The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Yo

    Azlyn posted: »



    Azlyn posted: »

    Whoa, chill. I'm going away tomorrow, too, i'll be gone for 2 weeks. I'm going to Greece. Again. But i'm not complaining, there's a book store i want to live in somewhere in Athens, i'm planning on visiting it again...

  • What's it getting streamed on?

    Azlyn posted: »

    Fine, thanks. I am super pumped for the horror stream >:D

  • -smells- it smells like Rebecca Black! O_O

    I am so happy that it's Friday I could practically cry

  • You better watch 'yo mouth, Ronald McDonald.

    -smells- it smells like Rebecca Black! O_O

  • Heh, I don't know if it's just me, but I don't get scared by them at all. Although, I can tell when a movie could be scary for others. Yeah, I agree with that, after I watch a movie I like to feel like it left me wanting more or satisfied. I want to finish it and say "Wow, that was pretty good."

    For me a good horror movie seldom makes you feel scared, but it's so well made that it causes heart pounding (like Azlyn said) and you can almost touch the suspense with your hands.

  • Right back at you, uhhhhhhh uhhhhhhh stupid head? Yeah stupid head!

    You better watch 'yo mouth, Ronald McDonald.

  • It's crazy in that chatroom >.<

    sardines posted: »

    Alright. Starting a movie stream! We'll be starting with The Descent! Go here!

  • Not a fan of horror movies. :( Might come back once its done.

    sardines posted: »

    Alright. Starting a movie stream! We'll be starting with The Descent! Go here!

  • edited June 2014

    Its this time of the day again !! :D

    Thank god its Friday...this week was a complete shitfest on the forum !! But lets forget all that nonsense and join us once again for the second time this week as I host yet another crazy session this Friday night in what, I hope, won't be a complete utter failure !

    So here are some lovely highlights from last night's session.

    Off course after a while someone had to suggest


    so we went to Mount Chiliad, or Mount Chillax if you're Elian...

    Where things were everything but chill, as tension mounted after Rig destroyed one of our helicopter and left us stranded on the top of a mountain...promising to come back for us after finding a Cargobob to pick up a truck big enough for us all...

    If there's one thing I learned, is that you guys tend to lose it everytime we end up stranded somewhere...island, cave or mountain it doesn't bloody matter, you guys just go crazy and then rape and murder happens...

    This time tension mounted as Elian became once again bloody useless and a complete danger to the group, like always...

    Alt text

    That ended well for ya didn't it ?

    As Joe killed his "brother" in cold blood....MuteJoe sure is ruthless when he wants to be...

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    Lot of murder and blood spilling occurred after that...

    until Rig came back and brought back a truck like he promised.

    Then we came up with one of the worst plan ever....


    In an army truck...

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    Just a didn't end well...

    we all ended up scattered from each other after the truck sent us flying left and right!! Then it exploded in a beautiful explosion of glory...great...

    Then a lot of murder and death happened as Elian tried to kill people by "mistake" once again...

    Alt text

    Damnit Elian !!

    See ya in Los Santos !! :D

    Off course i'll tag the name of the usual people who joined so far : @TWDFan86 , @sardines , @Rigtail , @JonGon , @Clubremix_Guetta , @Its_That_Guy , @ps3gamer , @Tobi_Is_A_Good_Boy , @Twistee , @MrAppleJuice , @TDMShadowCP , @Dont_Look_Back .

  • How's life everone?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Pretty good.

    How's life everone?

  • Good, and yours?

    How's life everone?

  • I'm high on life right now xD

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Pretty good.

  • Its fantastic!

    Good, and yours?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    As long as you don't become addicted, you should be fine.

    I'm high on life right now xD

  • Breaking Bad is THE best TV series EVER !! Maybe followed by The Wire. It ended at its peak and should be praised for years to come !! :D

    Season 1 sure had a vision... I'm so sad that it didn't last across the other seasons. Yap, the search of Sofia felt like an artificially

  • Lmao, the madness!

    sardines posted: »

    Alright. Starting a movie stream! We'll be starting with The Descent! Go here!

  • Nice!

    Its fantastic!

  • true dat...but third movies almost always suck...

    Azlyn posted: »

    xD Well, the third movie sucked >.>

  • Already saw it, I also have my session to host so I won't be joining sorry :/


    Lmao, the madness!

  • Soooo bored. Truth or dare anyone? Hahaha! Out of ideas :/ "F*ck I don't know!"

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I'll take truth.

    Soooo bored. Truth or dare anyone? Hahaha! Out of ideas "F*ck I don't know!"

  • Nevermind I joined it !! :D

    Already saw it, I also have my session to host so I won't be joining sorry Unless....

  • Hmmmmmmm I don't know :O

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I'll take truth.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Uhhhh.... Have you ever hugged someone in a Ronald McDonald costume?

    Hmmmmmmm I don't know :O

  • Maybe when I was 5

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Uhhhh.... Have you ever hugged someone in a Ronald McDonald costume?

  • That place was hectic... sheesh!

  • What's happening?

  • edited June 2014

    sad at the moment. But life's good.

    How's life everone?

  • Can I play?

    Soooo bored. Truth or dare anyone? Hahaha! Out of ideas "F*ck I don't know!"

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Well episode 5 of the Wolf among us got classified, oh and GOUSTTTT has apparently hugged someone dressed as Ronald McDonald at least once in his lifetime.

    What's happening?

  • That's good i guess. But i wanted twd to come out first though. :/

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Well episode 5 of the Wolf among us got classified, oh and GOUSTTTT has apparently hugged someone dressed as Ronald McDonald at least once in his lifetime.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I see that disliker is still following you.

    That's good i guess. But i wanted twd to come out first though.

  • I know. sigh -_- its ridiculous.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I see that disliker is still following you.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    S/He'll get tired of it eventually, and then someone else will start doing it.

    I know. sigh -_- its ridiculous.

  • edited June 2014

    Yeah. I guess. But they aren't getting anything out of it though. So i don't know why they even do it.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    S/He'll get tired of it eventually, and then someone else will start doing it.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Maybe it's therapeutic? Get your anger out on the internet?

    Yeah. I guess. But they aren't getting anything out of it though. So i don't know why they even do it.

  • xD Maybe.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Maybe it's therapeutic? Get your anger out on the internet?

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