Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • :ccccc

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Chocolate, pizza, chocolate, pizza, chocolate, pizza!!!

  • Puncake32Puncake32 Banned
    edited May 2014

    I don't want SweetPeaClem to hate me :(

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Lol, she's gonna hate us :'D

  • I don't hate you guys. I'm just a hungry girl. :c Lol

  • LET'S MAKE YOU MORE HUNGRY!! Nah, I'm joking. I'll stop :P

    I don't hate you guys. I'm just a hungry girl. :c Lol


    TWDFan86 posted: »

    LET'S MAKE YOU MORE HUNGRY!! Nah, I'm joking. I'll stop :P

  • Oh, don't stop!? Okay :D j/k j/k j/k


  • I'm hungry for the next part.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    LET'S MAKE YOU MORE HUNGRY!! Nah, I'm joking. I'll stop :P

  • Me toooo :c It'll be here sooner or later.

    Puncake32 posted: »

    I'm hungry for the next part.

  • Meh. :c

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Oh, don't stop!? Okay j/k j/k j/k

  • We all are!

    Puncake32 posted: »

    I'm hungry for the next part.

  • "Soon"

    We all are!

  • Lol, damn it Pro! :3


  • But when I say it, that means I'll start it soon and it'll be up later. B]

    Lol, damn it Pro!

  • That's better, you're awesome. Can't wait. c:

    But when I say it, that means I'll start it soon and it'll be up later. B]

  • Just going to check something and then I'll start it!

    That's better, you're awesome. Can't wait. c:

  • Alt text

    Just going to check something and then I'll start it!

  • No worries, :3

    Just going to check something and then I'll start it!

  • On the second character now, so uh... closer than you think? Haha. B]

    No worries,

  • Good.

    On the second character now, so uh... closer than you think? Haha. B]

  • Around the corner? Haha :p

    On the second character now, so uh... closer than you think? Haha. B]

  • edited May 2014


    "Run!" I yelled out to PrivateJoe and Sardines, as a horde of walkers were closing in on us.

    "We're never going to get out of this place!" Joe said while we were running inside the abandoned mall.

    "Oh my god they're everywhere!" Sardines yelled.

    "Just keep going, don't stop!" I said to them.

    Soon we ran into a dead end. I took out a golf club that I found in the mall, and got ready to fight them off.

    "Oh no, we're going to die!" Joe yelled to us.

    "Fuck that. We're not gonna die in here." I told them while looking at the horde getting closer to us.

    "They're heading towards us!" sardines screamed in horror.

    Before I tell you what happens next. I'll take you back to the beginning. When all of this happened, I was just back from vacation, driving home when all of a sudden, everyone started running around everywhere. The radio gave me the news on what was happening and I tried to get back home as fast as I could. There were too much people in the way, so I ditched my car and headed on foot. I watched as people were getting torn apart by these things, it was sickening. People started breaking into every store in the city and tried to get their hands on anything they could take. I ran down the street and took a short cut down an alleyway, that's when I ran into Joe and Sardines. I saw that they were about to get attacked by one of the walkers.

    "Help! Somebody, help us!" Joe yelled out for anyone to come and rescue them.

    Joe was laying on the floor, too frightened to move. While Sardines was slowly backing away. I didn't know these two, but I couldn't just let them die, especially since I ran into them.

    "Hold on! I'll help you!" I told the two and quickly looked inside a nearby dumpster container. I was able to find a broken 2x4 and grabbed it.

    "Hurry, it's getting closer to him!" Sardines told me.

    The walker was about three feet away from Joe. I ran as fast as I could and smacked the walker in it's head. Then I proceeded to stab it in the head with the broken end of the 2x4.

    "Holy shit!" Joe was shocked." You saved me?!"

    I looked down at him and extended my arm to help him up."Yeah. I'm Salt, nice to meet you. What the hell is going on in this city?!"

    He grabbed my hand and stood up."I'm Joe and this is..." He said to me while looking at her.

    She spoke up."It's Sardines."

    "I found her in this alleyway when I was running away from those monsters. I pushed that thing away from her, but then it started to come after me. I was too scared at the moment and froze up. I fell back and yelled for help. That's when you came in. I don't know what the hell is going on, but it's not safe here in the city."

    "Shit... I was going to go back to my apartment and grab a few things for the road. I think you're right, it isn't safe here anymore." I replied.

    "Do you mind if I tag along? My dentist office got overrun by those things. I think I'll be a lot safer with more people." He said while looking down.

    I turned to Sardines."What about you?"

    She looked down as well."I have nowhere else to go. I guess I could stay with you guys."

    "Okay, good. I don't mind the help." I said to them while smiling.

    I looked behind them and noticed more of the walkers were heading into the alleyway."Damn! We need to go!" I shouted out.

    They looked back and saw the monsters making their way to us. I turned around and led the way back to my apartment. It was crowded when we got there, but we managed to get in and out of the apartment in a short amount of time. We ran into the woods and headed to the countryside. We figured it would be less crowded and there would be more places to try to get supplies and food in. This was the end of the world now, we needed to try to stay alive until this whole thing was over.

