NO! CC how could you!? Whatever, I always choose the moral option and face the consequences.
Damn that decision.... Well it was Guilty's … morefault but I don't want to blame him. I don't want to blame myself, and PAP is innocent...I don't want to choose nothing or things could go bad...
2) It was PostApocalypticPaul's fault.
Sorry man.
On the bright side, we have MORE ROMANCE. YES!!!
That a good boat name?
Maybe xValkyKingOumaShux, or GuiltyKingValkyShu? I don't know! I'm not good at this, you come up with this one. I already made
Which I still boat!!
then you've never been in Montreal XD there were riots EVERYWHERE a year ago, it was bloody chaos in the streets. Someone even got their face blown off...
Yeah, I'm also hoping we get to interact a bit more. Our character mash well with each other.
To be honest with you, I'm okay with dying … moreas long as my death has an impact. I could die either a hero or a villain, as long as it's a significant death I'm satisfied.
I just hate when I go out and I'm remembered as "Just Another Dude".
We've both been here a while now. How come we've never talked ?
I STILL haven't read the books...or watched the show actually...What's Game Of Thrones again ? JK XD but I really should read the books someday...maybe...perhaps...i'll see llol
I still kept remembering that day. Remembering when Guilty shot that man and killed him. I wasn't used to seeing him act that way… more. I never thought I would see him kill someone in cold blood like that. Even though I was giving a weapon, I never actually killed anyone with it. They just thought me how to use it. The first day Tobi brought me here, it was a such a terrifying day. I was outside in the woods with Guilty after we managed to escape the city. We skipped school that day and he took me out to watch a movie. We were stuck in the movie theater for a while trying to escape when the zombie apocalypse hit. Once we were able to leave, we ran into the woods and stayed there until night time came. We kept hearing screams, gunshots and explosions. It was so horrifying. Guilty told me that we had to stay in the woods and that it was too dangerous to go back. Tobi and his men later found us and started shooting. I told Guilty that we s… [view original content]
Yeah that's really what I mean by 'done well'! I'd like to matter, so to speak. :P Being 'just another dead one' would really suck. ):
That's true, we have! I'm not really sure! I guess I don't talk to many people here. Never too late though!
See we're on the same page here.
That's a shame. You seem like a really nice and sweet girl. We're friends now. I try to be nice most of the time so don't worry lol.
then you've never been in Montreal XD there were riots EVERYWHERE a year ago, it was bloody chaos in the streets. Someone even got their face blown off...
Our relationshiop is.... Special.
I have to be respectful towards her. You and me communicate differently.
Oh yes, you're special. You lonely sociopath
Haha, should we pinky promise now that we're friends? :P
In all seriousness, you seem nice too! Again, I seriously hope your character doesn't die in this. o___o You deserve more screentime! Or... whatever the equivalent is in this.
See we're on the same page here.
That's a shame. You seem like a really nice and sweet girl. We're friends now. I try to be nice most of the time so don't worry lol.
I still kept remembering that day. Remembering when Guilty shot that man and killed him. I wasn't used to seeing him act that way… more. I never thought I would see him kill someone in cold blood like that. Even though I was giving a weapon, I never actually killed anyone with it. They just thought me how to use it. The first day Tobi brought me here, it was a such a terrifying day. I was outside in the woods with Guilty after we managed to escape the city. We skipped school that day and he took me out to watch a movie. We were stuck in the movie theater for a while trying to escape when the zombie apocalypse hit. Once we were able to leave, we ran into the woods and stayed there until night time came. We kept hearing screams, gunshots and explosions. It was so horrifying. Guilty told me that we had to stay in the woods and that it was too dangerous to go back. Tobi and his men later found us and started shooting. I told Guilty that we s… [view original content]
Haha, should we pinky promise now that we're friends? :P
In all seriousness, you seem nice too! Again, I seriously hope your character doesn't die in this. o___o You deserve more screentime! Or... whatever the equivalent is in this.
nope, ungrateful students against the government...I was part of it at some point to be honest...then people got greedy and asked for FREE college admissions, even though we had already reached our goal along the way. I just couldn't support an impossible and actually quite idiotic request.
