The Walking Dead: The Fallen World Episode 1 Chapter 3: On the Road
[You Chose to Keep Moving]
We had drove past so many people Lucy s… moretill hadn’t told us where she wants to go. Troy was asleep in the back of the car, Lucy has had a look of pure terror for the whole drive.
“Where are we headed?” I asked
“Well I think we should head to Lexington making a few stops along the way.” Lucy replied
“Alright sounds good, do you need some sleep?” I insisted
“Yeah that would be great, thanks Cody.” agreed Lucy
We stopped for a quick switch, I rushed over to the other side and buckled up. Lucy got in and almost instantly fell asleep. I kept driving not looking back, I couldn’t believe my mom had been killed by those things. I started to tear up but I continued driving off in the warm misty night. I pulled over and locked all of the doors and finally got some shut-eye.
“Wake up, we need to get moving.” stated Troy
“Alright, wher… [view original content]
The Walking Dead: The Fallen World Episode 1 Chapter 4: Revelations
[Stay in a House]
“A school’s just a hotspot for trouble I think our best bet would be to stay in a house for a while.” I said
“Well then let’s get going we only have a few hours till sundown.” Jane foretold
We got back in the car and drove off in search of a nice house. We pulled up to a house with windows in pretty tactical spots. I got out and got my gun ready as I approached the door. I opened it slowly expecting the worse. But the all I noticed was a normal house that seemed a tiny bit rickety. When I got in I took a look around and quickly called for the others.
“Looks clear so far, why don’t you guys lag behind in case this all goes to hell.” I said sternly
“You got it sweetie.” replied Cyndia
I took the main floor while Cyndia and Jane took the upstairs Troy and I took the middle floor while Lucy was covering the door.
“Clear!” Cyndia shouted
“Clear!” I shouted back
We barricaded the door with the couch that was in the sitting room. We lit some candles around the main floor of the house which provided us with enough light to see each other and our surroundings.
“So, do you guys wanna like tell us what you were doing before the dead started walking.” Cyndia asked hoping for a way to pass the time
“I was going to graduate college the first day of the outbreak, I felt that nothing could ruin just how happy I was. I left to go to the school and Lucy and I started to talk and thought we could pass the time and go see Troy. When we got there we saw Policemen, Paramedics, and all of the neighbors. Lucy and I decided to wait a bit to see what was going on and that’s when Troy came to us and told us the story. We rushed back to the school for graduation, it was all going fine until…” I replied
“Until….what?” asked Cyndia with concern
“Anyway, we were on the road and checked this gas station in hope of finding some supplies.” I mumbled
“Troy could you please finish the story, I need to go into the other room for a minute.” I pleaded
“Sure thing bud, take all the time you need.” Troy replied with concern
I walked into the sitting room and started to tear up remembering what happened at graduation. I could overhear the others in the living room.
“So...what happened at the graduation that got Cody so upset?” Jane asked with concern
“His family died right in front of him and he couldn’t do anything to help.” Troy replied
Cyndia and Jane got a worried look on there face.
“I’m gonna go talk to him.” Cyndia decided
“Alright I’ll keep Jane company.” Troy told Cyndia
“So...what did you do before this all started?” Jane asked Troy
Sitting Room…
“Hey Cody.” said Cyndia
“Hey.” I replied
“I’m sorry about what happened to your family.” said Cyndia with deep sympathy
“Yeah, thanks…” I replied
She rested her arm on my shoulder and looked at me with concern of my well being. I looked back.
“I lost my family when this all started.” Cyndia confessed
“I’m sorry.” I replied
“It’s fine it wasn’t your fault, I just wish I would have gotten the chance to say goodbye.” Cyndia whimpered
She started to cry deeply, I reached out and she leaped into my arms hugging tightly. I hugged her back with tears in my eyes. We stayed like that for a while she sobbed and gripped tighter.
“It’s’ll be safe with us, I promise.” I whispered
“Thanks, that means a lot” she said back
As she released she had kissed me on the cheek, and looked into my eyes with deep happiness.
