Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • Maybe one of them can try to chase me down...

    Lol, you can't start running again, you have to save us!

  • I can't see the full post. Only up to ".....Was she ready to face the outcome?"

    ATR was confused. She had no idea what was going to happen next. She kept wondering if she made the right choice. Everything seemed too risk

  • Lol, nah that's the full post. I was just replying to you about your choice. I'm almost on the second character for the next part. Kinda slow today.

    I can't see the full post. Only up to ".....Was she ready to face the outcome?"

  • Oh I see what you did...I am so dumb! xD -Wyatt voice- "Hey ATR, I ate paint when I was a kid, doi!"

    And yea, I don't know if I chose right!

    Lol, nah that's the full post. I was just replying to you about your choice. I'm almost on the second character for the next part. Kinda slow today.

  • edited June 2014


    (!) Me and Kunny will go out there. DLB hold the door open for us.

    "Me and Kunny will go out there. DLB hold the door open for us." CSB said.

    "Alright, then. C'mon, CSB." Kunny told him as he got ready to open the door. He turned to look at me."Keep it slightly opened. We don't want the walkers knowing that we're in here. Me and CSB will crouch behind the counter and make our way over to the corpse."

    CSB turned to me as he made his way to Kunny."Yeah, once we're done and we're heading back, you can open the door some more to let us in. If anything happens... just try to stay quiet."

    "Okay, you two. Be careful in there." I told them.

    They both looked at each other and nodded. Kunny started to turn the knob and slowly opened the door. They were both crouched and soon Kunny stepped out. CSB stepped out after him and held the door slightly opened, until I went over."Alright, just stay here. Wait for us to come back." He told me.

    I nodded my head and he turned around to follow Kunny. I could see that Kunny had the night stick in his hand, ready to hit anything that got too close to them. The corpse was just outside of the counter, so they didn't need to go deep into the shop. CSB picked up the screwdriver that was next to the door, and put it in his pocket. He went right behind Kunny. Kunny turned to look at him and they whispered to each other. I could hear the roamers out there, moaning and walking around. I turned to look at the corpse of the man who shot himself in the head. Thoughts of my sister and our parents started coming to me. I was hoping ATR was still alive out there...

    I peeked through the small gap in between the door and wall. I saw Kunny grabbing the pipe wrench out of the dead guy's hand, and giving it to CSB. He then grabbed the hammer that was stuck on his head, and tried to pull it out. Kunny was struggling a bit, as the claw was stuck in the guy's forehead. He wiggled the hammer around and then pulled again.

    Kunny managed to get the hammer out, but as he did. He fell back and the head and face of the hammer hit the wall, and then the floor. Kunny turned to look at the walkers."Shit!"

    CSB turned to look at me."DLB, open the door!"

    Kunny handed him the hammer."Go!"

    They both got up, but then a walker grabbed Kunny. As CSB was running towards me, he heard Kunny struggling and turned to look at him."Kunny!"

    Kunny tripped on the corpse and fell back with the walker on top of him. He had the night stick on it's throat and was trying to push it off. We could see all the other walkers going to him. He turned to us."Get out of here! I'll hold them off, run!" He yelled at us.

    "No! We're not leaving you behind!" CSB told him.

    More walkers fell on top of him and one of them started biting his leg."ARGH! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" He yelled out and started punching the walker on top of him.

    CSB and I were shocked."Kunny! Nooooo!" CSB yelled out.

    There were too many of them surrounding him. Kunny managed to impale one in the head with the night stick. But, the walkers overwhelmed him and soon they were tearing him apart.

    CSB was speechless. He had his mouth open and his eyes were wide open. I grabbed him by his hoodie and tried to pull him back."Let's go, CSB. There's nothing we can do! He's gone!"

    A few walkers noticed us and one of them started to crawl over to us. CSB ran back in, and then I closed the door."Shit... I got Kunny killed." CSB said while looking down and shaking his head.

    "It wasn't your fault! Kunny was willing to go out there and he wanted us to leave. There was no time to go back for him, there was just too many of them. We would have just died if we tried to save him..." I told CSB.

