Start a Story, be your own Fable. (Create a Fable Thread)



  • What-ho! An award? I don't begrudge you having to pick the stories, they've all got something unique and interesting.
    It's a nice idea though, and I admire your dedication to the thread :)

    (clears throat) Attention everyone, I have edited this thread to show my further appreciation for you guys! Check under the line in the orig

  • edited May 2014
    Thank you, Noir! I'll try to be fair and include everyone, which is why I will be looking at everyone's story again! If any of you just so happens to not get immortalized for May's 'awards', then they can hope for the best in the upcoming next month. I have faith in everyone!
    LupineNoir posted: »

    What-ho! An award? I don't begrudge you having to pick the stories, they've all got something unique and interesting. It's a nice idea though, and I admire your dedication to the thread :)

  • edited May 2014
    What terrific idea Dragon but have few categories of awards

    Most Recent Stories appreciation award

    Pudding Pie

    Best Descriptive and Grammar


    Most anticipated story


    Most Imaginative

    Master Stone

    Most gripping


    etc etc

    With a description for each award user because quality of story is down to perspective and think everyone deserve a little praise but have overall award for best story maybe

    But whatever thinks best dragon

    Thank you, Noir! I'll try to be fair and include everyone, which is why I will be looking at everyone's story again! If any of you just so h

  • edited May 2014
    Hehe, I have quite a few awards in mind, man. Thank you for providing me with some of your own examples. You gave me an idea for adding descriptions for the awards, I might consider those now!
    Markd4547 posted: »

    What terrific idea Dragon but have few categories of awards Most Recent Stories appreciation award Pudding Pie Best Descripti

  • when are you announcing it I'm so excited

    Hehe, I have quite a few awards in mind, man. Thank you for providing me with some of your own examples. You gave me an idea for adding descriptions for the awards, I might consider those now!

  • Last day of this month, like I will intend to do.
    Markd4547 posted: »

    when are you announcing it I'm so excited

  • Mwu-ha! Best description and grammar! Take that past English teachers!
    Markd4547 posted: »

    What terrific idea Dragon but have few categories of awards Most Recent Stories appreciation award Pudding Pie Best Descripti

  • edited May 2014
    Your prize is a thumb good sir

    and Dragon cool last day can't wait
    LupineNoir posted: »

    Mwu-ha! Best description and grammar! Take that past English teachers! :P

  • Whoa neat! Can't wait! :)
    Markd4547 posted: »

    Your prize is a thumb good sir and Dragon cool last day can't wait

  • Thumb for you good sir for achievements in all them chapters and keeping such a high quality in standards
    pudding_pie posted: »

    Whoa neat! Can't wait! :)

  • edited May 2014
    The Lie Among Us

    Part 3 Unleash The Beast

    Bigby ran into the forest as the rain felt like rocks hitting his skin. His brain haunted him with taughts and tortured him with memories of the past. The dark was his only friend a faith he knew he was destined for.

    Suddenly he heard someone crying hiding under a tree curled up it was a little boy Bigby ran over to comfort him.

    Bigby: What's wrong kid?(knees down to his level and looks him in the eyes)

    Kid(crying) I'm a monster ...the....they tried to hurt my mam because town hates me even in my school they never leave me alone or want be my friend who would want to be with a freak like me(Bigby puts his hand on his shoulder)

    Bigby: What happened?

    Kid: Well the mundies tried to kill my family when they found out we were special "Wolfs" we were a lower breed of the human race nothing but lapdogs and bitches that deserve to be put down and made into coats for them to wear they said. I was so scared they hit my mam then pulled out a gun with silver bullets to shoot her in the head. The beast got unleashed inside me I let it out of it's cage and I became a monster brutally killing them all their was blood everywhere but I was to why couldn't it of been me she was an angel I'm nothing but a monster.(As tears rolled down his face)

    Bigby:(Serious tone and puts his hand on his shoulder) When you were alone with no friends?, Being bullied or hurt, When your were frightened of the dark, When you or your family were in danger or life got to much to handle who was always there to SAVE YOU!!

    Kid:(smiles) The Monster inside WAS!

    Bigby: Everyone bears a monster inside it's not about getting rid of it but how you use your special ability it can become the monster that scares the forces of evil at night that protects the helpless and the lonely make the people that enforce fear and terror be scared to be alone at night and avenge the frightened kids who are scared or bullied by pieces of sh**s like that.

    Hey kid what want to be when your older?(bigby asks to cut the tension)

    Kid: A detective like you someone who bears the beast but uses it to protect people like a superhero who follows rules and regulations to catch the criminals to prove his simply a good guy with powers of the beast but chooses to use them only when necessary keeping his morals(smiling)

    Bigby; (Hugs the kid) I make sure your never afraid again never be ashamed of what you are the difference is what makes you unique. Hey what's your name kid?

    Kid: Bigby!

    Sudden the kid disappears into the thin air the haunted memories has been forgotten he finally had found himself again. The child was him a tortured memory finally confronted and healed within himself he will become the hero fabletown deserves not wants and sprinted back into fabletown.

