Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • I really hope he does ;-;

    WtW needs her sun and stars. All she has is Angel.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    He said he might. Noncy requested that before.

  • That sounds like some serious Hell.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Wonderwoman, probably. She has all kinds of super powers, probably has a super-period.

  • edited June 2014

    Thanks neither I'm I and I'm not perfect and quite frankly I never want to be wheres the fun in that. I'm mad but I revel in madness and insanity I see normal as boring. Azlyn your not a monster your just ahead of the curve believe me!!

    Thank you Azlyn

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    World is just a crazy funhouse to have fun with through all the chaos just keep smiling like The Joker ;) ^

    Azlyn posted: »

    Oh, and, you're one of those 13 people, FYI, so you better feel fugging grateful.

  • I already have an idea on what to do with your character for Ch.3. Awesome, AZ. Turbo Nachos will be joining "soon." B]

    Azlyn posted: »

    Awesome, thanks for inviting me to participate! 1.Me? I would say i hate myself quite a lot, but i am not blind to deny the simple fact t

  • No shit. Poor Wonderwoman walks with the Niagara falls in her pants.

    That sounds like some serious Hell.

  • You're gonna kill me off, aren't ya? If you are, please chop me in two with a chainsaw. IF.

    I already have an idea on what to do with your character for Ch.3. Awesome, AZ. Turbo Nachos will be joining "soon." B]

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    Okay I know I'm not Russell but when I kissed Jewf on the cheek it totally reminded me of this, since Jewf's profile pic is Nate's creeper face:

  • edited June 2014

    Well... they are making their way to us. B]


  • Yes! How do you post videos?

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

  • edited June 2014

    Lol, tsk tsk, Azlyn. You guys choose everyone's destiny, by voting.

    If that's the way you want to go, then I could do that, if it happens.

    Azlyn posted: »

    You're gonna kill me off, aren't ya? If you are, please chop me in two with a chainsaw. IF.

  • Aw that's nasty.

    Azlyn posted: »

    No shit. Poor Wonderwoman walks with the Niagara falls in her pants.

  • Poor Wonderowoman has some issues.

    Aw that's nasty.

  • whispers to Lee psst, you'll be my best friend if you be my wingman and hook me up with Noncy.

    Well... they are making their way to us. B]

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    Azlyn posted: »

    No shit. Poor Wonderwoman walks with the Niagara falls in her pants.

  • Alas, finally a guy listens to my jabbering about my death! Sure, whatever floats your ships.

    Lol, tsk tsk, Azlyn. You guys choose everyone's destiny, by voting. If that's the way you want to go, then I could do that, if it happens.

  • Oh! Oops! I guess I didn't realize you could have meant me :P And I appreciate that then haha :P

    Markd4547 posted: »

    No I think you as a user is nice and friendly even if we never talked lol so I would feel bad for choosing the kill option also you weren't part of the group that killed Cornpopper so you may survive this time and no problem

  • Best friend?!

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    Lol, WtW. I'll see about that hook up. It's really up to you guys, though. B]

    whispers to Lee psst, you'll be my best friend if you be my wingman and hook me up with Noncy.

  • Lol, hey it's your character, and if that's what you want, then we'll see what happens. B]

    Azlyn posted: »

    Alas, finally a guy listens to my jabbering about my death! Sure, whatever floats your ships.

  • Haha, thanks... here's hoping working can even save me :P

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Just work. I got your back

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    sardines posted: »


  • When you reply to someone there's some tabs up top. There's one that has a icon of EARTH. Click it and you can put the youtube link.

    Yes! How do you post videos?

  • Thank you :)

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    When you reply to someone there's some tabs up top. There's one that has a icon of EARTH. Click it and you can put the youtube link.

  • You're not small. You're fun sized. B]

    I am really small though....

  • Lol, you're not alone!

    I am really small though....

