Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • ummm... A lot to much.

    Yeah a little too much

  • Not if they are Taco Bells tacos. Taco Bells tacos surpass all other.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Burritos are better.

  • Lee: "No shit"

    ummm... A lot to much.

  • what is a taco bell

    Not if they are Taco Bells tacos. Taco Bells tacos surpass all other.

  • Question, Do I talk like a old man?

    Lee: "No shit"

  • That is not how you eat a tomato.
    Whenever i eat a tomato like that the tomato juice squirts into my eye.

    For @Azlyn

  • Taco Bell is shit.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    what is a taco bell

  • :O

    eh never mind your right...

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Taco Bell is shit.

  • And i'm just sitting here wondering what the hell you're talking about.

    :O eh never mind your right...

  • Taco Bell is the shit.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Taco Bell is shit.

  • Nah. All the old people I know say things I've never heard of and they're racist. XD you talk like a girl in her early 20s

    Question, Do I talk like a old man?

  • still does not answer my question of what exactly IS Taco Bell.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Taco Bell is the shit.

  • Fast food restaurant xD

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    still does not answer my question of what exactly IS Taco Bell.

  • edited June 2014


    After three weeks of running around, lost in the woods. We were following the river. There seemed to be a lot of fish heading downstream, and Password said we should follow them, and maybe try fishing in the morning, even though we didn't have any rods. It was nighttime, and we were walking."So you're planning to catch some fish with your knife?" CSB asked him.

    "Exactly. I haven't had some damn fish in a while! If we get lucky, we can try to catch some and fry them up."

    "Heh, some fish would be nice for a change." I said to them.

    Password turned to me."Yeah, don't worry. We'll get some in the morning."

    CSB put his hands on the back of his head, and sighed."I hope so, man. I really do."

    "Holy shit!" I said when I spotted the guy that we saw before, dead on the ground.

    "The fuck?! It's that guy from before, with the trucker hat and jean vest." Password said to us."Get down, you guys." We hid behind some bushes.

    "What the hell? I wonder who shot him." CSB said.

    "I think we should leave..." I suggested.

    Password took out his handgun."Let's have a look around first. Make sure nobody has been following us. I don't know what the bloody hell happened, but I'm not taking any chances."

    "Okay. I'm right behind you." CSB told him.

    "Fuck..." I said under my breathe.

    Password and CSB started moving forward."Keep an eye out, guys." Password told us.

    CSB took out Password's knife."Be careful..." He said, and we started moving ahead...


    (!) We can stay here for a few days, or at least until Salt returns. If Pro is going to start training, maybe we can be prepared.

    "We can stay here for a few days, or at least until Salt returns. If Pro is going to start training, maybe we can be prepared." WtW said to us.

    "Alright, then. I can deal with that." Jewf told us.

    "Sure. I just hope we don't run into anymore trouble." ATR said.

    "Don't worry, sis. We'll have each others backs." DLB told her with a smile.

    "Okay. Jon will be training you on working as a team, and using different types of firearms. I will be training you in stealth, and close quarters fighting. If we ever get separated, and we end up alone, I want to make sure you guys know what you're doing. Both of our training will come in handy, we'll teach you guys as much as we know. Since it's late, we should start early in the morning." Pro told us, and then turned to Jon."What do you think, Jon?"

    "Sounds good. A few of us should stay up and patrol the area, who know if that guy had a group. We need to be prepared for the worst. We can even change shifts, just so no one is tired in the morning." Jon said.

    "Alright, guys. Get some rest. I'll volunteer to stay up first." Puncake told us.

    "I will as well." Pro replied.

    "Same here." Clayton said.

    "One more shouldn't hurt. I'll stay up, too." Jewf said to us.

    "Okay, the rest of you, get some rest." Pro told us.

    WtW spoke up."I'll stay out here with Angel and Noncy."

    "You should get some rest." Noncy told her.

    "Look who's talking." WtW replied with a smile.

    "Let's go, Fan." Deceptio told me.

    "In a minute." Everyone said goodnight to each other, I waited for them to leave. I saw Pro getting ready to start the night watch."Hey, Pro. About the training... I'm not sure if Deceptio will be ready for this."

    Pro grabbed his M1911's, and put them in their holsters."Because of his leg?" He asked, while loading an M4 with a scope and grip attached to it.

    "That's right. He's the only person I have left. I don't want him to get into any danger." I told him, and then looked down.

    "He told me earlier that he wanted some training. I said that we should find him a prosthetic leg first, he said he learned a lot from what happened three weeks ago. With proper training, he should be okay." Pro replied.