    "This is awful..." CSB was still looking down.

    We started hearing banging on the door behind me."We have to go!" I told CSB.

    He looked up at me."Alright... Come on!"

    He opened the back door and I followed. We needed to get out of this town. It was beginning to get overrun by the walkers. We ran behind the buildings, using them as cover. We reached a fence and then hopped over it. We started running towards an empty road. Kunny was gone, and it was just me and CSB. We managed to get the tools but at the risk of losing a friend. We were running away to who knows where, just trying to get away from all of this. A little voice inside my head said: "Don't look back. You can never look back." Everything was going wrong...


    We were out on a supply run. It was me, Jon, Clayton, Rich and Jewf. We parked the pickup near a spot, close to the woods and then headed into town on foot. I still had my good ol' knife. Jon ran out of ammo for his shotgun a while back, but Rich seemed to have one clip left for his MP5. Firedog had about 3 shots left for his handgun. The only reason we were out here was to try to find more guns and ammo.

    As we were walking Clayton turned to look at me."So, Puncake. We never found out who destroyed your boat. Do you have a clue who it might have been?"

    "No idea. I was with Firedog the whole day. The zombie apocalypse started, and we drove into the city. We tried checking every store we could find. Started takin' what we could. Firedog had a back pack so he just filled it up with stuff. I had my hunting knife with me and Firedog found a handgun and some ammo on a dead police officer. We took it with us and then used a shortcut to get to the river. We put all the supplies, food and clothing into the boat and then drove back. A couple of the dead bodies we saw before, came back as one of the walkers, even though they weren't bitten. Firedog said that it might have been an airborne virus, and that maybe we're all infected. You come back no matter what..."

    Jewf spoke up."Can't believe we're all infected... It doesn't matter how we die. As long as the brain isn't harmed, then all of us will come back as one of those fuckin' walkers!"

    I turned to look at him."Yep. Can't do anything about it. The government said this would be taken care of in a week, but that didn't happen."

    Jon spoke up."So how did you and Firedog end up at my gas station?" He asked me.

    "Well. We drove around for a bit, looking for more supplies. We ran out of gas and headed on foot, We reached your station and we saw a couple walkers outside. We were able to sneak past them and made our way in. You know the rest from there."

    Clayton turned to me."Heh. We almost killed each other." He told me with a smile.

    "Hehe, funny how we ended up working together and becoming a group, huh?" I said to him.

    Rich spoke up."Enough talking. Let's just focus on the task." He said to all of us.

    We looked at each other confused as Rich started to walk faster. When we finally reached the town, we took our usual path and made our way to the back of a gun shop that we hadn't checked before. We got in and there were a few guns left, and some ammo as well. We started taking everything and put all the ammo in Jewf's backpack. I had a handgun, Jewf had a shotgun, and Rich found some ammo for the MP5

    "OK. That's everything. Y'all ready to leave?" I asked them.

    Clayton spoke up."Yeah. Hey Puncake. You mind if I hold on to your knife until we get back?"

    "Not at all. Here, take it. Where's your fire axe by the way?" I told him as I handed him the knife.

    "I forgot it at home, haha." He said to me while smiling.

    "Let me guess. Smokin' again?"

    "Yeeeeuup" He said to me.

    Jon was teaching Jewf how to use the shotgun, while putting more ammo into his backpack."Alright. I think I got it now. Thanks, Jon." Jewf said to him.

    BLAM! We heard a gun shot in the distance. Rich spoke up."Alright, that's everything. Let's get out of here and back to the pickup. Seems like we're not alone in this town."

    We agreed and headed out the back door. We ran back and out of the town, we reached the woods and we were almost back to the truck. When we got there we noticed two guys standing next to the pickup. We hid behind some bushes."The hell? Who are they?!" I whispered to the group.

    Rich ran out there and pointed his gun at them."Who the fuck are you?!"

    Jon spoke up."The fuck's he doing?!"