  • edited June 2014

    Different Outcomes: First half of Ch.2

    If you guys voted for Rafoli to kill CC in the beginning, they would have left the woods and continued on the road and head into town, where they would have ended up finding Mark and Twistee. They would get an option to help Mark out or leave him. If Rafoli said nothing, then CC would have ran back into the woods and then he would chase after him. CC would lead him to Shadow and then CC would be trying to protect Shadow. CC would tell Shadow that they are crazy people and that they need to run away. Rafoli would either leave them or try to convince them to come with him. If he tries to convince them, CC would be a little more trustworthy towards them, since he didn't try to kill him or his son. If Rafoli leaves, then CC and Shadow would continue on there way, deeper into the woods alone, until they run into Tobi's community. If Rafoli shot CC in the head or bashed his skull in, Shadow would come out and run up to him to try and stab him with his pocket knife. Broken and AC would try to calm him down. Shadow would pretend to be calm and then take the opportunity to stab Rafoli in the stomach and run away. If you guys decided to shoot CC in the heart, Shadow would kneel down and start crying. He would tell them about his mother. They would try to apologize, but Shadow would tell them to leave. Shadow would wait until his father turns, and let him bite him. If the crew left CC and took the RV to find Shadow, they would crash behind Tobi's community. They would tell Shadow to forgive them. There would be an option to go back to find CC who would still be alive. If they left him, Shadow would come out and say what's happening. CC would tell him that it's okay. There would be an option to forgive CC and take them with Rafoli's group, or leave them. If shadow killed Rafoli or broke his legs, Tobi would be proud. He would have Broken and AC do some hard labor.

    If DLB ran to the back of the store by herself and tried to escape, CSB and Kunny would have gotten surrounded and both would have died by the walkers. If she did nothing, she would watch as they died. She would stay in the toy store by herself, later at night she would get an option to try and get their supplies, with a few walkers around, or leave to find another store to hide in. If they went into the clothing store, they would spend the day trapped in the security room, they would have to sneak out, later at night, but the town would be overrun by more walkers. DLB and Kunny would die, CSB would have to escape by himself. If they tried the bicycle shop, they would notice that it's empty and continue on their way. If DLB tried going for the tools by herself, she would end up dying and CSB and Kunny would have to leave without them. If Kunny tried by himself, he would slide the pipe wrench over to CSB and DLB but would die with the hammer and screwdriver. If CSB tried he would get the screwdriver and pipe wrench but leave the hammer behind, and leave with Kunny and DLB. If CSB and DLB tried, CSB would die trying to hold the walkers off.

    If Salt tried to go through the small opening between the walkers and wall, with Sardines and Joe. He would have been killed, as the walkers would swarm him and Joe and Sardines would watch as he get's ripped apart by them, they would then escape the mall. If you guys voted for them to stay with Salt. Salt would tackle the walkers in the other side of the small opening, and then Sardines and Joe would try to run over to him. Joe would end up dying, and then Salt and Sardines would have Joined Pro, TWDFan, WtW and Angel.

