I think I posted this a while back, but screw it. Who does this handsome devil remind you of? Bonus points if you can correctly guess whic… moreh eye is the blind one.
EDIT: My mom and sister just saw this picture. Apparently, I've been downgraded to 'okay looking devil'...cheeky assholes. :P
I think I posted this a while back, but screw it. Who does this handsome devil remind you of? Bonus points if you can correctly guess whic… moreh eye is the blind one.
EDIT: My mom and sister just saw this picture. Apparently, I've been downgraded to 'okay looking devil'...cheeky assholes. :P
Oh shit, I'm so nerveous.
I know I'm gonna get dislikes and everybody things I'm ugly if I post my picture and then I feel bad and I start use drugs or something I dunno .
I want to post but..but.. I don't have enough confidence yet.
Oh shit, I'm so nerveous.
I know I'm gonna get dislikes and everybody things I'm ugly if I post my picture and then I feel bad and I start use drugs or something I dunno .
I want to post but..but.. I don't have enough confidence yet.
Be happy that girls think you're older than you actually are! It is definitely an advantage. And you do look around 17-18. I don't really look mature in my gravatar but in person people always mistake me for being 18 and it has its perks. I get offered alcohol all the time when I'm out (I don't say yes, but if you are into that stuff than that's an advantage). People also respect and listen to you more if they think you're older.
You're 15 and I'm 16 so that means I am infinitely wiser so you should
Two things:
* Be happy that girls think you're older than you actually are! It is definitely an advantage. And you do look around 17-18… more. I don't really look mature in my gravatar but in person people always mistake me for being 18 and it has its perks. I get offered alcohol all the time when I'm out (I don't say yes, but if you are into that stuff than that's an advantage). People also respect and listen to you more if they think you're older.
* You're 15 and I'm 16 so that means I am infinitely wiser so you should
Oh shit, I'm so nerveous.
I know I'm gonna get dislikes and everybody things I'm ugly if I post my picture and then I feel bad and I start use drugs or something I dunno .
I want to post but..but.. I don't have enough confidence yet.
Oh shit, I'm so nerveous.
I know I'm gonna get dislikes and everybody things I'm ugly if I post my picture and then I feel bad and I start use drugs or something I dunno .
I want to post but..but.. I don't have enough confidence yet.
You know, everyone was probably nervous when they put their pictures up. You're probably not ugly at all.
You shouldn't feel pressured or anything, but I'm just telling you that the only thing that can possibly be ugly about someone is their heart. If someone dislikes your picture just because they don't like your face, then they're the ugly ones, not you.
This will sound weird but I really look like Jane and I'm a guy, I've got the same hair color and cut, eye color, covered in guts and almost the same skin color (I'm a little darker) I guess I look like Omid also.
but my little sister looks an awful lot like Clem to me (I decided this was a bad idea and removed the pic, but she's mixed and you're just gonna have to believe me )
I don't know who I look like...
but my little sister looks an awful lot like Clem to me (I decided this was a bad idea and removed the pic, but she's mixed and you're just gonna have to believe me )
I think I posted this a while back, but screw it. Who does this handsome devil remind you of? Bonus points if you can correctly guess whic… moreh eye is the blind one.
EDIT: My mom and sister just saw this picture. Apparently, I've been downgraded to 'okay looking devil'...cheeky assholes. :P
I think I'm gonna post it next week or at weekend, I also need figure how I'm gonna get the picture to the internet from my phone.
I may have to do a photobucket account.
You know, everyone was probably nervous when they put their pictures up. You're probably not ugly at all.
You shouldn't feel pressured o… morer anything, but I'm just telling you that the only thing that can possibly be ugly about someone is their heart. If someone dislikes your picture just because they don't like your face, then they're the ugly ones, not you.
I was kind of nervous too when I first posted a picture of myself here, and I thought people would think I was ugly, but it turns out that I was wrong ^_^
Thanks, that helped
I think I'm gonna post it next week or at weekend, I also need figure how I'm gonna get the picture to the internet from my phone.
I may have to do a photobucket account.
I'm glad I could help out.
I was kind of nervous too when I first posted a picture of myself here, and I thought people would think I was ugly, but it turns out that I was wrong ^_^
You have Andrew St. John's eyes
Aww, thank you (:
Lol, the cat's face while you stretch his body XD
lmao I thought you were like 17-18.
Oh hell no! XD I'm mature for my age I guess? I don't think I look 17.
Sorta. It's on the right side in the picture.
She's such a docile kitty. Doesn't seem to mind either, she was purring like a motorboat the whole time.
I'm shitty at judging someone's age just by appearance. Just thought you were older xD
I like how you recreated Rachelle's avatar XD
That's what ATR said -____- but I'm pretty sure she's just a year older so she doesn't "rule over me" neither do you
Oh my God I just noticed your gravatar. I LOVE IT YOU'RE SO AWESOME
How the... What? You didn't... (face palm) Thanks
Oh shit, I'm so nerveous.
I know I'm gonna get dislikes and everybody things I'm ugly if I post my picture and then I feel bad and I start use drugs or something I dunno
I want to post but..but.. I don't have enough confidence yet.
Double post
Two things:
Be happy that girls think you're older than you actually are! It is definitely an advantage. And you do look around 17-18. I don't really look mature in my gravatar but in person people always mistake me for being 18 and it has its perks. I get offered alcohol all the time when I'm out (I don't say yes, but if you are into that stuff than that's an advantage). People also respect and listen to you more if they think you're older.
You're 15 and I'm 16 so that means I am infinitely wiser so you should
Oh yeah, ATR. I saw your picture, and you do look a lot like Stephanie. The resemblance is uncanny. o_o
You're 15? Cool.
Canada students finish school earlier?
Me? No, I'm 16. I'm 2 days younger than ATR
Oh, so I'm pretty much a year younger than you, I'm on November 5th.
Just do it if you feel okay with it, if you just don't want to do that because you think you're ugly, don't worry because here nobody's ugly
Unless you look like Mr. Creosote I don't think you have anything to worry about.
Oh no, that's excatly how I look like
You know, everyone was probably nervous when they put their pictures up. You're probably not ugly at all.
You shouldn't feel pressured or anything, but I'm just telling you that the only thing that can possibly be ugly about someone is their heart. If someone dislikes your picture just because they don't like your face, then they're the ugly ones, not you.
Kenny. Except I don't have a mustache. Or a beard. Or any man parts. Not anywhere close to his age, either.
... Well, fuck. I guess I'm not Kenny. //sob
I would post my picture but I don't know how to take a picture with my webcam.
This will sound weird but I really look like Jane and I'm a guy, I've got the same hair color and cut, eye color, covered in guts and almost the same skin color (I'm a little darker) I guess I look like Omid also.
Either Lee or Mike.
I don't know who I look like...
but my little sister looks an awful lot like Clem to me (I decided this was a bad idea and removed the pic, but she's mixed and you're just gonna have to believe me
You're probably gonna kill me for this... You look like younger Brenda St. John.
Looks like a young gareth from the comics
Thanks, that helped
I think I'm gonna post it next week or at weekend, I also need figure how I'm gonna get the picture to the internet from my phone.
I may have to do a photobucket account.
I'm glad I could help out.
I was kind of nervous too when I first posted a picture of myself here, and I thought people would think I was ugly, but it turns out that I was wrong ^_^
Thanks, that helped me too
That's a saltlick.
You're not ugly :P We're all beautiful in our own way.