    "He said that? Heh, well... okay. Just... teach him how to shoot a handgun. I don't want him to go crazy with a machine gun or something."

    "You got it. Get some rest, we'll start training in the morning. If Salt isn't back by tomorrow evening, then we'll be leaving."

    "Didn't I get enough training already?"

    "Heh, I didn't teach you everything. With jon's help, it'll be much easier for me and him to teach you guys everything you need to know."

    "Okay, sounds good. I hope Salt makes it back..."


    (!) Go back to the group. Tell them what I found.

    It was stupid trying to go in there by myself. I had no idea what was behind those doors. They already had guards patrolling the area, I had to go back to the group and get some help. They were a day away, and it was still morning, but I had to go back and tell them. I stood up."Hang on joe and Sardines... I'll be back for you guys." I said, and then turned around to head back to the group...


    (!) Let's ask him what he thinks about Tobi and his community.

    PAP was staring back at Tali."Let's ask him what he thinks about Tobi and his community." He said to us.

    "What? No, we can't do that." broken replied.

    "Why not? We're just asking him what he thinks about it." PAP told her.

    "Okay... but still. It could be risky." Valky told him.

    "How? Just for asking him what he thinks? Seriously? Come on, guys. This could be our only chance." PAP insisted.

    "So go over and ask him then." AC said to him.

    "I would, but I think Valky should ask him."

    "Why me?" Valky asked with a confused look.

    "You've been here the longest. He knows you the best. You even helped him with his guard duty when you first became one."

    "I mean sure... I was somewhat his friend, but I don't know guys." Valky told us, and then scratched her head.

    AC looked down."Hmm, if PAP is right... then maybe he has a point here."

    "Think about it, people. If we get Tali on our side, it'll make the escape so much easier." PAP told us.

    "Uh... I don't know. What you're saying makes sense and all, but..." Broken said to him.

    "What do you think, Sardines?" Valky asked me.

    "Hmm..." I was thinking.

    "He's coming over." AC said to us.

    "Come on, guys. Valky, please. You'll just be asking him what he thinks, then we can decide to tell him about the plan or not."

    Valky looked at Tali, who was making his way over. She squinted her eyes, bit her lip softly, and made an uncertain face."Maybe..."

    "Alright, guys. Just coming to check on you real quick. So far you're doing a good job." We heard Tali saying as he was getting closer...

    1) Valky, ask him.

    2) PAP, ask him.

    3) AC, ask him.

    4) Broken, ask him.

    5) I'll ask him.


    I wiped the sweat off my forehead."Fuck, it's hot as hell out here."

    I saw Juice walk over to a cooler, and he took out a bottle of water."Damn right it is."

    "Yeah..." I said to him, as he started opening the water bottle.

    He put his head back and started drinking."Mmm, mm, MMM! That's some good water right there, haha." He said while looking at the bottle. He started drinking it again.

    "Can I please have some water?" I asked.

    Juice looked at me while he was still drinking. He stopped and said."Water? You want water? Haha. Sure..." He started pouring the water out, and onto the hot ground."Go ahead dog, drink some water." He said with a smug look.

    I got angry and said."You're a real piece of shit, Juice."

    He smiled at me."Is that so? I'm not the one who broke some guy's legs, poor kid." He started shaking his head, but kept his smile.

    "If I knew he had a kid, I wouldn't have done that." I told him.

    "Oh, suuuure. Let's go with that. Heh, now are you going to drink this fucking water or no?!"

    "Off the fucking floor? What are you, stupid?!"

    "This is the only time I'm ever going to offer you some water. On your fucking knees dog, start licking the ground." He said to me with a smile...

    1) [Get close to him, and punch him] I'm not your fucking dog.

    2) [Spit on the floor] Why don't you go fuck yourself.

    3) Fuck your water. I don't need it.


    I was patrolling the area with the other three guys. I wanted everyone to be able to rely on me. After eking, I knew I fucked up, but I only told ATR about it. She kept my secret safe, but also told me I should tell the group. The last few days she told me that maybe it was better if I kept it to myself, though. When Pro was training me, he said that what happened before the apocalypse didn't matter, as long as we had each other's backs. It got me thinking again, and maybe I should tell them all about it."Psst! Hey, Jewf!" I heard ATR whispering.

    "What are you doing out here?!" I whispered back.

    She ran up to me."Puncake said you were out here. I just wanted to bring you a flashlight." She said with a smile.

    "That's kind of you, thanks." I told her.

    "No problem, Jewf. You be careful out here, okay?"

    "You know me." I smiled at her.