    "Fuckin' idiot is what he is." Jewf said while shaking his head.

    "Come on guys, let's go out there." Clayton told us.

    "Calm down, man!" One of the guys told Rich.

    We walked out and I could see that they both had hiking backpacks on."Rich... what are you doing?" I asked him.

    "Don't you see they're trying to steal our pickup?!" He said to me while aiming his gun at them.

    One of the men spoke up."What a minute, Rich? I knew your brother!"

    Rich's face looked shocked."Wha... what?"

    We were all confused."What do you mean?" I asked him.

    "Look, I'm officer Bananas. This here is my friend Randomz. I was with Rich's brother Cameron, the first night of the apocalypse. He helped me escape the station while a prison riot was going on."

    Rich put his gun down."My brother..."

    Bananas reached into his pocket and took out a photo."Yep... this is definitely you." He told Rich while looking down at it. Rich walked over to him and he handed him the picture."Your brother didn't make it... he was bit in the ankle by a walker while we were trapped in a prison cell. He died on our way to the hospital. He turned after we drove off the road, trying to avoid a bloodied man, at the time we had no idea there was a zombie apocalypse going on. We just thought it was the escaped prisoners causing havoc. Cameron turned after we crashed... I had to put him down. I promised him that I was going to find you."

    We were all speechless. Rich fell down on his knees."Cameron's dead? Damn it..."

    "I'm sorry, Rich..." Bananas told him.

    Randomz spoke up."The chances that we actually ran into Cameron's brother... I'm sorry you had to find out this way." He told Rich.

    Rich looked up at them."It's okay... At least he doesn't have to deal with these walkers."

    Bananas looked sad."You're right..."

    Jon spoke up."Sorry for your loss, man..."

    "Damn..." Clayton said.

    I walked over to Rich and pat him on the back."Sorry about your brother. Wish we got to meet him..." I turned to Bananas and Randomz."How did you guys end up here?"

    "We were with our group. We told them that we were going to go out on a supply run, and that they shouldn't worry about looking for us. We took the hiking back packs and left about a day ago. I just hope they aren't too worried and come out here looking for us."

    Randomz spoke up."Yeah, I left my son with them. I hope he isn't too worried either..."

    Jewf spoke up."You guys ain't got any weapons on you?"

    Bananas looked over to him."Nah. Just our knives. We ran into a horde a while back and we ran into the woods. The walkers were all over the place, we were just running away until we reached this town. We saw more of the walkers in the street and decided to run into the woods again. We saw this pickup here and thought there might be a group of people near by. We were going to hide and wait to see if the people weren't psychos. But you guys showed up a couple seconds after we got here."

    "And how do we know you guys ain't "psychos" yourselves?" Jewf told him with a raised eyebrow.

    Rich spoke up."He helped my brother, Jewf. It was fate that we ran into each other."

    Bananas crouched down."I'm sorry... It was so hard for me to shoot him. I only knew your brother for a few hours, but he was a great person."

    Rich looked down."Thank you..."

    Jon spoke up."Since you're separated from your group, why don't the two of you stay with us for a while?"

    Jewf spoke up again."What?! We don't even know these people, man!"

    Jon turned to him."Officer Bananas helped Cameron. The least we could do is give them a safe place to rest, until they're ready to go back to their own group."

    "He did save him, but I don't know." Clayton told us.

    "He can stay for the rest of the day. I owe this man." Rich said while standing up.

    "It's fine, guys. You don't have to." Randomz told us.

    Bananas spoke up."Yeah, it's okay. We can be on our own, and we need to find our group."

    Rich looked at him."No. You helped Cameron. At least let me repay the favor, please. You two could die out there by yourselves. I'll even drive you close to your spot for you the next day."

    Bananas sighed."Well, alright... Thank you, Rich."

    "Well, for now. I guess we can do that." Randomz said.

    Jewf spoke up."Man, more mouths to feed... I don't know."

    "They're just staying for the day, Jewf." Jon told him. Jon turned to them."That's two for you guys to come with us for the day, and two for you guys to go on your own."

