Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • Oh no, you didn't.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Tackles SweetPeaClem

  • She's guilty for voting to run away, but there's no need for this TDM !! D:

    Oh no, you didn't.

  • I know right? I'm allowed one mistake. :c

    She's guilty for voting to run away, but there's no need for this TDM !!

  • It ain't no mistake, you were scared. You're gonna see bad stuff out there, but it's ok...You're strong Clem, you can do anything !

    I know right? I'm allowed one mistake. :c

  • Heh, that made my day. 8)

    It ain't no mistake, you were scared. You're gonna see bad stuff out there, but it's ok...You're strong Clem, you can do anything !

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited June 2014


    Is that all you got, Woodbury? You aint shit!


    TDM: Fuck you! As soon as WTD and TWDFan get out here you're all fucked!

    WTW: They're both dead!

    TDM: What did you do!?!? Don't you dare walk away from me WTW! Get back here and finish this Woodbury!

    1) Kill TDM

    2) Leave with Password, LeeThePro, Sweetpea, and Noncy.

    It ain't no mistake, you were scared. You're gonna see bad stuff out there, but it's ok...You're strong Clem, you can do anything !

  • What, am I freaking Maybelle in this situation? lol

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    @Welcome_To_Woodbury Is that all you got, Woodbury? You aint shit! WTW: IT'S OVER! TDM: Fuck you! As soon as WTD and TWDFan get out

  • but....WTD and TWDFan are both her friends too...xD

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    @Welcome_To_Woodbury Is that all you got, Woodbury? You aint shit! WTW: IT'S OVER! TDM: Fuck you! As soon as WTD and TWDFan get out

  • Guys... Duck said if he dies he'll rip my dick off :/

  • Don't say things like that !! You'll make people want duck to die !! XD The votes surely aren't in his favor so....say goodbye to your manhood boy...

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Guys... Duck said if he dies he'll rip my dick off

  • edited June 2014


    (!) Let's go to the left, into that neighborhood.

    CSB sighed and turned to look at me."Let's go to the left, into that neighborhood."

    I looked over to it."Hmm, alright then. Let's get moving." I said to him while the sun was going down.

    We started walking and CSB took out the screwdriver from his pocket."Here, use it just in case we run into walkers."

    "Um, I think I would rather have the hammer." I said to him.

    He raised his eyebrow."Really?"

    "Yeah. I think I'll be safer with it."

    CSB put the screwdriver back and opened his backpack."Well, alright. It's your choice." He told me, and then handed me the hammer. I started to swing it around to get a feel for it."Whoa, try not to get us killed with that, heh." CSB said jokingly.

    "Yeah, yeah." I said with a smile.

    We walked deeper into the neighborhood, we saw four walkers in the street. CSB took out the pipe wrench."How should we do this?" He asked me. I ran up to one and then impaled it's head with the hammer's claw."Well, damn... I guess that works." I managed to pull the hammer out and a walker was making it's way towards me. I hit it in the knee with the head of the hammer and it fell down. It was trying to reach me with it's hand. I gave it the finishing blow and then CSB ran up to me."Look out!" He said as another walker was getting closer behind me.

    CSB struck it's head and then he hit it a couple more times while it was on the ground."Thanks, CSB!" I said to him. The final walker was slowly making it's way to us."Who should kill the last one?" I asked.

    "Heh, I think we should both do it." CSB replied. He turned his head to look at me."Let's strike it in the head at the same time."

    I turned to look at the walker."Let's do this." I said with a smirk.

    Me and CSB ran up to the walker and simultaneously hit it on both sides of it's head, causing it to get it's brain to squeeze out."Yuck." CSB said.

    "What's the matter? Lost your appetite?" I said to him jokingly.

    "No I'm just not into walker brains. I'll stick to box of cookies." He said with a smile.

    We watched as the walker fell down, when we let go. I turned to CSB."You had cookies this whole time?! I was starving you know!"

    "Well, you never asked. I thought you ate your box of cookies at the toy store?"

    "Well yeah, but... I'm still hungry." I said while holding my stomach and looking down.

    CSB took off his backpack and unzipped it. He took out a box of cookies and held them out to me."Well there you go. Some cookies." He said to me.

    My face lit up."Oh my God! Yes!"

    Before I grabbed the box of cookies, we heard a car and we turned to see a blue pickup truck turning a corner and heading towards us."Shit!" CSB said out loud. The truck was speeding and had it's headlights on.

    The truck was already a few feet in front of us, and then whoever was driving hit the brakes and a loud screech from the tires was made right after. The passenger door opened and a someone stepped out."DLB?!"

    My eyes widened."ATR!" It was my sister. I couldn't believe it.

