Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • You can't get embarrassed over the internet. Odds are you'll never meet a single fucking person here.

    As if any of this wasn't embarrassing for me too... .-.

  • I already took care of that. Guess it's too late, though.
    CornPopper posted: »

    I think you two need to get a (chat)room.

  • I'm sorry :c

    I'm sorry, TWDFan :c

    I fucked up.

    As if any of this wasn't embarrassing for me too... .-.

  • Nah, lol. I'm mad at myself, though. But I'm not gonna burn any houses!
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    So, you're not mad right? You're not going to burn my house? Or WhatTheDuck's house?

  • *whispers* make sure you get booby pics ;D
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I already took care of that. Guess it's too late, though.

  • Lol, nooo, noo. I don't go THAT far!
    CornPopper posted: »

    *whispers* make sure you get booby pics ;D

  • You can so get embarrassed over the Internet, I'm proof of that.
    CornPopper posted: »

    You can't get embarrassed over the internet. Odds are you'll never meet a single fucking person here.

  • Man it's okay.Want a hug. :)
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Nah, lol. I'm mad at myself, though. But I'm not gonna burn any houses!

  • I'm sorry. Don't be mad at yourself, I didn't know this would of made you mad at myself. I'm really sorry :/
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Nah, lol. I'm mad at myself, though. But I'm not gonna burn any houses!

  • Well, I'm embarrassed as fuck right now, lol.
    CornPopper posted: »

    You can't get embarrassed over the internet. Odds are you'll never meet a single fucking person here.

  • No, no. Stop it. I did. You guys were kinda right, actually.
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I'm sorry :c I'm sorry, TWDFan :c I fucked up.

  • A chatroom? O.O okayyyyy
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Lol, nooo, noo. I don't go THAT far!

  • Sure, why not? c:
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Man it's okay.Want a hug. :)

  • Dude I wasn't part of this. ;_;
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    No, no. Stop it. I did. You guys were kinda right, actually.

  • I know. I didn't say you were ._.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Dude I wasn't part of this. ;_;

  • *whips out dick and hugs *
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Sure, why not? c:

  • Weirdo.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    *whips out dick and hugs *

  • Goddammit -_-''
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    *whips out dick and hugs *

  • edited May 2014

    (!) Let's all go.

    I was looking down and thinking about what we should do next. Suddenly Firedog spoke up. "Let's all go." He told us.

    I turned to look at Jon and Clayton. "Yeah, I agree. I AGREE!" I told them with a huge smile. "We need to leave now! C'mon you, guys."

    We all got up and checked the front. It seemed like the walkers were probably still distracted, but it looked like a few of them were roaming around the gas station pumps. Some of the pumps were knocked down and there was gasoline all over the ground.

    "Now or never, then." Jon told us. "Let's go!"

    Jon lead the way, and we followed. Clayton was surprisingly keeping up right behind him while smoking at the same time. I was behind Clayton and Firedog was behind me. We ran past the walkers and some of them noticed. They started following us to Jon's car. When suddenly...

    "Ahh!" I looked back and saw Firedog on the ground, with the supplies he picked up earlier. "Shit! I Tripped and they fell out of my bag!" Firedog said while looking back at the walkers getting closer to us.

    I turned to Jon and Clayton and shouted "Fuck! You guys, Firedog fell and dropped the supplies we need!"

    "Clayton help them! I'll go get the car started, hurry!" Jon said to his friend.

    Clayton came up to us. "Help, Firedog with the supplies. I'll keep them distracted." Clayton said to me with a smile.

    The kid seemed like he was high as a kite. I wasn't sure if we would get out of this alive. I started helping Firedog while Clayton ran over to the pumps and started whistling at the walkers to get their attention. He ran up to one and kicked it in it's head, knocking it down. The others noticed and headed his way.

    "That's the last of the supplies, let's go!" Firedog told me as he zipped up his backpack and got up.

    "We ain't leaving, Clayton!" I said.

    We heard a car honking and we turned to see that Jon was waiting for us.

    "Go on ahead, Firedog. I'll help Clayton out." I told my friend.

    "Alright, but be quick. We don't have a lot of time." He said and he started making his way to the car.

    A few walkers noticed the honking from before and they were heading my way. I turned to look over at Clayton and he was fighting some of them off. I ran over to him as quickly as I could.

    "Shit, man. I feel like everything is in slow motion, haha! These fuckers can't touch me!" he said with an open mouth smile.

    "C'mon, Clayton. JonGon's waitin' in the car. We have to go now!" I told him as the small horde of walkers were getting closer and closer.

    "Right. Go on ahead. I got this." He said while tapping my arm, and then kicking the shit out of some walkers.

    "I can't leave you behind, man. We need to leave together!" I shouted at him.

    "Hehe. Alright, man. If that's what you want, then we can go." He said as he ran back.