    Bigby had an idea he head back up to greenleafs apartment and knocked on the door!!

    Greenleaf:(Opens door) Don't hurt me it was just for the money they were going to kill me!!

    Bigby:(sternly) Good evening madam I am detective Bigby unfortunately your precious tree is illegal and must be burned down immediately and I will have to take you down the station working with a criminal is against Fabletowns rules a guaranteed life sentence already or you can follow my request your choice!!

    Leaf:(begs) Ok thank you I'll do anything

    Bigby: Glamour me as GREN!!

    Bigby had a plan to find Snow Gren's henchmen controlled the city now so he would simply walk up to them and ask Snow's location glamoured as Gren. He headed for the streets then walked up to the local bandits patrolling the streets the local fables and mundies hid in their homes from pure terror of the bandits and their ruthless behavior.

    Bandit: Good even sir we have nearly purified the city inhabitants forcing all those dirty lapdogs to leave or face certain death

    Gren(bigby trying to hold his anger in): Good how's Snow!

    Bandit: She won't last much longer after we told her her we killed Bigby she seems to have lost hope and her will to life .

    Gren:(His claws escaping his hands) Where is she!

    Bandit: The trap we set for Bigby remember in the cafe waiting for him it's covered in explosives the minute he enters she dies and so does he

    Gren: BACK TO WORK:!!(turns and heads for the cafe)

    Bandit: Kill that bitch boss!!

    Gren; YOU DID'NT JUST SAY THAT!!(turns and laughs to himself)

    Bigby let the monster within loose and transformed into a beast suddenly hundreds of bandits appeared with AK 47's shooting at Bigby he simply tossed them away like ragdoll's and cut through them like butter the bullets hitting his skin felt like drops of a warm shower only empowering him it was like a minigame for him but every game has an end. The street grew silent covered in bodies's of bandits Bigby was covered in blood and headed for Cafe to save Snow he will have his redemption.

    Thanks for reading I'm going to edit it later and finish last bit of this chapter the ending)
  • edited May 2014
    Part 2 section 1

    "Georgie JR Pudding Pie..."

    NOTE: Just a random picture for your entertainment of Gren, Carla and their future daughter. :)

    Dr. Swineheart had been there all morning conducting tests on the two babies showing progress and strength in their powers. They were now a month old and their abilities were growing stronger. The other day, Lyla noticed just how much stronger Junior was compared to his sisters; Penelope was able to control her powers with the help of a simple embrace and affection. When Junior was in the middle of the chaos, it was almost impossible to stop it. Georgie should have known better then to show distress around his son; whenever he felt his father's anguished emotions, his strength grew and out of control. It slipped his mind one after noon and while he was on the phone with Bigby, he lost control of it. Bigby had just told Georgie that the Council would be making a visit soon; they needed to record the babies and although the Smiths were no longer associated with them, it was the rules.

    "They are fucking cheating, sheriff! Those worthless worms are not allowed around MY business or MY family! Coming around here placing fucking god knows what to create mischief and chaos for THEIR satisfaction! And all you can tell me is to relax?!"

    In the corner of his eye, he watched Junior thrash; at first, Georgie reached his hand into the bassinet and stroke the baby's cheek; this usually calmed Junior down long enough for Georgie to regain his consciences. Not this time and within seconds after Georgie laid a finger on the baby, he had chairs soaring high and windows shattering to mere dust. Lyla heard the commotion and rushed in; Georgie was in the corner screaming into the phone, while trying to calm down Junior. Lyla spoke to him softly as she placed him against her breast; maybe if he focused on something else, he would calm himself down. It seemed to work at first but within seconds, his eyes were focused on the phone. They watched as Junior closed his eyes, the phone glowed white and like a toy, tossed against the wall. It was nothing more than broken pieces and wires on the floor.

    Georgie and Lyla managed to calm Junior enough for Swineheart to arrive; seconds later, Lola would show. Swineheart tried taking Junior from Lyla but the baby was not having it. He hissed and tried taking a bite out of the doctor's arm. They were surprised Swineheart was grinning and gave Junior a pat on the head. Georgie was dumbfounded as he watched Swineheart continue the process.

    "You two need to understand. This isn't my first halfer baby and honestly, it won't be the last. He's doing what comes natural to them. Junior feels threatened by my presents because he thinks I'm here to cause harm to you and Georgie. I can't pull away or get angry with him; halfers need nothing but patience and love, remember?"

    That was two days ago; he was now in the lounge seeing the progress that Junior had made from that day to now. His concern was no longer on the girls: Emily was simply Fable, Katie was a Folker but was capable of controlling her wolf form and Penelope, unlike her brother, created her powers from happiness. Junior, however was having a hard time; his main concern now was how to help ease the need to use his abilities every time Georgie was upset.

    "Let's face it, Georgie. That's who you are. Would hate for Junior to be on a date and feel you suddenly so upset that he destroys half of the city."

    Swineheart laughed but Georgie was not amused; he just wanted this whole ordeal to end and have some results. So far, they were all going in circles. He had promised his son last night that he would fight to save him; he would not stop until the day Swineheart gave him the thumbs up. They were not going to take him.

