The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • And yes they are just song lyrics, the girls I've been with are all 2+ years older than me.

    Please tell me this is song lyrics and your not actually doing this. x_x

  • From season 1 to season 2 it took about a full year. I think that's enough.

    But id rather wait a long time then not get it at all.

    Kill me, but I don't even actually want a season 3 currently. Maybe after some time, but they already have so much on their plate that I'm

  • *claps *

    This girl's 17 now I'm a pedophile, She's showing me her tits I think this girl's gone wild, I whipped out my dick and her jaw hit the floor

  • Wow. Those "artists" obviously have soooo much respect for women.

    Check up in the scene in 2006, I was automatically labeled as a god damn prick, I go to prison and get out and I'm back at it (hi guys) I

    edited June 2014

    Damn right, I think they should just popstone one or two games that are "in development" and come back to them after they are finished with TWD and TWAU...

    Kill me, but I don't even actually want a season 3 currently. Maybe after some time, but they already have so much on their plate that I'm

  • After they finish those two games I'm completely open to the idea of season 3, I just want Telltale to slow down and try not to eat more than they're able to.

    From season 1 to season 2 it took about a full year. I think that's enough. But id rather wait a long time then not get it at all.

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    Check up in the scene in 2006, I was automatically labeled as a god damn prick, I go to prison and get out and I'm back at it (hi guys) I

  • I knew this girl once that everyone thought we were sisters because she looked ALOT like me. So we went with it ad said we were sisters for 2 full years. Everyone was mind f*cked when we said we weren't. xD

    Yeah, it's kinda a compliment, you look like her a lot.

  • U A BITCH!

    You said that, not me. Or what if I'm just messing with you? Lol, this is fun.

  • :)

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Trust me, that's good.

  • I know who they were, but we can't talk about them :|

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Yeah, you know who was banned?

  • But seriously, if they don't make a season 3 my life is f*cked. ;_;

    If they don't then another company should. Is that possible??

    HOLY SHIEEETTTTT The achievements for episode 5 were released!! omfg and they changed the name of episode 5 to: Better to sleep. Holy fuck that sounds like a name for something that is going to end. ;_; they better make a season 3!!

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    AWESOMEO posted: »

    He was doing stuff and thangs.

    edited June 2014

    Exactly, they can't work on multiple projects, we've seen how that worked out, both the quality went down and the time between releases stretched...

    After they finish those two games I'm completely open to the idea of season 3, I just want Telltale to slow down and try not to eat more than they're able to.

  • Jesus Christ, Ozzy. Is that you?

    OzzyUK posted: »

    The reason why talking about banned members is against the rules is because the banned member will be unable to participate in the discussio

  • edited June 2014

    (Alt text

    Shouldn't we now start debating about using the word "bitch" ;_;

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    U A BITCH!

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited June 2014

    I agree, but I personally talked to Markd, and you can do too, and he will give you a permission to talk about it,

    That still does not negate the rule that Moderators are not allowed to talk about the reasoning behind banned users.

    In addition to the forum guidelines, there are several rules of thumb that moderators use as well as our own rules and guidelines. In this case, it is not proper for moderators to publicly discuss the reason a user was banned - especially if the user is not around, regardless of whether or not they give permission. If a banned user comes back, they can explain it then as I believe Vain had already mentioned. No amount of PMs asking a Mod to talk about it or written statements of permission from the banned user in question will change this.

    As I said previously, when we flag a post, the contents of that post get hidden from public viewing. If a user makes an offensive remark or trolls and their post(s) get flagged, other users will not be able to see the reasoning behind why that user was banned as they cannot see the hidden post(s) in question.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Well Ozzy (good luck with your new part btw), I agree, but I personally talked to Markd, and you can do too, and he will give you a permission to talk about it, he is really hurt tbh, he didn't do nothing wrong, even if it was against the rules.

  • edited June 2014

    I feel like running away,
    I'm still so far from home,
    You say I'll never change but what the fuck do you know?
    I'll burn it all to the ground, before I let you run,
    Please forgive me, I can't forgive you now.
    I remember everything.
    If I could hold back the rain, would you numb the pain?
    Cause I remember everything.
    If I could help you forget, would you take my regrets?
    Cause I remember everything.
    It all went by so fast; I still can't change the past
    I always will remember, everything
    If we could start again, would that change the end?
    We remember everything

  • Guys... I think I broke Telltale...

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  • I know right?! Wtf is that. -_-

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    No platinum?


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Guys... I think I broke Telltale...

  • Levi is 34. He wouldn't look at me, anyway. Ryunosuke is 19. He wouldn't look at me either.