    "Heh, yeah. Seems that way." Bananas told him.

    Rich turned to me."Come on, Puncake. Let them join us for the day. What do you say?"

    1) Alright. We can take them with us for the day. It's the least we can do for them.

    2) Nah. Let's leave them.


  • Alt text

    Bye Kunny...

    1) Alright. We can take them with us for the day. It's the least we can do for them.

    Dont_Look_Back (!) Me and Kunny will go out there. DLB hold the door open for us. "Me and Kunny will go out there. DLB hold the door o

  • 1) Alright. We can take them with us for the day. It's the least we can do for them.

    Dont_Look_Back (!) Me and Kunny will go out there. DLB hold the door open for us. "Me and Kunny will go out there. DLB hold the door o

  • 1) Alright. We can take them with us for the day. It's the least we can do for them.

    Dont_Look_Back (!) Me and Kunny will go out there. DLB hold the door open for us. "Me and Kunny will go out there. DLB hold the door o

  • Puncake32: 1) Alright. We can take them with us for the day. It's the least we can do for them.

    Dont_Look_Back (!) Me and Kunny will go out there. DLB hold the door open for us. "Me and Kunny will go out there. DLB hold the door o

  • RIP Kunny. :c

    1) Alright. We can take them with us for the day. It's the least we can do for them.

    Dont_Look_Back (!) Me and Kunny will go out there. DLB hold the door open for us. "Me and Kunny will go out there. DLB hold the door o

  • i'm changing my vote AGAIN xD now that I think about it, the whole "choose a favorite thing" is just a ruse in the voting part. If she repeats that she likes them equally, they might not kill fact it would make more sense than her picking a favorite among her friends. If anything, maybe someone will even save her...damn you for making this so difficult Pro !! XD

    Heh, I honestly have no idea. I guess I'll die, or all of the other guys will.

  • "I turned to look at the corpse of the man who shot himself in the head. Thoughts of my sister and our parents started coming to me. I was hoping ATR was still alive out there..."

    This better not be foreshadowing! >:p

    RIP Kunny.

    1) Alright. We can take them with us for the day. It's the least we can do for them.

    Dont_Look_Back (!) Me and Kunny will go out there. DLB hold the door open for us. "Me and Kunny will go out there. DLB hold the door o

  • Alt text

    "I turned to look at the corpse of the man who shot himself in the head. Thoughts of my sister and our parents started coming to me. I was h

  • This one's a no brainer.

    1) Alright. We can take them with us for the day. It's the least we can do for them.

    RIP Kunny. :c 1) Alright. We can take them with us for the day. It's the least we can do for them.

  • Alt text

    Markd4547 posted: » MindF**k my recently deceased Villain bro is going to kill me I'm not scared HIT ME BRO!! 4) WTD is my favorite.(editted didn't know kill the favourite sh**) I regret nothing even though all awesome

  • Yeah, then you could teach me how to shoot a gun :D

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I know if I guess your going to change the story and probably kill me but ok why so serious? I believe you would of ended the chapter wit

  • 1) Alright.We can take them with us for the day.It's the least we can do for them.

    Dont_Look_Back (!) Me and Kunny will go out there. DLB hold the door open for us. "Me and Kunny will go out there. DLB hold the door o

  • 2)

    Remember wha my dad did? Yeah , it could happen again..

    Story-wise there are going to be a lot of characters in one group, and people wont get lines.

    Dont_Look_Back (!) Me and Kunny will go out there. DLB hold the door open for us. "Me and Kunny will go out there. DLB hold the door o

  • Oh you bet I remember what your dad did. Now, get over here so I can try and be a good person for once.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    2) Remember wha my dad did? Yeah , it could happen again.. Story-wise there are going to be a lot of characters in one group, and people wont get lines.

  • edited June 2014


    (!) Rich is going crazy over his brother.

    We were all sitting down, waiting for ATR to tell us what she had in mind. She looked up and finally spoke."Rich is going crazy over his brother."