    The doctor noticed Georgie's face and continued with Junior. The boy was all smiles as Swinheart took out several objects that might 'trigger' it. Nothing; even as the room filled with his laughter, the only person doing anything was Penny. Her bassinet was glowing a light magenta as she laughed. Swineheart knew what he had to do; this was not going to be a simple task, however.

    "I've come to the conclusion that I must anger Georgie. With Junior in that state of mind, I can try and find out ways to calm the boy down."

    "Doctor, no! He will direct his anger at you; he can hurt you!"

    "Lyla, dear, its a risk we must all take. With the Council at your door soon, we have to prepare the babies for anything to come. We stil have time to fix anything but after a year, its up in the air. If they really wanted to, Lyla..."

    Lyla fell silent; she had heard enough and refused to carry on. Swinheat understood, grabbed Georgie and threw back a punch. Georgie fell to the floor, his nose bleed profusely. He was angry but not enough; Junior began moving furiously but nothing new. Swineheart took another approach and began damaging some of Georgie's possessions. Again, Georgie was frustrated but not enought to send Junior into a tailspin. He had only one option.

    "Lyla, I have to do it; I must put Georgie in the dark. It's the only way...."

    Lyla's main concern was Junior; would he lose so much control that he could possibly kill someone? but what choice did she have and without further interruption, agreed. Swinheart took Georgie and began dragging him to the closet; by this time, Hans, Henry and her sisters watched on. Gren was also there making a visit; he looked on unbeknownst to him what was to take place.

    "Doctor, what the-"

    "I'm sorry, Georgie..."

    He quickly threw Georgie into the closet and without another word, closed the door. He held the knob tightly in his hands, his palms sweating against the brass. The lounge was filled with the pounding and terrifying screams coming from within the closet. Lyla had to turn away and cover her ears; the others looked on horrified. Gren noticed Juniors bassinet suddenly turn whit, then black.

    "Oh, fuck...look...."

    Everyone looked over in the direction Gren was pointing and noticed as Junior slowly rose up from his bassinet and hovered above. His eyes were a solid black, the glow around him the same color. Swineheart could feel the color peeling off his face; he was terrified but knew this had to be done. He continued holding the knob, Georgie frantically pulling to get free.

    "For fuck's sake, let me out! Please! I'm sorry, I won't do it again, I swear! Don't leave me in here! Fuck!"

    Junior lifted both arms up and suddenly, Swineheart was in the air. Georgie managed to open the door but fell onto the floor. He was covering his face; he was embarrassed and refused to look anyone in the eyes. This seemed to add fuel to the fire, as Junior threw Swineheart into the pole. The doctor managed to get to his feet; the baby still in the same spot, watching.

    "Junior, this is your doctor. I need to know what will help you, son. I'm sorry I hurt your daddy's feelings-"

    Swineheart was now in the air again; he was being tossed from side to side. Lyla grabbed georgie and helped him to his feet. They watched as Swineheart was tossed around.

    "Georgie, we have to do something! He's going to get killed!"

    "The fuck you want me to do?! Have Hans and Henry grab the girls! Get them the fuck out of here! GO!"

    Hans and Henry quickly grabbed the girls; Gina and Mary following behind. Carla and Gren stuck around; Gren wasn't sure but something told him they were going to need help.

    "CARLA! Get on the phone with Bigby! NOW!"

    Carla was gone and soon, had Snow on the other end. As she frantically spoke to Snow, she noticed Vivian standing by the front door; she was in a large jacket and sunglasses. She smiled, took off her sunglasses and headed for the lounge. Carla tried standing in her path.

    "The fuck are you doing here, you bitch? They don't want you-"

    "No, but he does..."

    Carla asumed she meant Georgie and quickly hung up the phone. Vivian walked into a circus; Lyla and Georgie desperately yanking on their son's legs, as he continued throwing a bloody and bruised doctor around. Georgie looked over and noticed Vivian; she was now making her way towards Junior.

    "YOU! Get the fuck out of here you useless fucking bitch! I don't wanna see your fucking face he-"

    Junior stopped; Swineheart fell to the floor. He smiled as Vivian held out her arms. He floated in her direction and landed in her arms; the boy back to normal and now snuggling close to her neck. She began humming to junior, the boy closing his eyes and falling asleep. Lyla was lost for words; Swineheart and Georgie looking on confused.

    "What...what did you just do to my son....."

    "Helping him, Lyla...."

    Swineheart now understood, for like the guitar for Lyla, he too had only one thing that would calm him and she was currently cradling him in her arms. Vivian was Junior's guitar.
  • edited May 2014
    Part 2 section 2

    "Creatures like me"

    NOTE: Just a pic of Lyla and Georgie. You fill in the rest. ;)

    Lyla was not worried about the blonde woman holding Junior. She and Georgie had much bigger things to worry about. The Superior of the Councils was heading to the Pudding & Pie. John and Bigby received the call this afternoon; the two of them were on their way. Lyla would deal with this strange turn of events in time. At least Junior was calm and willing to cooperate with them; Georgie was not pleased and made it very clear.