    "Hey, wait for me!" I shouted at him.

    Clayton stopped a few feet away from the pumps and reached for something in his pocket. I caught up to him and he said "Ah, here it is, Puncake!" He said as he showed me his lighter from before. "Gonna light these shitheads up!" He told me with a smile, and looking back at the walkers, who were trying to make it to us.

    He flicked the lighter and threw it towards the gasoline that was on the ground. We ran back and made it to Jon's car, just in time. We got in and watched as the gas pumps exploded and fried those fuckers up. Limbs, blood and debris flew all over the place.

    "Going to miss that place..." Jon said as we were all looking back at what used to be JonGon's Gas Station.

    "Sorry, bro. Had to be done. I'll miss it too." Clayton said as he tapped Jon's shoulder.

    "Sorry, guys. It was my fault for falling down and dropping the supplies..." Firedog explained.

    "Nah, man. Forget it. You saved Clayton's life earlier. We can't repay you for that." Jon said while looking back at us.

    "You, guys already have." Firedog said with a smile.

    I looked over at Jon. "Alright, brother. Time to go. Let's head to the river, where my boat is." I told him with a smile.

    "Yes. Let's" Jon said as he shift the gear on drive, and we started driving away.

    A few seconds later down the road, Clayton spoke up. "Shit, guys... now I don't have a lighter for my bud." He sighed. "Oh well. Guess it was time to quit anyway. Thanks, Jon, Firedog and Puncake for saving me." He told us as he looked out the window.

    We had what we needed and we met some good people. "Boat! Boat! Boat! Boat! Boat!" Kept running through my mind. I hope we could make it back to the river with no problems.



    (!) Come on! We can't do anything, let's go!

    "Come on! We can't do anything, let's go!" I told PaulKenneth and etitheking.

    "Alright, I'm jumping" eking said as he turned to jump.

    I ran over to the window and looked down, to see if he was okay. "He made it!" Richmond1226 yelled out.

    I turned my head over to, PaulKenneth. "You're turn, Paul. Hurry!"

    He nodded and sat on the windowsill. He looked down and said "Whoa. Uh... I don't know about this."

    "It's okay, just go! The zombies are almost here, go!" I shouted at Paul.

    "Alright, whatever. Here goes!" He told me and then jumped out. "AGH! Fucking shit!"

    I looked down and and saw Paul holding his ankle. "What the fuck?! What happened?!" I asked them.

    AllThatRemains looked up and shouted back. "He twisted his ankle when he hit the ground! Other than that, he's okay!"

    "We'll take care of him. Jump down hurry!" eking told me.

    NoncyFlippledorp and Rich helped Paul by moving him out of the way. I looked behind me and saw the zombies about 10 feet away from me. "Oh shit!" I said as I quickly went on the window sill and looked down.

    "BELAN!" I heard a voice from the opposite end of the hall.

    I turned to see who it was and I saw Jewfreeus with a red backpack on, looking at the zombies who were making their way up the stairs.

    "Hurry up and jump already!" Noncy yelled out.

    I looked behind me as the zombies were inches away from me. I turned to look at Jewf one more time before jumping down. I saw him look at me with a shocked face before running back into the cafeteria. I looked back down and jumped.

    I landed safely and rolled on my side. "It was Jewfreeus! Jewf was in there!"

    "What?! What do you mean?" Noncy asked.

    "Jewf was in there? What are you talking about?" ATR asked.

    "Who the hell is Jewfreeus?" Rich asked us.

    "Ugh... he was a classmate... he ran off somewhere before we found you." Paul explained to Rich, while holding his ankle in pain.

    eking walked over to me and helped me up. "Shit, man. You said we needed to leave. No time to go back for him."

    I cleaned some grass off my shirt and sighed. "I guess you're right."

    We both turned and started walking over to ATR, Rich, and Noncy, who were tending to Paul's twisted ankle. Out of nowhere we heard a loud crushing noise behind us, and someone moaning.

    We turned to look and saw a zombie on the floor trying to crawl towards us. "Oh man, they're trying to get to us, by falling out the window!" I yelled out to everyone. "Hurry, let's take Paul and let's go!"

    We ran over to help everyone pick up Paul, and then we ran over to the parking lot. There were a lot of cars parked outside, so Rich decided we should take one. We found a pickup truck and placed Paul in the back. Rich used his MP5 to smash the window and unlock the car. He hot wired it and started the engine. Noncy got in the front with Rich. While me, ATR and eking tended to Paul in the back of the pick up. Rich drove to the front and asked us which way to go. He told us that he was just in the city, and it was overrun with these monsters and crazy people shooting all over the place.

    "I want to make sure my family is okay!" ATR yelled at us.

    "We know that, but it's too dangerous in the city. You heard what Rich just said." eking explained to her.