“You wanna go back to the living room with me?” I asked
“Yeah let’s go back, thank you.” Cyndia smiled
We walked back into the living room with a deeper understanding of each other. Troy was talking with Jane and Lucy had fallen asleep
“I think we should all get some sleep, we need it.” I said to the group
“So, what happened back there?” Troy asked Cyndia
“We talked about what happened before, I think he’s a great guy. I mean I don’t know him well but from what I do know and from what I can see he’s a good person.” Cyndia confessed
“He is a great guy him and I have been friends since we were 8. We both went to school together and somehow ended up becoming friends, we have been till this day.” Troy told Cyndia
“Alright, I really need some sleep I’ll see you bright and early.” Cyndia told us
Jane was sleeping next to Cyndia, I didn’t know to much about Jane she seemed awfully quiet. I wondered whether she’s had it worse than the rest of us. I quickly fell asleep.
Day 4…
I woke up to Cyndia nudging me with her hand. She seemed to be in quite a good mood.
“Get up sleepyhead, you and I got voted to go on a supply run.” reported Cyndia
I yawned and started to get up, I noticed everyone else was asleep.
“So you’re saying everyone voted.” I grinned
“Yeah don’t question it let’s go.” Cyndia grinned back
We left a note on the wall telling the others what we were doing. We decided to not waste gas or risk the noise with the car.
“How’d you sleep?” Cyndia asked me
“Pretty good apart from my back aching, how about you?” I asked
“I’m not gonna lie that was the best sleep i’ve had in the past 4 days.” Cyndia replied
“Oh, why’s that?” I asked
“Well, I got a lot off my chest when we spoke last night.” she replied
“Same here, I feel a lot better talking to you helped a lot.” I smiled
“Thanks.” Cyndia smiled and blushed
“Where do you wanna look for supplies?” Cyndia asked
“Let’s check out the gas station first then we can circle around and pick up the rest of the supplies at the supermarket finally we’ll pick up some more ammo from the gun shop.” I reported
“That’s a great plan.” Cyndia looked at me and smiled, I smiled back
“I’m guessing it’ll take about 2 hours to finish it all up, if we don’t run into any problems.” I said
We turned the corner and saw 2 walkers. Cyndia grabbed her knife and jammed it into the skull of the shortest one. I used my pocket knife on the other and it fell to the ground with a thud.
“That went well, but I wonder why we haven’t run into anymore.” Cyndia wondered
“I don’t know, but I don’t plan on looking for ‘em.” I responded
We kept walking, it looked to be a rainy day. I felt a raindrop come to contact with my eye
“It’s gonna rain soon, we might wanna hurry this up.” I said
We reached the gas station, I opened the door and noticed that there was hardly anything except for a few energy bars and some bottled water. We packed it all up and headed to the gun shop.
“I guess we’re kind of lucky there wasn’t too much there.” Cyndia sighed
“Why do you say that?” I wondered
“Well we can pick up a lot more ammo now, that can come in handy.” Cyndia replied
“You’re probably right.” I mentioned
“Of course I’m probably right.” Cyndia smiled
We entered the gun shop and picked up some more ammo along with another rifle. We exited the store and walked towards the supermarket.
“I wonder how they’re doing back at the house.” I mentioned
“I’m sure they’re doing fine, Troy can protect them, wasn’t he a security guard?” Cyndia asked
“Yeah I guess we have nothing to worry about then, I just don’t want anyone getting hurt.” I said
“I agree I don’t know how I would feel if I lost Jane.” Cyndia added
“What’s the story there?” I asked
“Well, I lived in New York and I went to Cascades High School. She had moved here from the Netherlands, we pretty much became best friends in the matter of a week. We had gone through a lot together, she’s had a pretty tough life. Her parents got divorced when she was 12, it had to have been pretty rough on her. She went to the hospital because of her mom’s severe illness, but they made her leave after everything had gone down.” Cyndia explained
“Damn that has to really suck.” I replied
“Yeah, but now that we’ve all lost people we care about I guess we’re in the same position.” said Cyndia
We reached the supermarket I opened the door and was pleasantly surprised to see a surplus amount of food and bottled water. I ran in and quickly grabbed everything I could fit in the bag. Cyndia helped as well and we started to walk back to the house.
