The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Just something to point out, as of today the n word is a word of respect to the black people.

    I'm serious, if you call a black guy "my n*gga" these days they will be your bros for life, they just forgot that the word used to be bad, that's what I expect women, Jews and every other race to do.

    Dis. It's the word in general, not just the context it's used. Just like saying "N*gger". You just don't do it out of respect.

  • I didn't dislike you, just to point out :)

    Just to clarify, I'm not mad at you nor will i hold a grudge. You didn't know so i wont get mad. IF I EVER say a word that offends you, just tell me and i wont say it anymore.

  • I don't say that word because i think it might be offensive to others. I don't think i say any of those nicknames because i just don't like them. But when others say it i let is slide. But there are particular words that don't work for me, so i advise people of that. And then BAM, the person stops using the word and problem solved. :DDDDDD

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    According to that logic, "cock" is also "offensive", never heard anyone complain about that.

    edited June 2014

    Don't worry, you can even say "kyke" if you want, if it's not intended for pure hate I won't care what word you'd use.

    Just to clarify, I'm not mad at you nor will i hold a grudge. You didn't know so i wont get mad. IF I EVER say a word that offends you, just tell me and i wont say it anymore.

  • Cockhead...

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    According to that logic, "cock" is also "offensive", never heard anyone complain about that.

  • Alt text

    WAT? is going on

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Don't worry, you can even say "kyke" if you want, if it's not intended for pure hate I won't care what word you'd use.

  • The reason I thought you were a guy is because your name is very similar to Aslan. So I was picturing you as this guy.

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    Azlyn posted: »

    Okay, so, just to clarify, i DO kind of act like a guy, but, uh, i don't have a penis, so i guess that makes me a girl. x3

  • So you like him eh? You're gonna like this then.

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    dojo32161 posted: »

    I like him. He's not my favorite character, but he's pretty cool.

  • you can even say "kyke" if you want

    lol, nah. You don't have to worry about me saying anything bad towards Jews. I don't do that.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Don't worry, you can even say "kyke" if you want, if it's not intended for pure hate I won't care what word you'd use.

  • I'm sorry, but have you lost your marbles?

    You go around calling every black person your n*gga and see where that get's you. Probably a few dents in your forehead. It's an insult, and stereotypes DO NOT excuse racist language nor sexist language.

    You probably only hear that in the hood. Honestly.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Just something to point out, as of today the n word is a word of respect to the black people. I'm serious, if you call a black guy "my n*

    edited June 2014

    Problem is, even if you're a really good person no one will ever stop using words like "bastard" "cock" etc. So people just need to be more tolerate about it, people can only change their point of view, they can't control what comes out of other people's mouths.

    I see you're trying to say that we shouldn't do it, but no offense, you will never be able to change it, people wouldn't just be like "OOOHHHH OKAY!" and start acting like angels, because some people are just ignorant.

    But I'll stop saying it if you really care about it.

    I don't say that word because i think it might be offensive to others. I don't think i say any of those nicknames because i just don't like

  • edited June 2014

    C**k is a pretty sick word. I only hear that used in porn, honestly.

    But it's not the point. You offended a few people by saying c**t. Who care's about c*ck?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    According to that logic, "cock" is also "offensive", never heard anyone complain about that.

  • edited June 2014

    Nah, I haven't. Not that I recall. Maybe I have in the past, but not recently.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    To be honest, I don't believe that there is a single human being in this world (except very orthodox people) that don't swear like that.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    That's hilarious. Who's the guy on the banister?

    So you like him eh? You're gonna like this then.


    So you like him eh? You're gonna like this then.

  • Yeah, i totally understand what your saying 100%.

    But, If someone around you is your friend and you talk to them often and all of a sudden they say a word that offends you, and you advise them of that they will more then likely stop for respect for the other person.

    But if I'm walking on the street and hear this random person say this word and tell them to stop because its offending to me, of course they wont stop because they have no idea who i am. xD

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Problem is, even if you're a really good person no one will ever stop using words like "bastard" "cock" etc. So people just need to be more

  • Alt text

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    You're right, I'm not saying that you're wrong, I'm saying that no one thinks the word is offensive nowadays, so why not say it? Black peopl

  • I DON'T DO THAT, and I will never do it!

    I just said that they ARE okay with it now, I heard enough people saying it and they had no fucking problem with it.

    This is not the 60's, they don't care, and btw you didn't have to dislike me for stating a solid fact in today's American neighborhoods.

    I'm sorry, but have you lost your marbles? You go around calling every black person your n*gga and see where that get's you. Probably a

  • XD

    The reason I thought you were a guy is because your name is very similar to Aslan. So I was picturing you as this guy.

  • Still counts, there is no single sane person in this planet that hadn't said it, even if it wasn't meant as an insult.

    I can't believe that, and if you really are right, you are one in a million.

    Nah, I haven't. Not that I recall. Maybe I have in the past, but not recently.

    edited June 2014

    As I said, because I'm one of those people I'll stop it, I just said that it;s impossible try to raise awareness or anything because people really won't care.

