Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • I hope I get to say : Damnit TDM !!! At some point in the story...


    So while we wait. What do you guys think will happen with any of the characters?

  • Oh come on, Pro. You and I both know that SweetPea sold her soul to the devil once she smashed that lady's face in with the gun. Now she's an ethereal badass who struggles between light and darkness in a world gone to shit, and is in a never ending conflict with the apocalypse's outside evil forces and her own internal pure and loving nature.

    It is known.

    SweetPea, immortal?! Lol! Anyone can die in the story. B]

  • EVERYONE can die in the story. Remember back in chapter 1? Pro and TWDFan could have been dead already.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    But can YOU die??

  • Everyone says that about me xD

    Lol, Shadow has quite the imagination.

  • What if you made the right vote, though? B]

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Guys! Can you please read Guilty's last comment about the story? We fucked up with the votes! We made a wrong vote, please change your votes.

  • Lol, SweetPea the bad-ass! She's slowly starting to lose her sweet side isn't she? B]

    Oh come on, Pro. You and I both know that SweetPea sold her soul to the devil once she smashed that lady's face in with the gun. Now she's a

  • Oh, I guess I completely forgot about that, heh ^-^*''

    EVERYONE can die in the story. Remember back in chapter 1? Pro and TWDFan could have been dead already.

  • Yess!!!!! <3 This is SweetPea:

    Alt text

    I wish WtW could have taught SweetPea how to shoot..... then she would be unstoppable ;D

    Lol, SweetPea the bad-ass! She's slowly starting to lose her sweet side isn't she? B]

  • You could have been part of Tobi's community as well. He probably would have killed you, though... TWDFan from chapter 1, isn't the same person he is in later chapters. He's gotten stronger and wiser. He's not as afraid as he was before. He lost his parents, and only has his brother left.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Oh, I guess I completely forgot about that, heh ^-^*''

  • Lol, WtW is good with the rifle, she does well with handguns and machine gun rifles or sub machine guns, but she's not that good with a shotgun or hand to hand, or with a knife. B]

    Yess!!!!! This is SweetPea: I wish WtW could have taught SweetPea how to shoot..... then she would be unstoppable ;D

  • Yeah, there was a scenario where I could've met Guilty and Valky after you and I separated. I hope I do something really epic in the story soon since I've gotten stronger and wiser :)

    You could have been part of Tobi's community as well. He probably would have killed you, though... TWDFan from chapter 1, isn't the same per

  • Well........ pssh. >.>

    You can teach me! You were a freakin' hitman!

    Lol, WtW is good with the rifle, she does well with handguns and machine gun rifles or sub machine guns, but she's not that good with a shotgun or hand to hand, or with a knife. B]

  • edited June 2014

    The real training will begin soon. Everyone in the group needs to get better.

    Pro and Jon will be training.

    Well........ pssh. >.> You can teach me! You were a freakin' hitman!

  • Oh you probably will, but yeah like you said soon. B]

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Yeah, there was a scenario where I could've met Guilty and Valky after you and I separated. I hope I do something really epic in the story soon since I've gotten stronger and wiser

  • Exactly. I know how these things work now with that "soon" shit xD

    Oh you probably will, but yeah like you said soon. B]

  • edited June 2014

    Lol, speaking of... the next part will be up "soon." Haha. B]

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Exactly. I know how these things work now with that "soon" shit xD

  • Of course! Alright, I'll read it later after you post it :)

    Lol, speaking of... the next part will be up "soon." Haha. B]

  • edited June 2014


    (!) ???

    With the three people hiding in the grassy field, six people with machine gun rifles, and then seven who were helpless, I had to come up with something. I whispered into Twistee's ear."Listen up, Twistee. I'm going to pretend to surrender to these guys, I need you to tell your group to play along. We have to go for my gear, and the guns you managed to bring back."

    "What the fuck? Are you crazy? We can surrender, but there's no way I'm going to get me or my group members killed!" He whispered back.

    "We have to do this! I promise that you will all live, if you make me your leader."

    "Fuck that! Not only do you smell like shit, and I had to try soo hard not to throw up, you're a fuckin' psycho, and I have no idea who that asshole over there is, but I don't want any of you to be our leader!"

    "Hehehe. Twistee, C'mon! Don't be like that." I released Twistee and then kicked him away from me. I looked over at the bearded man."Alright, you win. There's too many of you for me to handle. You have a point, I'll surrender. So will these people."

