The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • He'll be a great mod for the team

    For starters, OzzyUK joined us as a mod.

  • We'll make it a temporary closure, but it IS still very necessary.

  • Nor does that diminish the fact that mods don't discuss ban reasons.

    There's always a good reason for why a user has been banned, but when we flag an offensive/troll post, you guys might not always be able to see the reasoning behind what caused a user to be banned.


    I appreciate your generosity, I really do, but that doesn't diminish the fact that I still don't know why he was banned.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited June 2014

    I'm reopening this, but please drop it from this point on. The bans are temporary, and they were only because users broke the rules. Please don't continue discussing them or the thread will be closed again.

  • Thank you very much Jennifer! I'm really sorry about earlier. I wasn't here, but I still feel bad.

    Thanks again =)

    Jennifer posted: »

    I'm reopening this, but please drop it from this point on. The bans are temporary, and they were only because users broke the rules. Please don't continue discussing them or the thread will be closed again.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited June 2014

    It's against the rules to use a term that insults a foreign culture, even as a joke. As Vain said, the forum users from that culture took great offense to it so a temporary ban as a warning was felt warranted.

    Like I said, the ban is not permanent and he's welcome to come back as long as he doesn't do it again. Please drop it now, as I said it's not right to be discussing forum members who aren't here to participate in the discussion.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I respect it, but that way we will ever know why he was banned, they should just tell us now and be over with it.

  • Understood, thanks for opening this ^^

    Jennifer posted: »

    I'm reopening this, but please drop it from this point on. The bans are temporary, and they were only because users broke the rules. Please don't continue discussing them or the thread will be closed again.

  • Thanks, Jen.

    Jennifer posted: »

    I'm reopening this, but please drop it from this point on. The bans are temporary, and they were only because users broke the rules. Please don't continue discussing them or the thread will be closed again.

  • @PasswordSuck - Thread is back open. Make the announcement again xD

  • Heck yeah !! :D

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    @PasswordSuck - Thread is back open. Make the announcement again xD

  • finally!

  • Ok, we got it.

    Jennifer posted: »

    I'm reopening this, but please drop it from this point on. The bans are temporary, and they were only because users broke the rules. Please don't continue discussing them or the thread will be closed again.

  • Alt text


  • Waaaat? Have ya been naughty again?

  • I'm happy for you people. I hope you stop making stupid mistakes if you really love your thread so much.

    Alt text

  • Eh, I expected it, but now LeBron opted out, so thing are definitely going to get interesting.

    Also, whats your XBL gamertag? I haven't added you yet.

    No kidding. Sorry about Carmelo by the way

  • I woke up and the thread was closed. I almost had a heart attack.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I'm happy for you people. I hope you stop making stupid mistakes if you really love your thread so much.

  • DeceptioDeceptio Banned
    edited June 2014

    Yo Salty, how you feel about LeBron opting out? We can move this to the basketball thread if you want.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I'm happy for you people. I hope you stop making stupid mistakes if you really love your thread so much.

  • Alrighty.

    Jennifer posted: »

    I'm reopening this, but please drop it from this point on. The bans are temporary, and they were only because users broke the rules. Please don't continue discussing them or the thread will be closed again.

  • Wow. That happened.

  • Hey, is anyone familiar with Romeo and Juliet? I have to write a 5 paragraph essay on it tomorrow for my English exam. Any tips?

  • What's the essay about, specifically?

    Deceptio posted: »

    Hey, is anyone familiar with Romeo and Juliet? I have to write a 5 paragraph essay on it tomorrow for my English exam. Any tips?

  • Some of your friends got this idea that a directionless, empty, base-lacking, gif-spamming riot would work.

    As a law student, I was getting ready to explain how that was nonsense but I figured most would take it in a bad way.

    I woke up and the thread was closed. I almost had a heart attack.

  • edited June 2014

    I come back and its open again??!

    Alt text

  • He's opting in for less money. Want to bet?

    Deceptio posted: »

    Yo Salty, how you feel about LeBron opting out? We can move this to the basketball thread if you want.

  • Wow I feel like I gave them the idea to close this thread XD. Oh well. I would have done the same thing if I was a mod.

  • DeceptioDeceptio Banned
    edited June 2014

    I don't know. She just said that the exam would be on Romeo and Juliet. I'm familiar with the story, but there's some stuff I don't know due to immense amounts of Shakespearean language.

    What's the essay about, specifically?

  • Well, it's good that you didn't get involved. No need to have added fuel to the fire.

    I'm glad it's over with now. Finally we can return to normal. >.<

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Some of your friends got this idea that a directionless, empty, base-lacking, gif-spamming riot would work. As a law student, I was getting ready to explain how that was nonsense but I figured most would take it in a bad way.

  • edited June 2014

    Well... How would you feel if Carmelo joined Lebron on the Heat?

    Edit: never mind :D

    Deceptio posted: »

    Yo Salty, how you feel about LeBron opting out? We can move this to the basketball thread if you want.

  • Well, I agree with you. But if Melo goes to the Heat, I'm going to fucking jump out my window. If he's going to leave, he's got to go anywhere but the Heat.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    He's opting in for less money. Want to bet?

  • it is posible to , one day, obtain happyness ?

  • Nah. Its was probably me. :/ Sorry people!

    Wow I feel like I gave them the idea to close this thread XD. Oh well. I would have done the same thing if I was a mod.

  • Yup. Most of these people were on edge anyway, and I wouldn't want to get anyone banned.

    I just hope you don't mention names you're not supposed to be mentioning.

    Well, it's good that you didn't get involved. No need to have added fuel to the fire. I'm glad it's over with now. Finally we can return to normal. >.<

  • I don't want him on the Heat anyway. Nope.

    I just need some role players. These old guys still got us to the Finals this year so imagine what we can do with some fresh legs.

    Deceptio posted: »

    Well, I agree with you. But if Melo goes to the Heat, I'm going to fucking jump out my window. If he's going to leave, he's got to go anywhere but the Heat.

  • Deceptio posted: »

    I don't know. She just said that the exam would be on Romeo and Juliet. I'm familiar with the story, but there's some stuff I don't know due to immense amounts of Shakespearean language.

  • edited June 2014

    Nah. Many got involved. I said "I can't believe they haven't closed this thread yet." (Something like that) a couple minutes later the thread got closed :/

    Nah. Its was probably me. Sorry people!

  • Well, there's this website that you can use to help you decode some of the passages, since sometimes Shakespeare can be a little hard to understand:

    It's basically like a modernized version. She'll probably give you some more information on what the essay is about tomorrow, but I would just do a quick read through, just to get a bit more comfortable with the terminology.

    Deceptio posted: »

    I don't know. She just said that the exam would be on Romeo and Juliet. I'm familiar with the story, but there's some stuff I don't know due to immense amounts of Shakespearean language.

  • They were probably going to close it either way.

    Nah. Many got involved. I said "I can't believe they haven't closed this thread yet." (Something like that) a couple minutes later the thread got closed

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