The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



    edited June 2014

    Yeah, I'm gonna start being hard on my pancreas.

    "Start balancing the sugar level in my body dammit, I'll come down there and whoop your sorry ass!"

    Lol, how sad is that? We'd probably both die in the ZA. OUR OWN BODIES WILL KILL US =(

  • The day I find out I'm diabetic is the day I'm screwed forever. ;-;

    Seriously, I can just trash all my plans for the apocalypse, because I'm done for anyway.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Yeah, I'm gonna start being hard on my pancreas. "Start balancing the sugar level in my body dammit, I'll come down there and whoop your sorry ass!"

  • Yeah... It's good that the chance of getting it isn't THAT high.. Actually, there's a higher chance it will be passed down to your kids.. Same thing with me.

    The day I find out I'm diabetic is the day I'm screwed forever. ;-; Seriously, I can just trash all my plans for the apocalypse, because I'm done for anyway.

  • Good to know.

    adds having kids to list of things never to do

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Yeah... It's good that the chance of getting it isn't THAT high.. Actually, there's a higher chance it will be passed down to your kids.. Same thing with me.

  • I know that feel...

    Good to know. adds having kids to list of things never to do


    Giraffehat posted: »

    Scott Porter noticed a certain troll who should not be named. He insulted her. Check his twitter ^_^

  • Yeah, there's no way I'm letting that happen =/

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I know that feel...

  • OKAY. Legit question here.

    So my exam starts at 1 PM but I still need to study/review some stuff. Is it better to get a couple hours of sleep, wake up at around 8 or 9 (so like 3-4 hours from now) and then spend the last couple of hours studying? Or is only three hours of sleep not worth it and I should just study up until the exam?

    edited June 2014

    You have to sleep, you need to relax your brain before a test and be energetic when you have to start writing.

    EDIT: Another advice, have a good breakfast before you head to school, and eat some chocolate, it gives you a temporary boost of energy.

    quinnics posted: »

    OKAY. Legit question here. So my exam starts at 1 PM but I still need to study/review some stuff. Is it better to get a couple hours of s

  • Have some more Mikasa!

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    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Mikasa! ;-;

  • Have some badass Eren:

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    sardines posted: »

    Have some more Mikasa!

  • What about badass Armin? :D

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    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Have some badass Eren:

  • Alt text

    sardines posted: »

    What about badass Armin?

  • Alt text

    @PasswordSuck you should already launch the GTA V session, somehow I'm feeling extreme sleepy Though there probably wouldn't be anyone... And now a random gif that has nothing to do with anything

  • edited June 2014

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    After not being here for 3 days... OVER 3000 COMMENTS!


    But now... it's my turn... >:3


    After not being here for 3 days... OVER 3000 COMMENTS! YOU GUYS MUST LUV TORTURING ME.... XD But now... it's my turn... >:3


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  • For those who has school...

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  • Your typical anime perv stereotypes...

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    To Sakura Haruno haters...

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    Okay that's enough for the moment. >;3

  • ... Where is everybody? I'm gone they swarm, when I'm here they vanish... DAFUQ?!

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    It's a new trick I recently learned. I call it Dodge The Anime Spam. (DTAS for short)

    ... Where is everybody? I'm gone they swarm, when I'm here they vanish... DAFUQ?!

  • edited June 2014

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    ...I always miss the good stuff here.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    It's a new trick I recently learned. I call it Dodge The Anime Spam. (DTAS for short)

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Don't worry, maybe you'll find something good. Perhaps someone will start a secret cult here, who knows?

    ...I always miss the good stuff here.

  • edited June 2014

    bagels and Elmer

    Ice cream and ketchup.

  • dig holes

    I also like to d

  • Yawn

    -Looks left-

    -Looks right-

    Goes back to sleep.

  • "Ah, Doctor Nimdok! Good! Doctor Mengele is waiting in the other room... the operation will begin momentarily..."

  • Her name is Emma?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Emma is not amused...

  • Yawn -Looks left- -Looks right- Goes back to sleep.

  • äöåäöåäöåäöåä

    Hello, back from our summer cottage. It was nice change to spend some time in sauna and swim in a lake, not that there's anything wrong with sitting alone inside and chatting with you guys XD

  • Yeah, I was already sleeping when you started hosting xD You should sometime start extra early so I can play loooooooooooooooooong and even yell without my neighbours killing me :D

    And LoU Online! Yes! Yes! I even have a season pass, but I doubt that anyone else has it. Those DLC maps are cool though :p

    Sorry about that I posted the announcement at around 8pm instead of 7pm...I was busy...sorry i failed as a host ;_; XD Nah but i'll try

  • Goin' to the cabin today... n' stuph...

  • edited June 2014


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    Made by Bri Mercedes... I take zero credit. All I did was commission it.

  • wut

    Goin' to the cabin today... n' stuph...

  • מה קורה?

    äöåäöåäöåäöåä Hello, back from our summer cottage. It was nice change to spend some time in sauna and swim in a lake, not that there's anything wrong with sitting alone inside and chatting with you guys XD

  • תראו, אפשר להגדיל את הטקסט גם בשפות זרות!

  • U wot m8?

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • On rumaa puhua kielellä, jota toinen ei ymmärrä ;_; Tai jotain

    Wazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzuuup my homeboy?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    מה קורה?

  • Last name ever

    First name greatest

    I whisper-Middle name mistake

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