    "What?!" Belan yelled out.

    "What are you saying, ATR?" Firedog asked her.

    We were all shocked and confused at what she just told us. She walked over to us."Noncy, told me that she heard him screaming and "talking" to his brother in the bathroom, that day we were cooking the deer out in the backyard." She told us and then crossed her arms.

    I looked at her."But Noncy doesn't like Rich. Ever since we met him, remember?"

    ATR turned her head to me."I know, but when you guys were helping out with the deer, I saw Rich coming to the backyard with a bloody hand. He used the water hose to try to clean the blood off. Noncy told me that she went into the bathroom after he left, and she found blood all over the floor and sink. It seems like he was injuring himself or something." She told me with a raised eyebrow.

    I Looked down."Oh yeah! I remember that. I was sitting on a chair, checking my foot and then I saw Rich talking to you and Jewf, while cleaning his hand. I saw the water turning red and thought that he cut himself on accident or something."

    ATR put one arm on her waist."Jewf asked him what happened, and Rich told him that he cut himself trying to cut some pieces off of the deer. We thought it was strange because the deer was already being cooked, and Puncake took care of cutting it up."

    Firedog scratched his head."Hmm, that IS strange..."

    Belan stood up from the couch in front of me."So... he's been talking to himself and hurting himself as well." He said while looking down with one arm crossed and holding his chin with his hand.

    We heard footsteps coming down the stairs. ATR turned around."Hey, Noncy. I just told them..."

    "Ah, good." Noncy said while making her way towards us."Rich is going insane. I don't think we are safe with that man around. We need to think about what to do with him."

    Firedog spoke up."But he's been helping all of us from the very beginning."

    I turned to Noncy."Firedog has a point, and if he is crazy... well I don't want him to come after us or something."

    Belan sighed."Okay, then. I mean, we sorta know what's going on but..."

    Noncy spoke up."It's only a matter of time before Rich ends up hurting himself, or one of us."

    "Well what do you think, ATR?" I asked her.

    She put her head down."I don't know, you guys."

    "Maybe we should tell the others. If he really isn't sane anymore." Firedog said.

    I looked at him."No, man. What if it just causes trouble?!" I turned to the others."Think about it, people. Rich has been helping us. He was a SWAT member, for fucks sake. IF we upset him, he could kill one of us."

    Noncy folded her arms."AND if we don't do anything about this, then he could end up killing one of us anyway!" She said to me in a angered tone.

    "Oh where's the proof, Noncy?! For all we know you could have been making this up, just so we can kick him out for no reason!" I told her.

    "Excuse me?! I know that Me and Rich had our differences in the beginning, but that was a long time ago. THIS is different. I've heard his crazy outbursts when he thinks he's alone. I've seen the blood on the floor and sink." She said back to me.

    Belan put his hands in front of Noncy and me."Okay, okay! Relax, people! There's no need to fight over this."

    "I will relax when that young man shows some respect." Noncy told him.

    "You're not our teacher anymore, NONCY. We can do what ever we want. I only give respect to those who respect me." I told her.

    ATR spoke up."Alright, stop it! Let's just figure out what to do, then."

    Belan closed his eyes and rubbed them with his thumb and index finger. He sighed."Okay. What should we do then? Any ideas?" He asked us.

    Noncy spoke up."Kick him out, of course." She said with her arms folded and looking to the side.

    Firedog spoke up."OR. We can just keep this to ourselves. Find some more evidence, and then we figure out what to do with him."

    Belan backed him up."I think we could do that."

    I spoke up."Hmm, I honestly don't know."

    "What about you, ATR?" Belan asked.

    "Well... if we can't kick him out, then I don't have a clue either." She said to him.

    Noncy stayed quiet."Alright then. We're undecided at the moment. What else can we do?" Belan asked.

    I wasn't sure that confronting Rich about him going insane was a good idea. But, if it was true, then I don't know what could happen...

    1) Have a house meeting. Confront RIch. Ask him what's going on.