    Yeah, i totally understand what your saying 100%. But, If someone around you is your friend and you talk to them often and all of a sudd

  • lol, yeah I get you.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    As I said, because I'm one of those people I'll stop it, I just said that it;s impossible try to raise awareness or anything because people really won't care.

  • Madara Uchiha from Naruto.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    That's hilarious. Who's the guy on the banister?

  • edited June 2014

    Alt text

    I must study this conversation carefully...

    Markd4547 posted: »

    WAT? is going on

  • It's the fact that you are grouping all black men to being okay with the word n*gger: All black men are NOT okay with the word, in fact, I know very few who are.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I DON'T DO THAT, and I will never do it! I just said that they ARE okay with it now, I heard enough people saying it and they had no fuck

  • Did you say that seriously? "Who cares about cock"?

    As I said, it's the same as one would say "Who cares about bastard?" or "Who cares about retard?", though cock is not automatically a "bad" word and thus not the best example. People choosing which offensive words are offensive. sigh

    C**k is a pretty sick word. I only hear that used in porn, honestly. But it's not the point. You offended a few people by saying c**t. Who care's about c*ck?

  • edited June 2014

    That doesn't mean there is NOBODY in the world to takes offense to it. Just because someone here doesn't take offense (which they do) doesn't mean nobody does. It's a curse word for a reason: because it's insulting.

    I can call someone you little c*ck and it wont make much sense. Nobody is offended.

    I can call someone a c**t or a b*tch and get slapped.

    I feel uncomfortable when people use curse words so casually, so yeah, I kinda don't like them, I just force myself not to say anything.

    Did you say that seriously? "Who cares about cock"? As I said, it's the same as one would say "Who cares about bastard?" or "Who cares ab

  • Situations are irrelevant now,
    She loves the way that I tease,
    I love the way that she breathes.
    I touched her (ooh)
    She touched my (ahhh)
    It was the craziest thing.
    I love the girls who hate to love because they're just like me.
    A certain girl she took my hand and ran it up her thigh
    She licked her lips and pulled my hair, I fall in love for a night.
    She can't behave and I'm just a slave,
    Don't worry I'll be gone when the morning comes.

  • That's good, you shouldn't say it I agree, I just said that I am not bothered by it if it's not an insult.

    you can even say "kyke" if you want lol, nah. You don't have to worry about me saying anything bad towards Jews. I don't do that.

  • I didn't generalize them, fact remains most of them are ok with it, and if someone is not okay with it, he HAS to say it or there will be no problem of using the word.

    It's the fact that you are grouping all black men to being okay with the word n*gger: All black men are NOT okay with the word, in fact, I know very few who are.

    edited June 2014

    You are wrong, this is offensive.

    So women can complain about c**t but "Who cares about c*ck?"

    I think that's more offensive than actually saying that word.

    C**k is a pretty sick word. I only hear that used in porn, honestly. But it's not the point. You offended a few people by saying c**t. Who care's about c*ck?

  • Oh dear god....hmm....sure I guess....xD

    I always miss Rigtail's shit. It's like an addiction that I can't reach for. Next week could we play his races so I could try?

    edited June 2014

    You just contradicted yourself man, how can you say "Who cares about c*ck" if for all you know every single person here can be offended about it?

    What if one day someone will punch you for calling him a "c*ck"? According to what you said you would have to change your mind only because people hurt you for that.

    I'm serious, if you're speaking the truth you are a rare case of a man who doesn't curse like most people.

    Doesn't matter if it makes sense or not, words are like economy, you give them meaning and that meaning will affect people, so stop this, it's crossing in sexism.

    That doesn't mean there is NOBODY in the world to takes offense to it. Just because someone here doesn't take offense (which they do) doesn

  • edited June 2014

    Alt text

    You have a girlfriend or something? I'm confused.

    Situations are irrelevant now, She loves the way that I tease, I love the way that she breathes. I touched her (ooh) She touched my (ahh

  • I think it might be song lyrics. Idk.

    You have a girlfriend or something? I'm confused.

  • Alt text

    Corn always post quotes from songs Tobi I think their awesome :)


    You have a girlfriend or something? I'm confused.

  • Yep, as you just said, we can't change the world's perception of what word is wrong or right, it doesn't work like that, so people should stop being sore about it and realize it's only a combination of letters that only gained meaning because society gave it a meaning.

  • The frustration it's a regular thing,
    I hate the ones who love to hate because they're just like me.
    A certain girl she took her hand and put in my lap
    "It's way too full", she said. once you have me you'll always come back.

    You have a girlfriend or something? I'm confused.

    edited June 2014


    One of them is a parody/comical episode though.

    Azlyn posted: »

    I'd say so, considering the fact he just said he's watching the bonus episodes. ARE there any bonus episodes? :?

  • Who's your favorite?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I like him. He's not my favorite character, but he's pretty cool.

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