“I can’t believe how much we just got!” I said with happiness
“All this food could last us for a week! Cyndia said with delight
“I guess the only downside is we have some pretty heavy bags.” I laughed
Cyndia and I laughed for quite a bit. I had so much fun just going for a supply run, I was happy to be with someone I really connected with.
We got back to the house but nearly shit our pants when we saw how many walkers were around the house.
The Walking Dead: The Fallen World Episode 1 Chapter 4: Revelations
[Stay in a House]
“A school’s just a hotspot for trouble I think o… moreur best bet would be to stay in a house for a while.” I said
“Well then let’s get going we only have a few hours till sundown.” Jane foretold
We got back in the car and drove off in search of a nice house. We pulled up to a house with windows in pretty tactical spots. I got out and got my gun ready as I approached the door. I opened it slowly expecting the worse. But the all I noticed was a normal house that seemed a tiny bit rickety. When I got in I took a look around and quickly called for the others.
“Looks clear so far, why don’t you guys lag behind in case this all goes to hell.” I said sternly
“You got it sweetie.” replied Cyndia
I took the main floor while Cyndia and Jane took the upstairs Troy and I took the middle floor while Lucy was covering the door.
“Clear!” Cyndia shouted
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The Walking Dead: The Fallen World Episode 1 Chapter 4: Revelations
[Stay in a House]
“A school’s just a hotspot for trouble I think o… moreur best bet would be to stay in a house for a while.” I said
“Well then let’s get going we only have a few hours till sundown.” Jane foretold
We got back in the car and drove off in search of a nice house. We pulled up to a house with windows in pretty tactical spots. I got out and got my gun ready as I approached the door. I opened it slowly expecting the worse. But the all I noticed was a normal house that seemed a tiny bit rickety. When I got in I took a look around and quickly called for the others.
“Looks clear so far, why don’t you guys lag behind in case this all goes to hell.” I said sternly
“You got it sweetie.” replied Cyndia
I took the main floor while Cyndia and Jane took the upstairs Troy and I took the middle floor while Lucy was covering the door.
“Clear!” Cyndia shouted
… [view original content]
The Walking Dead: The Fallen World Episode 1 Chapter 4: Revelations
[Stay in a House]
“A school’s just a hotspot for trouble I think o… moreur best bet would be to stay in a house for a while.” I said
“Well then let’s get going we only have a few hours till sundown.” Jane foretold
We got back in the car and drove off in search of a nice house. We pulled up to a house with windows in pretty tactical spots. I got out and got my gun ready as I approached the door. I opened it slowly expecting the worse. But the all I noticed was a normal house that seemed a tiny bit rickety. When I got in I took a look around and quickly called for the others.
“Looks clear so far, why don’t you guys lag behind in case this all goes to hell.” I said sternly
“You got it sweetie.” replied Cyndia
I took the main floor while Cyndia and Jane took the upstairs Troy and I took the middle floor while Lucy was covering the door.
“Clear!” Cyndia shouted
… [view original content]
The Walking Dead: The Fallen World Episode 1 Chapter 4: Revelations
[Stay in a House]
“A school’s just a hotspot for trouble I think o… moreur best bet would be to stay in a house for a while.” I said
“Well then let’s get going we only have a few hours till sundown.” Jane foretold
We got back in the car and drove off in search of a nice house. We pulled up to a house with windows in pretty tactical spots. I got out and got my gun ready as I approached the door. I opened it slowly expecting the worse. But the all I noticed was a normal house that seemed a tiny bit rickety. When I got in I took a look around and quickly called for the others.
