The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



    edited June 2014

    [Prepares to engage double post]

    Well, since this forum had fucked up once again with the double post, I'm going to correct myself about something I said yesterday, I found out about this today.

    Those 3 soldiers were not soldiers, they were two 16 year old teenagers and one 19 year old, and still, their hopes and dreams were crushed by those anonymous terrorists. So if you thought what I said yesterday was bad, turns out that they weren't even soldiers, they were kids at our age, it could've been me.

  • Dat's KK. Karkat. Pantskat.


    If it makes you feel better, he also hates what his symbol means in human terms. Then again, he sort of hates everything, besides crappy rom-coms.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Wat is this I don't even.

  • Just look three comments up and you will understand.

    Azlyn posted: »

    :? What's wrong?

  • Maybe it is you.


    I am trying to not be serious because this is bad. What the Hell is wrong with your country? With the world, actually.

    If it comes to this, why not fucking cut babies out of their mothers' wombs and leave a ransom note? Jeez...

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    [Prepares to engage double post] Well, since this forum had fucked up once again with the double post, I'm going to correct myself about

  • This gif is so accurate right now.

    Poor Milhouse.

  • Don't worry i'll play with you Milhouse :D

  • Nothing's wrong with my country... -_-

    I don't think it's our fault kids got kidnapped..

    Azlyn posted: »

    Maybe it is you. PLOT TWIST. I am trying to not be serious because this is bad. What the Hell is wrong with your country? With the wor

  • Yeah, i saw. Nightmares?

    papai46 posted: »

    Just look three comments up and you will understand.

  • Yeah, i guess i asked the wrong question. What's wrong with PEOPLE?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Nothing's wrong with my country... -_- I don't think it's our fault kids got kidnapped..

  • Lol. I just kept driving and driving and then you bastard Password murdered me! :D

    I just wanted to drive around the island ;__;

  • We're all crooked, some more than others.

    Those guys are willing to kidnap children only to get a tiny plot of land, we're willing to rid them, but we'd never kidnap their children.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Yeah, i guess i asked the wrong question. What's wrong with PEOPLE?

  • Nope, i was in my room with my father sleeping, and i heard a noise and asked my mom what it was screaming it woke my dad and he got angry at me.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Yeah, i saw. Nightmares?

  • It would be like Halo, stealing people's children and turning them into Spartans.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Maybe it is you. PLOT TWIST. I am trying to not be serious because this is bad. What the Hell is wrong with your country? With the wor

  • I don't have you on steam 'cries'

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    okay so I have most of you on steam which is awesome now it seems there are a lot on console so who here is on xbox? I only have Lee on it a

  • xD

    papai46 posted: »

    It would be like Halo, stealing people's children and turning them into Spartans.

  • Yep, the only problem is that they wouldn't put a clone in the original's place.

    Azlyn posted: »


  • Heh. My dad is just the same. It's the house rule. NOBODY wakes our dad. If we do, it's Hell on Earth...

    Well, nobody except my mum. My mum is the boss. He screams at her, too, sometimes, but she can unleash her powers on him and BOOM silence. Mum is great.

    papai46 posted: »

    Nope, i was in my room with my father sleeping, and i heard a noise and asked my mom what it was screaming it woke my dad and he got angry at me.

  • That's how it goes in every family in the world, mine included :P

    Azlyn posted: »

    Heh. My dad is just the same. It's the house rule. NOBODY wakes our dad. If we do, it's Hell on Earth... Well, nobody except my mum. My m

  • edited June 2014

    Oh man, moms are all the same the only thing that changes is the street adress, mine is pretty powerful tooXD

    Azlyn posted: »

    Heh. My dad is just the same. It's the house rule. NOBODY wakes our dad. If we do, it's Hell on Earth... Well, nobody except my mum. My m

  • They're not turning them into Spartans though.

    papai46 posted: »

    It would be like Halo, stealing people's children and turning them into Spartans.

  • My mum is quite peculiar, actually. She dresses weird, has a weird hairstyle, and eccentric behaviour... And yet she's respected by anyone and everyone that encounters her. One more reason for me to love her!

    papai46 posted: »

    Oh man, moms are all the same the only thing that changes is the street adress, mine is pretty powerful tooXD

  • So quiet....

  • Mine is pretty normal in woman standards but in mother standards it's a whole other story.

    Azlyn posted: »

    My mum is quite peculiar, actually. She dresses weird, has a weird hairstyle, and eccentric behaviour... And yet she's respected by anyone and everyone that encounters her. One more reason for me to love her!

  • ;_; dats depressing

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    They're not turning them into Spartans though.

  • So if you want to see Will Smith and his family getting their movie owned watch this, it's some good shit.

  • If you do get a PS3 and GTA with it, we should rampage across the map. >:D

    Azlyn posted: »

    T_T PC players are probably slapping their screen right now. I know i am.

  • Alt text

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Where is everyone

  • SON. OF. A. BITCH.

    Wish I was on it but everyone didn't want to see me in my swimsuit.

  • Kinda like me?

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    well he kills everybody for no reason

  • Yeah ,Toby you're not a good boy

    Kinda like me?

  • ;_; I wanted on....

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    BOAT ride with sardines, Matt, ps3gamer, JonGon, aaaannnd I don't remember the other people.

  • I died after seeing that movie. It was utterly horrible. Fortunately I came back as a walker who likes movies.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    So if you want to see Will Smith and his family getting their movie owned watch this, it's some good shit.

  • Should I make this happen in the comic? XD

    Azlyn posted: » I am laughing my ass off right now.

  • edited June 2014

    Just a word of advice for when I join GTA Online again.... If you see me give off some kind of hint to my psychotic killing spree outbursts.... RUN.

    And sorry if I was dick last night, I promise not to do it as much. Plus sometimes when I shoot like crazy my auto-aim could aim at you unintentionally making me shoot you by mistake. Like when we fight the cops.

    I hope my outbursts didn't affect the fun badly...

  • Yeah, I did not care for the movie at all.

    I died after seeing that movie. It was utterly horrible. Fortunately I came back as a walker who likes movies.

  • edited June 2014

    I wasn't lying about being a psychopath, I warned ya'll on this thread. ;)

    Anyway I'll give off a hint/signal next time if I have the urge to kill again. Sorry if I ruined some of the fun, in the game I'm a chaotic troll with unpredictability. I just love to make chaos.

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    Yeah ,Toby you're not a good boy

  • As said in the video, it was nothing but a parade for Will Smith to show off his "talented family".

    I died after seeing that movie. It was utterly horrible. Fortunately I came back as a walker who likes movies.

  • You damn psycho! Popped me good a few times :D

    Just a word of advice for when I join GTA Online again.... If you see me give off some kind of hint to my psychotic killing spree outbursts.

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