Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • I know right? hahaha

    Lol, damn. How could they just leave you like that!

  • edited May 2014

    (!) We need to sneak out.

    "We need to sneak out." I told cameroncr95. "Now's our chance, with that smoke blocking them from seeing us. At least, WE sorta know where they are, from memory."

    "Alright. We could use another tear gas grenade, but they'll probably be expecting that." He told me with a concerned look.

    "Four bullets in the Glock. You throw it and then I'll immediately start shooting at them. I don't think that gas mask guy will be stupid enough to stand there and wait to get shot. Especially since they can't see us through that smoke in the middle." I told him. "There are some desks we can use for cover, until we reach the parking lot door."

    "Alright, I'll throw it first, and then you run out and shoot. Once that asshole moves, I'll dive over behind that desk." He pointed at the desk just outside my office.

    "OK. I'll wait for you there." I said to Cameron.

    "No. You head over to the parking lot door and leave it open. Once you reach it, I'll toss you the shotgun, and then I'll try to hop my way over to you. You keep them distracted by shooting the gun at them. They won't know where it's coming from, and probably assume it's in front of them. With two guys immobile, it'll be easier for us to escape."

    "OK, deal. Whenever you're ready, Cameron."

    Cameron pulled the pin off and threw it over. I quickly got up with the riot shield and started shooting blindly through the smoke. The gas mask guy with the megaphone could be heard swearing as the four bullets headed their way. Cameron got up and dove over to the desk. I made my way to the door and kicked it open. I placed the Glock in my empty holster and held the riot shield up.

    "Now! Pass me the shotgun!" I told my partner.

    Cameron was slowly crawling over until he reached a good distance to toss me the weapon. I looked outside and saw white smoke right next to their car. I couldn't see anything else, though. Cameron finally tossed me the shotty and I placed the shield down. I started shooting at the car. I heard gun shots being fired back and I saw them hitting the outside of my office. I could see that the plan had worked out. Cameron stood up, using the desk for support and dove outside the door. He rolled out of the way, and I entered the parking lot, closing the door behind us. I helped Cameron up and placed him beside a police cruiser.

    "Stay right here, Cameron. I'll go get my car." I told him while giving him the shotgun back and placing the shield next to him. The shotgun still had three shots left.

    "Heh, where am I going to go?" He responded, jokingly.

    I stood up and ran for my car. Once I finally found it, I unlocked it and started the engine. I drove out of my space and reversed back to get Cameron. Once I reached his location, I got out and went around to open the passenger seat. I couldn't hear anymore gunshots coming from inside the station, but I wasn't sure if the escaped prisoners knew that they had gotten fooled.

    "Alright, were getting out of here." I told Cameron as I picked him up and helped him get inside the car. I placed the shotgun and riot shield in the back. He started to sweat again, and wasn't really moving a lot.

    Once Cameron was safely in the car. I went to the driver seat and drove out of the parking lot. I went straight out, avoiding the escaped prisoners and we were finally safe. I was hearing gunshots and I saw people running around looting stores. I tried calling on my cop radio, but got no response.

    "The fuck is going on?! The fuck have these prisoners started?!" I said out loud.

    "I don't know... I don't now, man." Cameron said while breathing heavily. "I feel hot." He told me.

    I touched his arm, but he felt cold as ice. I needed to get him to the hospital. I wasn't sure if he was going to make it...



    (!) This isn't right. I have to help her. Throw the brick at them.

    I thought about it. "This isn't right. I have to help her." I said to myself.

    I opened my back pack and took out a brick that I found earlier. I saw that the window where those two guys were, was open.

    "HAHAHAHA! CornPopper, I love your style!" One of them with a trench coat said.

    "Goddamn fucking right, Markd4547! I'm going to rip her open and eat her heart! Bwahahaha!" The guy next to him said.

    Once I closed my backpack, and stood up. I gripped the brick and put my arm back, getting ready to throw it. I took aim and threw it as hard as I could.

