For those who wanna know. I've filed a copyright-violation with instagram in 9 cases. The guy was even as stupid and put his own "copyright"-line on one of my pictures. I could actually sue him, if I wanted
But I'll guess Instagram will remove those pictures and do their stuff, as I have more than enough proof, that I'm the author
Last picture of that series
First picture again
Second picture again
Thrist picture again
Don't expect as many pictures the nex… moret few days. I am pretty busy learning for my final exam But I still have an awesome picture with Clem wearing glasses. I'll post that tomorrow
Hey, @Gunab. Someone on this forum ( not going to say who ) took your art and said that he created them. You should put watermarks so people wont take all the credit again.
That's crazy! The things people do to get likes!! I'll keep an eye out for any more, things like this bother me when I know you put a hell of a lot of time into your work! I'll also try and spread the word of you on instagram, maybe you should make one to combat any future copyright?
Yea, thanks I already have it.
For those who wanna know. I've filed a copyright-violation with instagram in 9 cases. The guy was even as … morestupid and put his own "copyright"-line on one of my pictures. I could actually sue him, if I wanted
But I'll guess Instagram will remove those pictures and do their stuff, as I have more than enough proof, that I'm the author
To signify that I posted it on instagram (which is kinda stupid now that I think about it). Point is... I know @Gunab works hard on these photos and I would not do something so low down as to take credit for his artworks. If you look through the pictures you'll see that I did not say anything like "Look what I made" or anything like that. Doing something like that is the equivalent as to taking credit for hand drawn material. I was simply just sharing his art onto instagram like people do with a ton of fanart. I had no intention to take credit for it.
To signify that I posted it on instagram (which is kinda stupid now that I think about it). Point is... I know @Gunab works hard on these ph… moreotos and I would not do something so low down as to take credit for his artworks. If you look through the pictures you'll see that I did not say anything like "Look what I made" or anything like that. Doing something like that is the equivalent as to taking credit for hand drawn material. I was simply just sharing his art onto instagram like people do with a ton of fanart. I had no intention to take credit for it.
This seems like an accurate prediction of what could end up happening in episode 4. If Jane pulls that trigger, there better be an option to return the favor.
Last picture of that series
First picture again
Second picture again
Thrist picture again
Don't expect as many pictures the nex… moret few days. I am pretty busy learning for my final exam But I still have an awesome picture with Clem wearing glasses. I'll post that tomorrow
Yay, replying to myself
I've just read a little. From what the guy who did this is posting here on the forum, I gather he's german, beca… moreuse of frequent use of ^^, this is as far as I know a German thing, because ^ is much more easy accessibleon German Keyboards.
I am German. And our copyright-law does not only protect Telltales copyright on those pictures, but also my rights as an Author (German: Urheberrecht). Sooo... my advise would be for the person to straigten this out.
This seems like an accurate prediction of what could end up happening in episode 4. If Jane pulls that trigger, there better be an option to return the favor.
Last picture of that series
First picture again
Second picture again
Thrist picture again
Don't expect as many pictures the nex… moret few days. I am pretty busy learning for my final exam But I still have an awesome picture with Clem wearing glasses. I'll post that tomorrow
I knew it.. maybe Jane has a reason? Maybe she though Sarah was a walker? Or what if Sarah had something to do with Luke missing? Got him killed or hell, killed him? That would be a crazy plot twist o_o Lets just hope that isn't the case.
Oh and btw, you should've had Sarah without her glasses. Would've lined up with the actual story better.