    "I want to know why the fuck she is still here?!"

    "The Superior is coming, Georgie; HE is the one we need to worry about. He is the Mayor Cole to the Fables; if he doesn't like something, he will say it and there is nothing you can do."

    Georgie wanted to say something back; he was getting exhausted with the Council. But what choice did he have; not like he could send them off and hope for the best. In time, he knew there would be a time when he could do something in regards to them. Today, however, was not it, so he collected every thought and word and hid them away.

    The Superior arrived. He was a very large man; he stood 6' 7'" with dark brown hair flowing past his ears, green eyes and very pale skin.He wore brown slacks and black top with a brown jacket to top it off. He appeared tired and worn down; this was the whole reason her father gave up this position years ago. The growing need from everyone takes a toll, even on a man of their stature. Beside him, walked Nate and Malcom; they seemed surprised. Lyla looked over; Vivian was currently playing with Junior. Must be her, she thought.

    The Superior's name is Decimus. Lyla found out he was given this as a sign of his birth. He was the tenth child born into his family. Decimus took a seat before Georgie and Lyla; she offered him coffee and when he agreed to a cup, she sent Hans to fetch up three cups; Malcom and Nate declined her offer. John and Bigby arrived just as Decimus was taking out papers. Bigby didn't trust him; he didn't trust any of the Council members. The only one he would tolerate and enjoyed their presence was standing beside him. John knew Decimus meant no harm. It was the two clowns sitting beside him. Malcom appeared terrified the entire time; Nate with a smug look on his face.

    "So, Lyla. Do you remember me, dear?"

    Lyla nodded. Georgie was observant the minute Decimus spoke.

    "Well, its nice to see how much beauty and intelligence I have sitting before me. You are the spitting image of your father but the kindness and tolerance of your mother."

    Decimus looked closely to the papers.

    "So, looks like we have four babies; two are Fables, one a Folker and the other a halfer?"

    Georgie had this growing urge to scoop up his children and run to some far off place. He wanted to take Lyla's hand and the two of them would make a dash for it; leave everything about Fabletown and Folkers behind. He was mortified by all these questions and so little answers he had for them. There was a whole new world he had barely begun to scratch the surface; there was so much he had to learn about his children. That's what made his nervous. Georgie grabbed Lyla's hand and squeezed it.

    "Yes, sir. That is correct."

    Decimus beamed as Georgie spoke. He continued flipping through the growing number of papers and when he found what he was searching for, suddenly stopped; the grin never leaving his face.

    "So, Mr. Georgie Porgie. A Fable, huh? I recall hearing about you before. Club seems a bit different then the stories I've been told. Tell me, just out of curiosity, why Lyla Smith? A Folker?"

    "If I answer inappropriately, are you fucking going to take my children away?"

    Nate was outraged with Georgie's comment. Before he could say a word, Decimus held up his hand. Nate was desperately trying to hold his tongue; if he had the option to end it all now, he wouldn't hesitate. Stupid Fables, he thought.

    "I can not blame you for show casing anger towards us. These emotions you are showing are well beyond what you have shown in the past, according to your files the Sheriff has provided us with. No, Georgie-we are not here to take away the children. We are simply here to document them. I'm sure you are aware of this..."

    Georgie sat tight-lipped. He had nothing more to say to either of them. He wanted them to speed up the process, so they could return to their 'normal' lives. Decimus could take a hint, nodded to both Lyla and Georgie and stood up.

    "Well, come with me then. I wish to see the children."

    Hand in hand, Georgie and Lyla led them to the girls; Bigby and Sheriff following close behind. As Nate began walking, Bigby 'accidentally' stretched out his right foot, which caused Nate to stumble and almost fall. John found it difficult to hold back the laughter.

    "Keeping it professional, eh Sheriff?"

    "I am. You're the only that can barely walk on your feet."


    Decimus currently held Emily and Penny; Lyla held Katie, who was happily chewing on a rubber bone. The constant squeaks made Decimus chuckle; he could recall a time when his own offspring were going through the chewing phase.

    "This must be Katie. She must be the Folker. Looks just like you, Lyla. Very beautiful child. And these two must be the Fables. Hm. Good thing you didn't run, Georgie."

    Georgie was devastated by Decimus' comment. Lyla knew exactly what that meant and continued squeezing his hand.

    "It says here you both recently discovered Penelope had a gift? Could we possibly get a glimpse at this marvelous child?"

    Lyla handed Katie to Georgie and took Penny from Decimus. Soon, Nate and Malcom were taking down every single word exchanged so far. Lyla began humming softly; Penny laughed and kicked. He toothless grin was brilliant, which caused Lyla to laugh. Pennelope did the same, as Lyla leaned her head down to plant a kiss on her forehead. Suddenly, the two of them were glowing a light pink; the Council members watching as the baby began lifting chairs with her laughter. The furniture would glow pink as well.


    The furniture safely made their way back to the ground. Decimus was stunned; he had never seen anything like this.

