The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • Denial I know that feel.
    rtu2d2 posted: »

    For some reason I still think Omid is alive. I don't know why..

    Well.. You know...
  • edited May 2014
    Clem is now a confirmed sugar addict.


    (Remove the "")
  • LOL.

    Clem is now a confirmed sugar addict. "https:"//"watch?v=LPfDL6xvoOY (Remove the "")

  • Greatest vid ever.

    Clem is now a confirmed sugar addict. "https:"//"watch?v=LPfDL6xvoOY (Remove the "")

  • So many fucking juice boxes

    Clem is now a confirmed sugar addict. "https:"//"watch?v=LPfDL6xvoOY (Remove the "")

  • How telltale wanted the walkers to look but they could not afford it
  • edited May 2014
    Very random video, but you know... stuff...
    (Sorry for the overuse of hashtags that I use in everything I post on here :S)
  • You've probably already seen this...
  • Im guessing that one new guy with the white hood is the guy who killed christa
  • OH look what i found ..... it says this: Matthew and his partner Walter are the first homosexual couple to be featured within the Video Game
  • Stumbled upon this nice video forClementine:
  • edited May 2014

    This joke is overused... but why not?


    I fucked up the link the first time... totol n00b gais...
  • edited May 2014

    Clem is now a confirmed sugar addict. "https:"//"watch?v=LPfDL6xvoOY (Remove the "")

  • edited May 2014
    **SKIP TO 3:17**


    remove the "
  • > I fucked up the link the first time... totol n00b gais...

    They'll just have to deal with it.
    _Juice_Box_ posted: » This joke is overused... but why not? *EDIT* I fucked up the link the first time... totol n00b gais...

  • *Insert Omid 'if you know what I mean' meme here*

    > I fucked up the link the first time... totol n00b gais... They'll just have to deal with it.

  • This is a walking dead zombieland trailer xD
  • I just realized..... In the episode "Princess Cookie" in adventure time, Finn has a plan, and at one point his plan involves finn yelling "ALVINS HOT JUICEBOX! AVLINS HOT JUICEBOX!" This must be a sign!!
  • What we all wanted to happen in episode 3
  • MARRY CHRISTMAS!! oh damn I a little late...
    Pell3t posted: »

    nevermind tried to upload a pic on here for the first time..... failed for the millionth time.

  • I was like what are you talking about? and then I looked at the date.

    Wow I really had a boring Christmas.

    MARRY CHRISTMAS!! oh damn I a little late...

  • edited May 2014
  • "insert WAT meme here"

  • guys just wanted the save file -_-
    LukeandNick posted: »

    Guys i need The Walking Dead Season 1 save file may i ask can someone upload it for me please


    What would be worse? Or... Or... Or...

  • My dad noticed the blinded eye one lol
  • edited May 2014
    I found this funny YTP video of EP3:
  • The bickering inside the truck had me in stitches.

    I found this funny YTP video of EP3:

  • HAHAHA oh my god i remember that too..... It IS a sign.

    I just realized..... In the episode "Princess Cookie" in adventure time, Finn has a plan, and at one point his plan involves finn yelling "ALVINS HOT JUICEBOX! AVLINS HOT JUICEBOX!" This must be a sign!!

  • edited May 2014
    I love MY FUCKING sweater.

    That gets me every time.
    Giraffehat posted: »

  • God damn it, why can't we post pictures?
  • edited May 2014
  • They're finally back, people!

    Alt text

    Alt text

    God this place felt so weird without them.

  • Yeah, we'll spread the love around here once again. Well done, Telltale mods.

    They're finally back, people! God this place felt so weird without them.

  • I'll celebrate the return of images with this cute Clem gif!

    Alt text

  • Alt text

    Mr_Eeuss posted: »

    I'll celebrate the return of images with this cute Clem gif!

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