Last picture of that series
First picture again
Second picture again
Thrist picture again
Don't expect as many pictures the nex… moret few days. I am pretty busy learning for my final exam But I still have an awesome picture with Clem wearing glasses. I'll post that tomorrow
A follow-up-image on the "sarah and clem grave"-scene I posted yesterday. Maybe a little tweak to the light and shadows and this would make a nice preview-image for EP4
Last picture of that series
First picture again
Second picture again
Thrist picture again
Don't expect as many pictures the nex… moret few days. I am pretty busy learning for my final exam But I still have an awesome picture with Clem wearing glasses. I'll post that tomorrow
Last picture of that series
First picture again
Second picture again
Thrist picture again
Don't expect as many pictures the nex… moret few days. I am pretty busy learning for my final exam But I still have an awesome picture with Clem wearing glasses. I'll post that tomorrow
I have seen that before Clem with her old shirt from EP 1 having no hat that was realy fun and nice to see... I feel than I play the old Clem from season 1 and that is realy a nice feeling
Yea, thanks I already have it.
For those who wanna know. I've filed a copyright-violation with instagram in 9 cases. The guy was even as stupid and put his own "copyright"-line on one of my pictures. I could actually sue him, if I wanted

But I'll guess Instagram will remove those pictures and do their stuff, as I have more than enough proof, that I'm the author
If she does do it it's war!
I soooooo love the reaction you guys are having
God damn, really liking these pics
nice job Gunab! 
Even if she only points it at Sarah, it's war, ending in Jane's death via bashed-in skull!
He's talking about me. I didn't say once that I created it ._.
That page says that you did,
That person credited me. I never told him that I made it.
That's crazy! The things people do to get likes!! I'll keep an eye out for any more, things like this bother me when I know you put a hell of a lot of time into your work! I'll also try and spread the word of you on instagram, maybe you should make one to combat any future copyright?
What about putting your name in the photo of Clementine taking selfies?
To signify that I posted it on instagram (which is kinda stupid now that I think about it). Point is... I know @Gunab works hard on these photos and I would not do something so low down as to take credit for his artworks. If you look through the pictures you'll see that I did not say anything like "Look what I made" or anything like that. Doing something like that is the equivalent as to taking credit for hand drawn material. I was simply just sharing his art onto instagram like people do with a ton of fanart. I had no intention to take credit for it.
double post ._.
Alright. Well, I don't know if Gunab is happy about it, but you've proved your point.
I PMed him about it. If he doesn't want me posting it anymore then I will respect that.
This seems like an accurate prediction of what could end up happening in episode 4. If Jane pulls that trigger, there better be an option to return the favor.
Could you please do one of Luke and Nick or Nuke
...I kind of support this idea. braces self for downvotes
I'm not German XD I thought ^^ was a Japanese thing
Luke and Nick are and will only ever be friends
Il will answer to your PM in a few minutes. Make sure you check it (you can find PMs with your notification).
Thanks for coming forward here. We'll resolve the rest via PM.
Interesting, I didn't know ^^ was easy accessible on any other keyboard-layout.
Well IF that really was to happen, Jane will taste my axe! I like Sarah as you may have noticed
Maybe later, the next couple of pictures I will do, will be Clem/Kenny and Clem/Luke. Hatless Kenny and Guitar-Playing Luke.
Edit: To clarify, I won't do the Nuke thingy. If I do pictures with both of them, then only as friends, nothing more.
lol thanks yea i know it's sad i miss lee....
... I really want to see Nick without his hat.
Man fuck jane
I knew it.. maybe Jane has a reason? Maybe she though Sarah was a walker? Or what if Sarah had something to do with Luke missing? Got him killed or hell, killed him? That would be a crazy plot twist o_o Lets just hope that isn't the case.
Oh and btw, you should've had Sarah without her glasses. Would've lined up with the actual story better.
Oh my god, this is pure intelligence ^^
Kenny too
I would take that the pistol and shoot her brains out! >:(
Nice job!
I'm sorry, there is no model of Nick without his hat in the game.
So it's literally attached to his head? lmao
Yep they are
In the files for EP1 there was a hatless model. Probably the one used for the EP4-diorama
Then how did you managed clem without a hat?
Sorry, the board seems to have lost my answer...
In the files for EP1, there is a hatless model, probably the one used for the EP4 diorama.
I have seen that before Clem with her old shirt from EP 1 having no hat that was realy fun and nice to see... I feel than I play the old Clem from season 1 and that is realy a nice feeling