    We both started hearing an owl hooting above us."Heh... an owl."

    I looked up at it."Yeah. Cool, ain't it?"

    "I remember when I had this one summer job..."

    "What was it?" I asked her.

    "No, it's too embarrassing. Forget it, heh."

    "Seriously? You were almost about to tell me, c'mon. It can't be that bad." I told her with a smile.

    ATR was looking down."Well... I dressed up as an owl and I had to keep watch at night, for this one woman. She paid real good, and it was simple."

    I started laughing a bit."Haha, you're joking, right?"

    She looked up."No. I'm so serious right now. It's true."

    My eyes widened as I was staring at her. I started laughing again."Bwahahahaha! What the hell?! Really?!"

    "Stop laughing, you jerk!" She said, and hit me in the arm.

    "Haha, I'm sorry but... that's pretty funny." I said while still laughing a bit.

    "Shut up, jewf!" ATR told me with a smile and then stuck her tongue out at me.

    "Oh! It's like that, huh?!" I said to her, and then stuck my tongue out at her.

    ATR gasped."Oh, how dare you!" She said with an angry face. She stuck her tongue out again, and started making a raspberry sound."Heh, loser!"

    "I'm not done yet! You'll be the loser here!" I said to her, and did the same.

    ATR started giggling."Stop making me laugh! You're cheating!"

    "Hehe, no I'm not! Finish what you started, ATR, or will you forfeit?" I said with a smile.

    ATR started laughing some more, and so did I. She put her hand on my shoulder, while holding her abdomen."Stop, making me laugh!" She said to me.

    I could see tears coming out of her eyes. She was making me crack up."You're the one who's making ME laugh!"

    She wiped her eyes."Haha! Well stop making ME laugh! It's not my fault your face looks funny when you stick your tongue out!" She said to me.

    We laughed a bit longer, and then we both stared at each other. I put my hand on her waist."Well... come here, then." I said to her. ATR was being shy and started looking down. I placed my finger under her chin, and tipped her head up."Did I ever tell you how cute I think you are?" I said to her.

    She put both her hands on my shoulders, and gripped them."Oh, stop..." She said, and started blushing.

    We stared in each other's eyes, and slowly got closer."I mean it." I said to her as I laid my forehead on hers, my cap almost fell off my head."I always trusted you, ATR. You're the only person I trust." I told her.

    "I'll always have your back, Jewf." She said to me, as our lips were getting closer.

    As our lips were about to touch, we heard Puncake in the distance."CSB, holy shit!"

    Me and ATR turned."Huh? CSB? No way!" I said out loud.

    "Could it really be?" ATR asked.

    "C'mon. Let's go check it out." I told her. We made our way over to the group, and I saw DLB hugging CSB while the rest of our group members stood close by. I noticed two other guys that I've never seen before."CSB!" I shouted with a smile on my face.

    "Holy shit, you guys! I can't believe we found you!" CSB shouted.

    "We thought we were never going to see you again!" DLB told him.

    "So good to have you back, man." Jon told him.

    "It's good to see you guys again! I still can't believe this!" CSB was shocked and happy to see us.

    Me and ATR made our way over to them."So, who are your new friends?" I asked.

    "The names Password. This is Wanderer. We decided to help CSB here find his group, and we succeeded." The guy with the leather jacket said to me.

    "How did you guys manage to find us?!" ATR asked.

    "Pure luck, I guess. Password wanted us to follow the river, we saw a dead guy and wanted to investigate. If I wasn't here, Password would have probably shot one of you guys. I told him it was my group when I spotted Puncake." CSB explained.

    "Glad you were with them, kid. This could have been really messy without you around. That bastard by the river shot and killed Firedog. We were able to get revenge, though." Puncake told him with a sad look on his face.

    "Yeah... at least we avenged him." ATR told him.

    "Damn... I wish I could have been here, guys." CSB looked around."Where's Randomz? Paul and Belan?"

    Pro spoke up."Randomz didn't make it. Fan and Deceptio are the only two left in the family. Paul and Belan... they're gone as well."

    "Yeah... It was... tough. I lost my leg that day, after I got bit. Pro had to cut it off, he saved my life..." Deceptio said.

    "Shit..." CSB replied.

    "This is Pro, Fan, Deceptio, WtW and her dog Angel. Randomz was with them, we found them almost being surrounded by a horde, like the one back at the cabin, but larger. We nearly wasted all our ammo, but we managed. We teamed up and found this quiet spot in the woods. There's another group member named Salt. We went out looking for you, and two of his friends, but we had no luck whatsoever, though. Salt went on his own to find his two friends, hopefully he comes back soon." Jon explained.

