The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • "OMG a guuuurrrl! Doi! Can I add you?!"

    It's like that everywhere, haha. It's like they don't expect girls to play games nowadays.

    Part of it was my voice. Everyone here complains about their voice, but it is nowhere near as bad as mine. Almost everyone I'd talk to would comment about it.

  • Why are your legs hairy???

    Im monkey McSnot face The girl behind me if sardines. And the guys are behind me. My outfit is so damn fabulous!

  • edited November 2015


    JonGon posted: »

    And don't believe what they say about my voice -.- I am 21 so its naturally deeper.

  • edited November 2015


    Im monkey McSnot face The girl behind me if sardines. And the guys are behind me. My outfit is so damn fabulous!

  • Because I like them that way!

    Alt text

    lol, nah. jk, Hairy legs are gross. There just tattoos. And that's not my actual outfit or look AT ALL. My real one looks something like this

    Alt text

    Why are your legs hairy???

  • I know. No one else can get to my level.


  • Oh, well I honestly don't mind how people's voices are. I mean the 7 year old squeakers I just laugh at lol.

    It's really high and girly. People either find it adorable or they think it's annoying and that I sound like an 8 year-old Japanese girl lol

  • Alt text

    Im so sorry I had to do it! xD

    Yeah. I never really saw my birthday as a big deal... My last b-days I didn't even eat a cake. That doesn't bother me, Its no bid deal. What bothers me is that I think my mom forgot my last one.. :/


  • I know how you feel. I have that overprotective mom who demands to see every grade I get. If she sees one F, she starts taking away all if my shit. Why can't I have one of those chill moms who just let you do anything and don't snoop at your grades 24/7?



    Deceptio posted: »

    I know how you feel. I have that overprotective mom who demands to see every grade I get. If she sees one F, she starts taking away all if m

  • That profile picture!!


    JonGon posted: »


  • Alt text

    I'm so tempted to join lol but not as a profile pic does it still count?


  • Well, I don't have Halo 4 :( But I do have Halo 3 :)

    Randomz89101 and CoolStoryBro, I'm going to add them later for some halo 4.

  • Halo 3 is full of derankers now, haha. I don't mind playing it again, though. B]

    Deceptio posted: »

    Well, I don't have Halo 4 But I do have Halo 3

  • edited November 2015


    Im so sorry I had to do it! xD Yeah. I never really saw my birthday as a big deal... My last b-days I didn't even eat a cake. That doesn't bother me, Its no bid deal. What bothers me is that I think my mom forgot my last one..

  • Seriously. He sounds like Morgan freeman 2.0

    He sounds different on different mics though...


  • edited November 2015


    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm so tempted to join lol but not as a profile pic does it still count?

  • edited November 2015


    Seriously. He sounds like Morgan freeman 2.0 He sounds different on different mics though...

  • edited June 2014


    My mom dosent tell me I have to be a doctor or stuff. But when I here her scream my full name I automatically think "well shit.. she's looking at my grades."

    Its funny because she only yells at me for bad grades, but yet when I get good grades she ignores that. W.T.F. I don't really have a lot of bad grades though. Anymore. But I do get a 'F' every now and then.

    She now wants to put me in dual enrollment -_-...UUGGGHH


  • edited June 2014

    xD lol. Maybe not like THAT. Haha, but Jon has an awesome voice.

    .>.< I know I gif about this guy but not going to post it. There are already a lot of gifs on here because of me. x_x


  • Ok so tonight's game as been officially named : The Adventures of Suicidal Rigtail.







  • edited November 2015


    xD My mom dosent tell me I have to be a doctor or stuff. But when I here her scream my full name I automatically think "well shit.. she'

  • edited November 2015


    xD lol. Maybe not like THAT. Haha, but Jon has an awesome voice. .>.< I know I gif about this guy but not going to post it. There are already a lot of gifs on here because of me. x_x

  • TWDFan86 was like, and I quote.


    Ok so tonight's game as been officially named : The Adventures of Suicidal Rigtail. SardinesWeDontStabPeople!! SardinesWeDon'tStabRigtail!! WhyRigtailWhyyyy!! OMGWeKilledRigtail!! Don'tJumpRigtail!! WasThatRigtail...Damnit!!

  • yeah. I wish my mom would do the same. :/

    Dual enrollment is good but bad. I have to go to extra college course classes... blah blah and I have to go during spring break blah blah blah... ugh. But the outcome is good. But so much work. DX


  • pretty much xD

    TWDFan86 was like, and I quote. "..."

  • edited November 2015


    yeah. I wish my mom would do the same. Dual enrollment is good but bad. I have to go to extra college course classes... blah blah and I have to go during spring break blah blah blah... ugh. But the outcome is good. But so much work. DX

  • For some reason I imagine Rigtail as squirrel with rabies... just me? yeah just me...

    Ok so tonight's game as been officially named : The Adventures of Suicidal Rigtail. SardinesWeDontStabPeople!! SardinesWeDon'tStabRigtail!! WhyRigtailWhyyyy!! OMGWeKilledRigtail!! Don'tJumpRigtail!! WasThatRigtail...Damnit!!

  • Exactly. And my school has this thing called "Parent Portal" where all of the teachers post all of your grades. Yep, if you fail a quiz, it will be there. If you forget a homework, it will be there. And my mom goes on there EVERY FUCKING DAY. There's no way of escaping a simple screw up. I fucking hate it, it's so fucking stupid, and I hope it goes away FOREVER.


  • I don't play online on Halo 3, I just play with my friends haha

    Halo 3 is full of derankers now, haha. I don't mind playing it again, though. B]

  • A suicidal one judging by tonight's session...

    For some reason I imagine Rigtail as squirrel with rabies... just me? yeah just me...

  • I have that same grades shit. Whenever she goes on it she has to know my ID number, so whenever she asks me I know its to check my grades. So I tell her the number and then run to the internet and disconnect it so she cant see them... But she found a way around that.

    Deceptio posted: »

    Exactly. And my school has this thing called "Parent Portal" where all of the teachers post all of your grades. Yep, if you fail a quiz, it

  • I already joined 3 weeks ago...secretly and differently...


  • edited November 2015


    yup. X_X

  • Once, but I didn't like the game anyway, so whatever.

    Ooh Xbox users. Do you ever get a freaking ring on your disc?

  • In short:



  • Thanks :P yours is awesome too!

    That profile picture!! AWESOME

  • edited June 2014

    xD lol, thanks.

    Though In my school the high school and middle is mixed, so I use the same bathroom as the high school does. My school is super new so there no that bad yet. xD

    And yeah, about the axe, ALL THE TIME. It friken annoying. If guys are going to wear cologne, they should wear some REAL cologne. Like some Amouage or something.


  • ahem

    I know. No one else can get to my level.

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