The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • What the fuck? I have no dreams at all (T_T)

    I daydream about dreaming.

    Rafoli posted: »

    2 nights ago I had a dream about Slenderman, and then I woke up at dawn. He was right in my face, and it looked so fucking real, but then it

  • Then I must have looked all ratchet. xD


  • edited November 2015


    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Did you feel the pain? xD

  • edited June 2014

    Alt text

    That is genius I'm stealing that lol

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    So hear this: On April fools this year I took an oreo cookie, and filled the white stuffing with toothpaste, then the next day I put it o

  • Split my head open. Twice. In the same place. In the same glass table.

    All right ya boy CiD here. What's the worst injury you have ever had. (Trying to make a convo)

  • That's easier said than done for me, lol. I've always been a quiet person literally since I was a baby. My mom told me I rarely cried out loud or screamed. When I cried, it was usually just low and soft sounds or just plain tears.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I wasn't the talkative type either, but I worked on myself to the level I gave 0 fucks about what anyone thinks and now I'm more friendly than I used to be.

  • OMMGGGG. That's my favorite animal right there!

    But I like a special tiger. :3

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Is it by any way this majestic, noble beast? Because it's an honor to be mauled by Shiva

  • When I was young, I made a mistake and I ended up splitting my head open. I still have a small mark.

    All right ya boy CiD here. What's the worst injury you have ever had. (Trying to make a convo)

  • edited November 2015


    Then I must have looked all ratchet. xD

  • edited June 2014

    i had so many damn injuries. Most them because of my ass sister

    one time, I was eating a lollypop, and the moment my tongue was out, my sister got her fist and jammed it into my jaw causing my to chomp on my tongue in full force. It was bleeding like crazy and there was 2 teeth chomp marks on the top and bottom. it hurt to eat. And I like eating.

    All right ya boy CiD here. What's the worst injury you have ever had. (Trying to make a convo)

  • I don't think that's plausible, but I heard you can't die in a dream since your brain has no experience in dying and therefore wakes you up, since he doesn't know wtf to do.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Did you feel the pain? xD

  • I got GTA5, and I sent you a friend request. When are we playing, Matt?

    That's funny because I had a lucid dream where I jumped in your dream and ate you as a tiger...interesting xD Joke llol But I do lucid dream, it's out of this world I can tell you that !!

  • edited November 2015


    All right ya boy CiD here. What's the worst injury you have ever had. (Trying to make a convo)

  • Tonight brah, I'll make another session tonight :D It's always good to relax and chill after a hard day's work :P

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I got GTA5, and I sent you a friend request. When are we playing, Matt?

  • :| damn.

    Then I must have a lot of versions of me. I literally only have dreams like that and bad dreams. Never good ones. D:

    I got shot in 2 of my dreams and didn't wake up. I got eaten by a alligator and didn't wake up. What's wrong with me?!

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I get those dreams 70% of the time. People say when that happens is when another version of you from an alternative universe dies.

  • YOU LUCKY LITTLE TURD !! ive always tried to do that but it never goes well. :/

    That's funny because I had a lucid dream where I jumped in your dream and ate you as a tiger...interesting xD Joke llol But I do lucid dream, it's out of this world I can tell you that !!

    edited June 2014

    Well, I once tried some weird ass knee skateboard (don't ask wtf that is), and it was down a huge hill, then I fell and my knee just grinded all the way down and you could almost see a lot of my flesh.

    And a couple of days ago I was doing pull ups, and slammed my head into the wall (DURR), I'm still not sure if it's brokenn or not, because blood was coming out for like a minute and then I said fuck it and went back here.

    OH YEAH, and when I was 4 I was running around like an idiot in my grandparents' condo, and I slipped right on the edge of a table, and the edge went INTO my nostril, it fucked my nose up good.

    All right ya boy CiD here. What's the worst injury you have ever had. (Trying to make a convo)

  • edited June 2014

    Jumped from high ground and sprained my ankle.