    "Swineheart and Lola said its because she has mixed blood. Not all of them will have powers like this; Katie and Emily do not posses this talent but that 'halfers' will usually show case something like this. Junior can also do that..."

    Georgie was hoping she wouldn't mention that but something told him he was the main reason why they Council was so focused on making their familiar trips over to Fabletown. As she mentioned his name, Malcom and Nate's focus was now on the sleeping boy still in Vivian's arms. Georgie realized what she was doing-keeping him calm. The less they knew, the better.

    "Ah yes, Georgie Junior. May I?"

    Vivian hesitated at first; she watched as the fear flowed over Georgie and Lyla's face. She whispered softly into his ear, kissed him on the cheek and handed him over to Decimus. Malcom and Nate were quickly by his side, jotting down any possible information.

    "What a sweet, quiet little boy. He's very handsome. Looks just like you, Georgie. Tell me-does he posses the same power like his sister?"


    "Would there be any way of us catching a glimpse?"

    Panic was settling in Georgie. It was NOTHING like Penny's powers; she based her's on love and happiness, Junior's were drawn from a dark, ugly place-him. Why, he thought, of all the fucking people this kid could use as a muse? Georgie finally spoke.

    "It comes and goes with Junior. That's why Swineheart is here-we are trying to figure out what causes his powers. We really didn't get a chance to find out the first time...."

    "Are you sure, Georgie....."

    Decimus may have been easily fooled but Nate knew better. There was something about that kid; Vermillda saw it and now Vivian was here.

    "Yes, I'm FUCKING sure of it, Nate! For fuck's sake, he's just a baby! We are trying to-"

    "Yeah, yeah, I know! But if there is anything-ANYTHING-that can trigger it...."

    Georgie could feel the anger rising; his frustration towards these morons that had no sense of respect and boundaries. He noticed Lyla's horrified look; Junior was now thrashing in Decimus' arms. Fuck, his anger! Georgie quickly collected all negative thought and thought of something else; ANYTHING that would help ease Junior's distress. Behind him, he could hear the soft signing of Vivian. He turned around and watched her; her eyes solely focused on Junior. Within seconds, he was calm and playing with Decimus' shirt.

    "Oh, is someone a little cranky today? My oldest was like that. Well, maybe next time...."

    "But, sir! Did you not see-"

    "All I saw was a cranky, tired baby. Let them be. Maybe on our next visit? So far, everything looks good."

    Lyla and Georgie smiled. They got lucky this time but eventually, all luck runs out. They had a lot of work to do still. Decimus packed up some papers and had Georgie and Lyla read several and sign as well. He placed those back in the brief case.

    "I would like to come back in three months. By then, maybe something new and exciting will happen. Until then, it was a pleasure meeting these adorable little things and you as well, Mr. Porgie."

    He gave a simple nod to him; Georgie returning the gesture. He watched Malcom and Nate follow. The entire time of their departure, however, Nate watched Georgie. He could see there was so much yet he had to uncover. This world, the world of Fables, was a tricky one and these strangers would do anything in their power to conceal the truth. That mean hiding the truth about those babies. He would find the truth but for now he had to remain professional. As they left, Bigby and John walked them to the door. Lyla and Georgie placed the quads in their bassinets. Meanwhile, Vivian continued to stand there, watching Junior. His eyes were focused on her; they were the color of ice.


    Just as Bigby closed the door, the sudden glow enveloped Junior's crib; he reached out his hand and Vivian touched it. She too was glowing. Junior's back had the same glow, he smiled and just as quickly as it happened, it was gone. Bigby and John looked on, both as confused and stunned as the others. Georgie grabbed Junior and lifted up his shirt. There, on his lower back, was a large symbol. There was a circle with a tree in the middle.

    "What...what the fuck is going on, Vivian? What did you do? What is all this?"

    "I told you. I'm here to help him. I just completed it. Now he will be able to control his emotions much better."

    "Completed it...."

    "We are now connected. He now has the ability to control the growing emotions that drive the power out."

    Georgie and Lyla had so much to learn about the worlds they knew so little of. There was something much bigger taking place.
  • Gripping!
    Markd4547 posted: »

    The Lie Among Us Part 3 Unleash The Beast Bigby ran into the forest as the rain felt like rocks hitting his skin. His brain haunte

  • edited May 2014
    Still have write the last bit lol I refuse till I think of something epic NO FILLER just thriller thanks for taking the time to read and the review as always Lupine mix of psychology and action this chapter
    LupineNoir posted: »


  • edited May 2014
    wow i read all the chapters YOU have created and I'm not pleased at all! first, why the hell would she be with him? he is a creep, pervert and loser! I can't believe you actually picked him for lyla to be with. i was hoping gren and lyla would get together! i feel bad for thos kids. sorry if this is coming off cruel but i don't like georgie. you need to have her and gren get together. just saying
    pudding_pie posted: »

    Part 2 section 2 "Creatures like me" NOTE: Just a pic of Lyla and Georgie. You fill in the rest. ;) Enjoy!

