The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited June 2014

    "Did smeone call 91-HOLY SHIT!?" ~ Samual L. Jackson

    So inspirational

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    RANDOM INSPARATIONAL QUOTE TIME! “There's something I firmly believe in: the people who have the ability to change something in this worl

  • Alt text

    So, uuuh, how are you...?

  • Alt text

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Awww, Goddammit! Is it going to be mindfucking again?? ;-;

  • I can't answer that right now, I'm going to be real secretive about this whole project until it's completed and ready to play so you guys get the full blind experience. Also, I don't even have plans for the tracks, so it will take me a while to complete this playlist. The only thing I sorta have planned right now is the story. My best guess is that I will be completed with this either late this week or early next week. I gotta take my time with this one, that last one was rushed as fuck XD

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Awww, Goddammit! Is it going to be mindfucking again?? ;-;

  •'re saying that i'm right in my assumptions ? haha

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Me neither, but I can't stand the wait XD Trust me, I know the plot all around and we haven't seen even a quarter of the secrets and plot twists in the series. Oh and I think you should spoiler tag it :P

  • Goddammit, I knew that guy wasn't so cool.

    A certain forum member seemed to have been planning to close or ban that thread all along, Milo was monitoring that thread carefully and rui

  • I meant quotes in general, not just AoT :P

    Rafoli posted: »

    I wouldn't know half the crap people would ask me. I watched this anime last year, when it was still releasing the episodes, and people's memory is fresh, so yeah.

  • SHHHHHHHH don't give them ideas.

    sardines posted: »

    I don't even know who that is... But maybe we shouldn't talk about it here. We could get this thread closed. ;_;

  • PS3,PS2 and a dead Gamecube

    What consoles do you guys have?

  • Let's say you have a good conception of it, but no that's not it.'re saying that i'm right in my assumptions ? haha

  • Alright then. Please have mercy on us.

    Rigtail posted: »

    I can't answer that right now, I'm going to be real secretive about this whole project until it's completed and ready to play so you guys ge

  • edited June 2014

    Oh, **that **would really be cool. It should become a trend or I dunno, and it wouldn't make us bored.

    I meant quotes in general, not just AoT :P

  • edited June 2014


    Alt text

    f*ck im bored

  • maybe tomorrow ? Ain't nobody got time for that today xD Certainly not today...I have to host another session tonight so I won't have time to be on this forum that much llol

    Rafoli posted: »

    Oh, **that **would really be cool. It should become a trend or I dunno, and it wouldn't make us bored.

  • One time I didn't talk to my ex-girlfriend for a week, because she spoiled Kenny's return in episode 2 ;-;

  • No promises, but I'll try. Whatever type of race is appropriate for that part of the story is what I would do.


    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Alright then. Please have mercy on us.

    edited June 2014

    Hi there fellow Nirvana lover!

    There are some more Nirvana lovers here in this thread, we'll get along just fine :D

    "Did smeone call 91-HOLY SHIT!?" ~ Samual L. Jackson So inspirational

  • Don't worry gamer, i'll be hosting another session shortly ;)

    But bad news....Rigtail is working on another "playlist"....

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    RANDOM IMAGE BATTLE!!! f*ck im bored

  • I can already tell that he won't....just remember what we went through last night !!! That was a racer's hell !!!! D:

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Alright then. Please have mercy on us.

  • I finally got the cable! Now I can talk :D

    Don't worry gamer, i'll be hosting another session shortly But bad news....Rigtail is working on another "playlist"....

  • okay, that's good enough for me ._.

    Rigtail posted: »

    No promises, but I'll try. Whatever type of race is appropriate for that part of the story is what I would do.

  • Yay !! :D Now you can answer me right away after I yell after you for being a complete prick :D

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I finally got the cable! Now I can talk

  • edited June 2014

    Was the secret you're talking about the one where he was curious and went to taste something?

    A certain forum member seemed to have been planning to close or ban that thread all along, Milo was monitoring that thread carefully and rui



    Rafoli posted: »

    Oh, **that **would really be cool. It should become a trend or I dunno, and it wouldn't make us bored.

  • Oh, right... the PS3 party. Have fun... ;-;

    maybe tomorrow ? Ain't nobody got time for that today xD Certainly not today...I have to host another session tonight so I won't have time to be on this forum that much llol

  • PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, Gamecube


    What consoles do you guys have?

  • Yeah, that's happened to me.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Has this been happening to anyone else lately? When I get a message, sometimes it says "false" when the actual message itself says something completely different.

  • Yeah....that...damnit Rig !!

    Was the secret you're talking about the one where he was curious and went to taste something?

  • LOL XD

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    One time I didn't talk to my ex-girlfriend for a week, because she spoiled Kenny's return in episode 2 ;-;

  • NotStartingToday


    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • NES, Nintendo 64, Gamecube, Wii, Xbox 360, Gameboy, DS

    Oh, and technically I have a ps3 and a ps4 but they are my brother's and he would flay me alive if I so much as touched them.

    What consoles do you guys have?

  • Nice, you have quite a few :D

    NES, Nintendo 64, Gamecube, Wii, Xbox 360, Gameboy, DS Oh, and technically I have a ps3 and a ps4 but they are my brother's and he would flay me alive if I so much as touched them.

  • Yeah, it is kinda weird. But I don't think he means to starts trouble.

    You guys do know that his presence here is quite awkward...right ? He's one of the reason we got sent in the thread graveyard in the first place....

  • MyTrendMyRules

    Rafoli posted: »

    NotStartingToday AccordingToPassword

  • Hope there is a session tomorrow too, not coming today because I'm watching the match :p

    Don't worry gamer, i'll be hosting another session shortly But bad news....Rigtail is working on another "playlist"....

  • You came to the wrong neighborhood, motherfucker.

    I'm just joking. Heeeeyyyyyy! :)

    Hai... Hi... Hello... Hy... Umm... sooo.... yeah... hai.

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