Walking Fan Art of the DEAD... (New and Improved)



  • I can see your posts

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    ;_; My posts are being deleted, I feel so unloved by whatever it is causing this...

  • How do I post a pic I have saved on my phone?

  • Are posts still not showing up here?

  • What bothers me is that er arms and legs are so damn skinny. But there good though.

    Kurusu posted: »


  • I think it's 24 something for the Season Pass.

    Guess I'm buying this game now, it's only $15 on Steam, right?

  • s100.photobucket.com/user/willytheseal/media/clementinedrawin_zps23a24bd8.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0

  • I just dont like this connection Luke + Clem not even in 10 yrs... much would have to happen in those years that I would care for Luke so much I'd go for something more.

  • edited June 2014
  • edited June 2014

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    2nd pic i drew with filter :D
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    The first picture of Clementine that I drew

  • that's dope

    Kurusu posted: »


  • edited June 2014

    Thread: My art made directly from game-files

    Hey everyone! Welcome to my art-thread :)

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    I will rotate the pictures I display in this post from time to time.

    You can find all of my work here: My Gallery

    Now, what is this? Who am I? And why am I doing this?
    First of all I've opened this thread because of the overwhelming positive feedback I received in the old one (you can find the old thread here). Now I can have pictures in the opening post and don't scare people away with a wall of text :)

    What is this?
    Well, I've spend some time digging through the game files and figured out how most of them work. So what you see on my pictures are actual unmodified models from the game itself. I've written a program that's able to read and translate the files and display the models in my own OpenGL-Engine. So basically everything except the model itself I've created myself. What you see on the picture are screen-shots of that OpenGL-Engine :) My goal is to evolve this someday into something interactive ;) So the pictures are actually just a byproduct ;)

    Who am I?
    I am about to get my 2-year-post-graduate degree (equivalent to a M.Sc) in computer science in a few weeks and am starting to look for work in the video games industry. hint hint. So I'm trying some things out :)

    Why am I doing this?
    For fun, mostly. It started out as a little project to see if I could read the game-files. When I was first able to pose models, I wanted to share the results with you guys :) I'd still love to get some feedback from someone at Telltale, what they think about it. :)

    I will take requests of what you would like to see next. But remember, I am using the game-files, so I can't use models that are not in the game.

    So, I'm looking forward to more feedback, ideas and maybe even some pointers of what I could do better or different :)


  • These are amazing! Great work! ; D

  • MrLeeMrLee Banned
    edited June 2014

    Is Lee a model of S2? Or did I read bad and told me you made Lee model... Nice work but can you find something like deleted content and

    there where rumors about a dream sequence with Lee.P.S deleted dialog because if we ask Telltale than you hear this.

    Me: Telltale what's the deleted content of S1?
    Telltale: We are not allowed to talk about it.
    Me: but you are the boss.
    Telltale: by contracts and-
    Me: Oh for the love of God

  • Nice Work!! ;)

    Lee and Clem Badass are amazing! :D

  • This is so freken cool.

  • Alt text GODS BE PRAISED!!

  • Clem, don't you dare aim that gun at me. Ha, these are cool.

  • You just had to be that guy, didn't you?


  • I do some Clem and Lee posing in Gmod... but these far surpass my abilities.

  • Nah, you've read correctly. Almost all characters from season 1 have a season 2 model due to the "previously on the walking dead"-section of ep1.

    I haven't come across some dream sequence, sorry. That's just a rumor, nothing more ;)

    MrLee posted: »

    Is Lee a model of S2? Or did I read bad and told me you made Lee model... Nice work but can you find something like deleted content and t

  • She ain't aiming at you :) There is someone else you can't see!

    Rigtail posted: »

    Clem, don't you dare aim that gun at me. Ha, these are cool.

  • Thanks :) You're gonna love what I'm preparing right now!

    I do some Clem and Lee posing in Gmod... but these far surpass my abilities.

  • Ah okay, that's good. I think.

    Gunab posted: »

    She ain't aiming at you There is someone else you can't see!

  • Gangsta Clem! Love it.

  • MrLeeMrLee Banned
    edited June 2014

    Ah damn well it will explain everything if there was no Katjaa files Clem will be like what did Lee said to her again?

    Gunab posted: »

    Nah, you've read correctly. Almost all characters from season 1 have a season 2 model due to the "previously on the walking dead"-section of ep1. I haven't come across some dream sequence, sorry. That's just a rumor, nothing more

  • First pic: "I'll pop you!"

  • a michelle reference to clem?

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    brennanz76 posted: »

    First pic: "I'll pop you!"

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    The first pic made me think "do you feel lucky punk?"

    brennanz76 posted: »

    First pic: "I'll pop you!"

  • These are excellent. One in particular has gone straight to wallpaper. Look forward to your next ones :)

  • Here we go. Kenny is all his heroism :)

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  • Sorry, I had to...

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  • I don't mind :) Been actually expecting for someone to do this :D

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Sorry, I had to...

  • edited June 2014

    For the night I leave you with this. Another angle of the Kenny picture :) Good night :D

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