“Looks clear so far, why don’t you guys lag behind in case this all goes to hell.” I said sternly
“You got it sweetie.” replied Cyndia
I took the main floor while Cyndia and Jane took the upstairs Troy and I took the middle floor while Lucy was covering the door.
“Clear!” Cyndia shouted
… [view original content]
The Walking Dead: The Fallen World Episode 1 Chapter 4: Revelations
[Stay in a House]
“A school’s just a hotspot for trouble I think o… moreur best bet would be to stay in a house for a while.” I said
“Well then let’s get going we only have a few hours till sundown.” Jane foretold
We got back in the car and drove off in search of a nice house. We pulled up to a house with windows in pretty tactical spots. I got out and got my gun ready as I approached the door. I opened it slowly expecting the worse. But the all I noticed was a normal house that seemed a tiny bit rickety. When I got in I took a look around and quickly called for the others.
“Looks clear so far, why don’t you guys lag behind in case this all goes to hell.” I said sternly
“You got it sweetie.” replied Cyndia
I took the main floor while Cyndia and Jane took the upstairs Troy and I took the middle floor while Lucy was covering the door.
“Clear!” Cyndia shouted
… [view original content]
The Walking Dead: The Fallen World Episode 1 Chapter 5: Survival of the Fittest
[Wait it out in Safety]
“We need to get the fuck out of here! Get in the car!’ I whispered with great distress
We rushed into the vehicle we saw parked at the end of the street. We quickly opened the doors and climbed inside we locked the doors and got low on the floor with our guns out ready for anything
“Oh shit, do you think they might’ve gotten out of there in time!” asked Cyndia
“I have no idea, hopefully they did are you ok?” I asked with care
“Yeah I’m doing fine, how about you?” Cyndia asked
“Just peachy besides the fact that we’re surrounded by hundreds of walkers!” I reminded
“Don’t be a smartass.” Cyndia said with annoyance
The car we were in smelt terrible, but I guess that was better than becoming a meal. I looked out the window to see what we could do.
“Shit, there’s no way out of here I have no idea what the fuck we’re going to do.” I muttered
“I’m fucking exhausted, I don’t know how much longer I can keep my eyes open.” Cyndia mentioned
I can’t blame her for being tired it was already 8:00 P.M. and we didn’t get much sleep the night before. I slowly drifted off to sleep as well as Cyndia.
2 Hours Later…
I awoke to the sounds of gunfire and I quickly woke Cyndia up, her head rose from my lap and she looked at me with fear.
“Who do you think that is?” Cyndia asked
“I don’t know, keep your head low i’m gonna check outside.” I answered
I looked outside and noticed that there were only 20 walkers left but as I looked to the right I saw the butt of a shotgun smashing the car window.
“Cyndia get your gun ready!” I yelled
Cyndia aimed at the strangers head but he continued to break the window and open the door. He dragged me out and his friend dragged Cyndia out.
“Wh-wh-who a-a-r-are you?” The man looked at me with extreme anger
“Back the fuck up and we won’t have any problems!” I shouted
He smashed the butt of the gun into my cheek and laughed hysterically
“Yo-you-you’re in no p-p-position to do an-any-anyth-anything.” the man growled
“Cyndia!” I yelled
“Sh-ut the f-uck u-p!” said the man
“Exactly who the fuck are you?” I asked him
“Gi-org-os Pa-pad-opl-los.” He responded
“Goddamn you really can’t speak well can you.” I pointed out
He hit me in the face with his shotgun again making me spit out lots of blood. I got up and punched him in the face repeatedly.
“Knock that shit off or the pretty little lady and I will have some fun.” A man said
Giorgos started to repeatedly punch me in the face but I reached out near the tire and jammed a shard of glass into his eye.
I picked up my gun and spun around to see the man holding Cyndia in his arms with a gun to her head.
“Please don’t’ I pleaded
I dropped my gun and he pointed it at me before I could duck he shot me and I fell with a thud.