    "What?!" Shiina shouted."What the hell is he doing, Twistee?!"

    Twistee was on the ground, holding his neck."Holy shit... Shiina, I..."

    "Are you okay, man?!" Goust asked him.

    Twistee put his hand up, and started waving it."I'm fine... just stay there."

    The bearded man spoke up."Okay, then... toss your weapons towards us. Keep your distance." He told me.

    "Hehehe, sure thing, fucker." I said under my breath. I tossed my AK and knife, close to Shiina's feet."Whoops... looks like I can't throw for shit."

    The bearded man gave me and angry look."The fuck?! Pick them up, and try again!"

    "C'mon Twistee. Let's go over to your group. Tell them what's going on. As soon as I pick my weapons back up, I'll start shooting. I need you to give Shiina her handgun back as well."

    Twistee was slowly getting up."Fine... whatever."

    I started walking over to them."Jesus, man. Goddamn you stink!" I Heard King say. I saw everyone holding their noses, I just smiled as I got closer.

    "Damn! You weren't kidding." Gamer said.

    Twistee spoke up."My group will surrender. We know when we're outmatched." He turned to Shiina and the group."Isn't that right, guys?" I saw him wink at them.

    Shiina spoke up."Alright... he has a point." She said to the bearded man. Twistee started walking over to us.

    "Shiina, Mark here will pick up his weapons. I'll give you your handgun back as well. We're going to fight these shoot these guys, and kill them. As soon as you start shooting, one of us can go for the other weapons."

    Guetta spoke up."What about Gary, Azlyn and phyre? They're still hiding in the grassy field, aren't they?"


    (!) Gary, shoot the bearded man.

    I was aiming my rifle, waiting for a response."Gary, shoot the bearded man." I heard Azlyn say.

    "Wait... what's going on?" I spotted the guy with the scar on his face, letting Twistee go.

    "Is he... giving up?" Phyre asked.

    "I think so." I replied with an uncertain tone.

    He tossed his weapons over to Shiina, and started walking over to the group. He said that he was going to surrender, and so would the group. Twistee backed him up."What the hell are they doing?!"

    "No! They can't do that! Gary shoot them already!" Phyre said to me.

    "Alright, here goes." I put my finger on the trigger, and got ready to fire...


    I kept my eye on them. I knew they were planning something."Get the weapons and gear, Emu. The rest of you, keep your guns aimed at them."

    "Alright, Tobi. You got it." Emu replied, and then started walking over.

    BLAM! A shot fired out of nowhere, and I saw Emu who was standing next to me get shot, and falling down."Run back!" CiD Shouted.

    We made our way to the back of the cars."Stand your ground! Guy! Go after the sniper, now!"

    "OK, I got this!" He told me, and started running around.

    "Shoot the ground near them! Keep them away from the weapons! Don't kill them, we need them alive!" I ordered them.


    I took the shot, but as I did, one of the bearded man's guards got in the way, and he got hit instead."Shit! No! Wrong guy!"

    They quickly ran back behind their cars, and started shooting the ground next to our group."Azlyn, take Phyre and get the hell out of here!" I said to her.

    "What?! No, we can't leave you here by yourself!" She told me.

    "She's right, Gary! We're not leaving you behind!" Phyre shouted.

    I spotted a man heading in our direction, he started firing his weapon. Bratatat! "Shit! Get down!" I told them

    "NO!" Azlyn shouted.

    "What is... oh no..." Phyre was laying down, on the ground with a bullet wound on her head."Fuck! Azlyn, go! He's coming, run!"

    "My sister!" She replied.

    "Just go! There's no time for this! Please!" I turned, and saw the man getting ready to hop the fence.

    Azlyn was crying, but she got up, and started running away into the deeper part of the grassy field. I stood up, and put my hands up. I saw the man getting closer."Turn around!" He said to me.

    I turned and watched Azlyn running away. I looked down at Phyre's corpse."Shit... can't believe this."

    The man reached me."Start walking over to your friends over there. Hurry the fuck up!" Damn, we should have surrendered...


    I tried going for my gun, but they kept shooting at the ground next to us."Fuck! We can't get to them!"

    "Guys! Get to the back of the church!" Sheep shouted. We tried moving, but then they started shooting in front of us."Shit! Not good."

    "They're trying to keep us alive, but we can't go anywhere!" Goust shouted.

    "Looks like we can't go with your plan, Mark." Twistee said to the guy.

