The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Hmm. This is the time of day where this thread is deserted... -_-

  • WHY

    Rafoli posted: »

    When I was little, the grown-ups always asked me if I'd ever "jerked off". I didn't even know what that meant, but I always replied with an

  • BOYS? Nahhhh girls aint saints girls also be having dutty minds too.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Mine too. You know that i first discovered porn through the interference of a few assholes, right? Boys. Are. Fucking. Sick. Not all of them, but yeah.

  • Its so hot in my house right now it feels like im in a damn sauna.


  • LOL, Eren's gone berserk XD

    Azlyn posted: »

    Waiting hurts more than Levi's blades. Well, not really. BUT CAN I JUST

  • There's a big storm going on right now and i positively LOVE it.

  • I fucking hate brazilian kids. They're only 10 years old but they already know of all this shit. I think I was the only innocent child in my time.

    Azlyn posted: »


  • It was. :(

    It's on Page 47 if you want to see, down the middle of the page.

    Azlyn posted: »

    O rlly. Cool. I bet it was pretty hard.

  • That's the story of my life, 99.9% of every friend I know turned into an uncontrollable douchebag right at 7th grade.

    Yep, from one of my former friends in 6th grade. Right about when he turned into an insufferable asshole whom I hated.

  • There's nothing going on here, I'm just too damn lazy and sexy to do anything productive.

    Going to make a Ben gif.

  • Finally someone understands me! :D

    No, I hated him because he started acting like the fact we had been best friends since 2nd grade didn't matter anymore, and he became focused on being "cool'.

  • I hate it when it's hot. It makes me sweat like a fountain. :C

    But I love it when it's freezing. Ahhhh so cold it's good. :3

    Its so hot in my house right now it feels like im in a damn sauna. WHY DO I HAVE TO LIVE IN A PLACE WERE IT FEELS LIKE A DESERT??!

  • xD it's just hard to pronounce without it sounding like something else....llol

    sardines posted: »

    It's okay dude, sorry your name got made fun of :P

  • I know. Like, there's this ONE girl...

    Elephant porn. That's all i'm gonna say. You can look it up, there IS such a thing as elephant porn. Not shitting you.

    BOYS? Nahhhh girls aint saints girls also be having dutty minds too.

  • Lucky. >:|

    Azlyn posted: »

    There's a big storm going on right now and i positively LOVE it.

  • This place is empty.


    What is going on...

  • Alt text

    Shit Guys! Shirtless Ben, also he only has underpants because I couldn't find anything better, SORRY! Ain't that great?

  • I love it when its cold also. But sadly were I live its NEVER COLD! Like, NEVER EVER !

    I hate it when it's hot. It makes me sweat like a fountain. :C But I love it when it's freezing. Ahhhh so cold it's good.

  • I saw it once.... [shivers]

    Azlyn posted: »

    I know. Like, there's this ONE girl... Elephant porn. That's all i'm gonna say. You can look it up, there IS such a thing as elephant porn. Not shitting you.


    Azlyn posted: »

    This place is empty. O_O What is going on...

  • Wat? No.


  • When I was 7 I was obsessed with dragon ball z. One day searching the internet I found a hentai. So, I was looking at the pictures and I remember saying, "Why would he pee inside her?"

    Oh god xD

  • There's a girl in my class that likes horse porn. The other guys like to make fun of her :D

    Azlyn posted: »

    I know. Like, there's this ONE girl... Elephant porn. That's all i'm gonna say. You can look it up, there IS such a thing as elephant porn. Not shitting you.

  • Nah Racism is the belief that your race is better than others im not racist it was a joke after i watched this video my bad if it came out the wrong way.

  • Luckyyyy, I love storms. T_T

    Azlyn posted: »

    There's a big storm going on right now and i positively LOVE it.

  • TDMshadowCP posted: »

    When I was 7 I was obsessed with dragon ball z. One day searching the internet I found a hentai. So, I was looking at the pictures and I remember saying, "Why would he pee inside her?" Oh god xD

  • Not really, it was way more deserted like 4 hours ago.

    Hmm. This is the time of day where this thread is deserted... -_-

  • For some reason this place is booming at night time, must be the time zones lol.

    Hmm. This is the time of day where this thread is deserted... -_-

  • What is your guys favorite food?

    Mine is sushi and lobster.

  • edited June 2014

    Damit! Ignore this

  • 18+

    You're too young for this. >:|

    watch it NOW

  • Oh my god 0_0

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    When I was 7 I was obsessed with dragon ball z. One day searching the internet I found a hentai. So, I was looking at the pictures and I remember saying, "Why would he pee inside her?" Oh god xD

  • Hmm... I really love Strawberries. >_<

    What is your guys favorite food? Mine is sushi and lobster.

  • Says who?!

    18+ You're too young for this. >:|

  • I'm hosting another session tonight, just add me and PSN and you shall experience the most hilarious gameplay you ever had on GTAV :D xD Seriously, I find ways to make things waaaaaaaay too funny, with people like Mute Joe, Stabby Devyn and Suicidal Rigtail, you'll have a blast XD

    Okay so I'm gonna play GTA Online on PS3 tonight when it's 8:00 pm in ON Canada. Who wants to play with me? PS: I have random outbursts o

  • *pukes Gross! Pineapple pizza is where its at.

    What is your guys favorite food? Mine is sushi and lobster.

  • NICE. I had one last night, so enjoyable. :3

    Azlyn posted: »

    There's a big storm going on right now and i positively LOVE it.

  • WTF and you watched that shit?

    Azlyn posted: »

    I know. Like, there's this ONE girl... Elephant porn. That's all i'm gonna say. You can look it up, there IS such a thing as elephant porn. Not shitting you.


    Says who?!

  • Well my mind is practically a 20 year olds to technically it doesn't matter. :p


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