Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • I did a lounge check It out

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    What about voice chat?

  • Nope, too shy for that shit, lol.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    What about voice chat?

  • Just out of curiousity, but who's All_That_Remains' sister in the story? I remember she had one I just cant remember who though.

  • edited June 2014

    2) Rich is going crazy over his brother.

    not trying to be selfish or anything but if someone is showing signs of going crazy and that he might hurt someone in the group then the best option is to mention that and worry about what I did later

    2) I'll stay and wait until tomorrow.

    AllThatRemains (!) Nothing, we're just talking. "Nothing, we're just talking." I told Rich. Rich turned to look at Jewf and kept hi

  • Her sister is Dont_Look_Back or DLB for short. She's with CoolStoryBro and Kunny.

    Just out of curiousity, but who's All_That_Remains' sister in the story? I remember she had one I just cant remember who though.




    Markd4547 (!) Slowly walk towards the side of the buildings next to me, and try to go around. BANG! Another shot was fired by the the



    CoolStoryBro (!) There's a tool shop over there. Me and Kunny waited for an answer from DLB."There's a tool shop over there." She said

  • Randomly got a 50 hour work week dumped on me at my PART TIME job, gotta lot of reading to catch up on. Sorry for not being around to vote.

  • It's cool, man. Don't worry about! B]

    Belan posted: »

    Randomly got a 50 hour work week dumped on me at my PART TIME job, gotta lot of reading to catch up on. Sorry for not being around to vote.

  • ATR: 2) Rich is going crazy over his brother.

    SaltLick305 - 2) I'll stay and wait til tomorrow.

    AllThatRemains (!) Nothing, we're just talking. "Nothing, we're just talking." I told Rich. Rich turned to look at Jewf and kept hi




    AllThatRemains (!) Nothing, we're just talking. "Nothing, we're just talking." I told Rich. Rich turned to look at Jewf and kept hi

  • Here's hoping we made the right choices.


  • I am now worried.

    And to think that I suck at making decisions. Heh.

  • not sure about the Rich one...

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Here's hoping we made the right choices.

  • I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight until I know I made the right choice :\

    not sure about the Rich one...

  • Alt text

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Here's hoping we made the right choices.

  • edited June 2014


    (!) Sneak over to the cruiser, then sneak over to the side of the gun shop.

    I thought about it for a moment. I decided that trying to sneak over to him would be the best option. I crouched and made my way over to the car, parked on the side of the street. I peaked out and saw the walkers starting to make their way over to the front of the shop and they started banging on the window display. I quickly moved to the side of the police cruiser. "So far so good." I said to myself.

    I looked back and it was still clear. BLAM! the sniper shot again. I looked over and he was still shooting at the ones who were farther away. Now was my chance. The walkers were distracted, and it was clear. I grabbed my AK47 and crouched my way over to the side of the gun shop and leaned on the wall. Everything was going smooth. No problems so far. My leg was still bothering me, but I was trying to ignore the pain. I looked in front of me, and the steel steps were right there. I turned to look back and the walkers were coming out of the alleyway that I was in before.

    BLAM! Another shot was fired. I started to sneak over to the steps. I kept looking up and had my AK ready, aiming it upward just in case that guy decided to come down. I realized I still smelled like shit, after rubbing all those walker guts and blood on my clothes. I was thinking that maybe trying to sneak up behind him would be a bad idea. He could probably smell me from far and then try to shoot me. I needed to kill him from a distance. I slowly started going up the steps as quietly as I could. I had to go slower than I thought because of the pain as I was putting my foot down.

    Once I finally reached the rooftop, I had my gun aimed and ready to shoot. I looked over to the sign where the sniper was shooting from, but no one was there, only the bullet casings from firing the gun lay on the floor. "Where the fuck did he go?!" I thought to myself. I looked around and saw a rooftop air conditioning unit, and a door that led down to the inside of the shop. I slowly and quietly walked over to check behind the air conditioning unit. I aimed my gun as I checked and nobody was behind it."Hmm. The only place he could be is inside the shop." I said to myself.
    I went to the door and I put my back against the wall. I put my hand on the door knob and started to turn it, I swiftly opened the door and aimed my AK as I checked what was behind it. I saw some stairs that led down to the inside of the shop. I put my gun down and started to scratch the back of my head."He has to be in there somewhere..." I said to my self.

    "Wrong!" I heard a voice behind me say.

