The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread






    AWESOMEO posted: »

    The Almighty Cunts can't settle for a sum of money, they always want more.

  • First of all, how will she.. ummm... "Pitch the tent?"

    Plus, I'm not letting an old lady pin me down, fuck that. In fact, my house is getting painted these last few days and I'm always alone with 2 men, and I'm not even worried, I can improvise a weapon out of anything.

    Well you know, it's not like those women look like supermodels. What does it sound to you that an unattractive old lady would knock you out cold and then rape you?

  • Idk it kinda sounded like a guy's name.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    How? lol.

  • Read the last 10 pages, they were quite good.

    over 4900 new comments. wow.

    edited June 2014

    Why is it that bad? AMC are a bunch of greedy "vaginas" that fired Darabont, the man who got the TV show so famous, and they just crushed his opinions and got a cheaper producer. AND they cut low on the budget of the show just to get more money, they are what they are.

    Anyway, it's not like that word is racist towards anyone t's just a curse word so why bother?

    Azlyn posted: »


  • After she has you knocked out she could just feed you some viagra I guess.

    And she could get you when you're walking outside. Or if you insist that you want her to come to your house like "Hello I'm going to rape you", well what if she has a gun? I don't even want to think about any of those disgusting scenarios, but I'm just telling that it is possible. More uncommon than to women, but no one should belittle it. Usually when you read about female teachers harassing their students, everyone is just "hehe they probably just enjoyed it, I wish she would harass me too" and that makes me feel sick.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    First of all, how will she.. ummm... "Pitch the tent?" Plus, I'm not letting an old lady pin me down, fuck that. In fact, my house is get

  • Oh yes I did.

    Azlyn posted: »

    No you didn't.

  • edited June 2014

    There are some words that men should just not use because its disrespectful to woman. Like 'whore/hoe' and 'cunt' Practically all girls including me don't like it when those words are used. Even in a joking way. Those words are vile, sickening.

    Probably the only time the word 'hoe' doesn't really bother me is when somebody says 'boats and hoes' because its form a movie so i let it slide. But when its used in other ways it bothers me. Its just not cool.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Why is it that bad? AMC are a bunch of greedy "vaginas" that fired Darabont, the man who got the TV show so famous, and they just crushed hi

  • People should just forget about the past of that word and start realizing that the word isn't hateful now, most black people say it and they don't complain when we say it anyway.

    Azlyn posted: »

    I dunno, i was just bought up thinking that is a word i should never use, but after watching some vines, even my little bro says it, and it is definitely not okay.

  • edited June 2014

    Dis. It's the word in general, not just the context it's used. Just like saying "N*gger". You just don't do it out of respect.

    There are some words that men should just not use because its disrespectful to woman. Like 'whore/hoe' and 'cunt' Practically all girls incl

  • I guess, it still seems unplausible and very rare, and as you see you need a gun and viagra to pull it off with no struggle, so it's not really a thing most women can afford to do.

    After she has you knocked out she could just feed you some viagra I guess. And she could get you when you're walking outside. Or if you i

    edited June 2014

    I guess it's a unisex name.

    Idk it kinda sounded like a guy's name.

    edited June 2014

    Well when people use the word "dick" I never complain, I guess I'm not easily offended. Also when people joke about Jews I never say a peep, I just wish people would stop thinking that every word is intended for making the other race uncomfortable.

    I ripped that off YMS anyway :P

    There are some words that men should just not use because its disrespectful to woman. Like 'whore/hoe' and 'cunt' Practically all girls incl

  • What.

    I thought Azlyn was a guy?

  • You forgot Fucknugget

    Azlyn posted: »

    Fuckwads? Do you call that a peculiar insult? Do you wanna do this, brah? Fuckweasel, fucktard, fuckass, bastard, bitch, sonuvabitch, bit

  • I realize that, I just never heard a complaint about that word in my entire life, so yeah now that I know I'll stop.

    Dis. It's the word in general, not just the context it's used. Just like saying "N*gger". You just don't do it out of respect.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Alright AWESOMEO, I finished watching Attack On Titan, now I'm heading to the bonus episodes.

  • It's a girl's name 100%. I should know, i looked it up. :/

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I guess it's a unisex name.

  • Don't you dare contradict what i just said.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Oh yes I did.

  • You liked it?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Alright AWESOMEO, I finished watching Attack On Titan, now I'm heading to the bonus episodes.

  • Thank you, sister.

    There are some words that men should just not use because its disrespectful to woman. Like 'whore/hoe' and 'cunt' Practically all girls incl

  • Alt text

    I thought Azlyn was a guy?