    "Fuck! Who the hell fired their weapon!" Mark asked.

    "It had to be Gary, with Azlyn and Phyre." Gamer told us.

    "Of course it was them. They were trying to help." I replied.

    "They fuckin' ruined everything!" Mark shouted.

    "Calm the fuck down! Your plan was probably going to fail anyway!" Twistee told him.

    I turned to them, and made a C with my hand."Guys..."

    "The hell is that?" SGK asked me.

    "Plan C, motherfuckers!"

    "What's plan C?!" Guetta asked me.

    "I don't know! I thought you guys would come up with something!" I replied.

    "Everyone, just put your hands up. The plan is ruined now. Fuck..." Mark told us.

    "Why the hell should we listen to you?! After you almost killed Twistee, and then threatened us!"

    "Hehehe, I had no intentions of killing any of you. I just wanted to become the leader." Mark replied, and then put his hands up."Stop! We give up!"

    "Is he fucking serious right now?" SGK asked.

    Twistee turned to them."Like we have any other choice..."

    "Guys, look!" Guetta said to us, and pointed towards the grassy field.

    I turned."Fuck... they have Gary, but where's Azlyn and Phyre?"


    The group decided to surrender. I saw Guy coming out of the grassy field, with a young man holding his hands up."Tobi! I got the sniper, and killed one of them. The other got away, there was three of them!" He shouted as he was making his way back.

    Everyone reloaded, and started heading out."Don't fuckin' touch any of those weapons! Unless you want to fuckin' die!" Gustav said to the group.

    CiD and Pur walked over to Emu's body."Holy shit! He's still alive!" Pur shouted

    I took out my model 41 from it's holster."He's unconscious, how is he?" I asked them.

    "Yeah... he got hit in the chest, but we need to get him immediate medical attention." CiD replied.

    "Alright, get him in the cargo truck. Pur, help him out."

    "Damn... C'mon, Emu. You better not fucking die." Pur said as he started helping CiD move him to the truck.

    "Get down on your knees!" I saw Guy telling the sniper.

    "Guy, go after the last person. Make sure you bring them back alive."

    "On my way!" He told me, and sprinted into the grassy field.

    Gustav brought the other group members over."Get on your fuckin' knees, dumb sons of bitches! What the fuck were y'all thinking?!"

    The man with the scar on his face spoke up."Hehehe, I wasn't expecting that either." He said with a smile.

    "Shut the fuck up!" Gustav replied.

    I wiped my mouth, and gritted my teeth. I aimed my gun at the sniper's head."Your sniper here almost got me killed. He injured one of my men as well. I'm going to have to kill one of you guys for that." I told them.

    A young female who appeared to be the leader, spoke up."No! He had no idea! He was just trying to help. We were all going to surrender..."

    "We fucked up. We know that, but you said you need people for your community. Please, reconsider..." An older fellow told me.

    "Sorry... but no. I can't let this slide. One of you has to die. If not the sniper, then one of you can take his place." I gave them a smug look.

    They started talking amongst themselves, except for the man with the scar, who was just smiling the whole time."Oh boy, let the games begin." He said out loud.

    Gustav started laughing."Haha, this guy will fit right in, that's if Tobi decides to let you live. Why do you smell like shit, though?!" He told him.

    He ignored Gustav, and looked at me."Tobi is it? You need people like me, I don't give a shit about the others in this group. Me and you, we can both rule over them." He said, and then smiled.

    "Mark! You fucking bastard!" A male told him.

    "Shut the fuck up, SGK. Hahahaha!" The man with the scar laughed.

    "Twistee, what the fuck is wrong with this guy?" Another female asked.

    "I don't know, Guetta. Shit... I fucked up guys. I should have killed Mark when I had the chance." He said, and then looked down.

    "It's not your fault, man. None of us could have predicted this." Another male told him.

    "Sheep is right. We weren't prepared for this." Another spoke up.

    "Yeah, man. Don't blame yourself." A young male told him.

    "Thanks, Sheep, gamer and King, but still..." Twistee replied.

    "Tobi! Emu isn't doing too good, but he might make it. We stopped the bleeding, and the bullet went right through. He's still unconscious, however." CiD was making his way over to me."Pur, is looking him over. I guess were taking these guys by force, huh?"

    "Yeah, but I'm going to kill one of them. Just so they know not to fuck with me, in the future." I replied.

    "What?! Fuck..." CiD said.

    "This is gonna be good." Gustav said with a smile.