    "Damn... you guys had it rough." Wanderer said to us.

    "We've seen better days, but we'll still get through this." Pro told them.

    WtW spoke up."We should get back to sleep. Talking about our friends is making me sad."

    "Is that an Easter basket?..." Password asked.

    "Easter is coming up. I wanted to be prepared, it also helps me think better." WtW explained.

    "Uh... anyway. I'm glad we found you. What are you guys planning to do?" CSB asked.

    "We'll start some serious training in the morning. Get everyone ready for anything." Clayton told him.

    "Yeah, so that's why we should get some rest." Fan told everyone.

    "Noncy's knocked out. Heh, we should do the same." Deceptio told us.

    "Well, we helped you find your group. I guess we should get leaving now." Password told them.

    CSB turned around."You could stay with us." He turned to the group."They can stay, right?"

    "Uh..." Jon said and then turned to Pro."What do you think?" They started talking privately.

    "Three weeks... I thought we weren't going to see you again!" DLB told him.

    "I know! I was hoping you guys were okay." CSB replied.

    ATR turned to look at me."Well, CSB is back. What do you think about those other two guys?"

    "Meh... I don't know. They seem OK, for now. It's just that we already have a lot of people with us, but..." I told her.

    She looked at them."Yeah, I'm not sure either."

    "Hey, CSB. Don't worry about it, man. We did what we said we were going to do. You don't need to add us to the group, it's fine." Password told him.

    "But I wouldn't mind..." Wanderer said to CSB.

    Password turned to Wanderer."Just when I was started to get to know you better, heh."

    "Alright, me and Jon talked. We're letting you guys decide if they should stay or not." Pro told us.

    "Sure. I don't mind." Deceptio said.

    "Meh, too much people already." Clayton told us.

    "They helped CSB. They can stay." Puncake said.

    "I guess they can stay with us." Fan said.

    "Well CSB is here. Password doesn't mind leaving, they don't need to stay if they don't want to." WtW explained.

    "Yes... I'm with her." Noncy said while trying to sleep.

    "You're awake?" I heard WtW.

    "CSB want's them to stay, so they stay." DLB said to us.

    "Yeah, but Password doesn't need to stay if he want's to leave." ATR told her.

    "That's four on four. Me and Pro will abstain from this vote. We're letting you decide Jewf." Jon told me.

    "Well... if you guys want us to stay, then fine. If not, then I have no problem with that at all." Password said to me.

    "Hmm, I guess so." Wanderer said.

    "Okay..." I fixed my cap, and scratched my head. Let's see here. They don't mind staying or leaving, they did help CSB out, but we already have too much people in the group. Although there's safety in numbers, and with the training we'll be getting, we'll be better prepared for anything, at least I'm hoping...

    1) They can leave. We don't need them. They helped CSB find us, and that's all they were going to do.

    2) Wanderer should stay. Password can go on his own.

    3) They can stay. We might need their help if anything.

    4) Password can stay. Wanderer should go on his own.


  • edited June 2014

    Damn! 20?!

    Alt text

    lol, sorry I really wanted to use that gif. You talk like a 15-16 year old.

    Nah. All the old people I know say things I've never heard of and they're racist. XD you talk like a girl in her early 20s

  • edited June 2014

    Hey! I got a POV!

    ... ;_; Salt's part.... Joe, noooo.

    5) I'll ask him. I'm willing to take the fall here. If anyone is going to get in trouble, I'd prefer it to be me. I don't want anyone else to get hurt.

    Nevermind, changing my vote because me asking might make things worse. ;_; I don't want to fuck things up for everyone else.
    1) Valky, ask him.

    2) [Spit on the floor] Why don't you go fuck yourself.

    3) They can stay. We might need their help if anything.

    You know what? I edited my vote. Fuck these guards and their denying water. D:<

    Oh! I forgot to put a comment here about a certain thing.......

    Wanderer7897 After three weeks of running around, lost in the woods. We were following the river. There seemed to be a lot of fish headin

  • That's Cuz I am 15 xD

    Damn! 20?! lol, sorry I really wanted to use that gif. You talk like a 15-16 year old.

  • edited June 2014

    I'm younger then you but talk like I'm older then you??!

    I was supposed to be asleep at 10:30 and its 12:30.. Sometimes I think I've got some serious badassery going on with me.

    If i randomly don't reply its because I'm pretending like I'm sleeping!