    "Bwahaha--Oh..." I saw the guy holding a Magnum get hit on the left side of his forehead, and he went down.

    "THE FUCK?!" His partner yelled out.

    I put one foot on the ledge, with one arm on it and looked at him. "Hey, dumb-ass. Up here!" I shouted.

    The trench coat guy turned to look at me. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" He then quickly turned back around. "Fuck! She's getting away!"

    I tried to get his attention again. "Dumb-ass, up here! Do you have a hearing problem or something?"

    He turned his head back at me."Ohohohoho." He licked his lips and made a grim smile. "So, you think this is a fucking game? Who the fuck do you think you are, being up on that roof, Spider man?"

    I liked the sound of that. I smiled and said "Heh, yeah actually. That's who I am. I'm Spider man." I said jokingly and made a superhero pose.

    He turned back around, and then he looked down at his partner.

    "For fucks sake, dumb-ass! Jesus, man! Pay attention to ME! Do I have to spell out for you? P-A-Y A-T-T-E-N-T-I-O-N!"

    He turned his head back at me and made an angry snarl."Shut the fuck up, boy. You think being up on that roof gives you some sort of power over me? You let my prey get away. For that shit. I can't let you live. HAHAHAHA! I'm going to have so much fun with you, Spider boy!" He made a sickening smile after that.

    "Sheesh, you look really ugly when you make that face. Especially with that scar going across it, like a monster or something." I told him while cringing.

    He kept the smile and said "I'm not a monster I'm just ahead of the curve!! HAHAHA! Get ready to fuckin' die!" He pointed his AK47 at me.

    "Oh shit, time to go! Later, dumb-ass! Tell you're friend he was a good sport for taking that hit!" I told him with a smirk on my face, and then I ran off.

    I heard trenchy's gun being fired for only two seconds, and then I heard him yell out "Keep running, Spider boy! I'll fucking get you for this!"

    It seemed like I had just saved the day. I felt like a real hero, I hoped that the girl was safe for now. I made my way over to the other side of the building and hopped on down to the fire escape. When I finally made my way down, I ran into the forest, after running for a while and getting deeper into the forest, I noticed a huge train wreck. It looked like it had been completely demolished. There was no time to stop, though. I kept running. I needed to get back to the farm by tomorrow morning.



    (!) Ask him who he is.

    I took out a handgun and opened the door. "Who are you?!"

    He quickly turned around. "What? Oh shit! Don't shoot me, I'm just looking for my girlfriend. We got separated when those things came after us." He said while pointing outside the store.

    The zombies that were following him were banging on the shops window display. Slowly shattering it a bit. The kid seemed harmless, and I thought he was telling the truth. "You've led them to me. We have to escape, somehow. I will help you find your lost girlfriend, if you help me escape."

    "Sure thing... I'm, GuiltyKingOuraShu by the way. It looks like this store has been cleaned out though. There aren't any weapons around here."

    The zombies were starting to shatter the display glass. "My name is tntlee, quickly. Follow me to the back!" As soon as I said that, the zombies broke through.

    Guilty turned his head to look at them. "Oh shit! Hurry, let's go!"

    I held the door open and waited until he got in. Once he did I closed it and ran to my guitar case. I opened it and asked him "Do you know how to shoot a gun?"

    "Goddamn, That's a lot of guns and ammo. Yeah, I practiced a little bit before all of this happened. Give me a machine gun and I'll help you out of here. It seems like the front door is the only exit?" He asked me.

    "Yes. It is. I've looked around already." I told him while loading up a M4 Carbine for him to use. Once I gave it to him, I had my handgun ready to shoot him, just in case.

    He took it, ran out the door and started shooting. I quickly grabbed another M4 and closed my case, I put the sling around me and headed out to help Guilty. We shot and shot, until all of them fell down to the ground. We passed each other ammo when we ran out, and we finished any of the zombies that were still moving on the floor. Once we cleared the way, we ran outside.

    "Follow me, tntlee! The last time I saw my girlfriend was in the woods over there. Come on!" He told me while I followed him.

