Forum Contest #11 Submission Thread
Posting in the Walking Dead section so more people can notice it.
Please read this first before submitting!
Hey everyone! Shale here again, and recently coming off of Forum Contest #10, I've been really happy that everyone had such a good time with it, including me. I had tons of fun along with you guys, and I asked if you guys wanted to do it again. I received positive responses and I am glad to be doing this again, this fast as well. I'll just call this Forum Contest #11, and then I'll combine the entries of this one and the previous one and we'll have one more big contest, called The Forum User Elimination Game.
To clarify for those who don't know, this is basically like the TWD and TWAU elimination game, but with forum members.
I should also say that this is not a popularity contest at all. I feel like most of the people who didn't submit in Forum Contest #10 just either missed it, or felt that they would be upset if they were eliminated or they were against popularity contests. But I tell you, this is not one of them! You can even ask previous participators, it's really just a friendly competition. So I will need as much entries as possible to make this one, big. intense contest! With that being said, I will not accept submissions from people who were in Forum Contest #10, sorry!
And mods, please keep this in TWD section, I know it's not TWD related, but I want a lot of people to notice this, and no one goes to the Forum Games. Thank you!
To submit, all you have to do is say so by replying to this thread. I will keep this thread up for 2 days, and I will stop taking submissions on July 2nd, at approximately 7:30 P.M. US Eastern Time. (I am actually going out for dinner that day, so I don't know what time I will exactly be on to actually start up the actual contest. So if it's past 7:30 and I'm not back yet, feel free to still submit!)
Members currently submitted for this contest: Saltlick123, sardines, TheKingOfWalkers, Welcome_to_Woodbury, Honzian, Twistee, Deceptio, AWESOMEO, JimmyTheRustler, Its_That_Guy, maxbear29, AllThatRemains, Clubremix_Guetta, HelloWorld123, Markd4547, SuperChocoLatte, HERO_1000, papai46, PoopBrown, Nonatastic
If you are submitted, but don't wish to participate, let me know and I will remove you from the list.
I VOLUNTEER MYSELF AS TRIBUTE! ...... sounds cool,
Can I be submitted?
I would like to be submitted
Why the heck not, I already missed the 10 previous ones, might as well just try it out.
gulps Alright, count me in. <.<
JohnBuro will win this time, no doubt about that. Giraffehat and friends, how about we call off that feud we had and simply start anew, just to see what other rivalries can come about.
Can I join?
(!) Saltlick123 thinks you are super awesome....
Sorry everyone, I edited this wrong. There will be this contest, (Forum Contest #11) and then after this contest I will combine all of the entries to Contests #10 and #11 and we will have one, big, competitive contest!
Count me in.
Round two? I'm back in the game! So I'm in!
Count me in!
I couldn't join any contests in the last few days since I was banned so... yeah...
Please re-read the thread, sorry!
Alright. This still seems fun, so I'll at least be able to do my Random Round Pick.
Don't worry, the final big one will be the best!
New contest? New war it is, then!
Too bad I can't join, but, whatever, I'll most certainly vote the shit out of it!
Sure, why not. I'm in
Canceled because of reasons.
You were in the last one Rafoli, you can't enter this one.
Oh shit, didn't read that. Cancelling my volunteering comment.
Bump, if I don't get enough submissions I'm afraid I am going to have to cancel
Also, I've noticed that there are some members that haven't been on in a while, so if there is any way you can contact them and they would like to participate, please let me know!
Too bad I can't enter this one
Yep, we are besties.
This would be fun. I volunteer.
Heck yeah! Sounds fun!
Goddammit Awesomeo I was going to use this gif!
I'll enter, but if it's not a popularity contest then what is it?
Oh what's the worst that could happen? I'll join it
It's just a friendly competition. If you are against it I am not forcing you to enter at all. But you can speak other people such as TWDFan or Dont_Look_Back about it (I see you hang out with them a lot).
I'm in, I guess.
I'll just quietly sit out... or well remove the quite part, i'll be voting like hellfire.
"Atta girl. She ain't afraid to look it in the eye."
(Add me in!!!! )
Well, you're going to be included in the big final one.
Oh man
Count me in this time!
Don't worry, you're still in the big final one!