    That's Cuz I am 15 xD

  • Well you don't necessarily have a clean mouth like a 14 year old should! Do you kiss your mother with that mouth??? XD

    I'm younger then you but talk like I'm older then you??! I was supposed to be asleep at 10:30 and its 12:30.. Sometimes I think I've got

  • Nah, DLB. I had pizza. B]

    You better be eating tacos... You better

  • That cantina burrito, though!

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Fast food restaurant xD

  • 5) I'll ask him.


    3) They can stay.

    Wanderer7897 After three weeks of running around, lost in the woods. We were following the river. There seemed to be a lot of fish headin

  • What if it's worse if you ask him? B]

    sardines posted: »

    Hey! I got a POV! ... ;_; Salt's part.... Joe, noooo. 5) I'll ask him. I'm willing to take the fall here. If anyone is going to get in

  • edited June 2014

    Want to know a secret? I don't curse in real life and I'm not allowed to.

    I'm pretty much only allowed to say "damn" and "crap" in real life. I cant even say shit. My mom has no idea I curse on here. If she finds out I am 100% screwed.

    So im trying to not say the F word as much. Eventually I'm not going to say it at all. But I'm still saying ass coughassloadcough and shit

    edit: Ok, so I might be back in about 30. If my brother didn't change his password on his phone. >:/

    Well you don't necessarily have a clean mouth like a 14 year old should! Do you kiss your mother with that mouth??? XD

  • Unacceptable.

    Nah, DLB. I had pizza. B]

  • Next time you should bring us some tacos!

    Alt text


  • 5) I'll ask him.

    2) [Spit on the floor] Why don't you go fuck yourself.

    1) They can leave. We don't need them. They helped CSB find us, and that's all they were going to do. ( I don't want characters overshadowing each other)

    Wanderer7897 After three weeks of running around, lost in the woods. We were following the river. There seemed to be a lot of fish headin

  • edited June 2014

    sardines: 1) Valky, ask him.

    Rafoli: 2) [Spit on the floor] Why don't you go fuck yourself. ...don't want him to get into more trouble by punching the guy

    Jewfreeus: 3) They can stay. We might need their help if anything.

    Wanderer7897 After three weeks of running around, lost in the woods. We were following the river. There seemed to be a lot of fish headin

  • edited June 2014

    Double post.

    Wanderer7897 After three weeks of running around, lost in the woods. We were following the river. There seemed to be a lot of fish headin


    (you do scare me, a lot. xD)

    What if it's worse if you ask him? B]

  • Maybe it's a hint. B]

    sardines posted: »


  • edited June 2014

    Lol, maybe he won't. B]

    Rafoli is like. I don't need it.

    Alt text

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    sardines: 1) Valky, ask him. Rafoli: 2) [Spit on the floor] Why don't you go fuck yourself. ...don't want him to get into more trouble by punching the guy Jewfreeus: 3) They can stay. We might need their help if anything.

  • I haven't been to TB in like a year or two! I don't even remember the menu xD

    That cantina burrito, though!

  • 5) I'll ask him.

    2) [Spit on the floor] Why don't you go fuck yourself.

    3) They can stay. We might need their help if anything.

    Wanderer7897 After three weeks of running around, lost in the woods. We were following the river. There seemed to be a lot of fish headin

  • .... ;_;

    well, maybe... maybe it's a bluff...? oh nooooo

    I have to be brave. ;_; I won't change my vote... probably. yet. maybe.

    Maybe it's a hint. B]

  • edited June 2014

    Heh, try reading your part again. B]

    sardines posted: »

    .... ;_; well, maybe... maybe it's a bluff...? oh nooooo I have to be brave. ;_; I won't change my vote... probably. yet. maybe.

  • Lol, it's this.

    Alt text

    You can get it in a bowl or burrito. The chicken one is good! I was surprised. B]

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I haven't been to TB in like a year or two! I don't even remember the menu xD

  • edited June 2014

    ................I NEEEEED IIIIIT!!

    Lol, maybe he won't. B] Rafoli is like. I don't need it.

  • It seems like an interesting combination, too bad there is guacamole...I hate that stuff. But I only went to TacoBell once, and that was to buy some Baja blast, but shitty Canadian Taco Bell does not serve that stuff, so I just bought some Tacos and order the drink online because I was desperate to taste it. ;/

    Lol, it's this. You can get it in a bowl or burrito. The chicken one is good! I was surprised. B]

  • Fuck me! Now I'm hungry! xD

    I'd try it, though. But I'm most likely not visiting TB anytime soon. I haven't eaten fast food in months.

    Lol, it's this. You can get it in a bowl or burrito. The chicken one is good! I was surprised. B]

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