The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • cocks shotgun

    Too late. You shower with her, you marry her. That's the rule.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I didn't sign up for this!

  • I was done after the orangutan sex slave, but the worm one had me like:

    But i checked on Mary Bell and she is pretty much going on with her life, she has brats of her own and grandkids and everything. Cool.

  • Agh, fuck mee!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    You did, when you agreed to Apples terms and conditions MUHHAHAHAHAHAHHAA

  • That is flipping adorable.


  • Alt text

    Well, I got stabbed in the stomach and beat up by a cop, so it doesn't seem like I'm very good at fighting. ;-; OMG IT'S ON YOUTUBE



    I DIED


    Saved as deckstop background. Everyone should just do the same.

    This is my desktop background. I just thought you guys should know. Props to @AllThatRemains for creating it.

  • LOL, ATR made it! I just loved it so much that I saved it. xD

    Azlyn posted: »

    OH MY FUCKING GOD HOW DARE YOU AWESOMARD I DIED I FRICKING DIED YO WHAT THE SHIT Saved as deckstop background. Everyone should just do the same.

  • edited June 2014

    Shit. Since when? ._.

    cocks shotgun Too late. You shower with her, you marry her. That's the rule.

  • I am so fucking jealous of you guys.

    sardines posted: »

    Well, since Joseph mentioned pics from GTA... :P I had to leave early tonight because my PS3 died... hopefully it works tomorrow?? But...

  • Once there was contact, the fate was sealed.

    cocks shotgun Too late. You shower with her, you marry her. That's the rule.


    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Shit. Since when? ._.

  • Everyone.

    I have come to be entertained.

  • Y m I comperd 2 da twilit ;-;

    Azlyn posted: »

    OH MY FUCKING GOD HOW DARE YOU AWESOMARD I DIED I FRICKING DIED YO WHAT THE SHIT Saved as deckstop background. Everyone should just do the same.

  • Oh my fucking god, this.

    Alt text

    Azlyn posted: »

    Everyone. I have come to be entertained.

  • You're so happy about surpassing the finals that you make me cry.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Me every day before going to sleep

  • She was drunk, okay?? I had no idea what was going on ;-;


  • Uh, uh ,uh
    My man got a lil older became a better roller (yea)
    No helmet, hellbent on killin' himself, was what his momma said
    But he was feelin' himself
    Got a lil more swagger in his style
    Met his girlfriend, she was clappin' in the crowd
    Love is what was happening to him now, uh
    He said I would marry you but I'm engaged to these aerials and varials
    And I don't think this board is strong enough to carry 2
    She said bow I weigh 120 pounds, now
    Lemme make one thing clear
    I don't need to ride yours I got mine right here
    So she took him to a spot
    He didn't know about
    Somewhere in the apartment parking lot, she said
    I don't normally take dates in here
    Security came and said "I'm sorry there's no skating here"

    And so we kick push, kick push, kick push, kick push, and coast, So come and skate with me, Just a rebel looking for a place to be.

  • So, she was drunk, but you weren't? You took advantage of a drunk girl?!? >:(

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    She was drunk, okay?? I had no idea what was going on ;-;

  • So tired ;_; But I don't want to start sleeping in the middle of the day... Maybe I'll just go to a store and buy something refreshing (NOT TALKING ABOUT DRUGS... I guess)

  • Like I said, I had no idea what was going on. Blame GTA :(

    So, she was drunk, but you weren't? You took advantage of a drunk girl?!? >:(

  • I'm just messing with you.

    Seriously though, you're getting married.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Like I said, I had no idea what was going on. Blame GTA

  • Well, I'm going to sleep now - the sun is already out. Everyone will forget about this later today x)

    I'm just messing with you. Seriously though, you're getting married.

  • I'm reevaluating my life after watching that movie. I'm trying to figure out if it was touching, or just plain creepy.

    HOW ARE THESE PEOPLE NOT COMPLETELY DISTURBED BY THESE THINGS? They're pretty much all like "Awww look they're so cute omg here's some pop".... NO, they're not cute, and they're not sweet. They're terrible ugly horrifying aliens, and they shouldn't even be on Earth.

    I'm done. This movie ruined my life.

    Heh, I'll let you finish it first, then you can tell me about it. B]

  • OMFG! Scout is a BADASS! XD

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • DAFUQ?!

    XD what is happening

  • This fucking movie...

    I'm reevaluating my life after watching that movie. I'm trying to figure out if it was touching, or just plain creepy. HOW ARE THESE PEOP

  • If you ever come across a movie called "Mac and Me", don't watch it. It'll ruin your life.

  • In light of the recent discovery...

    Alt text

  • I know it's so strange. I really eat whatever I got. SCREW TRADITION!

    PS my bro has an allergic reaction to eggs that causes his cholesterol to sky rocket.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Why are breakfast foods breakfast foods? Like, how did scrambled eggs get stuck with breakfast exclusivity? You can put bacon on a sandwich

  • I'll be here messing around with Photoshop.

    So tired ;_; But I don't want to start sleeping in the middle of the day... Maybe I'll just go to a store and buy something refreshing (NOT TALKING ABOUT DRUGS... I guess)


    100000000/10 would never watch again

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    This fucking movie...

    edited June 2014

    I still have 2 years of agonising finals though... I haven't even started the hard subjects ;-;

    Azlyn posted: »

    You're so happy about surpassing the finals that you make me cry.

  • I LOVE IT <3<3<3<3


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    In light of the recent discovery...

  • Oh shit, yeah you're right whoops.


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I thought it's 5ever?

  • I thought it's 5ever?


  • Yeah, I'm always walking on eggshells around him, just so he doesn't get mad. =/

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Dammit, I hate when I hear those stories, it's so unfair that some people have to get beat up in their own home...

  • Dumb comments and their notshowingupness........


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I thought it's 5ever?

  • Shit, no one deserves to be treated like that just because he has a relationship with you mom, makes an impression that all those step dads just don't realize that they get responsibilities, like having to be parents.

    Yeah, I'm always walking on eggshells around him, just so he doesn't get mad. =/

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