    2) We keep an eye on him. Wait it out for a bit.

    3) Kick Rich out. I think he should go.

    4) Tell the rest of the group about Rich, and see what they think.


    I was running away from those maniacs. That man had a bat in his hands, and I saw my dad laying on the floor with his legs broken. I couldn't believe it. First my mom gets killed by a walker and she turns, we left her and she's still walking around somewhere. Now my dad... this world had gone to hell. I was alone and scared. I still had the pocket knife that my father gave me. I was going to hold onto it, for as long as I could. I kept picturing him in my head, laying on the ground, telling me to run away. I needed to stay strong for him. He told me that he wasn't going to let anything happen to me. He said that we needed to stay together and avoid other people, this world wasn't the same anymore, and people were going crazy. I remember how a week ago he told me he spotted three people with an RV. He told me we had to steal it to stay alive. We didn't have any supplies or food. I trusted him, and he left me alone for a bit, while he went to go check on them. I climbed a tree and stayed on top of a branch. My dad came back with the RV and picked me up. We kept driving around, but stayed in the woods. He told me that the city was overrun and we needed to stay hidden in the woods. For a week, we ate almost all the food and used a few of the medical supplies from the RV, on some cuts and bruises that I had from running away from walkers and fallen down a few times. My dad ClementineCultist was always there to save me. Now I had nobody, I had nothing left.

    I was running as fast as I could, through the woods. I was hoping that I would lose them and that they wouldn't find me. After running for about fifteen to twenty minutes, I turned to look back and all I could see were a whole bunch of trees. I turned to look in front of me and saw a walker in the distance, I ran in a different direction and then I tripped on an exposed tree root. I fell and started rolling down a small hill."Oof! Ow! Ah!... UGH!" I yelled out in pain as I was rolling down, until I stopped at the bottom.

    "Hey! Who's over there?!" I heard a man say.

    "Huh?" I looked up and saw two guys with machine gun rifles running towards me.

    They got to me and aimed there weapons."The fuck? It's just some kid?!" One of them said.

    "I'll go get Tobi." The other one said and started running back.

    "Get up!" The man told me and then kicked me in the stomach.

    "Ow!" I looked up at him."Stop!" I snarled at him.

    "Heh, get up kid." He told me.

    I started to slowly get up, and then I looked around. There was a warehouse and a few people with guns guarding the place."Where am I?" I asked the guy.

    "Don't worry about that. Come on." He said to me while aiming his gun.

    I started walking and he followed behind me. I looked down at my right hand, and it was cut up from when I fell down. I was holding onto my arm as well, since it was in a bit of pain. We walked to the side of the warehouse and then a double metal door opened in front of me. I saw the man from before and another guy with a gun holstered on his side, medium length hair, a beard, a black button up shirt with rolled up sleeves, brown khakis and black slacks.

    He had a smile on his face as he was approaching me."Hey there. What's your name?"

    I looked up at him."Uh... Shadow." I said to him.

    He made a confused look."What happened to your arm, Shadow?" He asked me.

    "I... I was running away. Then I fell and tripped, I rolled down the hill over there, and then these two guys found me." I told him.

    He looked at them."Hmm, good. My name is, Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy. I'm building a community here, and keeping people safe from the walkers. We can fix up those small cuts you have on your hand. We also have food and clothes, whatever you need, If you're willing to join me, Shadow." He told me with a smile."By the way, who were you running away from?"

    "That sounds pretty good, but why do your people have guns? And this man behind me kicked me when I was hurt on the ground. I was running because these three people broke my dad's legs with a bat... he told me to run away from them." I said and then looked down.

    He looked at the guy behind me."They're my guards, they keep a lookout for walkers. Don't worry, Shadow. As long as you're with me, I won't let them hurt you. Now apologize to the boy."

    The man behind me looked down at me."Sorry, Shadow." He said.

    "Good." Tobi smiled again."Now. About these three people... do you know what they look like?"

    "It was two girls and a guy. I only saw the man's face. I was too busy looking at my dad on the ground..." I started to tear up.