    I wouldn't accept a marriage proposal from either.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    If both Levi and... Ryunosuke would propose to you at the same time, who would it be?


    I was quoting the ghetto lullabies video...

    ( Shouldn't we now start debating about using the word "bitch" ;_;

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited June 2014

    I explained what he did wrong (and he even knows what he did, as he said so on his profile). I'm sorry that he was hurt by his ban, but the temporary ban was a necessary warning to stop the behavior since many people felt hurt by his insensitive joke against an entire people's culture. He's welcome to come back when the ban is up as long as he doesn't do it again. He's not here to participate in this discussion, so it's not fair to keep talking about him when he can't join in.

    So, drop it now. Please.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Well Ozzy (good luck with your new part btw), I agree, but I personally talked to Markd, and you can do too, and he will give you a permission to talk about it, he is really hurt tbh, he didn't do nothing wrong, even if it was against the rules.

  • I was going to ask that! xD


  • LOL can you have anymore tabs open??!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Guys... I think I broke Telltale...


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Guys... I think I broke Telltale...

  • Yeah, yeah. Don't take me wrong, I do like TWD, even the season 2 so far, but I can't do anything about the fact that they're "developing" two new games. If they would "discard" or postpone either of those and instead of it start doing TWAU S2 or TWD S3, well then I wouldn't have any problem with that.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Exactly, they can't work on multiple projects, we've seen how that worked out, both the quality went down and the time between releases stretched...

    edited June 2014

    In this case, it is not proper for moderators to publicly discuss the reason a user was banned

    So can I PM a mod at least? Can we discuss it there?

    I agree, but I personally talked to Markd, and you can do too, and he will give you a permission to talk about it, That still does n

    edited June 2014

    Cool, thanks.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I fixed the typo, typing on a ipad can be really annoying sometimes :P By all means you can try sending a PM to a more experienced mod but they might say the same as me where they can't talk about individual cases.

  • So, drop it now. Please.

    Agreed. If this keeps up, I won't hesitate to lock the thread again.

    Jennifer posted: »

    I explained what he did wrong (and he even knows what he did, as he said so on his profile). I'm sorry that he was hurt by his ban, but the

  • I read the "Oh out for that tiger...Ooo, soz...suks 2 b u, lol". in the quietest voice xD

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    That's not like me at all, lol. I am the quietest person most people ever met. I could be a ninja! Okay... Hahahahaha, she was pro

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    Buying condoms and shit... that's the sickest thing I've ever heard!

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited June 2014

    Sometimes temporary bans are the warnings. We do this in instances when someone goes over the line by majorly breaking a rule or when people keep doing something after a moderator comes into a thread and tells everyone to stop (which is the case in both of these instances).

    The bans are short and temporary. So, it's no big deal. They'll be welcome to come back after the ban ends. So drop it now. Please.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Sorry for being that guy but... *allowed I won't, but can I at least PM the other mods about it? It seems like there is some sort of mistake since both of them were banned instantly and did not get any warnings, I can't help but see it unfair.

  • Start getting loud, I wanna party now
    If you hate on Undead that's a party foul
    I only drink Mickey's, I can't afford the cans
    I drink so much they call me Charlie 40 Hands
    If the keg is tapped, then you're getting capped
    Take your girl to the sack and we'll take a nap
    Ladies drink them fast so I can have a blast
    You got your beer gog's on and I'm getting' ass
    Like, oh my God, is that Charlie Scene?
    Ladies show me your treats like it's Halloween
    You got fake I.D. and you're 17
    I'm a complete catastrophe buzzing around you like a bumblebee
    So let's take some shots
    Do a beer run and flip off a cop
    Girls give me props and they're on my jock
    Paris Hilton said that's hot, when she saw my cock, that's hot

  • But who do you like more? If you could choose one...

    Azlyn posted: »

    Levi is 34. He wouldn't look at me, anyway. Ryunosuke is 19. He wouldn't look at me either. I wouldn't accept a marriage proposal from either.

  • [removed]

    Jennifer posted: »

    I explained what he did wrong (and he even knows what he did, as he said so on his profile). I'm sorry that he was hurt by his ban, but the

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited June 2014

    I intend to open this thread around 5pm PST (this forum's timezone). When moderators ask you to drop the subject on banned users, please follow these instructions. I don't want us Moderators to have to repeatedly close this thread, and I cannot promise that the next thread closure will not be permanent if the discussion of banned users continues after we ask for it to stop.

    This thread has already been closed twice as a warning, and as I already mentioned, I don't want this to become a frequent habit.


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