I love you Woodbury. Of course you should be flattered.
If I treat you like this it means you're special to me. Ain't that cute ?
Hands giant chocolate bunny with two heads.
Lol, he's not really jealous, he's been in Tobi's warehouse for a month working. His girl guards him, and he can't attack her because it's his girl. He's trying, but Tobi and him argue a lot. He's under a lot of stress and he's realizing that.
haha that is quite cruel , CC's a dick !
anyway, Valky's story seems like a throwback to Reggie's situation...I feel like there's no winner here...
so... might as well take the blame
1) it was my fault
Oh and Pro, i forgot to mention that my character should also have a dark past but tries to get over it, like the death of someone he held close to his heart...or something that has to do with a deal gone wrong or something.
"Run!" I yelled out to PrivateJoe and Sardines, as a horde of walkers were closing in on us.
"We're never going to get out… more of this place!" Joe said while we were running inside the abandoned mall.
"Oh my god they're everywhere!" Sardines yelled.
"Just keep going, don't stop!" I said to them.
Soon we ran into a dead end. I took out a golf club that I found in the mall, and got ready to fight them off.
"Oh no, we're going to die!" Joe yelled to us.
"Fuck that. We're not gonna die in here." I told them while looking at the horde getting closer to us.
"They're heading towards us!" sardines screamed in horror.
Before I tell you what happens next. I'll take you back to the beginning. When all of this happened, I was just back from vacation, driving home when all of a sudden, everyone started running around everywhere. The radio gave me the news on what was happening and I tried to get back home as fast as I co… [view original content]
I wouldn't change my BFF for anyone.
Seriously, you've quickly become one of my favorite people on here. You're awesome, and a great friend.
You're still a lovely witch, though.
I still kept remembering that day. Remembering when Guilty shot that man and killed him. I wasn't used to seeing him act that way… more. I never thought I would see him kill someone in cold blood like that. Even though I was giving a weapon, I never actually killed anyone with it. They just thought me how to use it. The first day Tobi brought me here, it was a such a terrifying day. I was outside in the woods with Guilty after we managed to escape the city. We skipped school that day and he took me out to watch a movie. We were stuck in the movie theater for a while trying to escape when the zombie apocalypse hit. Once we were able to leave, we ran into the woods and stayed there until night time came. We kept hearing screams, gunshots and explosions. It was so horrifying. Guilty told me that we had to stay in the woods and that it was too dangerous to go back. Tobi and his men later found us and started shooting. I told Guilty that we s… [view original content]
Lol, he's not really jealous, he's been in Tobi's warehouse for a month working. His girl guards him, and he can't attack her because it's his girl. He's trying, but Tobi and him argue a lot. He's under a lot of stress and he's realizing that.
I still kept remembering that day. Remembering when Guilty shot that man and killed him. I wasn't used to seeing him act that way… more. I never thought I would see him kill someone in cold blood like that. Even though I was giving a weapon, I never actually killed anyone with it. They just thought me how to use it. The first day Tobi brought me here, it was a such a terrifying day. I was outside in the woods with Guilty after we managed to escape the city. We skipped school that day and he took me out to watch a movie. We were stuck in the movie theater for a while trying to escape when the zombie apocalypse hit. Once we were able to leave, we ran into the woods and stayed there until night time came. We kept hearing screams, gunshots and explosions. It was so horrifying. Guilty told me that we had to stay in the woods and that it was too dangerous to go back. Tobi and his men later found us and started shooting. I told Guilty that we s… [view original content]
Maybe xValkyKingOumaShux, or GuiltyKingValkyShu? I don't know! I'm not good at this, you come up with this one. I already made
Which I still boat!!
Sorry, nothing personal :-\
CC HAS to do it, man!