“NOOOO!” Cyndia yelled
Cyndia elbowed the man in the gut kneed him in the crotch and while he was down shot him in the chest, she then ran over to me and pointed the gun at Giorgos. She took the glass shard out of his eye and jammed it into the other eye and ran to my side.
“Cody come on get up, the streets are clear!” Cyndia exclaimed
I started to drown in darkness as I saw Cyndia looking at me and shaking me
4 Hours Later…
I started to slowly see the world again as I woke up in the middle of the house that my group stayed in. I opened my eyelids to see a man above me working on my shoulder. I drifted back to sleep once more.
1 Hour Later…
I woke up fully to a damp room and Cyndia asleep next to me while Troy, Lucy, Jane, and some man stood over me with concerned looks on their face.
“Goddamn are you ok?” They all asked
“Well I was attacked by 2 men and got shot, so I guess as well as you would expect.” I responded
I leaned forward and the man reached out and put his hand on my good shoulder.
“You’ll be fine, you just need to take it easy for a while.” said the man
“Who are you?” I asked
“I’m Cedric Vaughn, I used to be a doctor before the world went to shit.” He replied
“Cedric helped us escape when walkers surrounded the house, we almost didn’t make it.” said Jane
“I guess my face doesn’t look to pretty right now does it?” i asked Cedric
“No I had to stitch it in 2 spots actually.” Cedric answered
“We noticed Cyndia was dragging you back to the house and we almost didn’t recognize you man” Troy said jokingly
“That asshole really got you good.” Lucy scoffed
“Well I stabbed the stuttering prick in the eye.” I grumbled
“Holy shit, hardcore dude!” Troy blurted
“What’s going on?” Jane asked
“He just needs the rest he’ll probably be asleep for a couple of days at least.” Cedric reported
I drifted back to sleep
Day 7…
I woke up feeling pretty good, but I leaned up too quick forgetting about my wound
“Ahh shit!” I grunted
“Hey don’t push yourself too hard.” Cyndia commanded
She placed her arm around my neck and helped me sit up.
“How many days has it been?” I asked
“It’s only been 2 days, Cedric said you would be fine but sleep was a key component in you getting better so I just let you be.” Cyndia answered
“Where is everyone?” I asked
“Cedric’s in the sitting room sleeping, Lucy, Jane, and Troy are off getting more medicine from the pharmacy then they’ll pick up some supplies from the supermarket.” Cyndia answered
“Did those guys hurt you?” I asked with deep concern
“No I got the jump on them as soon as that asshole shot you, I took care of him and the stuttering pedo.” Cyndia answered
“Thank you for saving me.: I smiled
“I can’t let YOU die Cody.” Cyndia smiled back
I got up and started to walk with Cyndia to the kitchen. I grabbed a water bottle and started to head back to the living room. I sat down and rested my back against the wall, Cyndia sat by me and leaned against me.
“I was worried you weren’t gonna make it.” Cyndia looked at me
“Well I wouldn’t have if you didn’t help me, I would have died if you weren’t there. You saved me Cyndia.” I smiled and gazed into her eyes
She gazed back into my eyes and we put our foreheads together, I then started to fall asleep.
2 Hours Later…
I kept my eyes shut for a while but Troy insisted that I get up. I agreed and let Cyndia’s head down slowly onto my pillow.
“What is it?” I asked annoyed
“Doc needs to switch out you bandages, come on get up.” said Troy
Troy pulled me up and walked me to the sitting room where Cedric awaited my arrival with medical supplies ready. He started to take off the old bandages. I decided it would be best if I didn’t look at my shoulder.
“This will only take about 5 minutes, don’t move around.” Cedric ordered
“Alright thanks docs.” I faltered
“No problem, just rest up after i’m done here no matter how much you think you’re ready to accomplish your best bet is to just stay here for a while longer.