    She ran up to me and we hugged each other. We both started crying and knelt down on the ground."I can't believe you're alive, meany!" She told me.

    "I thought I wasn't ever going to see you again, you jerk!" I replied.

    "Uh... what's going on here?" CSB asked while scratching his head.

    A few people got out of the pickup truck and started walking over to us."Your sister, huh? Can't believe we actually ran into her." A man with glasses said.

    ATR turned to him."Yes, Jon. This is DLB, everyone. My sister." She said with a smile. We got up from the ground."That's Noncy, Puncake, Jon, Belan, Jewf, Firedog, and Randomz, who we just met." ATR said while pointing them all out.

    I wiped my tears."Nice to meet you all." I said to them. "This is CSB. He helped me out back in town, we were with a police officer named Kunny, but he didn't make it..."

    "We uh... lost some people as well. We just have to stay strong and keep moving on." Puncake told me.

    "Is that a box of cookies?" Jewf asked.

    "Uh yeah. I have some more in my backpack..." CSB replied.

    ATR turned to him."Jewf!"

    "What? I haven't had cookies in a long time." He said to her.

    "Where were the two of you going?" Noncy asked.

    "We don't know. Just away from the towns and into this neighborhood. We were going to look for an empty house."

    "Damn, you guys took care of those four walkers in the street, there?" Belan asked.

    "Yeah, we decided to bash some walker skulls in." CSB said with a smile.

    "Awesome, bro." Jon replied.

    Randomz spoke up."This reunion is nice and all, but we should get going."

    ATR turned to me."Come with us, DLB!"

    "Where are you guys going?"

    "Somewhere... I don't know. Away from here..."

    Everyone was walking back in the pickup. Jon turned to us."There's a horde heading our way. We need to leave this place." He said and got in the truck.

    Noncy spoke up."I'll sit in the back this time. You can sit in the front with your sister, ATR." She told her.

    "Thank you, Noncy." ATR turned to me."We need to leave now."

    I turned to CSB."I want to go with them..."

    "That's cool. It's your sister, I understand." He replied.

    "No, you can come with us too." ATR told him.

    "well, If you guys don't mind..."

    "Get in here, kid!" Jon told him with a smile.

    I turned and smiled at ATR."It's settled. We're going with you guys."

    "Yes! We have so much catching up to do!" ATR said to me.

    We hugged and then made our way over to the pickup. I didn't know where we were going, but I was hoping it would be safe...


    (!) Go down the street. Follow Twistee's car. I need to get my weapons back.

    I decided that I would run after Twistee's car. There was no point in staying in a town full of walkers, and most of the places were all looted by now. I started jogging, trying to ignore the pain on my calf. I knew that the chances of me reaching up to him were slim, so I wasn't running at full speed. If I did manage to find him, I wanted to make sure I wasn't tired so I could rip him apart, limb from limb. Oh he was going to pay dearly for what he did to me.

    As I was jogging, I noticed that Twistee's car left a gas trail behind. It was perfect, it was leading me right to him."Hehehe, that dumb fuck is just asking for me to find him." I said to myself with a smile.

    After jogging for a while, I made it onto an empty road. I was sweating a bit, but I wasn't that tired. Luckily for me, I saw Twistee outside of his red car checking out the gas leak. I hid in the trees next to the road and got closer to him, he was parked next to a dirt road.

    "Son of a bitch! Can't believe this bullshit right now." He said to himself as he was opening the trunk. He took out a duffel bag and started stuffing some supplies and food in it."I hope the others will be able to manage with this much." He said out loud.

    This was my chance to sneak up behind him. My chance to get revenge...

    1) Sneak up behind Twistee. Get my stuff and thaangs back.

    2) Wait for him to pack. Follow him and see where he goes.


  • 2) Wait for him to pack. Follow him and see where he goes. - Mark can always take his stuff afterwards. AND possibly take the stuff of his friends as well.

    Dont_Look_Back (!) Let's go to the left, into that neighborhood. CSB sighed and turned to look at me."Let's go to the left, into that

  • Well played Lee Well played indeed but your not killing me yet lol

    Alt text

    What happens if I Sneak up on Twistee with a trunk full of my weapons ^

    2) Wait for him to pack. Follow him and see where he goes.

    I want to see what his looking for sounds interesting I MUST KNOW!!

    Dont_Look_Back (!) Let's go to the left, into that neighborhood. CSB sighed and turned to look at me."Let's go to the left, into that

  • 2) Wait for him to pack. Follow him and see where he goes.

    YAY I'm so happy for ATR and DLB.

