Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • Lol, I didn't mean it like that, but I guess that works too, heh. Smart girl. B]

    See, that's what I meant, in the story the female bandit thought you weren't going to do anything because you were the sweet girl. When push came to shove, you proved that nobody should mess with you!

    That's true, but I don't let anyone take advantage of me. When I realize that's what people want I stay away till they give up. So hidden I didn't even know it was there. 8)


    2) Sneak up behind Twistee. Get my stuff and thaangs back

    hehe, stuff and thangs

    Dont_Look_Back (!) Let's go to the left, into that neighborhood. CSB sighed and turned to look at me."Let's go to the left, into that

  • I started smiling at the one shot, one opportunity quote. The beat came into my head before I even finished reading it haha! Then I died at the mom's spaghetti line.

    This was the funniest day ever on the forums, lol. B]

  • Lol, almost everyone knows that song, even if they don't listen to him.

    JonGon posted: »

    I can't believe he didn't get that lol! Eminem is a legend.

  • Lol, damn, I get everything wrong when I'm sleepy. Anyways. :p

    Haha, I'll prove everyone wrong pro. 8)

    Lol, I didn't mean it like that, but I guess that works too, heh. Smart girl. B] See, that's what I meant, in the story the female bandit

  • Why is that, ATR?

    I think one of us is gonna die soon ;c

  • .< -hides my face-

    Awwwwww it's so cute when you're stupid.

  • lol Don't_Look_Bro, I like it.

    Don't worry, me neither. .........Yet.

  • Lol, you should sleep! You're one of the people that won't let me finish up the next part. >:P

    Maybe... haha. We'll see. B]

    Lol, damn, I get everything wrong when I'm sleepy. Anyways. Haha, I'll prove everyone wrong pro. 8)

  • Lmao, I was going to continue putting more quotes from the song to see if he would have gotten it, but the others came along, lol!

    JonGon posted: »

    I started smiling at the one shot, one opportunity quote. The beat came into my head before I even finished reading it haha! Then I died at the mom's spaghetti line.

  • There, there... I'll go get the broom.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    .< -hides my face-

  • Alt text

    Leave me alone.

    There, there... I'll go get the broom.

  • LOL, I won't go to sleep after that. 8)

    That is, if I don't die, right? :p

    Lol, you should sleep! You're one of the people that won't let me finish up the next part. >:P Maybe... haha. We'll see. B]

  • !oot ti gniod er'uoy eeS .D: nuf yllaer tsuj s'tI !yrroS

    !noitasrevnoc eht daer ot drah nmad os ti sekam tI Dx !taht od syug uoy nehw etah I

  • There was no choice that would lead me to die in Chapter One, and only a few so far in Chapter Two. And killing me off could further develop DLB and Jewf's characters.

    And maybe Jewf because I have a feeling he is going to try to redeem himself and then die in some heroic way. I also think that if there was a choice between him and someone else, some people wouldn't vote for him because of what he did to etheking.

    Why is that, ATR?



    I think one of us is gonna die soon ;c

  • edited June 2014

    Ohhh, see you're evil, haha. B]

    Yeah, of course. That's not up to me, tough. If the votes go in your favor, then your character could live on for a long time.

    LOL, I won't go to sleep after that. 8) That is, if I don't die, right?

  • I like the way you think, ATR. B]

    Alt text

    There was no choice that would lead me to die in Chapter One, and only a few so far in Chapter Two. And killing me off could further develop

  • Me? Evil? You know I'm an angel Pro!

    Btw, just realized something. You said AWESOMEO will try to save SweetPea. Is that some kind of foreshadowing? :p Lol

    Ohhh, see you're evil, haha. B] Yeah, of course. That's not up to me, tough. If the votes go in your favor, then your character could live on for a long time.

  • Well, you had stiff competition. But for the most part, no. No doubt at all.

    Was there ever any doubt?

  • edited June 2014

    really? really!?
    Alt text

    Lmao, I was going to continue putting more quotes from the song to see if he would have gotten it, but the others came along, lol!

  • edited June 2014

    An angel? Yes, an evil angel. B]

    Lol, these lips are sealed. >:p

    Me? Evil? You know I'm an angel Pro! Btw, just realized something. You said AWESOMEO will try to save SweetPea. Is that some kind of foreshadowing? Lol

  • Holy fuck dude my brain hurts so bad right now

    !oot ti gniod er'uoy eeS .D: nuf yllaer tsuj s'tI !yrroS

  • Oh shit...

    I like the way you think, ATR. B]

  • Shhhh, I'm adorable. Lol :3

    Damn, I give up trying to get information out of you. :p Anyways Pro, I think I am going to sleep now, I won't be one of the people not letting you write anymore. Heh, good night to y'all.

