of doing.
  • Of course, I learn from the best xD
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Wait.Hot Sauce? *Flips through Science for Duckies textbook* Oh I guess it is hot sauce,I have trained you well ^,..,^.*pats on head*

  • I don't see my name on the reserved list. Does that mean I'm zombie kibble? O_O

    Depending on the voting. Some will go on, if they live. So far you guys are doing pretty good with the votes, though. Can't reveal the rest at this moment.

  • edited May 2014
    Yes looks like the student and teacher roles have switched.Teach me your ways,trash orgy.

    Of course, I learn from the best xD

  • Trash orgy? :o
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Yes looks like the student and teacher roles have switched.Teach me your ways,trash orgy.

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