    Dont_Look_Back (!) Let's go to the left, into that neighborhood. CSB sighed and turned to look at me."Let's go to the left, into that


    Alt text

    and 2) Wait for him to pack. Follow him and see where he goes.

    Oh and Pro, when was Kunny introduced into the story and did he ever comment? I'm trying to find his profile pic for the lounge but I can't find him anywhere!

    Dont_Look_Back (!) Let's go to the left, into that neighborhood. CSB sighed and turned to look at me."Let's go to the left, into that

  • 1) Sneak up behind Twistee. Get my stuff and thaangs back.

  • Nope, I'm neutral here!

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    @Welcome_To_Woodbury Is that all you got, Woodbury? You aint shit! WTW: IT'S OVER! TDM: Fuck you! As soon as WTD and TWDFan get out

  • I dunno about that....from the looks of it, Twistee has a group of friends waiting for him, if you were to wait you would probably be in a bad weapons and an entire group to take down by yourself...I say take the opportunity now and sneak up on the bastard, take your weapons back and interrogate him.

    1) Sneak up behind Twistee. Get my stuff and thaangs back.

    Like Lee said, this is your chance to get revenge, it might be too late after that...

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Well played Lee Well played indeed but your not killing me yet lol What happens if I Sneak up on Twistee with a trunk full of my weap

  • 2) Wait for myself to pack. ^_^

    Dont_Look_Back (!) Let's go to the left, into that neighborhood. CSB sighed and turned to look at me."Let's go to the left, into that

  • but're dead in this scenario and so is WTD...

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Nope, I'm neutral here!

  • don't take it too literally llol

    Twistee posted: »

    Bastard? You meanie!

  • Bastard? You meanie!

    I dunno about that....from the looks of it, Twistee has a group of friends waiting for him, if you were to wait you would probably be in a b

  • Markd4547: 2) Wait for him to pack. Follow him and see where he goes.

    Dont_Look_Back (!) Let's go to the left, into that neighborhood. CSB sighed and turned to look at me."Let's go to the left, into that

  • edited June 2014

    Back on the bottom of pg.13. You should find him. B] He was introduced in the second part of DLB's POV.

    REUNITED! and 2) Wait for him to pack. Follow him and see where he goes. Oh and Pro, when was Kunny introduced into the story and did he ever comment? I'm trying to find his profile pic for the lounge but I can't find him anywhere!

  • What he said. Sorry, I was getting ready for school when you were talking to me. Fuck high school man.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Dayumz, that's a lot of people... But, hey, thanks!

  • It's alright, it's cool.

    Hey, have you heard of StickyPaddle lately?

    Deceptio posted: »

    What he said. Sorry, I was getting ready for school when you were talking to me. Fuck high school man.

  • Thank you!

    Back on the bottom of pg.13. You should find him. B] He was introduced in the second part of DLB's POV.

  • edited June 2014

    Alt text

    Good point Passwords sucks WHY ME!! TWISTEE even when I eventually kill you brutally you hurt my feelings villain bro

    Twistee posted: »

    Bastard? You meanie!

  • edited June 2014

    We shall have a dance off before we brawl.

    Alt text

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Good point Passwords sucks WHY ME!! TWISTEE even when I eventually kill you brutally you hurt my feelings villain bro

  • 2) Wait for him to pack. Follow him and see where he goes.

    Dont_Look_Back (!) Let's go to the left, into that neighborhood. CSB sighed and turned to look at me."Let's go to the left, into that

  • 2) Wait for him to pack. Follow him and see where he goes.

    Dont_Look_Back (!) Let's go to the left, into that neighborhood. CSB sighed and turned to look at me."Let's go to the left, into that


    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Nope, I'm neutral here!

  • I'll spare you, TDM. You don't deserve my mercy. >:(

    2) Leave with Password, LeeThePro, Sweetpea, and Noncy.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    @Welcome_To_Woodbury Is that all you got, Woodbury? You aint shit! WTW: IT'S OVER! TDM: Fuck you! As soon as WTD and TWDFan get out

  • Can I watch?

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Guys... Duck said if he dies he'll rip my dick off

  • Whaaaaaaat....? :\


  • Why?

    Alt text

    Can I watch?

  • I'm so happy for DLB and ATR <3

    Markd4547: 1) Sneak up behind Twistee. Get my stuff and thaangs back.



    I boat it.

    Dont_Look_Back (!) Let's go to the left, into that neighborhood. CSB sighed and turned to look at me."Let's go to the left, into that

  • I've never seen someone get their dick ripped off before. I'm curious.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »





    Deceptio (!) Go check "The Spot." I was running through the woods. I remembered that Pro mentioned "The Spot." It was a certain locati

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