For whoever reads tyler_durans fan fics, the next part was released just now,
I've been waiting
The one time that I'm gone is the time everyone posts Attack On Titan stuff...
In other news, I threw a party today and I sunburned..… more. REALLY badly. Which normally would probably be nothing strange, except I've NEVER sunburned in my life (despite going outside often), not once! And I've never had to wear sunscreen before. I didn't wear any today... then THIS happened...
I know it's not really visible, I tried to turn my arm as far forward as I could to show. :P Please forgive how gross I look also, it's been a long day of swimming since I threw a pool party with all my friends, also I know I'm chubby so no need to tell me, I've long since accepted it xD It's fine, just now you guys know what I look like on my worst days and not my best (my profile picture).... oops >_>
Have any of you ever sunburned this badly? ;__; Geez. It doesn't hurt much at all though! But I bet it will tomorrow...
OMFG! I just finished reading it and HOLY SHIT! Dude, I was screaming at my screen and said words I didn't know I knew! xD
Holy crap that was fucking golden. Now I cant wait for the next one. X_X I feel bad for people who don't read them.
Like Sarah got a smack??!
Are you saying that CiD = Sarah....?
Can't see the pic :c
Oh my God. x_x
I'm used to going to sleep never.
What, are you ten years old?
I meant a smack like Sarah got because you said "I'd shut your mouth boy,unless you want a good SMACK"
For whoever reads tyler_durans fan fics, the next part was released just now,
I've been waiting
You guys are mean -__-. XD
I have to wake up at 6am most days...
damn !
So do I, when I go to school. I still end up sleeping at 1 AM. xD
Don't worry. I probably couldn't even reach you to give you a good 'ol Carver smack anyways xD
Oh and do I look 10 to you?
Found this on Facebook, anybody wanna explain what is going on here?
EDIT: Here is the source.
Might go to Orlando and Tampa.
Shove it, Matt.
I was just kidding >.<
Its clearly showing how all bat pokemons came to be.
Being from a sunny place this happens a lot, Alo Vera can help.
Philip is the man.
Glenn is da shit.
Expected that answer -_____-. Well I'm not 10.
I'm just playing, dude. I know you're not 10, lmfao.
O_O uhhh "that's different, I'm just going to hold on to this. For science?"
I know
I'm still scared of those clowns BTW
Uhuh. Lmfao
Still? >:D
OMFG! I just finished reading it and HOLY SHIT! Dude, I was screaming at my screen and said words I didn't know I knew! xD
Holy crap that was fucking golden. Now I cant wait for the next one. X_X I feel bad for people who don't read them.
That was brutal! O_O
Smh! Gay dayum! Imma have nightmares :O
The clowns arnt even THAT scary.
I watched incideous yesterday.... O_O
I'm lost for words. That's got to be the best one ever.