The person that Clementine finds out is alive in Episode 2 is Christa's baby that is somewhere about 1 and a half years old and that has been kidnapped by some other group.
I know this sounds horrible but honestly with the world they are in I think they had to kill it. I mean a baby cries A LOT and with noise from a baby like that there is no way they could have survived the walkers
I was wondering what was the purpose of clicking in the tree and clem not saying anything(same with grave). But when you think about it, you can assume the grave was done from the roots of that tree. The tree had big branches, so the small grave could be because it's a child. Although, there is a boat nearby with reference to kids camp, so it could be just a kid who died from the boat crash. Could be anything really, since TT left no clear meaning... But using OP reasoning(just the grave part) i can picture this scenario: the dead walker killed the baby, christa took roots of the nearby tree and build the small grave... But i don't think that's what happened...
There is a Wellington, OH. This location makes sense for a few reasons. First, at the campsite in the beginning of ep 1, Clem can find a North Carolina license plate. It that is were Clem is right now, then Ohio would be directly North. Second, Wellington, OH is a very historic city. Considering Omid was an American history buff, and the fact that dialog between Omid and Christa suggests that they did a lot of traveling as a couple, one could assume Christa has been there before.
Good point but it's the biggest Wellington I know, The highest Wellington I'm aware of is in Colorado. However you raise a good point, Savannah has similar average temperatures so I'm probably wrong with Florida.
I think that Christa asked Clementine to cut Christa's stomache open to have the baby survive. Somehow it dies (probably the cold weather or starvation) and Clementine has to stitch Christa up . Thats why she says just like Christa taught you when she's stitching her arm in the shed.
I think the baby died on the road. No one is mentioning that Clem knew how to stitch herself up "Like Christa taught her" in the shed. I think… more it is likely that Clem helped Christa deliver the baby and had to stitch up Christa after the birth. There were no other mentions of scars or visible cuts on her that she could have practiced on and who better to practice on than a new mom? Given that they were both starving, Clem and Christa, I'd say she wasn't able to produce any milk because of a general lack of nutrition and they couldn't feed the baby and it died. Christa isn't the type to give up her kid. If someone tried to take it, she'd have died for it. It was her last link to Omid. Explains her severe depression too.
Footnote: The constant reference to 'hating Scavengers because they take everything' is a little hypocritical given that essentially Clem is doing the same thing but it could also be a vague inference that scavengers ruined the camp that Christa and Clem had or stole all the baby milk (if they had some)
It's very highly unlikely the grave that Clem happens upon is Christa's baby. The baby would have been born around 14-15 months ago and they've been moving constantly as they mention in their conversations.
I feel pretty confident that TellTale will not leave this unanswered. I think we will find out what happened in a future episode. The fact that we're discussing it shows that TellTale made a good decision to not show what happened in this episode. It builds intrigue and mystery and keeps the audience coming back for more.
That's what I love about The Walking Dead series. They have excellent writing and storytelling with the illusion that your choices matter (they don't in the big picture, but they do change small things along the way).
I'd like to think that we will find out what happened! There is probably a back story? Why would they make her pregnant and then just skip ahead? Omid could have died without her being prego. I don't know lol
I'm guessing either the baby died of starvation, or being so vulnerable, simply died from a disease. Remember that before modern medicine infant mortality rates were very high. In the world Christa and Clementine are living in, society has basically reverted to the Dark Ages. The baby could quite easily die from the flu.
They barely have any food, it's quickly getting colder, Christa is depressed, everything is broken/dirty and there are zombies everywhere. I'd say the baby died.
This is just a bullshit theory that I thought of that is probably not true and very dumb.
Maybe she had the baby but was ambushed and the baby got taken away by the guy (I forgot his name) and know he's got Sarah? I know it's dumb but it's possible
Well you also have to take into consideration how hard it would be for Christa to take care of a screaming baby in a world where noise attracts death, and all by herself while also taking care of a little girl. It wouldn't surprise me if Christa didn't leave the baby as bait...
it makes the most since because of how close the grave was to the cabin. Or it couldve been a family member from the campsite where clem gets attacked by sam.
I think it died of starvation. Not sure the science of it but as they are sitting around the campfire pretty desperate for food, it didn't look like they could barely support themselves not the less a baby
There is a Wellington, OH. This location makes sense for a few reasons. First, at the campsite in the beginning of ep 1, Clem can find a Nor… moreth Carolina license plate. It that is were Clem is right now, then Ohio would be directly North. Second, Wellington, OH is a very historic city. Considering Omid was an American history buff, and the fact that dialog between Omid and Christa suggests that they did a lot of traveling as a couple, one could assume Christa has been there before.