  • i love your lyla character! she seems like a very troubled girl. can't wait to read more. i hope she kills that georgie i hate him so much
  • i hope she does not stay there poor girl
    pudding_pie posted: »

    Part 3 Lyla Smith "Let sleeping dog's lie" Snow White paced back and forth. In her hand was Lyla's file; she was flipping back and for

  • aww i liked this one i hope her and gren get together keep at it my friend
    pudding_pie posted: »

    Part 5 Lyla Smith "Doghouse" After Lyla changed her outfit into a jewel studded bikini provided by the wonderful, ever so loving

  • i hope gren rubs it in georgies face dat he and lyla are in love keep at it
    pudding_pie posted: »

    Part 6 Lyla smith "Sit" Lyla hated the city. She hated the noise. She hated the people. And she mostly hated how this weather was

  • yay he died! cant wait to read more love alice as well dont like that she is mean. that made me sad but good so far.
    pudding_pie posted: »

    Part 7 Lyla Smith "Then there is Georgie" Lyla was sound asleep and lost in thought. Everything was falling into place; no one sus

  • Try to be polite when you're criticizing other people's stories, alright? It's his story, if you don't like it, then calmly read someone else's instead of bashing it.
    Nat01 posted: »

    wow i read all the chapters YOU have created and I'm not pleased at all! first, why the hell would she be with him? he is a creep, pervert a

  • eww. she is pregnant by georgie maybe a dream?
    pudding_pie posted: »

    Part 15 Lyla Smith "Out with the old..." It was only the beginning of what was to come. For the first week, things were quiet betw

  • oh no poor gren i hope everything is ok
    pudding_pie posted: »

    Part 16 Lyla Smith "Days" I TRIED placing the link to a pic of Georgie and Lyla. Hopefully it shows up....if not....:(

  • :'(
    pudding_pie posted: »

    Part 27 Lyla Smith "From here on out" -5 months later- Since the incident at the club and the Council, things have seemed qui

  • that made me sad
    Markd4547 posted: »

    THE LIE AMONG US Chapter 2 THE KILLER GUESS Bigby was alone in the forest he had no one to turn to years spent protecting the fab

  • i am. i like the story just not who he picked lyla to be with. georgie is an ass and deserves to be alone. feel bad he switched it up and decided to have him and not gren. i hope things change soon. just saying

    Try to be polite when you're criticizing other people's stories, alright? It's his story, if you don't like it, then calmly read someone else's instead of bashing it.

  • lol read next chapters it's designed to be sad to make ending more epic Bigby's redemption
    Nat01 posted: »

    that made me sad

  • Keep it to yourself then, would you kindly? Maybe he'll listen to your demand, maybe he won't.
    Nat01 posted: »

    i am. i like the story just not who he picked lyla to be with. georgie is an ass and deserves to be alone. feel bad he switched it up and decided to have him and not gren. i hope things change soon. just saying

  • is this not the reason for the comment boxes? i simply put my opinion and hope he takes it to heart. im sure you feel the same way. puddingpie just saying. kill off georgie, k? i saw your pics man. lyla is hot. have her be with gren please!!!!!!!!!!

    Keep it to yourself then, would you kindly? Maybe he'll listen to your demand, maybe he won't.

  • edited May 2014
    To Nat01: I apologies to you if this is not to your liking. Stop reading my story all together then. I don't mind if someone wants to get something off their chest; I'm all ears. But to take my idea and stomp all over it? I never said I AGREED with Georgie's actions. YES! He needs a slap in the face but for you to bash me because of my thoughts and ideas? This is a FANFICTION thread-we have no idea who Georgie was except for that silly song. I wanted to give the readers the impression that he is human and has feelings like everyone we have come across in the game. He falls in love, so what? Lyla and him have kids? So what!

    I have the feeling you are a Gren fan, right? He is getting another chance, if you didn't notice that either. Sorry its not what you were expecting. Keep the negativity to yourself. Thanks.
    Nat01 posted: »

    is this not the reason for the comment boxes? i simply put my opinion and hope he takes it to heart. im sure you feel the same way. puddingpie just saying. kill off georgie, k? i saw your pics man. lyla is hot. have her be with gren please!!!!!!!!!!

  • edited May 2014
    Part 2 section 3


    Redemption: The action of saving or being saved from sin, error or evil.

    John and Bigby were currently trying to find out what this mean for Junior in the future. Above, Georgie watched as Bufkin flew back and forth. He reminded Georgie of a bird trapped in a glass house; he panicked and furiously flapped his wings, hoping the next move would be the right one. He retrieved several books in regards to markings and connections. Junior had a symbol of a tree in the center of his back; Bigby scratched his head as he looked up every possible explanation.

    Snow too, was searching for an answer. Soon, Georgie would follow. Bufkin handed Georgie a book from the old world; it listed various trees and what their meanings stood for. The flying monkey hesitated at first; he was careful around Georgie, for he feared the worst. He clung to Snow like an infant on its mother but when he realized Georgie's thoughts were simply on the problem, he opened up and helped the club owner.

    "Uh, Mr. Georgie. May I ask you a question?"

