Game Characters vs TV Series Characters

edited May 2014 in The Walking Dead

I tried to think of 1v1 situations with characters that seem equally matched. Which character would win based on these, and comment what other characters should go against another in a fair fight. It has to be one character from the game, then one from the show fighting.

Lee vs Rick

Kenny vs Daryl

Nate vs Shane

Carver vs Philip

That's all I can think of at the moment.



  • edited May 2014

    Judith vs Rebecca's baby

    Clementine vs Carl Grimes

  • Clementine would destroy Carl.

    Palcto! posted: »

    Judith vs Rebecca's baby Clementine vs Carl Grimes

  • Eh, I don't know. Carl has an advantage in physical strength.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Clementine would destroy Carl.

  • Carl woudn't hit a girl.

    Rigtail posted: »

    Eh, I don't know. Carl has an advantage in physical strength.

  • edited May 2014

    Out of those 4 i believe our beloved Telltale characters would get their asses handed to them. Rick is far more brutal than Lee, Kenny my #1 bro is not too great on hand-to-hand combat. Nate and Shane are both crazy but Shane is much bigger and has beaten Rick previously. Finally Carver vs Philip would be more even, but if you've seen the things our Governor has done in the series i believe that also here the telltale character would lose.

    If i may add fights, that would probably be:

    Nick vs Merle

    Larry vs Abraham

    Alvin vs Tyreese

  • I guess that might be part of his character, but imagine this in a life or death situation. Besides, gender or age shouldn't matter if your life depends on it.

    Palcto! posted: »

    Carl woudn't hit a girl.

  • Ah, thanks for adding more fights to this thread. Merle would defeat Nick easily, Merle is very brutal. Larry vs Abraham is actually a tough one, Larry has more physical strength while Abraham has more fighting experience overall. Alvin vs Tyreese, I'm thinking Ty just because Alvin hasn't really done much to survive while Tyreese on the other hand, he gets shit done.

    PeelzMan posted: »

    Out of those 4 i believe our beloved Telltale characters would get their asses handed to them. Rick is far more brutal than Lee, Kenny my #1

  • She is tougher than Carl. S

    Clem has sewed up her arm.
    Clem knows how to fire a gun exceptionally well.
    She is smart, and resourceful. She is strong enough to hold her own bodyweight on a bridge, and pick herself up.

    I think she would beat the living daylights out of Carl in a 1v1.

    Rigtail posted: »

    Eh, I don't know. Carl has an advantage in physical strength.

  • I'm afraid no matter what characters you put up against eachother, the TV-series win. They seem to have adapted better to the apocalyptic world, i feel. Like they do anything to survive. While Telltale characters are more about keeping together to survive, making morals matter more. Dale would be proud though.

    Rigtail posted: »

    Ah, thanks for adding more fights to this thread. Merle would defeat Nick easily, Merle is very brutal. Larry vs Abraham is actually a tough

  • But remember Clem fighting Winston in S2E1 . You do have a good point, but I think Clem is pretty strong.

    Rigtail posted: »

    Eh, I don't know. Carl has an advantage in physical strength.

  • Oh yeah i totally forgot about Winston,

    But remember Clem fighting Winston in S2E1 . You do have a good point, but I think Clem is pretty strong.

    edited May 2014


    I'm going to go with Rick, from the comics.

    NOT SAYING I LIKE HIM MORE, I'm just saying Rick is a more experienced combatant and has proven to be a good fighter a good amount of times, like taking on bigger people than him like Negan, and before you say "LEE KICKED MOLLY'S ASS" please remember that it's determinant and not everyone managed to do it (I have).


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  • lee
    governor but just by a bit( fuck mazzara he ruined everything)

  • merle destroys nick. larry gets killed, he was in the military(ford), and ty man he fucking killed all those zzombies himself bith show and comics

    PeelzMan posted: »

    Out of those 4 i believe our beloved Telltale characters would get their asses handed to them. Rick is far more brutal than Lee, Kenny my #1

  • Larry vs Merle.

    Mary vs Brenda.

    Beth vs Sarah.

    Lizzie vs Becca.

    That's all I can think of.

  • Judith wins i think

    Palcto! posted: »

    Judith vs Rebecca's baby Clementine vs Carl Grimes

  • How about

    Hershel vs Hershel

    Glenn vs Glenn

    oh wait...

  • Larry is much stronger than Merle, but Merle is more aggressive in general. He can, and WILL deliver brutal throws in certain areas such as the throat. Then again, Larry is big (Mainly muscle) and can withstand a ton of damage. Well he couldn't withstand a salt lick XD.