    "I'm with her." Noncy said. "The news told us to head into the city. That they would handle the situation, and that everything would be taking care of soon."

    Rich turned to look at her. "Lady. Didn't you just hear what I said? I lost my team back in the city, I ran for my life trying to get away from those things, until I found the school. I shot a window, since the doors were locked, and I made my way inside until you guys found me."

    "So it's your fault we're in this mess to begin with!" Noncy yelled at him.

    "Hey! What else was I supposed to do?! I didn't want to run off into the woods, I wanted to find a secure place!" Rich shouted back at her.

    "Guys, settle the fuck down!" Paul spoke up. "Can we just fucking get to any fucking place, where I can get some medical treatment for this fucking ankle of mine? Fucking please?!"

    "I'm agreeing with ATR. I don't care what you've seen!" Noncy was still arguing with Rich.

    ATR was siding with Noncy. "Listen to us. I need to make sure my family is okay!" She yelled at Rich.

    eking turned to me. "You told us to leave. So now decide where to go for us. Come on, Belan. I trust you."

    Rich was still arguing with Noncy and ATR. Paul was still laying down holding his ankle. I didn't want to be the one making a decision, but eking was waiting for me to say something.

    1) Rich, let's head into the city.
    2) Rich, let's go down the road and see what we can find.
    3) say nothing.
    4) Screw this. I can't deal with you guys, right now. I'm going out there on my own.

  • I know but you said "you guys" so I was just assuming.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I know. I didn't say you were ._.

  • You want me to stop?


  • Heh, if you say so. You have your opinion, and I have mine. Let's agree to disagree. Let's just continue with the story, shall we? The next part is up. B]
    CornPopper posted: »

    I DISAGREE. I can tell when a guy is thinking with the wrong head.

  • Oh ok. Nah, I was talking to shadow and cornpopper, who were right.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    I know but you said "you guys" so I was just assuming.

  • Don't worry about it. Let's just move on from this already.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Well, I'll tone it down a bit either way. Sorry Lee :/

  • 2) Rich, let's go down the road and see what we can find.

    Puncake32 (!) Let's all go. I was looking down and thinking about what we should do next. Suddenly Firedog spoke up. "Let's all go

  • edited May 2014
    4) Screw this. I can't deal with you guys, right now. I'm going out there on my own.

    There just buggage just go by yourself and save Noncy's family lets stick to the action and killing Walkers not let them come and bitch and argue the whole way aint no one got time for that lol

    Puncake32 (!) Let's all go. I was looking down and thinking about what we should do next. Suddenly Firedog spoke up. "Let's all go

  • Kind of.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    You want me to stop?

  • Aw, fuck. So that was Jewfreeus? Damn. He shoulda never separated in the first place! I'm sorry Jewf :/

    Belan: 2) Rich, let's go down the road and see what we can find.

    Puncake32 (!) Let's all go. I was looking down and thinking about what we should do next. Suddenly Firedog spoke up. "Let's all go

  • Hey, Lee. Can I put down my character now, or should I wait when you ask for some more?
  • I think I'm almost done with Ch.1, So I could use you for chapter 2. If you don't want to wait that long, then yeah. Just reply to my first comment that has the questions, back in page 1, to make your character. I'll reserve you for Ch.2.
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Hey, Lee. Can I put down my character now, or should I wait when you ask for some more?

  • 3)

    Puncake32 (!) Let's all go. I was looking down and thinking about what we should do next. Suddenly Firedog spoke up. "Let's all go

  • Lol, I wonder how the real Jewfreeus will feel about you guys voting to leave. B]
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Aw, fuck. So that was Jewfreeus? Damn. He shoulda never separated in the first place! I'm sorry Jewf :/ Belan: 2) Rich, let's go down the road and see what we can find.

  • Not forever =(
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Ok then I'll stop FOREVER

  • Ok then I'll stop FOREVER

    Kind of.

  • He's gonna hate us so bad.

    Lol, I wonder how the real Jewfreeus will feel about you guys voting to leave. B]

  • Shit..... I just thought it was too dangerous to go back =/

    Lol, I wonder how the real Jewfreeus will feel about you guys voting to leave. B]

  • OMG I thought you guys voted to go for Jewfreeus?I did.Why did you do that. ;_;

    Shit..... I just thought it was too dangerous to go back =/




    AWESOMEO I kept thinking about my family, and the huge argument I had with them earlier in the day, before the zombie apocalypse starte

  • 1) Rich, let's head into the city.

    Puncake32 (!) Let's all go. I was looking down and thinking about what we should do next. Suddenly Firedog spoke up. "Let's all go

  • 2) Rich, let's go down the road and see what we can find.

    Damn, feel bad for Clay because he can't smoke bud anymore lol.

    Puncake32 (!) Let's all go. I was looking down and thinking about what we should do next. Suddenly Firedog spoke up. "Let's all go

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