    "Yes. what is it?"

    "Exactly, what did this tree look like? Each tree listed here has a different meaning and what that means for the boy...."

    Georgie tried recalling the image now permanently stamped on his son's back. He closed his eyes; he tried to picture it but couldn't. Junior was back at the club with Lyla and the others; he left Henry, Hans and Gren in charge of the place until he came back with some answers. Vivian was still there, however and Georgie was not pleased with this current situation. Lyla assured him she meant no harm; there was protection she was giving Junior and despite her past incidences with Vivian, she couldn't take a risk like this.

    "What did he ask you, Georgie?"

    "What that fucking bastard tree looked like. Fuck, I can't remember; they all look the fucking same to me!"

    John too, stopped and tried to recall the tree. Snow studied every picture in the book; her destination was to find the image and understand Junior's fate. even if that meant staying in the office all night. With no luck, Bufkin returned to the back in search of another book. Georgie took a seat at what was once Ichabod's chair; he placed his face down onto the cool surface and tried drowning his thoughts. This was more than he had hoped for; he was failing to save his son. Georgie looked to the left and found Bigby staring back at him. His cigarette was burning fast; a trail of gray smoke slowly making its way to the ceiling.

    "Want one, Porgie?"

    "No thank you, sheriff...."

    Bigby took a long puff from his cigarette and took a seat next to Georgie. He sat on the desk and watched Georgie. Not to long ago you were the last man on earth I'd help, he thought. He could hear tiny sobs coming from Georgie. He felt terrible, reached over and placed a hand on his shoulders.

    "We will get to the bottom of this, Georgie. I promise you....we will have victory and Junior will be safe."

    Georgie smiled. Just before he could speak, they could hear John calling them over. Snow raced to his side; Bigby, Georgie and Bufkin not too far behind. John had circled a picture in the book with a black marker. John began reading the passage.

    "It says here that trees symbolize many things: Beauty, strength, wisdom, and eternal life. They are very mystical."

    "Ok but what kind of tree does he have, John?"

    John scrolled down further to the picture he circled; the title read "Willow".

    "This right here. This is what Junior had on his back. It says the Willow tree symbolizes fulfilling wishes of the heart, learning from the past, inner vision and dreams. This must be the reason Junior's powers feed off of Georgie. He...."

    Everyone looked to Georgie for a reaction. He was quiet, starring blankly at the image. The words John read were filling his head fast; his son was trying to fix Georgie by using his anger through him; fueling his powers through the feelings Georgie had buried so deep inside. Georgie took a seat and looked over at the others; everyone stood waiting.

    "I only told Lyla half of the story; I couldn't tell her everything. Back at the homelands, my life was fucking miserable; I'm sure you know this, sheriff."

    Bigby remained silent; there was nothing he could do but clear his throat. Georgie looked up to the ceiling.

    "My life was nothing compared to what the mundies claimed. I had an abusive father, was an outcast among my own siblings and my mother did nothing; her silence was enough. I wondered those fields wishing to escape; to spread my arms and fly high above the clouds. For years, when he would throw me in the closet, i used to close my eyes and vision that; me, a bird, flying away."

    "My father was a lost, lonely man. I guess you can say, I was him for a long time. He did so many things to me besides the closet: he would beat me severely, taunt me, starve me; he thought my life was his sick, twisted little fucking game. He...he used to...used to-"

    Georgie had to pause; he was opening up so many doors that were locked for years. He continued.

    "He used to rape me; not all the time. But every once in awhile, he would take me out into the forest and do whatever he wanted to me. I used to scream for help, beg him to stop. But nothing ever happened; no one saved me. No one helped me. It sadly became a sick routine he did to me."

    Georgie noticed everyone's reactions; Snow had both her hands covering her mouth, tears streaming down her eyes. Bigby and John found it hard to look at him, while Bufkin continued looking at Georgie; both concern and sadness combined with his dark eyes.

    "That girl, she ruined me the day she told everyone I raped her. I did no such fucking thing, that lying bitch! That stupid rhyme was pretty much that; warning girls that I raped and they had to watch out for me. I looked to the sky for redemption; for protection. Then we all had to come to this fucked up city. This place was no better. You all fucking shunned me out; sent me into the dark with nothing!"

    Bigby and Snow were taken back by his sudden remarks. Bufkin took shelter behind John, who too, fell silent. He sadly knew Georgie spoke nothing but the truth.

    "I BEGGED you all for help, I was struggling to make it in this hell, in the dark. I was ALONE; I had no one to call my own! They gave me a chance; THEY allowed me to live, make my own. I HATED this idea, knowing the only way to live was through the misery of others. But when that is all you are used to, you become numb; that's what I did-became numb."

    Everyone continued watching, as Georgie wiped his eyes with his shirt. He removed his hat and began rubbing his forehead; he was feeling sick and needed a minute.

    "I took this club, the foundation it stood on, the reasons behind it, just so I could survive. I feed off the souls that were lost; the evil and hate I had inside only grew over the years. Then, she came....Lyla fucking Smith. There was protection in that girl's heart; I knew it the moment she came to my club. The stones....she was always meant to have it. I just didn't believe it...I was just waitin' for her heart to tell me so...."

