When I was little, the grown-ups always asked me if I'd ever "jerked off". I didn't even know what that meant, but I always replied with an … more"yes" so I wouldn't be left out or made fun of. But they always laughed, and now I am laughing at how stupid I used to be. :v
Mine too. You know that i first discovered porn through the interference of a few assholes, right?
Boys. Are. Fucking. Sick.
Not all of them, but yeah.
No, I hated him because he started acting like the fact we had been best friends since 2nd grade didn't matter anymore, and he became focused on being "cool'.
I know. Like, there's this ONE girl...
Elephant porn. That's all i'm gonna say. You can look it up, there IS such a thing as elephant porn. Not shitting you.
When I was 7 I was obsessed with dragon ball z. One day searching the internet I found a hentai. So, I was looking at the pictures and I remember saying, "Why would he pee inside her?"
I know. Like, there's this ONE girl...
Elephant porn. That's all i'm gonna say. You can look it up, there IS such a thing as elephant porn. Not shitting you.
Nah Racism is the belief that your race is better than others im not racist it was a joke after i watched this video my bad if it came out the wrong way.
When I was 7 I was obsessed with dragon ball z. One day searching the internet I found a hentai. So, I was looking at the pictures and I remember saying, "Why would he pee inside her?"
Oh god xD
When I was 7 I was obsessed with dragon ball z. One day searching the internet I found a hentai. So, I was looking at the pictures and I remember saying, "Why would he pee inside her?"
Oh god xD
I'm hosting another session tonight, just add me and PSN and you shall experience the most hilarious gameplay you ever had on GTAV xD Seriously, I find ways to make things waaaaaaaay too funny, with people like Mute Joe, Stabby Devyn and Suicidal Rigtail, you'll have a blast XD
Okay so I'm gonna play GTA Online on PS3 tonight when it's 8:00 pm in ON Canada. Who wants to play with me?
PS: I have random outbursts o… moref wanting to make chaos so watch out. ;3
@TWDFan86 this morning I checked my friends list but you disappeared. I'M SO CONFUSED.
EDIT: No one wants to play with me. :C
I know. Like, there's this ONE girl...
Elephant porn. That's all i'm gonna say. You can look it up, there IS such a thing as elephant porn. Not shitting you.
Hmm. This is the time of day where this thread is deserted... -_-
BOYS? Nahhhh girls aint saints girls also be having dutty minds too.
Its so hot in my house right now it feels like im in a damn sauna.
LOL, Eren's gone berserk XD
There's a big storm going on right now and i positively LOVE it.
I fucking hate brazilian kids. They're only 10 years old but they already know of all this shit. I think I was the only innocent child in my time.
It was.
It's on Page 47 if you want to see, down the middle of the page.
That's the story of my life, 99.9% of every friend I know turned into an uncontrollable douchebag right at 7th grade.
There's nothing going on here, I'm just too damn lazy and sexy to do anything productive.
Going to make a Ben gif.
Finally someone understands me!
I hate it when it's hot. It makes me sweat like a fountain. :C
But I love it when it's freezing. Ahhhh so cold it's good.
xD it's just hard to pronounce without it sounding like something else....llol
I know. Like, there's this ONE girl...
Elephant porn. That's all i'm gonna say. You can look it up, there IS such a thing as elephant porn. Not shitting you.
Lucky. >:|
This place is empty.
What is going on...
I love it when its cold also. But sadly were I live its NEVER COLD! Like, NEVER EVER !
I saw it once.... [shivers]
Wat? No.
When I was 7 I was obsessed with dragon ball z. One day searching the internet I found a hentai. So, I was looking at the pictures and I remember saying, "Why would he pee inside her?"
Oh god xD
There's a girl in my class that likes horse porn. The other guys like to make fun of her
Nah Racism is the belief that your race is better than others im not racist it was a joke after i watched this video my bad if it came out the wrong way.
Luckyyyy, I love storms. T_T
watch it NOW
Not really, it was way more deserted like 4 hours ago.
For some reason this place is booming at night time, must be the time zones lol.
What is your guys favorite food?
Mine is sushi and lobster.
Damit! Ignore this
You're too young for this. >:|
Oh my god 0_0
Hmm... I really love Strawberries. >_<
Says who?!
I'm hosting another session tonight, just add me and PSN and you shall experience the most hilarious gameplay you ever had on GTAV
xD Seriously, I find ways to make things waaaaaaaay too funny, with people like Mute Joe, Stabby Devyn and Suicidal Rigtail, you'll have a blast XD
*pukes Gross! Pineapple pizza is where its at.
NICE. I had one last night, so enjoyable.
WTF and you watched that shit?
Well my mind is practically a 20 year olds to technically it doesn't matter.