    A month passed, and we were able to stay alive by moving from place to place. I remember one time we saw a farm house with it's front destroyed and someone's corpse laying dead on the floor with a brick that had dried blood on it, in his hand. His stomach was ripped open and his organs half eaten. He had a bullet hole in his forehead, and an open cut filled with maggots. We didn't know what the hell happened but we kept walking. We reached a mall that seemed deserted, and decided to sleep in it for the meantime. The first day we arrived, there were three dead bodies of some guys who had been shot in the head and heart, they were chewed up and torn apart as well. They had been there for a while, and I noticed they didn't turn. We realized that maybe destroying the brain would stop you from turning. We stayed in the mall for about two weeks and never ran into trouble, we tried taking whatever we could and killed off some of the walkers inside as well.

    Today was different, though. Every time some more people tried to come into the mall, they would end up dying and turning into more of those things. There was a lot more of them this time around. Me, Joe and Sardines went out on our daily run to look for more items, when suddenly we ran into a horde of walkers. It was unexpected and we ran for our lives. We kept running until we hit a dead end and we turned to see at least fifty to sixty of those things making their way to us. It seemed like we were trapped with nowhere to go.

    "Calm down you two! We WILL make it out of this! Don't lose hope." I said to them while getting ready to swing the golf club at any walker that got close to us. I looked to my right and saw an opening that Joe and Sardines could take while I distract the walkers. I pointed it out to them."Look! you two get out of here, I'll distract these things. Hurry!"

    "What?! Are you insane? You'll die!" Sardines told me.

    "She's right, we can't leave you for the walkers while we run away!" Joe yelled at me.

    "It's either that, or we all die!" I snarled at them."Get the fuck out of here, now!" Their eyes widened."If we all run over there, one of us is will most likely die. I have to keep them distracted long enough for you two to escape. When you guys get away, I'll try to run and leave in the opposite direction. Just go, you're wasting time!" I watched as the walkers were a few feet away from us.

    "This is suicide, Salt. But... if you say so." Joe told me. He turned to Sardines."Come on, Sardines. We have to go now!"

    "We can't leave Salt behind! We have to try to escape together!" she said.

    "Goddamn it! You're wasting time. They're about to get to us and kill us all! Leave!" I yelled at them.

    Joe turned to me."Is this what you want?"

    I looked at the opening in the crowd of walkers getting smaller. They were getting closer to us and Joe and Sardines were wasting valuable time...

    1) Just go, you two! I'll distract them and then make my escape.

    2) Fucking fine! If you want to stay here with me, then stay.

    3) It's risky as hell if we all try to leave through that small opening. I guess we can try.


    It had been a little over a month since everything started. I kept having dreams about eking and how I left him behind at the pharmacy. I knew it was a dick move, but I felt like it was a bit of revenge for leaving me behind. Besides, there was probably no time to try and save him. We were all staying in some abandoned neighborhood, in a cul-de-sac. We decided to stay in separate houses. Me, ATR, Noncy, Belan, Paul, and Rich stayed in one house. While Jon, Clayton, Puncake and Firedog stayed next door to us in another house. Paul's ankle was finally healing up, and he wasn't using the crutches anymore. We were able to find clothes, food and supplies, and we still had plenty left. We had one canister of gas left, which was about half way empty, and I still had a few candy bars with me.

    I was sitting on the porch, watching as a few of the roamers were standing outside in the street. I remembered how I told the group about the walker I found back at the school who had a stab wound on his stomach. Puncake told us that we come back as one of them no matter what. It was shocking to hear, but it was true. Unless we destroy the brain, we all come back as one of them.

    "What are you doing out here?" ATR came out of the house and asked me.

    "Just thinking..."

    She made her way over and sat next to me."About what?"

    I sighed and looked down."Uh... about the walkers?" I didn't want to tell her that eking was haunting my dreams when I tried to sleep at night.

    "Heh, walkers? Why?" She looked confused.

    "I just... I don't know. I guess, one day we all might end up like them." I told her while looking back at the roamers.

    She turned and saw them as well."I wonder if my sister or my parents are okay..."

    I turned to her and was surprised."Heh, the hell?! You never mentioned a sister before?"

    She looked down."Yeah. Her name is Dont_Look_Back. We used to argue all the time and she got on my last nerves. I used to tell everyone that I was an only child, haha. But, now with all of this happening... I do miss her a lot." She told me while frowning.

    "We never went back to check on our families, ATR. For all we know, they could probably be alive out there, just like us." I told her with an uncertain look.

    She then turned to me."Yeah... I guess so. Do you miss eking?"

    My eyes widened and I looked away."Uh... kinda, I guess."

    "He was a good friend. I just wish he was still here with us."

    I shook my head and turned to her."Look, ATR--"

    Belan came out of the house and interrupted."Hey, guys. How's it going?"

    "Oh hey, "Bud." Nothing much, just hanging out here, drinking some whiskey with my shades on and relaxing on the beach." I said to him.

    Belan chuckled a bit."Heh, very funny, Jewf."

    "Hey, Belan. How's Paul doing in there?" ATR asked him.