  • Then the word has no use so it shouldn't be utilized either way, plus, you can't just erase everything that happened in the past, nor can you forget that word, just like Bigby's past can't be forgotten in TWAU. I mean, the word WAS meant to be an insult, if it's to forget the past, we should also forget the use of the word, therefore leaving it here just for the sake of it, not meant to be spoken in any context whatsoever.

    We're in a deep debate again. x3

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    People should just forget about the past of that word and start realizing that the word isn't hateful now, most black people say it and they don't complain when we say it anyway.

  • Azlyn, please don't make it look like we're splitting into camps now, I have never heard a complaint about the word in my life and just quoted it, let's just stop.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Thank you, sister.

  • Okay, so, just to clarify, i DO kind of act like a guy, but, uh, i don't have a penis, so i guess that makes me a girl. x3

    I thought Azlyn was a guy?

  • edited June 2014

    I got to agree with Awesomeo, there is so much shit going on in this world and people freak out just because of one word. Who likes offensive words? We should just stop using words like "bastard" and "fucker" or "shithead". "Dick" is completely the same thing to say as "cunt", yet no one goes crazy after that. Maybe it's just me, but I think that it's stupid to choose which offensive words are acceptable and which are not.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Well when people use the word "dick" I never complain, I guess I'm not easily offended. Also when people joke about Jews I never say a peep,

  • But I did

    Azlyn posted: »

    Don't you dare contradict what i just said.

  • "Dick" is just a nickname for the male genitalia, A.K.A. penis. Mentioning it isn't quite offending.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Well when people use the word "dick" I never complain, I guess I'm not easily offended. Also when people joke about Jews I never say a peep,

  • edited June 2014

    I don't complain about people swearing in general, but that doesn't mean I approve of it. I just let it slide a lot of the time, but I don't do it myself. The most I say is pissed or sh*t occasionally, maybe I say the f-bomb when I'm very very mad or scared. I'm getting better, though.

    You've been taught that cursing is wrong, yes?

    Sorry, I sound kinda like a prick, but I'm just assuring you.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I realize that, I just never heard a complaint about that word in my entire life, so yeah now that I know I'll stop.

  • edited June 2014

    Never say that in the presence of women. Or else this could happen...

    Alt text

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    The Almighty Cunts can't settle for a sum of money, they always want more.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Yes, it was pretty good.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    You liked it?

  • xD

    I dunno how to feel about getting Cartman on my personality quiz.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    My favorite Southpark episode XD

  • You're right, I'm not saying that you're wrong, I'm saying that no one thinks the word is offensive nowadays, so why not say it? Black people are flattered when people say it to them, so it does seem to me that the past of the word had been forgotten.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Then the word has no use so it shouldn't be utilized either way, plus, you can't just erase everything that happened in the past, nor can yo

  • OMG

    Tell me, do you love Levi yet?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Alright AWESOMEO, I finished watching Attack On Titan, now I'm heading to the bonus episodes.

  • I'd say so, considering the fact he just said he's watching the bonus episodes.

    ARE there any bonus episodes? :?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    You liked it?

    edited June 2014

    She's right, bastard is a child of a married man with a stranger, so if we say that, why won't the bastards be insulted?

    If the word has no real historical offensive past, it's most likely ok to use if it's only to make a joke.

    I got to agree with Awesomeo, there is so much shit going on in this world and people freak out just because of one word. Who likes offensiv

  • According to that logic, "cock" is also "offensive", never heard anyone complain about that.

    Azlyn posted: »

    "Dick" is just a nickname for the male genitalia, A.K.A. penis. Mentioning it isn't quite offending.

  • Just to clarify, I'm not mad at you nor will i hold a grudge. You didn't know so i wont get mad. IF I EVER say a word that offends you, just tell me and i wont say it anymore. :)

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Azlyn, please don't make it look like we're splitting into camps now, I have never heard a complaint about the word in my life and just quoted it, let's just stop.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I like him. He's not my favorite character, but he's pretty cool.

    Azlyn posted: »

    OMG Tell me, do you love Levi yet?

  • To be honest, I don't believe that there is a single human being in this world (except very orthodox people) that don't swear like that.

    Have you ever said the word "retarded" as a joke? It's the same, an insult to the mentally ill, so if you said that you can be blamed just as much.

    Let's stop checking every word for offensive history and just let that shit slide.

    I don't complain about people swearing in general, but that doesn't mean I approve of it. I just let it slide a lot of the time, but I don'

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