    If Jewf didn't say anything about eking, he would start to get depressed. ATR would start to notice something is wrong with him, but he wouldn't tell her, leading to an argument. If he told Belan and ATR. Belan would get angry at Jewf and they would both start fighting while ATR tries to break them up. ATR would get hit on accident. The rest of the group would see them fighting and ATR laying on the floor unconscious. Belan would tell them about what Jewf did. The group would get an option to kick Jewf or both of them out of the group. If Jewf told the whole group, they would be less trust worthy of him. Belan and Paul would be angry, but the others would stop them from fighting. They would get an option to forgive Jewf and keep him in the group, or kick him out. If ATR told Rich about his secret, Rich would aim his gun at Jewf and then shoot him. If she said none of your business, Rich would walk up to her and start arguing. Jewf would step in and they would start fighting. Belan, Paul and Firedog would hear whats going on and then try to stop them. Once they do, Rich would walk away pissed off and they would go on the supply run without Jewf. If ATR said nothing, Rich would look at them confused, he would start shouting at them. He would get in an argument with them and the rest of the group would show up to stop him. If ATR told the rest about Jewf's secret, he wouldn't trust her anymore and he would leave the group, meaning she would die without him around to stop Rich if she told the group about him. If she told the group about them, they would have to decide to keep or kick them out, or leave one to stay. If ATR didn't tell the group, Noncy would tell them and after killing Bananas, Rich would go upstairs to kill her. If Jewf isn't around, ATR would feel bad about telling them his secret and she would walk out of her room, she would notice Noncy's door is open and walk in to get killed by Rich. He would leave that same night and take the pickup. If Cameron was still alive, Rich's sanity would slowly start to come back. If they tried kicking Rich out, He would pretend to leave and then come back to kill them, he would manage to kill Jewf from a distance with the MP5, and then Jon and Firedog as well, he would run up to the house and get shot from behind by Clayton and Puncake. If Puncake wanted to leave Bananas and Randomz behind Rich would get into and argument with him and start fighting. The others would break them up, and Bananas and Randomz would leave on their own. Rich would be angry and kill Puncake later at night. Jon and the others would find him, and then kill him.

    If Valky told Tobi that it was PAP's fault, PAP would tell Tobi that's she's lying to protect Guilty. Guilty would tell Tobi that PAP is scared, and that he's just trying to protect his own ass. Tobi would get angry and shoot PAP in both of his knees, he would start beating his face in with his gun until PAP dies. Valky would continue her guard duty, but with Emu keeping watch as well. If Valky said it was Guilty's fault, Guilty would be pissed at her. Tobi would tell Emu to beat Guilty until he learns his lesson. Emu would be using his AK to rough him up. Guilty would get hurt, but not as badly as what Tobi did to him, Valky would step in and tell him to stop. From there he wouldn't trust Valky and tell her that she's switched sides. She would feel hurt and angry, she would tell Guilty that he better not mess up again, or next time she won't step in. Guilty would plan an escape without her. If she said nothing, Tobi would slap her. Guilty would get angry and try to run up to Tobi. Emu would stop him and hold him back. Tobi would take Valky's gun shoot her all over her body, as PAP and Guilty watch, Emu would then hit Guilty in his eye with his AK, and then Tobi would walk up to him as he lays on the floor. Tobi would shoot him in the head with Valky's gun.

    If Mark ran off to the side of the buildings, Twistee would have shot at him, but miss. Some of the walkers would slowly go after him. From there he would get an option to run away or go after Twistee. If Mark kept pretending to be a walker and making his way over, Twistee would have caught him in the shoulder. The walkers would notice and then start biting him to death. If he took out his AK and started shooting at Twistee, he would miss but run off to the side of the buildings, he would shoot the lock off of the gate and go around. Twistee and him would be shooting at each other, the walkers would be getting closer to Mark, he would then run up to the roof where Twistee would be waiting behind the rooftop air conditioning unit. They would shoot at each other, both behind cover. Mark would get an option to use his grenade, or go out and shoot him, if he uses the grenade, Twistee would dive out of the way, but Mark would shoot him. If he goes out and shoots, Twistee would shoot him, and Mark would fall back on the railing and hit the floor, letting the walkers get to him. If he placed a grenade down, he would run to the side, but Twistee would shoot him in the leg. The explosion would catch Mark, blowing off both legs and then Twistee would let the remaining walkers kill him. If he used the grenade in front of the store. He would start running to the side of the gun shop before it goes off, Twistee would be caught off guard and wondering what happened. Mark would run up behind him and hit him with his AK. He would kick the sniper rifle away, and decide whether to shoot him, throw him off the building, or use him to escape.

