The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I am in!! I just need to wait for the pc version to be released.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    ok people if people actually think this is a good idea I'm gonna start a crew on gta for us forum people and all of us can join whether you

  • wait sorry so there already is a crew yea? when you say you can join us next time do you mean you are only adding people in at certain times or are you talking about an actual game session cause if thats the case that isn't what I'm talking about I'm talking about starting an actual crew on the social club

    I'm already taking care of that Don't worry, also you can join us next time if you want to :P

  • once pc version is out hopefully there will be plenty of people from here who will get it would love to play some modded gta with everyone

    poplee posted: »

    I am in!! I just need to wait for the pc version to be released.

  • I was thinking something along the lines of the boatmasters but I guess that won't work out for people who don't like kenny that lee one could work

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    We could call ourselves The Telltale Community, but I suggest "Lee Everett's bitches".

  • I know, we discussed it during tonight's session and since i'm the host 100% of the time, it falls on me to make the official social club crew :P Also, because i'm pretty much a born leader, like my upcoming character in Pro's story. I just like helping people and taking care of things, but mostly having a blast when I create a party B)

    You can join us next time on our GTAV PS3 sessions that is :P

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    wait sorry so there already is a crew yea? when you say you can join us next time do you mean you are only adding people in at certain times

  • Hail Arvo, full of chicken, the dance is with thee.
    Blessed art thou amonst Clukers and blessed is the one who died for you, Mike. Holy Arvo, Father of Mike, pray for us peasants now and in the hour of our fast. Chicken.

    Arvo..? As in.. (I think I might know who you're talking about)

  • edited June 2014

    ok sweet I went brain dead for a second :p yea I don't have it on ps3 I have it on xbox and I am planing on getting it on pc if you don't have anyone else doing it if the crew is still going when the pc version is out you know how you can upgrade people with that hierarchy thing? well we should add everyone on the forums whether they are xbox, ps or pc and you would be the leader of the ps3 side of things and you would have one on the xbox and pc side of things by upgrading those leaders to commissoners I could do the pc one when thats out and I can have a group up on steam with all the members planning on getting it on pc I think it will be good to have everyone from here in one crew

    I know, we discussed it during tonight's session and since i'm the host 100% of the time, it falls on me to make the official social club cr


    Didn't know Steven was in the big bang theory...

    edited June 2014

    Everyone's reaction after seeing Carl's new hobby in issue 128

    Alt text

  • "Father of Mike?"

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    Puncake32 posted: » Hail Arvo, full of chicken, the dance is with thee. Blessed art thou amonst Clukers and bless

  • "In the industry we call this uh.. the motherfucker cuz it really.. you gotta go in there and.. yank it, yank it out and it hurts like a motherfucker"

    That guy's expression after he said it XD

    Has anyone seen this show? I lost is at 3:10, lmao.

  • Oh man modded gta 5 .I can already taste

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    once pc version is out hopefully there will be plenty of people from here who will get it would love to play some modded gta with everyone

  • That'll be legendary...

    poplee posted: »

    Oh man modded gta 5 .I can already taste

  • IKR.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    That'll be legendary...

  • I was like

    Alt text And Also Alt text

    You know Shocked in a mysterious way .

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Everyone's reaction after seeing Carl's new hobby in issue 128

    edited June 2014

    Confused emo Carl is confused.

    Anyone else think he looks like a lesbian?

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    poplee posted: »

    I was like And Also You know Shocked in a mysterious way .

  • Oh man I can't wait to see chandler riggs like this in the TV series.

    I don't think lesbian is the right word.

  • Very manly woman, that's more like it.

    poplee posted: »

    Oh man I can't wait to see chandler riggs like this in the TV series. I don't think lesbian is the right word.

  • I have a PS3 but I don't even play it.

    poplee posted: »

    AND crying internally

  • Tobi is my secret identity. I AM THE DARK RABBIT!

    Rafoli posted: »

    (?) Rafoli always thought it was Toby. He will remember that.

  • edited June 2014

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    Waking up and seeing these comments ^

    Thanks everyone you all are the sexy beasts and I really mean that seeing all your pics.. The apple video lmao you really don't, Noncy right I'm The Joker and always will be on the forum. And thanks for all the nice words and gifs this made my day :)

    But he is!


    Markd4547 posted: »

    This is me I took a quick one about 5 minutes ago on my Vita I was going to do a video which I recorded to show what I sound like to up the

  • edited June 2014


    AS PROMISED HERE'S MY FACE. WELL TWO VERSIONS ACTUALLY. (ignore the date I don't know how to change the time on the camera)


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  • I thought you're younger Daniel :P

    TIME TO TAKE OFF MY BUNNY SUIT! AS PROMISED HERE'S MY FACE. WELL TWO VERSIONS ACTUALLY. (ignore the date I don't know how to change the time on the camera) Before After

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    DAMN RIGHT!!! That's a life goal one day lol


  • I'm actually 19. Turning 20 this year.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I thought you're younger Daniel :P

  • So there's my area

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    I took those today while heading out for lunch, it's technically not my city but it's very close :P

  • edited November 2015


    TIME TO TAKE OFF MY BUNNY SUIT! AS PROMISED HERE'S MY FACE. WELL TWO VERSIONS ACTUALLY. (ignore the date I don't know how to change the time on the camera) Before After

  • Alt text

    Tobi you finally show your true colours respect applauds

    TIME TO TAKE OFF MY BUNNY SUIT! AS PROMISED HERE'S MY FACE. WELL TWO VERSIONS ACTUALLY. (ignore the date I don't know how to change the time on the camera) Before After

  • Yeah, he was Sheldon's old roommate.

    AWESOMEO posted: » Didn't know Steven was in the big bang theory...


    Music for the lounge .Man I dig this music

  • edited November 2015


    It's fine we had a blast XD It was just hilarious all around !!! Freaking Rigtail and you made the highlight of tonight though, that a

    edited June 2014

    His voice feels like a blanket that's wrapping me, making me want to fall asleep :o

    EDIT: I meant Tay Zonday, dunno where the hell'd the video go 0_0

    poplee posted: » Music for the lounge .Man I dig this music

  • edited November 2015


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Everyone's reaction after seeing Carl's new hobby in issue 128

  • All were the same except I told Hershel the truth, saved Duck, didn't give her the gun, my food choices were a little different, I told Ben my secret, I killed Fivel, and gave the Stranger my weapons. So pretty similar.

    quinnics posted: »

    * I left during the day. I wouldn't want to be caught in the streets with no sunlight while there's zombies walking around. * I think I lie

  • edited November 2015


  • And I have my unicorn parked up in my castle so I can pick y'all up and we'll fly to imaginationland

    Kenny's voice "hehehehehe sorry, bad joke."


  • How many more days until you get out?


  • That's ummmm... unhealthy. Carver: "Is that the word?" Anyways... Clem: "Are you okay?"


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