    An angel? Yes, an evil angel. B] Lol, these lips are sealed. >:p

  • edited June 2014

    Alt text

    Them feels... I liked how you put it all together, man. Not my type of music, but I liked it, went along perfectly with the vid. I didn't know about that Lee drawing? Either I haven't played S1 in a while or I must've forgotten.

    JonGon posted: » Can't believe I spent 4 days on this...

  • Oh actually, there was a choice in the first chapter where if the school group left early, they would have been trapped in the school library. From there, they would hear Rich shooting his gun, and there would have been an option to send someone out to go see. Anyone who would be chosen, would have died. If they chose you, however. You would go through the air duct, but then fall through and land on a group of walkers...

    Oh shit...

  • .desuac evah yam "ecneinevnocni" yna rof yrroS. struh niarb er'uoy yhw erus ton m'I os ,erofeb ti gniod erew ouy dnA !raewS

    Holy fuck dude my brain hurts so bad right now

  • Oh, I forgot about that one...good thing we didn't choose it!

    Oh actually, there was a choice in the first chapter where if the school group left early, they would have been trapped in the school librar

  • Thanks bro. I was surprised too by the drawing of Lee that I had to put it on there lol.

    Them feels... I liked how you put it all together, man. Not my type of music, but I liked it, went along perfectly with the vid. I didn't know about that Lee drawing? Either I haven't played S1 in a while or I must've forgotten.

  • edited June 2014


    (!) Shoot a couple of them. Lead them my way and then run back, to the spot when I get some distance between them.

    I needed to get them out of the area. I decided I was going to try and shoot a couple of them, to get their attention. I took out the handgun and aimed it."Alright... just like TWDFan taught me." I saw a roamer in the distance. I took the safety off, and then squeezed the trigger gently.BANG! I fired the gun, but it caught the roamer in the chest. The others heard the noise and started walking towards me."Shit, shit, shit!" I said to myself. I aimed at another one and shot again.BANG! I shot one, and caught it in the shoulder. I heard a walker close by and stopped to see where it was coming from. I looked at the big tree in front of me, and saw one coming out from behind it. The walker was sitting down the whole time, I saw it getting up and I aimed the gun at it.BANG! BANG! BANG! I shot it and the last bullet caught it's head. More walkers were heading in my direction now, I needed to lead them out of here. I started to walk back, leading them away from the spot."Come on, you dumb walkers... come this way!" I yelled to them. I was backing up slowly, waiting for them to get closer. I was moving, back and then all of a sudden I tripped on an exposed tree root and I dropped the gun. The walkers were right in front of me, at this moment. I quickly got up and started to run away, I looked back and left the gun. I waiting until I got a good distance away from them, and then I went around. It took a while, but when I reached the spot again, There were no walkers around. I went back where I dropped the gun and it was still there. I picked it up and decided to climb a tree. I was going to wait until my father Ranomz and Bananas would return...


    (!) Take them both with us. I'll see if they can prove themselves.

    Shadow had a point. If I killed them right then and there, then I would be wasting bullets, and potential workers."Alright, you two. Get up, you're coming with me." I said to them.

    "Sardines we can't!" Joe said to her.

    "Just stay quiet, Joe. We don't really have a choice in the matter." She said to him and then turned to me."Okay, we'll go with you."

    I smiled at them."Good." I turned to Shadow."Come on, Shadow. Back to the car we go."

    I let Joe and Sardines get in front of us, while I aimed my Model 41 at them."Where is this community of yours, anyway?" Sardines asked.

    "You'll see when you get there." I replied.

    Shadow looked up at me."You're not going to kill them, are you?"

    "What did I tell you about doing whatever it takes to survive? I only let them live because you're here. I can see that you're still too pure for this new world. I'll have to toughen you up, Shadow."

    Shadow looked down."What if I don't want to change?"

    "You have to adapt, Shadow. If you don't, you could die because of weakness. You need someone to guide you towards the right path, and that someone is me. Survival of the fittest. You'll have to get that through your skull sooner or later." I said to him as we were approaching the car."Alright, Sardines will ride in the back passenger seat. Joe will be put in the trunk of the car."

    "What?! Why?!" Joe asked.

    "Why? Because you annoyed me. I can't have you whining and crying in the back seat of the car, or would you rather I just blow your brains out where you stand?"

    "No! I'll be good, I promise. Just... just don't kill me." He said with his hands raised.

    "Just do what he says, Joe. It'll be okay." Sardines told him.

    Sardines got in the back seat and Joe followed me to the trunk. As he was standing there looking at it, I hit him over the head with the butt of my gun and knocked him out."What the hell! What was that for?!" Shadow yelled out.

    "Calm down. I knocked him out. He'll be fine." I said with a smile."Now get in the car."