    If you guys voted for SweetPea and crew to stay underground. The walkers would have fell through the board, and then slowly make their way inside. They would be fighting them off for a while, until they get overwhelmed with too much walkers and they all die. Anyone who went into the Hunting store would run into the bandits. Anyone who went into the department store, would run into a horde of walkers. The fishing store was the safest. It would be empty and they would be able to take a few fishing rods with them. Whoever SweetPea said was her favorite, would end up dying. If she stayed quiet, the bandits would kill her first.


  • Shadow would of been a troll, if he pretended to be calm, then stab Rafoli and run xD

    Different Outcomes: First half of Ch.2 If you guys voted for Rafoli to kill CC in the beginning, they would have left the woods and conti

  • damn. i could have died like 50 times... dodged a crap load of bullets there.

    Different Outcomes: First half of Ch.2 If you guys voted for Rafoli to kill CC in the beginning, they would have left the woods and conti

  • edited June 2014

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    Even the batman(Rafoli) won't come after me I'm so lonely :'(

    Ever time read these summarys always gets me depressed 90% of the decisions gets me killed brutally like a lucky dip every time and you can only get lucky so many times before your brutally killed by Lee lol. No decision gets Tobi killed oh man I'm f**ked in the upcoming chapters

    Password sucks here's your Joker character with decisions you wanted down below R.I;P

    If he placed a grenade down, he would run to the side, but Twistee would shoot him in the leg. The explosion would catch Mark, blowing off both legs and then Twistee would let the remaining walkers kill him

    On the bright side

    Whoever SweetPea said was her favorite, would end up dying. If she stayed quiet, the bandits would kill her first MIND CONTROL BAM I CALLED IT

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    Different Outcomes: First half of Ch.2 If you guys voted for Rafoli to kill CC in the beginning, they would have left the woods and conti

  • Damn

    Different Outcomes: First half of Ch.2 If you guys voted for Rafoli to kill CC in the beginning, they would have left the woods and conti

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    Even the batman(Rafoli) won't come after me I'm so lonely Ever time read these summarys always gets me depressed 90% of the decisions ge

  • edited June 2014

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    lmao well played You think your writing gives you some sort of power over Mark admirable but mistaken BRING IT HIT ME!!!

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  • edited June 2014

    Mark will take a nice ride down Gotham city.

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    I'm going to up your insanity level in the story. Needs to be a bit closer to The Joker.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    lmao well played You think your writing gives you some sort of power over Mark admirable but mistaken BRING IT HIT ME!!!

  • edited June 2014

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    From reading your summary's if Mark even had cup of tea in a chapter it would be poisoned lol I love it YES I APPROVE no restrictions I will allow anything with my character let the chaos and anarchy begin YES!! I'm so excited thanks Lee this sounds awesome to me

    Mark will take a nice ride down Gotham city. I'm going to up your insanity level in the story. Needs to be a bit closer to The Joker.

  • Lol, you do have some brutal deaths, I just noticed that. Luckily for you, the votes swayed in your favor. Don't worry, man. I have something planned for you in Ch.3. If your character lives.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    From reading your summary's if Mark even had cup of tea in a chapter it would be poisoned lol I love it YES I APPROVE no restrictions I will

  • edited June 2014

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    If your character lives.

    You really are jigsaw survive your game without being killed brutally and make it to ch 3 to win even when most decisions will kill me. BRING IT ON ;)

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    Lol, you do have some brutal deaths, I just noticed that. Luckily for you, the votes swayed in your favor. Don't worry, man. I have something planned for you in Ch.3. If your character lives.

  • Wow, that is A LOT of deaths!

    Different Outcomes: First half of Ch.2 If you guys voted for Rafoli to kill CC in the beginning, they would have left the woods and conti

  • edited June 2014

    Ha! you dodged a bullet on that one xD I didn't expect that decision to backfire that badly...although i did have that outcome in mind, but everyone was voting for the "sneak" option, so i just tried to make things more interesting.

    You're really lucky to be alive mate !

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Even the batman(Rafoli) won't come after me I'm so lonely Ever time read these summarys always gets me depressed 90% of the decisions ge

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