    Tobi put his hand on my shoulder."It's okay. We'll find them." He told me. Out of nowhere, we heard a loud crash and then a car horn going off. Tobi looked to the side, where the noise was coming from."Go check it out." He told the two guys.

    "Yes, Tobi." They said and started running over there.

    I looked over and I could see an RV. I realized who it was."That's the RV! Those are the people who I saw!"

    "RV?" Tobi was confused.

    "Yeah... my dad CC took it from them. We were desperate, and we were starving. My dad thought that only me and him should stick together. We avoided people in case they turned out to be crazy. I guess they were following me with the RV."

    "Heh, see. Told you we would find them. CC sounds like a smart man. He knows that others bring danger. He stole the RV because it's survival of the fittest now. Me and my group found a boat near the lake. It was full of supplies and we took them all. I threw a grenade at the boat and we watched as it exploded. Only the strong survive now, Shadow. You must do whatever it takes." Tobi said to me."Now, come on. Let's go check out what happened."

    We started walking over and the horn stopped. I saw one of Tobi's men aiming their gun at a young girl. Another came out aiming his gun at a man."That's the guy!" I pointing him out. I was furious.

    Tobi took notice."Hmm, you're angry, Shadow. Don't worry, we'll take care of this." He said with a smile.

    We finally reached the crash site, and I was horrified when I looked in front of the RV."Dad?! No!" My father's head was crushed. Parts of his brain were on the tree and on the hood of the RV. His blood was everywhere. I noticed his legs were bandaged up as well.

    "Damn. What happened here?" Tobi asked.

    The man who broke my father's legs spoke up."Hey, kid. Look, we tried helping your dad out. I'm sorry for what I did, we didn't know. We just wanted my RV back with our food and supplies. We thought your father was alone."

    The young girl spoke up as well."He's telling the truth. We fixed your father's legs up, and then we went off looking for you so we could explain what happened. CC woke up after we bandaged his legs, and he rolled off the couch. He tried standing up. Rafoli told him to get back on the couch, but he wouldn't listen. Rafoli turned to look in front and tried to avoid a walker that was in the way. We ended up going down the hill and crashing. CC launched into the windshield and collided with the tree. I'm sorry... we tried to save him, and bring him to you..." She looked sad after she told me that.

    I put my head down and was still in disbelief."Anyone else in there?" Tobi asked with his arms crossed.

    One of the guards that was inside the RV spoke up."Yeah, another lady is in here. She's unconscious though."

    "Bring her out." Tobi told him.

    Rafoli had a bloody forehead and the young girl next to him had blood all over her sweater and hands."I have no one now... " I said to them while my eyes watered.

    Rafoli spoke up."I'm sorry, kid. We didn't know. Your father didn't mention you--"

    "SHUT UP!" I was crying and infuriated.

    The guard brought out the other girl. She had blood on the side of her forehead."Broken!" The young lady next to Rafoli said.

    "So, who are you people?" Tobi asked them.

    "I could ask you the same." Rafoli replied.

    "Hehe, I like that." Tobi said to him.

    "I found a bat and a handgun, Tobi." One of the guards told him, and then placed them on the ground.

    "I heard you broke his father's legs." Tobi said while putting his hand on my back.

    "Only because CC left us to die. He stole our RV with food and supplies in it. We found them a week later, we nearly died out there. We were just coming to get our stuff back. We didn't know he had a son until it was too late." Rafoli explained.

    "Hmm, interesting." Tobi said with a smile. He looked down at me."I'm leaving it to you, as to what you want to do with them, Shadow. I could use more people for my community. I'll make them work to the bone as punishment for getting your father killed. Or, we can just kill them."

    "What?!" The young girl looked scared.

    "Don't worry, AC." Rafoli told her. He looked over to me."Please, Shadow. You have to forgive us. We had no idea, you have to believe me. I never would have broken his legs if I knew he had a son this whole time."

    Broken started to regain consciousness."Wh... wha... where am I?"