    Shadow walked to the passenger side and I got in the driver side. I looked back at Sardines, she looked frightened."Put on your seat belt. We'll be there in a few minutes." She nodded and put it on. I started to drive us back to the warehouse.

    When we reached the warehouse. I called over two of my guards and told them to get Sardines and Joe set up. Joe was already up at this point. I took Shadow to the inside of the warehouse, were I saw Valky working with the two new girls, Broken and AC. Emu was keeping watch like I told him, he made his way over to me."PAP is in the medical station with Guilty. Looking him over. Rafoli's working on building a fence around the warehouse, by himself."

    "Why is PAP still looking over Guilty and not working?" I asked with an angered tone.

    "I said I would let him explain it to you. PAP was waiting for you to return, Tobi. Who's the kid?"

    "This is, Shadow. I'll be keeping an eye on him from now on. Take him to my office, I'll go check on PAP and Guilty."

    Emu nodded and then started walking Shadow to my office. I started walking towards the medical station, the three girls were quiet as I walked past. Like they didn't even see me, or maybe they were too scared to try and look up at me. I reached the station and saw PAP sitting next to Guilty who was resting in a bed."The fucks wrong with him?" I said as I walked in.

    PAP turned around to look at me."Oh, Tobi! He uh... he won't be able to work for a few days..."

    "How many days?"

    "About two to three days. He'll be back on his feet soon."

    "Two to three fucking days?!" I snarled."You gotta be fucking kidding me!"

    PAP looked shocked."No, Tobi. You really did a number on him... he just needs to rest for now. I assure you, he'll be ready before next week."

    "He better be, PAP. I need all of you to be able to work so we can get some shit done in this warehouse!"

    "Yes, Tobi. Don't worry." PAP told me.

    I was angry at this point."Get him fixed, PAP." I told him. I turned around and headed to my office...


    I had my eyes slightly opened, and I waited for Tobi to leave."Finally that asshole left. We need to leave tonight." I told PAP.

    "We can't attempt an escape tonight, Guilty. You're still not one hundred percent, let's just wait it out until you're able to think straight."

    "I'm fine, PAP. With all of us out there, we can overpower Emu and take his weapon away. We'll try to convince the new people as well."

    "As far as I know, there are two new girls that were with a man, but he's by himself working on the fence."

    "We could use their help... I just hope they're willing to listen."

    "Think this through, Guilty. We can't escape tonight, it's too risky. We don't have a proper plan. We get one guards gun and then try to escape with it? We need to wait this out for a bit and plan something better with the rest of the group. Think about it."

    PAP was probably right... I wasn't one hundred percent, but the longer we stayed here, the more at risk we were with Tobi around... I didn't know what to do.

    1) No, PAP. We leave tonight. Go out there and ask the new people to help us. We can't wait around.

    2) Fine. We wait this out for a few days. Get to know the new people and make a different escape plan.


  • 2) Fine. We wait this out for a few days. Get to know the new people and make a different escape plan.

    The best escapes are thoroughly planned. They all need to communicate with each other, know what to do if things don't go as planned. They just need to lay low and work the next few days and organize themselves better.

    Deceptio (!) Shoot a couple of them. Lead them my way and then run back, to the spot when I get some distance between them. I needed t

  • edited June 2014

    GuiltyKingOumaShu: 1) No, PAP. We leave tonight. Go out there and ask the new people to help us. We can't wait around.

    Probably not the best option, but I choose based on how I would react in each situation, and... yeah. I'm pretty impulsive.

    Deceptio (!) Shoot a couple of them. Lead them my way and then run back, to the spot when I get some distance between them. I needed t

  • AT LEAST I'M ALIVE... (for now)

    2) Fine. We wait this out for a few days. Get to know the new people and make a different escape plan.

    Let's not rush into anything. It's not a good idea to act rashly and end up putting everyone in danger, especially when we now have more people at our disposal for a better plan.

    (Plus I want more screentime if at all possible before I get potentially killed off, lol.)

    Deceptio (!) Shoot a couple of them. Lead them my way and then run back, to the spot when I get some distance between them. I needed t

  • Nice! I taught my bro how to shoot! :)

    2) Fine. We wait this out for a few days. Get to know the new people and make a different escape plan.

    Deceptio (!) Shoot a couple of them. Lead them my way and then run back, to the spot when I get some distance between them. I needed t

  • Lol, too bad you didn't teach him enough.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Nice! I taught my bro how to shoot! 2) Fine. We wait this out for a few days. Get to know the new people and make a different escape plan.

  • Yeah you suck at teaching.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Nice! I taught my bro how to shoot! 2) Fine. We wait this out for a few days. Get to know the new people and make a different escape plan.

  • WHY DO YOU- nevermind. >.>

    Yeah you suck at teaching.

  • Why do I WHAT?

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    WHY DO YOU- nevermind. >.>

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