“So where’s Lucy?” I asked Troy
“She’s in the other room, she’s pretty tired we got a lot of supplies and went through hell to get them.” Troy responded
“There you’re ready to go.” Cedric reported
I got up and walked slowly back to my sleeping bag and lied down next to Cyndia. I reached for my water bottle and opened the cap to take a sip. I drifted back to sleep
1 Hour Later…
“Get the fuck away from us!” I overhead Troy yell
I quickly got up and walked towards the sitting room and saw a man with an AK-47 pointed at everyone.
“Who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to kill my friends?!” the man yelled
Everyone remained silent, I slowly creeped up and stuck my pocket knife into his back and started to keep tugging the knife down his spine.
He turned around and started to choke me and slammed me into the wall. I couldn’t do anything but just stand there helpless waiting for help.
Jane sprung up and shot the man in the head. We all looked at Jane in surprise as she just sat back down and sighed with relief.
“Alright fuck this we need to leave, we have no idea how many more men are in that group and I don’t wanna find out!” Lucy yelled
“Cody needs to stay put, traveling won’t do anything to help him heal up!” Cedric argued
[Heal up at the House] or [Leave Lexington as soon as possible]
The Walking Dead: The Fallen World Episode 1 Chapter 5: Survival of the Fittest
[Wait it out in Safety]
“We need to get the fuck out o… moref here! Get in the car!’ I whispered with great distress
We rushed into the vehicle we saw parked at the end of the street. We quickly opened the doors and climbed inside we locked the doors and got low on the floor with our guns out ready for anything
“Oh shit, do you think they might’ve gotten out of there in time!” asked Cyndia
“I have no idea, hopefully they did are you ok?” I asked with care
“Yeah I’m doing fine, how about you?” Cyndia asked
“Just peachy besides the fact that we’re surrounded by hundreds of walkers!” I reminded
“Don’t be a smartass.” Cyndia said with annoyance
The car we were in smelt terrible, but I guess that was better than becoming a meal. I looked out the window to see what we could do.
“Shit, there’s no way out of here I have no idea what the fuck we’re … [view original content]
[Leave Lexington as soon as possible]. The shit is getting real! Btw, I want to ask you - will my characters appear in the story again? They only had a small cameo in Chapter 1.
The Walking Dead: The Fallen World Episode 1 Chapter 5: Survival of the Fittest
[Wait it out in Safety]
“We need to get the fuck out o… moref here! Get in the car!’ I whispered with great distress
We rushed into the vehicle we saw parked at the end of the street. We quickly opened the doors and climbed inside we locked the doors and got low on the floor with our guns out ready for anything
“Oh shit, do you think they might’ve gotten out of there in time!” asked Cyndia
“I have no idea, hopefully they did are you ok?” I asked with care
“Yeah I’m doing fine, how about you?” Cyndia asked
“Just peachy besides the fact that we’re surrounded by hundreds of walkers!” I reminded
“Don’t be a smartass.” Cyndia said with annoyance
The car we were in smelt terrible, but I guess that was better than becoming a meal. I looked out the window to see what we could do.
“Shit, there’s no way out of here I have no idea what the fuck we’re … [view original content]
The Walking Dead: The Fallen World Episode 1 Chapter 5: Survival of the Fittest
[Wait it out in Safety]
“We need to get the fuck out o… moref here! Get in the car!’ I whispered with great distress
We rushed into the vehicle we saw parked at the end of the street. We quickly opened the doors and climbed inside we locked the doors and got low on the floor with our guns out ready for anything
“Oh shit, do you think they might’ve gotten out of there in time!” asked Cyndia
“I have no idea, hopefully they did are you ok?” I asked with care
“Yeah I’m doing fine, how about you?” Cyndia asked
“Just peachy besides the fact that we’re surrounded by hundreds of walkers!” I reminded
“Don’t be a smartass.” Cyndia said with annoyance
The car we were in smelt terrible, but I guess that was better than becoming a meal. I looked out the window to see what we could do.