    Snow slowly made her way to Georgie; she knew so little about the Pudding & Pie owner. He grabbed his shoulders and gave it a tiny squeeze.

    "And now, my fucking son has all the shit that haunted me for years. Why? Because its been tattooed into my genes. He has become everything I couldn't be; like he's a reincarnation of the Georgie that was lost so long ago. That tree, that fucking stupid Willow tree, is the reason his soul won't become like mine...."

    "He's helping you, Georgie. He's giving you an entire new outlook on life. We can help you both with the babies. With Vivian now, he will be able to control it better. We have a chance..."

    Georgie paused and thought for a moment; his destination in life was slowly unfolding itself. For years, he hid in the dark, only to stew in his own anguish and anger. He was on the road with evil by his side; the terrible memories haunting his once pleasant dreams. He turned to hardcore drugs, sex and greed to hide it all. Love? What was that? Family? Please; the only thing he needed was the club and the money that followed it. Years later, it would take not only Lyla but his children, his only son, to help him down that dark path and into the light. Junior was giving his soul a second chance; he was allowing his father the ability to start over.

    "Yeah. I guess he is, ain't he White?"

    She reached down and hugged Georgie tightly. He did nothing; just allowed it to happen.

    "I'm so sorry, sorry...."

    She held onto Georgie for quite some time; he didn't care. He was feeding off the love and kindness they were showing him. Even John gave him a loving embrace; there was so much Fabletown had hidden within its boundaries.


    Bigby took Georgie back; the car ride was silent. Not that it was awkward for either of them but Bigby found it difficult to speak after what he had just heard from Georgie. The ahtred and stories he heard from Georgie were quickly swept under the rug. He had no idea.

    "You're son will be just fine, Georgie. They all will be. Me, Snow and John will work around the clock to make sure you six are safe."

    "Georgie looked out the window; the building flew past him in an array of colors and sounds.

    "Do you know what their fate holds for them, sheriff? If you do, please...tell me."

    Bigby was surprised by his question.

    "I...I have no idea, Georgie. They are still too young. Maybe in a few years we will know..."

    "I'd...I'd hate for Junior to"

    Bigby stopped the car outside the club. The pink neon lights were glowing bright tonight. He watched as the colors bounced off the tears Georgie had running down his face.

    "He will be fine; we ALL will be. Just go inside the club, run it like you are and continue being the best damn father you can. Be better then yours or hell, even there for their mother, Georgie. Be there for THEM...."

    Without another word, Georgie reached over and hugged the sheriff. Bigby's normal reaction to Georgie would be to punch him; knock him straight into the face and hope his actions hurt like hell. Instead, he returned with an embrace. Perhaps, they were not so different after all. For the first time, in a long time, besides Lyla, Georgie could feel safety and a friendship. Bigby, the same thing. This wouldn't be easy but he was prepared; prepared to help the infamous Georgie Porgie he thought he knew.
  • (sniffs) I need a tissue...
    pudding_pie posted: »

    Part 2 section 3 "Redemption" Redemption: The action of saving or being saved from sin, error or evil. John and Bigby wer

  • edited May 2014
    I've read this earlier, but I just gotta say that forest scene you did when Bigby saw himself as a kid? It had completely caught me off-guard in a good way, very good.
    Markd4547 posted: »

    The Lie Among Us Part 3 Unleash The Beast Bigby ran into the forest as the rain felt like rocks hitting his skin. His brain haunte

  • Thanks. Normally I don't go for sad types of fanfiction but I just feel for the guy. :( He just comes off as so hurt and lost.

    (sniffs) I need a tissue...

  • JonesJJonesJ Banned
    I can only imagine what is about to take place! Tell me more, please!!!
    pudding_pie posted: »

    Part 2 Lyla Smith "The leash law" Georgie took Lyla inside the club; the bright pink neon signs were giving her a slight headache. She

  • JonesJJonesJ Banned
    Hm. So far I hope nothing bad happens to your character, Lyla. She seems like a great gal.
    Nat01 posted: »

    i hope she does not stay there poor girl

  • JonesJJonesJ Banned
    This is very interesting. don't know if you are still doing this but keep going! Can't wait to read more
    Scribz posted: »

    Mandible the spider king Centuries ago Mandible lived in the darkest reaches of the woodlands, where few fables dared to tread into the

  • JonesJJonesJ Banned
    Wow...that was very intense. Whew! I hope he comes out okay in the end. I don't like him very much but that still does not mean he should die like this. Can't wait to read on!
    pudding_pie posted: »

    Part 7 Lyla Smith "Then there is Georgie" Lyla was sound asleep and lost in thought. Everything was falling into place; no one sus

  • JonesJJonesJ Banned
    Did Georgie just score himself a girl? Do you do this professionally btw?
    pudding_pie posted: »

    Part 8 Lyla Smith "Forgiveness" Lyla sat quietly in the Business Office. She was sure Snow White was tired of seeing her face here

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