    We haven't seen the physical capabilities of Mary and Brenda, so I'm not sure if I can vote on this one.

    Beth definitely, Sarah is simply too weak, mentally and physically.

    Lizzie, although we haven't seen what Becca can really do (I get the feeling she's just all-talk), Lizzie doesn't know what to quit, mainly because she lacks the ability to tell the difference between right and wrong. She's like a child scorpion (Will keep going when the adults would normally stop).

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Larry vs Merle. Mary vs Brenda. Beth vs Sarah. Lizzie vs Becca. That's all I can think of.

  • Game version of Hershel wins, he looks more fit and younger.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    How about Hershel vs Hershel Glenn vs Glenn oh wait...

  • edited May 2014

    Andrea vs ? (can someone think of who)? I was thinking Lilly but then I don't know if Andrea would kill an innocent person.
    Sarita vs Karen (Tyrese's girlfriend)
    Carl vs Clementine.. Carl may stronger physically for being a boy but Clementine is by far tougher. She can make the tough decisions which Carl can't always do. Plus she's been on her own before, for a long period of time, which Carl (tv series) hasn't really.
    Carver vs The Governor...they are both the same to me.
    Kenny vs Daryl to me is actually not the same as such only because Kenny is a loudmouth whereas Daryl is more brooding and quiet

  • Lee vs Rick: winner Rick

    Kenny vs Daryl: winner Kenny

    Nate vs Shane: winner Nate

    Carver vs Philip: winner Philip


    DoubleJump posted: »

    How about Hershel vs Hershel Glenn vs Glenn oh wait...

  • edited May 2014

    EDIT: This was meant to be a reply to vixvicco.
    I think Andrea would win, Karen would shit on Sarita. That is true about what you said, even though Carl is more stronger, Clem has been on her own longer and knows how to fend for herself better. It would either be a tie, or Carl would win. Carver is more brutal than Philip, but if Philip is driven by something (Family), he would take whatever means necessary to destroy Carver. Daryl wins, even though I like Kenny much better.

  • I'm not so sure. Clementine could step on Carl.

    Rigtail posted: »

    Eh, I don't know. Carl has an advantage in physical strength.

  • Sorry, but the tv characters suck compared to the game characters, so game characters have an auto win...

  • Actually, carl has a. Lot more habbility with guns, but I guess that's cause the show is way more advanced in time than the game

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    She is tougher than Carl. S Clem has sewed up her arm. Clem knows how to fire a gun exceptionally well. She is smart, and resourceful.

  • Michone vs Rebbeca?

  • Have you ever watched the show at least?

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Sorry, but the tv characters suck compared to the game characters, so game characters have an auto win...

  • No competition, Michonne would stab her right though her stomach.


    In all seriousness, Michonne would win without a doubt.

    Palcto! posted: »

    Michone vs Rebbeca?

  • edited May 2014

    Too alpha males

    Lee vs Daryl Dixon

    Edit: I have not tick "This comment contains spoilers" box? So Why is their a spoiler warning on my comment?

  • Yes, I have, every episode except maybe one or two episodes I might have missed... Honestly, I'd like the show if Season Two never happened, it just ruined the entire thing for me...

    Palcto! posted: »

    Have you ever watched the show at least?

  • edited May 2014

    But show Hershel is just a better guy, or so it seems... I don't want game Hershel to win...

    Rigtail posted: »

    Game version of Hershel wins, he looks more fit and younger.

  • They are not even comparable...

    Palcto! posted: »

    Michone vs Rebbeca?

  • Alt text

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Yes, I have, every episode except maybe one or two episodes I might have missed... Honestly, I'd like the show if Season Two never happened, it just ruined the entire thing for me...

  • Show Hershel would destroy game Hershel, remeber Show Hershel has his unlimitted amno Shotgun.

    Rigtail posted: »

    Game version of Hershel wins, he looks more fit and younger.

  • like Dave Fennoy said, they could probably kick lee's ass but if they were to threaten, or atleast feel like clem was threaten, lee would put everything on the line and kick ass

  • Lee because of all the determinates that can happen in his fights
    Daryl even though Kenny would put up one hell of a fight

  • Larry was in the military too.

    jamex1223 posted: »

    merle destroys nick. larry gets killed, he was in the military(ford), and ty man he fucking killed all those zzombies himself bith show and comics

  • I know this is an old comment, but I love this picture. I think Glenn Mazzara was a great writer, but a terrible show runner, Scott Gimple has done a much better job.

  • Clem vs T-Dog. Clem wins; I'll miss you. BANG! ...What was his name?

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