I Always thought that Christa had a C-section, B/c in Season 2 Episode 1 when Clementines' about to stitch her arm up in the shed she says "Now... Just like last time...just how Christa showed me" I Always thought that After that the baby didn't last long.
If she had a miscarriage she would have died.
The baby would have turned into a zombie in her womb.
I think she may not have been able to produce it because she was probably already so underfed she didn't have enough nutrients.
hw123 nail'd it imho
Epic plot twist:
The person that Clementine finds out is alive in Episode 2 is Christa's baby that is somewhere about 1 and a half years old and that has been kidnapped by some other group.
Sounds unexpected but could be pretty epic.
3 'men' and a baby.... now where have i heard that before

Is that a reference ?
I know this sounds horrible but honestly with the world they are in I think they had to kill it. I mean a baby cries A LOT and with noise from a baby like that there is no way they could have survived the walkers
it's a film title..
back in season one when she drank all the alchohol in the attic of the mansion in savannah the baby got lost
one drink wouldn't kill the baby...if it did she wouldn't have carried the baby as far as she did.. imo..
okay i didnt know
well i'm not sure tbh.
it's a good theory bro,
Oh ok
I was wondering what was the purpose of clicking in the tree and clem not saying anything(same with grave). But when you think about it, you can assume the grave was done from the roots of that tree. The tree had big branches, so the small grave could be because it's a child. Although, there is a boat nearby with reference to kids camp, so it could be just a kid who died from the boat crash. Could be anything really, since TT left no clear meaning... But using OP reasoning(just the grave part) i can picture this scenario: the dead walker killed the baby, christa took roots of the nearby tree and build the small grave... But i don't think that's what happened...
There is a Wellington, OH. This location makes sense for a few reasons. First, at the campsite in the beginning of ep 1, Clem can find a North Carolina license plate. It that is were Clem is right now, then Ohio would be directly North. Second, Wellington, OH is a very historic city. Considering Omid was an American history buff, and the fact that dialog between Omid and Christa suggests that they did a lot of traveling as a couple, one could assume Christa has been there before.
I think that Christa asked Clementine to cut Christa's stomache open to have the baby survive. Somehow it dies (probably the cold weather or starvation) and Clementine has to stitch Christa up . Thats why she says just like Christa taught you when she's stitching her arm in the shed.
That's exactly what I thought when Clementine mentioned the stitches.
It's very highly unlikely the grave that Clem happens upon is Christa's baby. The baby would have been born around 14-15 months ago and they've been moving constantly as they mention in their conversations.
I feel pretty confident that TellTale will not leave this unanswered. I think we will find out what happened in a future episode. The fact that we're discussing it shows that TellTale made a good decision to not show what happened in this episode. It builds intrigue and mystery and keeps the audience coming back for more.
That's what I love about The Walking Dead series. They have excellent writing and storytelling with the illusion that your choices matter (they don't in the big picture, but they do change small things along the way).
I made a fan fic about what happened to the baby if anyone's interested.....
Omid died so Christa felt helpless. She didnt want to be a mother of a child in a world populated by zombies so she killed the baby. All done!
I'd like to think that we will find out what happened! There is probably a back story? Why would they make her pregnant and then just skip ahead? Omid could have died without her being prego. I don't know lol
I'm guessing either the baby died of starvation, or being so vulnerable, simply died from a disease. Remember that before modern medicine infant mortality rates were very high. In the world Christa and Clementine are living in, society has basically reverted to the Dark Ages. The baby could quite easily die from the flu.
They barely have any food, it's quickly getting colder, Christa is depressed, everything is broken/dirty and there are zombies everywhere. I'd say the baby died.
I read it. Great job!
This is just a bullshit theory that I thought of that is probably not true and very dumb.
Maybe she had the baby but was ambushed and the baby got taken away by the guy (I forgot his name) and know he's got Sarah? I know it's dumb but it's possible
Not really.
Wouldn't the baby turn into a walker then and eat her flesh from inside out?
What if her baby was taken from her during those unseen 16 months? It might not have necessarily been a miscarriage.
They ate it for food, what do you think happened to it. It died.
The grave clem walked past was The grave of Nicks mom.
how do u know?
it makes the most since because of how close the grave was to the cabin. Or it couldve been a family member from the campsite where clem gets attacked by sam.
um no the baby cant be strong it dosent even have teeth in the womb plus sometimes they dont turn for a couple of hours after dying
baby can brest feed as long as christa is getting a little amount of food it whold be fine
its very cold there to
I Always thought that Christa had a C-section, B/c in Season 2 Episode 1 when Clementines' about to stitch her arm up in the shed she says "Now... Just like last time...just how Christa showed me" I Always thought that After that the baby didn't last long.