    "You don't have to do this." The older fellow said.

    "Enough, Goust. He made up his mind."

    He sighed."Alright, Shiina..."

    "I'm sorry, guys. I didn't know." The sniper spoke up.

    "It's okay, Gary..." Guetta said to him.

    "Fuck..." I heard King say.

    "It's okay, guys. I'm willing to sacrifice myself." Sheep spoke up.

    "The fuck, man?! No! You're my brother, I'm not letting you do this! I would rather sacrifice myself, instead of you!" SGK told him.

    "If anyone should be sacrificing themselves, it should be me. Don't worry guys." King told them.

    "No! Guys, don't do this..." Guetta spoke up.

    "You guys are like my family, I'm willing to do this as well." Gamer told them.

    "Settle down, people. Damn it..." Shiina said to them.

    "This isn't good..." Goust said while looking down.

    "Heh, now ain't that sweet?" Gustav said.

    Everyone was staring at me."Heh, alright." I cracked my neck, and got ready...

    1) Kill Markd4547.

    2) Kill Mashiro_Shiina.

    3) Kill Gary-Oak.

    4) Kill TheNarwhalKing.

    5) Kill GOUSTTTT.

    6) Kill Swagguykiller69.

    7) Kill TheWalkingSheep.

    8) Kill Clubremix_Guetta.

    9) Kill ps3gamer095.

    10) Kill Twistee.


  • edited June 2014

    11) Kill Tobi. haha I'm undecided! I don't know yet

  • 6) Kill Swagguykiller69.

    Markd4547 (!) ??? With the three people hiding in the grassy field, six people with machine gun rifles, and then seven who were helple

  • 3) Kill Gary-Oak.
    He fucked up the plan and almost killed Emu.

    Markd4547 (!) ??? With the three people hiding in the grassy field, six people with machine gun rifles, and then seven who were helple

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited June 2014

    5) kill Goustttt

    Markd4547 (!) ??? With the three people hiding in the grassy field, six people with machine gun rifles, and then seven who were helple

  • edited June 2014

    Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy: 8) Kill Clubremix_Guetta. ...changed my vote due to unforeseen circumstances

    Markd4547 (!) ??? With the three people hiding in the grassy field, six people with machine gun rifles, and then seven who were helple

  • 1) Kill Markd4547.

    Markd4547 (!) ??? With the three people hiding in the grassy field, six people with machine gun rifles, and then seven who were helple

  • Mark is like...

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    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy: 8) Kill Clubremix_Guetta. ...changed my vote due to unforeseen circumstances

  • I'm sorry Mark ;-;

    Mark is like...

  • Finally decided. 3) kill Gary-Oak

    Markd4547 (!) ??? With the three people hiding in the grassy field, six people with machine gun rifles, and then seven who were helple

  • Did you just say I'm gonna get PREGNANT? lol

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    It is going to be revealed that Noncy was a boy in his childhood, and changed sexes in his early 20's. I think Woodbury and TWDFan are going to have some time together, and ATR will get pregneant.

  • Alt text

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I'm sorry Mark ;-;

  • (?) Gary-Oak will remember that.

    Finally decided. 3) kill Gary-Oak

  • What?? No... ;-; Fuck... Okay...

    6) Kill Swagguykiller69.


    Markd4547 (!) ??? With the three people hiding in the grassy field, six people with machine gun rifles, and then seven who were helple

  • I'm going to get brutally murdered by Tobi

    So while we wait. What do you guys think will happen with any of the characters?

  • I love you too

    Finally decided. 3) kill Gary-Oak

  • 1) Kill Markd4547

    Guys sorry for fucking up, hopefully i will make up for it when we escape Tobi's camp!

    Markd4547 (!) ??? With the three people hiding in the grassy field, six people with machine gun rifles, and then seven who were helple

  • edited June 2014

    Maybe Mark could help out as well. B]

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    1) Kill Markd4547 Guys sorry for fucking up, hopefully i will make up for it when we escape Tobi's camp!

  • Alt text

    3) Kill Gary-Oak. He fucked up the plan and almost killed Emu.

  • He's crazy, he seems like the type of guy who would want to help you, then 5 seconds later he kills you on the spot.

    Maybe Mark could help out as well. B]


    6) Kill Swagguykiller69.


    Also, Gustav, you're a fucking asshole! xD

    Markd4547 (!) ??? With the three people hiding in the grassy field, six people with machine gun rifles, and then seven who were helple

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