    All right ya boy CiD here. What's the worst injury you have ever had. (Trying to make a convo)

  • Alt text

    You too man you looked awesome you deserve such a name lol

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    You deserve it!

  • Lucid dreaming ? My advice is to close your eyes and visualize your dream before falling asleep. It's really funny to mess around in your own head xD I just go up to the people in my dreams and slap them and ask "when am I gonna wake up now" -_- xD

    YOU LUCKY LITTLE TURD !! ive always tried to do that but it never goes well.

  • Where exactly can I buy it? Does Telltale sell it?

    I don't know. But I'm assure you'll get one, it doesn't need to be from him!

  • I stole my best friend's bike once and after a few minutes, he ambushed me by tackling me off his bike and I landed headfirst on the street. I was knocked out for a few minutes. I woke up with my forehead bleeding. He feels really bad about it, though. I forgive him :)

    All right ya boy CiD here. What's the worst injury you have ever had. (Trying to make a convo)

  • edited November 2015


    How did you manage to do that?

  • How did you manage to do that?


  • If you want it enough, you'll be able to do it, it's hard changing your behaviour, but if you fake it and start talking about any random shit you'll be talkative if you want it or not.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    That's easier said than done for me, lol. I've always been a quiet person literally since I was a baby. My mom told me I rarely cried out loud or screamed. When I cried, it was usually just low and soft sounds or just plain tears.

  • Steal it proudly, but be sure to tell me how it went.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    That is genius I'm stealing that lol

  • Yeah, I think I'll just continue staying the quiet type c:

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    If you want it enough, you'll be able to do it, it's hard changing your behaviour, but if you fake it and start talking about any random shit you'll be talkative if you want it or not.

  • To be honest I have no idea. :/ And no, they don't. ç.ç

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Where exactly can I buy it? Does Telltale sell it?

  • Why would you steal his bike? xD

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I stole my best friend's bike once and after a few minutes, he ambushed me by tackling me off his bike and I landed headfirst on the street.

  • Holy shit ma, sounds like a scene from an action film XD

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I stole my best friend's bike once and after a few minutes, he ambushed me by tackling me off his bike and I landed headfirst on the street.

  • I tried this thing were you lay down flat on your bed and close your eyes like your going to sleep and think about nothing and stay awake. After a while it felt like the room was turning and like I was going to fall so I freaked and sat up really fast. I have no idea what happened.

    Lucid dreaming ? My advice is to close your eyes and visualize your dream before falling asleep. It's really funny to mess around in your own head xD I just go up to the people in my dreams and slap them and ask "when am I gonna wake up now" -_- xD

  • Isn't HE supposed to forgive YOU because you stole his bike?!

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I stole my best friend's bike once and after a few minutes, he ambushed me by tackling me off his bike and I landed headfirst on the street.

  • I told my mom, "I fell...."

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Holy shit ma, sounds like a scene from an action film XD

  • "Claim your true name and live under it"

    Markd4547 posted: »

    You too man you looked awesome you deserve such a name lol

  • edited November 2015


    How did you manage to do that?

  • I broke my ankle once and now fouettes scare the crap out of me. :/

    All right ya boy CiD here. What's the worst injury you have ever had. (Trying to make a convo)

  • For the lolz xD

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Why would you steal his bike? xD

  • And a great talent it is.

    Rafoli posted: »

    So that's the face behind the talent. Awesome.

  • Oh that is very good !! Then you're ready to lucid dream, if you're able to transcend the reality of your own mind, you should be able to lucid dream as well. Also, what you had was a spiritual experience. I do it too sometimes, mostly back in high school or if I feel stressed or tense. It allows you to see things that are simply out of this world. My eyes were closed but I was able to see my entire body and the chair I was sitting in, while floating in nothingness. Its...interesting, that's for sure.

    I tried this thing were you lay down flat on your bed and close your eyes like your going to sleep and think about nothing and stay awake. A

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