A GIF where Clem asks Lee when is the next episode and he says around the corner and Clem turns and it says soon and when Clem turns to see Lee he runs away.
He was alone, in a small cabin. It's the zombie apocalypse, Clementine has no gun or weapon, nothing in this picture makes it seem that she is happy. So we could assume anything, people were thinking that he'd attack Clementine (Which is why she has a hammer, an injured arm and looks shocked/terrified to see him holding a flashlight).
Side note... I don't get how everyone thought this guy was a pedo from when the screenshots first came out. Just because an adult male is talking to a little girl doesn't mean he has any bad intentions ._.
He was alone, in a small cabin. It's the zombie apocalypse, Clementine has no gun or weapon, nothing in this picture makes it seem that she … moreis happy. So we could assume anything, people were thinking that he'd attack Clementine (Which is why she has a hammer, an injured arm and looks shocked/terrified to see him holding a flashlight).
Side note... I don't get how everyone thought this guy was a pedo from when the screenshots first came out. Just because an adult male is talking to a little girl doesn't mean he has any bad intentions ._.
This is brilliant XD. It's so hilarious how its made so she is laughing!
Sings tune Bew bew bew bew b-b-b-b-bew b-b-b-bew b-b-b-b-bew...
Kenny...There is no boat.
Call me immature, but I'm laughing at this.
Who needs strobe light when you have lightsabers?
...As a corpse.
Lee- "Yeah Yeah girls, make it nasty..."
I still can't stand that stealthy zombie that attacked Andrea in season 2.
Mazzara really fucked that show up...
It is fucked up scene about a zombie stealth attack.
Did Telltale create this GIF?
So many gifs.... And yet they are so fucking slow. The lag! My god, the lag!
I want to view them so bad but I don't have the patience.
II'm not a patient man.I try to,but I'm not.
Note: Sorry for the pictures being small.
You just reminded of my playthrough with the greatest bromance ever...
Kenny and Lee. Best bromance of all time.
Your post with sound:http://gifsound.com/?gif=24.media.tumblr.com/7321e12f70c5cb463f553673a622ffe5/tumblr_mf54kjM33I1qe1j63o3_500.gif&v=DcveHLN2Pnk
What is it?
Alt text
A GIF where Clem asks Lee when is the next episode and he says around the corner and Clem turns and it says soon and when Clem turns to see Lee he runs away.
He was alone, in a small cabin. It's the zombie apocalypse, Clementine has no gun or weapon, nothing in this picture makes it seem that she is happy. So we could assume anything, people were thinking that he'd attack Clementine (Which is why she has a hammer, an injured arm and looks shocked/terrified to see him holding a flashlight).
I am honestly fucking disturbed! This gif. portrays her as a sadistic little girl! I really wish this happened in the actual game anyway!
"Still wearing that dirty old thing."
Whispers-He touched the hat!
And you just assume those are the same people?
Just because she doesn't trust someone, doesn't mean they molested her.
Yeah. And everyone thought Winston was a good guy when the screenshots first came out too.
Love that last one where she just casually leans on the counter xD
It was zombie Big Boss (you'll understand the pic if you played MGS3)
yeah.that was so cute ^_^.
Clementine does look like Nemo
FIFA World Cup 2014 Brazil
Damn, seeing Carley and Lee together brought out the feels.
He looks so... BADASS!
To be able to do this forever... Clem's got mad skills!
bad clemmy
I am in love with this GIF :')