    We ran into the woods and he lead me to the spot where he last saw her.

    He walked over to a torn, blood stained piece of fabric. He went on his knees to pick it up. He made a fist with his hand and then punched the ground. "Fuuuuuck!" He yelled out in anger. "This was the last place I saw her before someone came here and started shooting at everyone. This was a piece of her shirt. It still smells like her perfume..." He told me while looking down at the ground.

    I had just met the kid, but I felt bad for him. He was in a tough situation, we all were. I said I was going to help him find his girlfriend. But, it seemed like she was probably dead by now.

    "You can leave if you want. I don't need your help anymore. Just go." He told me while still being knelt down and holding onto the fabric.

    I wasn't sure what to do. But I decided...

    1) Leave him. I need to get moving.
    2) You can join me. Maybe she's still out there.
    3) I'll give you a gun and some ammo. Good luck finding her.

  • Yay, I got away! xD

    tntlee2099: 2) You can join me. Maybe she's still out there.

    Gobananas01 (!) We need to sneak out. "We need to sneak out." I told cameroncr95. "Now's our chance, with that smoke blocking them

  • 1) Leave him. I need to get moving

    Gobananas01 (!) We need to sneak out. "We need to sneak out." I told cameroncr95. "Now's our chance, with that smoke blocking them

  • "I'll eat her heart"? That's unhealthy, lol.

    2) You can join me. Maybe she's still out there.

    Gobananas01 (!) We need to sneak out. "We need to sneak out." I told cameroncr95. "Now's our chance, with that smoke blocking them

  • edited November 2014

    Yay, I got away! xD tntlee2099: 2) You can join me. Maybe she's still out there.

  • Fuck yo brick..


  • Don't worry, you're still alive. I need you for something, haha. B]
    CornPopper posted: »

    Fuck yo brick..

  • That's not unhealthy, bitches like to steal hearts so I'll fucking eat theirs.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    "I'll eat her heart"? That's unhealthy, lol. 2) You can join me. Maybe she's still out there.

  • 2) You can join me. Maybe she's still out there.

    Gobananas01 (!) We need to sneak out. "We need to sneak out." I told cameroncr95. "Now's our chance, with that smoke blocking them

  • I guess that's a fair trade-off.
    CornPopper posted: »

    That's not unhealthy, bitches like to steal hearts so I'll fucking eat theirs.

  • I wasn't worried about dying, IM RICK JAMES BITCH I NEVER DIE!

    Don't worry, you're still alive. I need you for something, haha. B]

  • 2) You can join me. Maybe she's still out there.

    Gobananas01 (!) We need to sneak out. "We need to sneak out." I told cameroncr95. "Now's our chance, with that smoke blocking them

  • Puncake32Puncake32 Banned
    edited May 2014
    Something Bad Is gonna happen with my BOAT maybe Like Vernon Did to Kenny's BOAT.

    Puncake32 (!) Let's all go. I was looking down and thinking about what we should do next. Suddenly Firedog spoke up. "Let's all go

  • 2)You can join me.Maybe she's still out there.

    Gobananas01 (!) We need to sneak out. "We need to sneak out." I told cameroncr95. "Now's our chance, with that smoke blocking them

  • 2) Rich, let's go down the road and see what we can find.

    Puncake32 (!) Let's all go. I was looking down and thinking about what we should do next. Suddenly Firedog spoke up. "Let's all go

  • "I'm not a monster I'm just ahead of the curve!!" Dat line

    2) You can join me. Maybe she's still out there.

    Gobananas01 (!) We need to sneak out. "We need to sneak out." I told cameroncr95. "Now's our chance, with that smoke blocking them

  • "Heh! I think I'm getting to high to try to run over there." Have we any chance? 'Cause dayum, you got me down pretty well.

    LeeTheProfessional We were driving down the city. TWDFan86 was giving me the directions to his Apartment. We needed to get there no mat

  • "Shit, man. I feel like everything is in slow motion, haha! These fuckers can't touch me!" Haha, awesome line, man.