    I turned around and before I could react, A man hit me in the face with the butt of his rifle. I fell back and went tumbling down the stairs. I felt my whole body getting hurt as I was going down, everything was a blur and I couldn't hold on to anything. Once I finally stopped moving, I hit the back of my head on a wall and I tried to look up.

    "Hehehe. Twistee's coming to get ya." All I could see was a man making his way down to me while aiming his rifle before I went unconscious...


    (!) We take the RV and CC with us. We follow his son.

    Me and my sister waited for Rafoli to tell us what we were going to do next."We take the RV and CC with us. We follow his son." Rafoli finally said to us.

    Broken spoke up."Okay. I'll help you bring CC into the RV, then."

    I looked down at CC with his broken legs. I understand why Rafoli decided to break them... but I felt really bad after I found out that he was trying to protect his son. I know it's hard to trust people, giving the situation that we're all in, but he should have at least giving us a chance. I thought we were going to be friends with him, and that he was going to stay with us. I guess CC didn't want that.

    Broken turned to me after she finished checking CC's pockets."AC check inside the RV. The keys aren't on him."

    "Damn... I hope the kid didn't take them with him." Rafoli said as he crossed his arms and looked down.

    "Ok. I'll go check!" I told them.

    I ran over to the RV and got inside. First place I checked was the car's ignition, but no keys were in it. I walked over to the back, and I saw a garbage bag on top of the couch. I checked inside and it was full of empty cans of food. Almost half of what Rafoli brought when he found us."Damn it..." I said to myself. I looked inside some of the cabinets that were on top, but all I found were the medical supplies that we had with us, a few empty boxes as well. CC had been wasting our food and supplies. I went over to open the bathroom door, again I found nothing inside.

    "Where could they be?!" I was starting to get annoyed."Wait a minute!" I said out loud. I ran over to check the glove box."Aha! Here they are!" I said as I found them laying inside. I stepped out the door and saw Broken and Rafoli making there way over while carrying CC."Here they are!" I told them while waving them around.

    "Great! Get the engine started, AC" Broken told me.

    I went back in and put the keys in the ignition. I turned them and the RV's engine was on. Broken and Rafoli were bringing CC in."Ok, AC. close the door behind us. We're going to lay CC on the couch."

    "Okay..." I wasn't sure if CC was going to make it. We needed to find his son and explain what happened. I was hoping that maybe CC could help us explain to him as well.

    They laid him on the couch and Rafoli turned to me."AC, help your sister. I'm going to start driving the RV. Hopefully we find his son out there."

    I nodded and made my way over to Broken and CC. Rafoli got in the driver seat and started to drive away, deeper into the woods.

    "Damn it!" Broken was getting frustrated."I have no idea what to do, but hold his legs down, AC." She told me as she checked the cabinets for some medical supplies.

    CC was bleeding all over the place. I didn't want to put my hands on his legs... but I had to. I held them down as Broken started to clean the blood out and then wrapping his legs with a bandage. I helped her with his legs and put them back in place. It was disgusting, I had blood all over my hands and sweater. My sister was the same.

    "We're almost done here. I'm no doctor but I did what I could." Broken told Rafoli as she was wrapping the bandages on around his knees and shins.

    I stood back and sat down on a chair next to a table were we would eat our food."That was tough..." I said to her.

    "It's okay. We just need to find his kid now." Rafoli said to us.

    I watched the windshield and all I could see were trees in the way."Are you able to drive through this?" I asked him.

    "I'm not going to lie... it's difficult. That kid could be long gone by now. I think it would have been better if we just followed him on foot."

    "But then we would have to leave CC behind." I replied.

    "Well. I could try to carry him, but it might just slow me down, leaving you two to try to catch up to his son while I lag behind." Rafoli said while keeping his focus on driving.

    Broken stood up."Alright, done." She said and made her way over to Rafoli. She held on as the RV was moving all over the place from Rafoli trying to dodge the trees in the way."We need to find his son now. Try to explain things. Hopefully he can understand."

    "AHHHH!!" Suddenly CC woke up and started to scream."My legs! My legs!" he started to yell out.

    "Shit! go check!" Rafoli said to us.

    Broken made her way back."Calm down, CC! We tried to fix you up, just relax!"

    CC was squirming around."It hurts!" He yelled out.

    Broken tried to hold him down."Stay calm!" She yelled at him."AC, help me!" She said to me.

    I was making my way over and then I saw CC pushing my sister back into me, and we both fell down.

    Rafoli looked back."CC relax! We're trying to find your kid!"