    AC crouched and hugged her."Broken! I'm scared."

    "What's... what's going on?" She asked.

    "They're going to kill us!" AC said to her.

    "What?! Who?" She asked.

    "Enough!" Tobi yelled out. He turned to look at me again."Remember. It's survival of the fittest. Only the strongest will survive. This new world is unforgiven. What do you want to do, Shadow?"

    I looked at Rafoli, AC and Broken. They all looked afraid. I had the power to decide their fate. I looked at my father's corpse laying on top on the RV's hood. I looked up at Tobi...

    1) Give me your gun. I'll shoot Rafoli. Let the other two work for you.

    2) Kill all three of them.

    3) Give me his bat. I'm breaking Rafoli's legs. Let the other two work for you.

    4) Work them to the bone, Tobi. Make sure they get punished.

    5) Kill Rafoli. Let the other two go.

    6) Make Rafoli work to the bone. Let the other two go.

    7) Say nothing.


  • edited June 2014

    PaulKenneth: 1) Have a house meeting. Confront RIch. Ask him what's going on.

    TDMshadowCP: 6) Make Rafoli work to the bone. Let the other two go. (I have a feeling that letting them go will lead them to other people and maybe they can all collaborate in an attempt to get Rafoli and the others [Guilty, Valky, & co] out of there.)

    PaulKenneth (!) Rich is going crazy over his brother. We were all sitting down, waiting for ATR to tell us what she had in mind. She l

  • PaulKenneth: 2) We keep an eye on him. Wait it out for a bit.

    No use making a bigger thing out of it than it is, waiting is probably the best option for now.

    TDMshadowCP: 6) Make Rafoli work to the bone. Let the other two go.

    PaulKenneth (!) Rich is going crazy over his brother. We were all sitting down, waiting for ATR to tell us what she had in mind. She l

  • Alt text

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    PaulKenneth: 1) Have a house meeting. Confront RIch. Ask him what's going on. TDMshadowCP: 6) Make Rafoli work to the bone. Let the other

  • Stop laughing at me :(

    Only Woodbury does that.

  • Lol, that's not a good thing!

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Stop laughing at me Only Woodbury does that.

  • I know :\

    Lol, that's not a good thing!

  • Alt text

    There, there. It's okay.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I know

  • Thank you, Lee. You're a good frie- WHAT THE HELL, MAN?!

    There, there. It's okay.

  • Lol, I'm comforting you, man!

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Thank you, Lee. You're a good frie- WHAT THE HELL, MAN?!

  • With a broom?! :(

    Lol, I'm comforting you, man!

  • edited June 2014

    Yes. You just threw up in the toilet after all that drinking... I just... I just can't, man! I'm-I'm trying not to get too close, alright? There, there...

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    With a broom?!

  • I can't help it, man. It's what I do when I'm depressed. Just keep sweeping me... ;-;

    Yes. You just threw up in the toilet after all that drinking... I just... I just can't, man! I'm-I'm trying not to get too close, alright? There, there...

  • Alt text

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I can't help it, man. It's what I do when I'm depressed. Just keep sweeping me... ;-;

  • 1 and 6. I can't defer to Woodbury's vote because she's not here. ;_;

  • Alt text

    1 and 6. I can't defer to Woodbury's vote because she's not here. ;_;

  • edited June 2014

    1 and 6.

    PaulKenneth (!) Rich is going crazy over his brother. We were all sitting down, waiting for ATR to tell us what she had in mind. She l

  • Alt text

    1 and 6. I can't defer to Woodbury's vote because she's not here. ;_;

  • I'm alone and NoncyWoodburpledorp needs to happen in this story! D:

  • Gary-OakGary-Oak Banned
    edited June 2014

    1) Confront Rich
    I think Rich will be fine, he just needs someone to talk to about it.

    6) Make Rafoli work to the bone, let the others go.

    AC and Broken don't deserve any of this.

    PaulKenneth (!) Rich is going crazy over his brother. We were all sitting down, waiting for ATR to tell us what she had in mind. She l

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