    2) Rich, let's go down the road and see what we can find.

    Puncake32 (!) Let's all go. I was looking down and thinking about what we should do next. Suddenly Firedog spoke up. "Let's all go

  • It's okay, I can save it for brownies later.
    JonGon posted: »

    2) Rich, let's go down the road and see what we can find. Damn, feel bad for Clay because he can't smoke bud anymore lol.

  • Puncake and I go around, blowing up gas stations and shit.
    Puncake32 posted: »

    Something Bad Is gonna happen with my BOAT maybe Like Vernon Did to Kenny's BOAT.

  • I personally enjoy all of the characters you have made, Lee, and the story is very addictive. Great job.
  • 2) You can join me. Maybe she's still out there.

    Gobananas01 (!) We need to sneak out. "We need to sneak out." I told cameroncr95. "Now's our chance, with that smoke blocking them

  • Puncake32Puncake32 Banned
    edited May 2014
    Yeah we are Badass.

    Puncake and I go around, blowing up gas stations and shit.

  • Puncake32Puncake32 Banned
    edited May 2014
    Lee are we getting The next part today? I need to know If something bad has happened to my BOAT.
  • Holy shit, I am finally in this! Nice! Also quite the tragic start, I like that. It's also quite ironic that I previously voted for tntlee to stay in his room hidden, which would probably have led to ( the by then still unknown) me getting killed.

    The votes so far are quite in favor for 2), so I will go with that as well.

    Gobananas01 (!) We need to sneak out. "We need to sneak out." I told cameroncr95. "Now's our chance, with that smoke blocking them

  • edited May 2014
    2)Rich,let's go down the road see what we can find

    2) Rich, let's go down the road and see what we can find.

  • 2)Rich,let's go down the road see what we can find

    Puncake32 (!) Let's all go. I was looking down and thinking about what we should do next. Suddenly Firedog spoke up. "Let's all go

  • I hope we can fix our situation Here soon :3

    2)Rich,let's go down the road see what we can find

  • 2) You can join me. Maybe she's still out there.

    Is the train wreck in AWESOMEO's the same one from the very first story?

    Gobananas01 (!) We need to sneak out. "We need to sneak out." I told cameroncr95. "Now's our chance, with that smoke blocking them

  • 2) Rich, let's go down the road and see what we can find.

    Puncake32 (!) Let's all go. I was looking down and thinking about what we should do next. Suddenly Firedog spoke up. "Let's all go

  • 2) You can join me. Maybe she's still out there.

    Gobananas01 (!) We need to sneak out. "We need to sneak out." I told cameroncr95. "Now's our chance, with that smoke blocking them

  • Pro, remember when I said I'd share my pizza with you? Now I really mean it! :p haha
  • Yep, same place Pro and TWDFan were earlier. B]
    PaulKenneth posted: »

    2) You can join me. Maybe she's still out there. Is the train wreck in AWESOMEO's the same one from the very first story?

  • Pizza party!!! Lol, I just had some pizza on Sunday too. :p

    Pro, remember when I said I'd share my pizza with you? Now I really mean it! :p haha

  • I'll try to post daily in this thread. B]
    Puncake32 posted: »

    Lee are we getting The next part today? I need to know If something bad has happened to my BOAT.

  • Haha. Like I said I have a special part for your character. This is only the beginning.

    Holy shit, I am finally in this! Nice! Also quite the tragic start, I like that. It's also quite ironic that I previously voted for tntlee t

  • Yay, let's do it! :3 lol I'll have some today, yummy! :p

    Pizza party!!! Lol, I just had some pizza on Sunday too. :p

  • We sure are, us and our magical boat.
    Puncake32 posted: »

    Yeah we are Badass.

  • Thanks, bro! But it's you guys in the story. It's your characters. I just try to come up with a story, and try to get them down right.

    I personally enjoy all of the characters you have made, Lee, and the story is very addictive. Great job.

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