    "Fuck you!" CC said to him and rolled off of the couch."AGH!!" He screamed as his legs hit the floor.

    "You idiot!" Broken yelled at him as CC tried getting up.

    Rafoli was still looking back at him."CC stay on the couch!" He then turned to look in front."Oh shit!" He yelled out as a walker was in the way.

    He turned the RV and we could hear a loud bang as the walker hit the side of the RV. We drove down a small hill and straight into a tree. I watched as CC flew into the windshield and his head collided with the tree. I saw Rafoli's head on the steering wheel and the horn was making noise. My sister banged her head on the table as we were crashing. CC was dead and both Rafoli and Broken were unconscious. It seemed like I was the only one that didn't get injured or died...


    (!) We can all check the hunting store first.

    "We can all check the hunting store first." I told the group.

    "Alright, then. I don't mind that." Raging said to me.

    "Okay. Me and AWESOMEO will lead the way." WTD said."We're going to make a run for it, into the hunting store. All of you follow behind us." WTD told the rest of us.

    Mokonage spoke up."I'm ready when you guys are."

    AWESOMEO looked over to Raging."Stay close to SweetPea while we make our way over there."

    "You got it." He told him.

    WTD looked over at the hunting store and watched as the streets were filled with several walkers. He turned back to us."Okay. Let's do this. If we all make it out alive, we can all bang, okay?"

    I put my hand on my forehead and shook my head."Please, WTD. This is no time for your jokes."

    "Hehe, alright. Come on, guys. Let's go."

    We all stood up and then WTD and AWESOMEO started running out. Mokonage followed behind them and then I started to run as well. Raging stayed behind me. WTD, AWESOMEO and Mokonage started picking up speed.

    AWESOMEO turned to me and Raging."Come on, guys! Keep up!"

    Raging started to run next to me."You can do this, SweetPea! Run like your life depended on it! Oh wait..."

    I started thinking about my farm. About Betsy and PowerfulStache. About my parents... I started running faster and faster.

    I was catching up to Mokonage."Holy shit!" He said as I ran past him.

    I could hear Raging in the back."Whoa!"

    Soon I was running next to AWESOMEO and WTD."Damn, girl!" WTD yelled out.

    "Haha! Good job!" I heard AWESOMEO say.

    We ran past the horde and we finally made it into the hunting shop. Everyone was safely inside. WTD Locked the door behind us.

    I was out of breath and holding my knees."Phew.... I haven't... ran like that... in years!" I said to the guys.

    AWESOMEO walked up to me and lightly tapped on my back."Haha, that was awesome!" He said to me with an open mouth smile.

    Raging looked over to me."Good job... SweetPea..." He was out of breath as well.

    "Man, can't believe we made it." Mokonage said to us.

    "We lucked out. Did anyone else hear those gun shots in the distance?" WTD asked us as he was looking out the door.

    "Yeah, actually. As we were running I could hear a few shots being fired. I guess it grabbed the walkers attention and they didn't even notice us." AWESOMEO said to him.

    I finally caught my breath."I didn't hear anything, I'm just glad we made in here safely." I said to the group with a smile.

    "You're damn right, SweePea. I didn't hear anything either, but whoever was shooting helped us out." Raging said to me.

    Mokonage spoke up."Alright, guys. Let's not waste any time trying to figure it out. Let's just get some weapons." He said to us.

    WTD turned around."Damn... there really isn't anything left in here." He said while looking around.

    AWESOMEO turned around as well."Man, he's right. We were all busy talking, that we didn't realize the shop is almost empty." He said with a sad look on his face.

    I started to look around and they were right. There was barely anything left in the shop. It must've been emptied out a long time ago."Sorry, guys. It was my idea for all of us to come and check this place." I said while looking down.

    "Nah, don't worry about it. It was my idea that you should pick." Mokonage said to me.

    "He's right no one is blaming you. You chose what you thought was best." Raging told me.

    WTD and AWESOMEO made their way to us."Well. We can still check the department store or the fishing store." WTD told us.

    I looked up at them."Yeah we should--" Before I finished what I was going to say...

    A door opened behind the counter and three people came out from behind it holding guns."Nobody fuckin' move!" A man aiming a shotgun yelled at us.

    "Put your fuckin' gun down now!" A lady with a hunting rifle shouted at WTD.

    "Hehehe. Catch of the day!" the last guy said while aiming a crossbow.

    "Shit!" WTD said and then looked at us.

    I looked at him and nodded my head. I didn't want him to try and shoot at them. He barely had ammo and there were three of them with guns.