    "He's good, thank God. He can walk more now, and he had no pain." He then turned to me."Good thing you, Rich and Firedog were able to get him the crutches. Too bad about eking though." He looked down after he said that.

    I gulped."Look, he uh--"

    Belan interrupted."No. Don't worry, Jewf. He helped you out and sacrificed himself to keep us alive."

    ATR turned to me."Yeah, don't feel bad." She told me with a smile.

    I didn't know what to do. I felt like I needed to tell the truth about eking to someone, but would they still accept me?...

    1) I'll keep it to myself.

    2) Hey, ATR. I need to talk to you privately, for a moment.

    3) Look, you two. I need to tell you something...

    4) I should probably tell the whole group.


  • 1) Just go, you two! I'll distract them and then make my escape.

    If he dies it was heroically.

    2) Hey, ATR. I need to talk to you privately, for a moment.

    Just tell ATR. They are close right... Closer then close? Hehe :D

    SaltLick305 "Run!" I yelled out to PrivateJoe and Sardines, as a horde of walkers were closing in on us. "We're never going to get out

  • 1) Just go, you two! I'll distract them and then make my escape. ( I don't want people dying)

    2) Hey, ATR. I need to talk to you privately, for a moment. ( Jewf has to let someone know before he can't stand it anymore.)

    SaltLick305 "Run!" I yelled out to PrivateJoe and Sardines, as a horde of walkers were closing in on us. "We're never going to get out

  • Hey, bro. You're part will be coming soon. Just need to get some things out of the way, so bear with me, haha.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    1) Just go, you two! I'll distract them and then make my escape. ( I don't want people dying) 2) Hey, ATR. I need to talk to you privately, for a moment. ( Jewf has to let someone know before he can't stand it anymore.)

  • 1) Just go, you two! I'll distract them then make my escape.

    2) Hey, ATR. I need to talk to you privately, for a moment.

    SaltLick305 "Run!" I yelled out to PrivateJoe and Sardines, as a horde of walkers were closing in on us. "We're never going to get out

  • "Soon"

    Anyways, thanks for telling me.

    Hey, bro. You're part will be coming soon. Just need to get some things out of the way, so bear with me, haha.

  • You got it. Planning something for your character. B]

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    "Soon" Anyways, thanks for telling me.

  • Is my character going to be THAT important? o.o

    You got it. Planning something for your character. B]

  • edited May 2014

    It wasn't that kind of soon! Haha

    1) Just go, you two! I'll distract them and then make my escape.

    2) Hey, ATR. I need to talk to you privately, for a moment.

    SaltLick305 "Run!" I yelled out to PrivateJoe and Sardines, as a horde of walkers were closing in on us. "We're never going to get out


    SaltLick305 - 1) Just go, you two! I'll distract them and then make my escape.
    Sorry, SaltLick ): But I believe in you hahaha, you can totally survive this. ... I hope! ;_;

    Jewfreeus - 3) Look, you two. I need to tell you something...
    Better to be honest, right?

    SaltLick305 "Run!" I yelled out to PrivateJoe and Sardines, as a horde of walkers were closing in on us. "We're never going to get out

  • He has a certain role... I'll leave it at that.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Is my character going to be THAT important? o.o

  • Lol, you should know what that word means by now.

    Wait you voted twice for the same person, haha. :p

    It wasn't that kind of soon! Haha 1) Just go, you two! I'll distract them and then make my escape. 2) Hey, ATR. I need to talk to you privately, for a moment.

  • edited May 2014

    I don't want Salt to die T_T

    SaltLick305: 1) Just go, you two! I'll distract them and then make my escape.

    Jewfreeus: Ummmmm.... 2) Hey, ATR. I need to talk to you privately, for a moment. (I hope she understands. #AllThatFreeus).

    SaltLick305 "Run!" I yelled out to PrivateJoe and Sardines, as a horde of walkers were closing in on us. "We're never going to get out

  • Lol, I'm slower than usual today! Gonna fix that. :p

    Lol, you should know what that word means by now. Wait you voted twice for the same person, haha.

  • I hope Salt doesn't die. I need him for something, haha.

    I don't want Salt to die T_T SaltLick305: 1) Just go, you two! I'll distract them and then make my escape. Jewfreeus: Ummmmm.... 2) Hey, ATR. I need to talk to you privately, for a moment. (I hope she understands. #AllThatFreeus).

  • Ooooo so secretive xD

    He has a certain role... I'll leave it at that.

  • 3) It's risky as hell if we all try to leave through that small opening. I guess we can try.

    2) Hey, ATR. I need to talk to you privately, for a moment.

  • Lol, can't let you guys know what it is. :p

    So far, with Ch.2. What do you think might happen?

    Ooooo so secretive xD

  • well if you NEED a certain character, might as well help ya a bit ( hopefully...)

    1) Just go you two !! I'll distract them and then make my escape.
    2) Hey ATR. I need to talk to you privately for a moment. ( hopefully it won't end with her killing him or something...or her killing herself like Katjaa...

    Keep up the good work fellow writer :P

    I hope Salt doesn't die. I need him for something, haha.

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