Hey... How could you shoot someone as sexy as me?
I don't boat it, so I can't come up with a name.
AllThatFreeus is my OTP.
Lol, that's true!
I didn't want to, until I found out how evil you were. >:(
then you've never been in Montreal XD there were riots EVERYWHERE a year ago, it was bloody chaos in the streets. Someone even got their face blown off...
Yeah that's really what I mean by 'done well'! I'd like to matter, so to speak. :P Being 'just another dead one' would really suck. ):
That's true, we have! I'm not really sure! I guess I don't talk to many people here. Never too late though!
Oh no I'm totally fine with it. Cool character .
I STILL haven't read the books...or watched the show actually...What's Game Of Thrones again ? JK XD but I really should read the books someday...maybe...perhaps...i'll see llol
1) It was my fault.
Oh nooo. ):
What can I say... I'm a boater!
But yeah #AllThatFreeus needs to continue!
See we're on the same page here.
That's a shame. You seem like a really nice and sweet girl. We're friends now. I try to be nice most of the time so don't worry lol.
She's nice and sweet, and yet you called me a perverted witch.
I feel so special.
Our relationshiop is.... Special.
I have to be respectful towards her. You and me communicate differently.
Oh yes, you're special. You lonely sociopath
Really? What happened? Trying to separate from Canada?
Ehhh it was too crowded anyways
I'm not sure if I should be flattered or offended...
Haha, should we pinky promise now that we're friends? :P
In all seriousness, you seem nice too! Again, I seriously hope your character doesn't die in this. o___o You deserve more screentime! Or... whatever the equivalent is in this.
I'll give Guilty the benefit of the doubt since I'm the jealous type too, lol.
xValkyx: 1) It was my fault.
Fucking CC, you monster!
A pinky swear is forever.
Oh, I'm super nice when I want to,
Yeah well, even if my character dies I'm still gonna be here in person. In person ? You know what I mean.
nope, ungrateful students against the government...I was part of it at some point to be honest...then people got greedy and asked for FREE college admissions, even though we had already reached our goal along the way. I just couldn't support an impossible and actually quite idiotic request.
I love you Woodbury. Of course you should be flattered.
If I treat you like this it means you're special to me. Ain't that cute ?
Hands giant chocolate bunny with two heads.
You'd beat someone up for looking at your girlfriend the wrong way?
D'aww, you're precious
I love you too, BFF.
Lol, he's not really jealous, he's been in Tobi's warehouse for a month working. His girl guards him, and he can't attack her because it's his girl. He's trying, but Tobi and him argue a lot. He's under a lot of stress and he's realizing that.
yes? No?......Nah, I'm too soft to start a fight. I'd probably just have a private conversation with them.
I wouldn't change my BFF for anyone.
Seriously, you've quickly become one of my favorite people on here. You're awesome, and a great friend.
You're still a lovely witch, though.
Lame x_x
Toughen up, old sport.
haha that is quite cruel , CC's a dick !
anyway, Valky's story seems like a throwback to Reggie's situation...I feel like there's no winner here...
so... might as well take the blame
1) it was my fault
Oh and Pro, i forgot to mention that my character should also have a dark past but tries to get over it, like the death of someone he held close to his heart...or something that has to do with a deal gone wrong or something.
Just go, you two! I'll distract them and then make my escape.
Hey, ATR. I need to talk to you privately, for a moment.
That means a lot to me You're one of my favourite people on here too.
Hey, come on. I don't fight...unless if you caught me on a really REALLY bad day. I haven't been that mad since I was like 13 :P
say nothing
I even "Fought" that troll for you. Though he didn't out up much of a fight.
I just started making sarcastic jokes and he seemed lost.
Oh okay. Well, I have a very high tolerance level on everything, so nvm. But if you put me in a ZA, that may change :x
Did someone steal your Gameboy Advance?
4) Say nothing.
Let's see what Tobi and Toxic do...
Yeah, he was a fool. x_x