    Raging put his hands up."What do you guys want?"

    "Tell yer friend there to put his fuckin' gun down! We're gonna take all yer stuff!" The man with the shotgun replied.

    "Hehe, yeah! What is he stupid? Tell him to put the gun down, hehe!" The crossbow guy asked and laughed.

    WTD got angry."Shut up!" The man shot a bolt into WTD's thigh."Agh!" WTD yelled out and fell back.

    "Hehe, guess you really are dumb!" The crossbow guy told him.

    "Oh my God!" I yelled out and put my hands on my mouth.

    "WTD!" AWESOMEO yelled out and crouched next to him.

    "Don't touch that boy or I'll shoot you with this here rifle!" The lady told him.

    "Everyone down on yer knees and put yer hands behind yer head. Don't you dare fuckin' move either!" The shotgun guy told us.

    Raging was looking at WTD."Fuck!" He then turned to the bandits."Alright, we'll do as you say." He told them.

    Mokonage spoke up."Come on, guys. They're not messing around." He told us.

    We had no choice. We knelt down and put our hands behind our heads. WTD was still holding his thigh, he needed to get the bolt out.

    "You!" The shotgun bandit said while staring at me.

    "Um... yes?" I was afraid for my life.

    "Bring me the stupid one's rifle." He said to me.

    I looked at my friends and they nodded. I got up and went over to grab WTD's rifle."Hang in there..." I whispered to him.

    "This is nothing. Don't let them touch you..." WTD whispered back.

    I picked up the rifle and started to walk over to them.

    "That's right..." The shotgun bandit grinned."Put it up on this here counter." He told me.

    I did as he said, and then turned around.

    The female bandit spoke up."Where do you think your going, missy?!"

    I froze and my heart started pounding. I turned to look at them. They were all grinning at me and looked psychotic.

    "Hehehe! Look at 'er. She seems scared!" The crossbow bandit said.

    The shotgun bandit spoke up."Tell me, girl. Which one of those guys is yer favorite?!"

    I gulped and looked back at my friends. I turned around."I like them all equally..." I said while looking down.

    "Hehehe! You hear that? She likes 'em all equally." The crossbow bandit said to the other two.

    The shotgun bandit turned to look at me again."Well... you can only pick one. Now choose, girly. Or does my shotgun here have to pick for ya?" He told me with a grin. They all started laughing.

    I looked back at my friends, knelt down on the ground with their hands behind their heads. They were all looking at me, shocked and scared. My heart was pounding really hard.

    "Give me a fuckin' answer, right now!" The shotgun bandit yelled to me as he cocked his shotgun.

    I was so scared...

    1) Mokonage is my favorite.

    2) AWESOMEO is my favorite.

    3) WTD is my favorite.

    4) Raging is my favorite.

    5) I said I like them all equally.

    6) Say nothing.


  • edited June 2014



    Shit just got super real! O_O

    4) Raging is my favorite.


    Markd4547 (!) Sneak over to the cruiser, then sneak over to the side of the gun shop. I thought about it for a moment. I decided that

  • Shiat Pro, I don't want to vote. :c

    5) I said I like them all equally. I guess it'll be RIP ME now. :p

    Markd4547 (!) Sneak over to the cruiser, then sneak over to the side of the gun shop. I thought about it for a moment. I decided that

  • WTD lol "After this we'll bang okay?"

    4) Raging is my favorite.

    I said I would sacrifice for those I care about, so looks like this could be my time. Don't want to choose 5 and 6, because SweetPea could die, Mokonage is a cool character, AWESOMEO is awesome and my broski, killing WhatTheDuck could end SweetDuck. I'll take one for the team :).

    Markd4547 (!) Sneak over to the cruiser, then sneak over to the side of the gun shop. I thought about it for a moment. I decided that

  • Ah okay memory was a little foggy.

    Her sister is Dont_Look_Back or DLB for short. She's with CoolStoryBro and Kunny.

  • edited June 2014

    MindF**k my recently deceased Villain bro is going to kill me I'm not scared HIT ME BRO!!

    4) WTD is my favorite.(editted didn't know kill the favourite sh**)

    I regret nothing even though all awesome

    Markd4547 (!) Sneak over to the cruiser, then sneak over to the side of the gun shop. I thought about it for a moment. I decided that

  • edited June 2014

    7) TWDFan is my favorite. Heh, I'm kidding :3

    5) I said I like them all equally. Pls don't kill them off D:

    Markd4547 (!) Sneak over to the cruiser, then sneak over to the side of the gun shop. I thought about it for a moment. I decided that

  • Holy dingleberry pie that was INTENSE. 4)Raging is my favorite Raging killed me quick in his fanfic,payback a bitch ain't it?Ha lol jk.But for real the SweetDuck ship needs to stay ALIVE AND STRONG!!

