The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • edited May 2014

    The Walking Vine Part 1

    Clem: Urban people in the apocalypse be like...

    Lee: I'd fill that tea cup with some bourbon if I could!

  • God... I love this thread so much...

    There's one way and one way only to show my gratitude for the amazingness of this thread.



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    That_1_Guy posted: »

    God... I love this thread so much... There's one way and one way only to show my gratitude for the amazingness of this thread. ... DANCING KITTEH!!!

  • Best kittey in the world!

    That_1_Guy posted: »


  • Nate has shown Clementine his gorked-up world.

    Pride posted: »

    Clem's "DO IT FAGGOT!!" face

  • Never get between Carver and his fruit. Or help people escape his camp and get stuck with fruit-picking duty.

    Clem will never know...... any time soon at least Zoom in a tad if you need too


  • I made this a little while ago and decided to share it here as a celebration for picture and gifs returning.

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  • Woop, woop! : D

    TheMissus posted: »

    Best kittey in the world!

  • I truly wish Captain Kenneth will finally find the boat he's been looking for so long!

    S.S. Saltlick, here we come!

    Hershel posted: »

    I made this a little while ago and decided to share it here as a celebration for picture and gifs returning.

  • That's immediately what I thought when I put the beard and the eyepatch together.

    Avast, ye cancerous mutineers!

    Hershel posted: »

    I made this a little while ago and decided to share it here as a celebration for picture and gifs returning.

  • Here's something random I made out of boredom. I think I made Kenny and Carver overpowered. If the text is too small, right click on the image and click "Open image in new tab" then it should pop up in another tab, but bigger.

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  • Nice, there's a game on steam called Tabletop Simulator (i know it sounds dumb but it really isn't) and my friend managed to make his own board game on it, someone should try and make a TWD card game.

    Rigtail posted: »

    Here's something random I made out of boredom. I think I made Kenny and Carver overpowered. If the text is too small, right click on the image and click "Open image in new tab" then it should pop up in another tab, but bigger.

  • These are some good ideas.Why is nobody making a card game with these?!

    Rigtail posted: »

    Here's something random I made out of boredom. I think I made Kenny and Carver overpowered. If the text is too small, right click on the image and click "Open image in new tab" then it should pop up in another tab, but bigger.

  • edited May 2014

    Holy shit XD!I can't believe telltale did that

    Zyphon posted: »

    Also, some cool Easter eggs. Read the labels.

  • edited May 2014

    Your name is unholy. Seriously.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Nuke AMV

  • There is a serious lack of memes these days, this thread needs to be moved back to twd section

  • You should make some more for us.

    Rigtail posted: »

    Here's something random I made out of boredom. I think I made Kenny and Carver overpowered. If the text is too small, right click on the image and click "Open image in new tab" then it should pop up in another tab, but bigger.

  • My first meme i ever made

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  • dat axe doe

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  • ehhehehehehe. I can't see it so I can't say if it's funny.

    Yo-da-Man posted: »

    My first meme i ever made

  • Good point.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Don't we all? lol. She's just a delusional and lonely girl who tries to put other people down for being against that shit. Anyway, I think we should stop discussing about this or we'll get banned/warned :x

  • Maybe I'm beating a dead horse by doing this... but I have no regrets:

  • OH MAH GOSH, I think I love Ben now...

  • Ben is the real hero of TWD XD

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    OH MAH GOSH, I think I love Ben now...

  • JPAssiniJPAssini Banned
    edited May 2014

    How TELLTALE reacts to our waiting.

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  • I`m not sure, but this large metal chunk probably harmed his nervous system and that is why he could not really tell what hurts. Remember his line: "My leg hurts, I think"?

  • Here are some more that I just got done making.

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  • Alt text

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Apparently, she's watching us as we speak. Which is pretty fucking disturbing. I didn't even know she knew what my YouTube account was.

  • edited May 2014

    You forgot Omid's best move, "The Omid Face"

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    Rigtail posted: »

    Here are some more that I just got done making.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Did Carlos eat the peaches?

    Zyphon posted: »

    Also, some cool Easter eggs. Read the labels.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    It's a lot of pent up memes that couldn't be released for a while.

    Hbh128 posted: »


  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Well he now has a girlfriend with no hand so we could give her a hook for her missing limb.

    Hershel posted: »

    I made this a little while ago and decided to share it here as a celebration for picture and gifs returning.


    I'm seriously starting to notice a pattern forming here... : O

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Well he now has a girlfriend with no hand so we could give her a hook for her missing limb.

  • Too late, dude, I already did something like this 4 pages ago.

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    Hershel posted: »

    I made this a little while ago and decided to share it here as a celebration for picture and gifs returning.

  • New Flimsii video is out for those that haven't seen it.

  • edited May 2014

    I think "Handgun" could come with a Stun* penalty for one round after use. Cuz y'know.

    I think the juice box should be usable more than once...on account of Alt text

    And I think "Hat" should be "Find Hat". and should be usable twice. Cuz she hasn't lost it a third time yet...

    As for Kenny, have you thought about DoT? Maybe change "Crowbar" to "Revenge", and have it deal 11 damage on use, and deal Cripple* to the target for two rounds along with 5 damage per round.

    For Lee, I think it would be appropriate to replace "Axe" with "Push Through", have that deal 20 damage to one enemy card chosen each round for three rounds(being unable to take any other actions), then get discarded. No enemy card can be chosen twice unless the number of enemy cards in play does not equal or exceed three. "Pimp Hand" can be replaced with "Urban Educator", which would allow him to render himself and one other ally card invulnerable to damage for one round, being able to use it twice. "Urban Defense" could be reduced to 1 number of times usable, and raised to 50% if Clementine has been discarded.

    *Cripple: Stuns enemy for one round, reduces attack damage by half for two rounds after stun round.

    *Stun: Enemy cannot attack for X rounds.

    In addition to the "Push Through" suggestion I made for Lee, maybe think about introducing event cards, like zombie herd? And instead of hiding while it passes for 5 rounds, players on both sides could whittle away at the herd together, or use Lee's "Push Through" power to reduce the number of rounds by 3. Those are my suggestions. I hope they gel and make sense.

    Rigtail posted: »

    Here's something random I made out of boredom. I think I made Kenny and Carver overpowered. If the text is too small, right click on the image and click "Open image in new tab" then it should pop up in another tab, but bigger.

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