    Markd4547 (!) Sneak over to the cruiser, then sneak over to the side of the gun shop. I thought about it for a moment. I decided that

  • Gary-OakGary-Oak Banned
    edited June 2014

    Nice story. Wish i could join sometime, lol.
    Could i maybe join Chapter 3?

    1- Personality: Pessimistic, shy, jokes around a lot , takes risks. Values friendship,

    1. Are you willing to sacrifice: Yes, even for people i'm not friends with, as long as they are in my group.

    2. Do something evil to stay alive: Depends on what said thing is, If it's killing a friend i would only do it if they told me to.

    3. What did you want to be when you were growing up: Explorer.

    4. Alone or Group: A group, I'm fine leader, but not a great one. Would much rather not be the leader.

    Sorry if this was too late or anything. I understand if i can't be in it, no problem.

  • I... I don't know. I don't want any of them to die ;_;

    5) I said I like them all equally.

    Markd4547 (!) Sneak over to the cruiser, then sneak over to the side of the gun shop. I thought about it for a moment. I decided that

  • I voted for them to go into the hunting store...I feel terrible now :'(

    5) I said I like them all equally.

    Not that it will do any good, but I gotta choose this one. What a mess.

    Markd4547 (!) Sneak over to the cruiser, then sneak over to the side of the gun shop. I thought about it for a moment. I decided that

  • Wow CC, what a beautiful death XD

    SweetPeaClem: 2) AWESOMEO is my favorite. /I don't think saying you like them all equally is gonna help.

    Markd4547 (!) Sneak over to the cruiser, then sneak over to the side of the gun shop. I thought about it for a moment. I decided that

  • What if Lee want us to think that? And they really will let your favorite live O.O

    sardines posted: »


  • Exactly what I was thinking :/

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    What if Lee want us to think that? And they really will let your favorite live O.O

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited June 2014

    RUN TDMshadowCP RUN!

    Alt text

    Damn, I don't want WTD or Markd to die :/ I have to meet them ;-;

    4) Raging is my favorite.

    Markd4547 (!) Sneak over to the cruiser, then sneak over to the side of the gun shop. I thought about it for a moment. I decided that

  • edited June 2014

    Well shit...I really don't want to vote on that one...but since I have no choice...let me analyse the situation first..

    Ok so there's no indication that they would actually kill the favorite one, nor is there any indication that they wouldn't.
    Also, if a favorite one is picked, it could also mean that they would kill the other ones...Which would be just sadistic in nature. You picked a favorite and the other ones died knowing they weren't....

    If she were to say that she likes them all equally it might mean that they would say "fuck it" and kill her instead, or everyone else except her.

    There isn't a good answer for this one...i'm sorry but i'm picking:

    5) I like them all equally

    Having to pick a favorite is just a cruel joke. Not only that, it makes the most sense for the narrative.

    I voted for them to go into the hunting store...I feel terrible now 5) I said I like them all equally. Not that it will do any good, but I gotta choose this one. What a mess.

  • 3) WTD is my favorite.
    Please let him live

    Markd4547 (!) Sneak over to the cruiser, then sneak over to the side of the gun shop. I thought about it for a moment. I decided that

  • Gary motherf***ing Oak joins the cast for Ch.3!

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Nice story. Wish i could join sometime, lol. Could i maybe join Chapter 3? 1- Personality: Pessimistic, shy, jokes around a lot , takes

  • Run, SweetPea! RUN!

    Shiat Pro, I don't want to vote. :c 5) I said I like them all equally. I guess it'll be RIP ME now.

  • No prob. B]

    BTW PM me today when you get the chance. I wasn't on all day yesterday until late at night.

    Ah okay memory was a little foggy.

  • I told him to do It :3

    Gary motherf***ing Oak joins the cast for Ch.3!

  • Nice!


    Puncake32 posted: »

    I told him to do It

  • Alt text

    I have a feeling if you vote everyone then Sweetpea will be shot instead of the other names because she didn't chose I see it coming ;)


  • What do you think will happen in your part?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I have a feeling if you vote everyone then Sweetpea will be shot instead of the other names because she didn't chose I see it coming

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