“Shit, there’s no way out of here I have no idea what the fuck we’re … [view original content]
[Leave Lexington as soon as possible]. The shit is getting real! Btw, I want to ask you - will my characters appear in the story again? They only had a small cameo in Chapter 1.
Damn those are great, I'm gonna be going over a lot of stuff today so I can get more story going good. Let's just say later we might meet a person worse than you could imagine
“I agree with Lucy we need to get the fuck out of here!” I argued
“Alright lets pack everything up!” I ordered
We started to gather everything that we would need but we heard a bang at the door. I looked out and there were 5 men searching for us.
“Shit everyone get down and keep quiet!” I whispered
I took my stuff and got it into the car in the backyard everyone else followed we slowly got into our car and revved the engine. The men ran back and started to fire at us but we drove away quick enough for them not to hit one of us.
“Where are we gonna go?” Cyndia asked
“Ask Lucy she’s the one driving.” i replied
“We’re going to Greenwood, we can find some place to stay.” Lucy stated
“No, fuck cities i’m not getting shot and choked again!” I shouted
“We’re going to stay at a place outside of town, we can board it up and go into the city for supply runs.” Lucy argued
“Guys enough, let’s just take it easy and get some rest we’ll take shifts driving.” said Troy
I was in back with Cyndia and Cedric, Cedric fell asleep quick along with Troy and Jane.
“I hope where we’re going is safe.” sighed Cyndia
“We’ll keep each other safe.” I replied
I slowly drifted back to sleep with Cyndia
1 Hour Later…
I could hear everyone whispering to each other, I was too tired to even care.
“Keep your voices down or we’re fucked!” Jane whispered
“What are we going to do?” Lucy whispered
“Guys, just keep your calm and everything will be alright!” Troy interjected
I decided to find out what was going on with everyone so I looked up to see thousands of walkers in front of the car.
“Holy Shit!” I gasped
“Keep your voice down, we need to just sit and wait for them to clear out.” Cedric pointed out
“Have you seen how many there are down there they aren’t gonna clear out, we need to drive somewhere else.” Jane argued
“Let’s just get the fuck out of here.” I interjected
“I agree with that plan.” Cyndia announced
“Of course you do.” Lucy rolled her eyes
“Shut the fuck up.” Cyndia growled
“This isn’t helping!” I interjected
Lucy got mad and started to drive on a new road, she made the tires screech and almost hit a tree.
“Are you fucking serious Lucy, calm down!” Troy yelled
Lucy finally calmed down after that, but just as we thought we were in the clear we noticed 30 walkers on the road.
“Fuck this!” Lucy yelled
She started driving into the walkers mowing the down with the car until we got stuck with 23 still looking at us.
“Great fucking plan dumbass!” Jane yelled
“Everyone grab your stuff, we need to make a run for it!” I yelled
We grabbed all of our stuff and opened our doors and ran to a barn we saw off in the distance.
“Go...GO!!!” I yelled
We were sprinting for about 4 minutes until we finally reached the barn we got in and barricaded it. But we turned quickly to see 5 walkers.
“Oh shit!” Troy yelled
I got out my knife and drove it into the skull of the closest walker I could find. Lucy picked up a screwdriver that was lying around and drove it into another walkers skull. Cyndia pulled out her survival knife just as one was about to chomp my neck and stabbed it in the head.
“Thanks!” I said
“Thank me later!” she replied
Jane got a pitchfork and threw it into one of the walkers and walked up and smashed its head in. Troy quickly swung a hatchet into the walkers head.
“Well shit that was close!” I said
“No kidding, you were almost that things lunch.” Cyndia sighed
“Yeah, I guess we could just finish the others outside off quickly if we let only a few in at a time.” Jane elaborated
“Are you crazy we’ll get overrun by them!” Lucy objected
“It may be crazy but it just might work.” I revealed
“How do you propose we do it then captain!” Lucy argued
“Easy, have you ever heard of opening the door, taking a match and lighting this bitch.” I said sarcastically
Everyone looked at each other, and then looked at me.
“Alright why do I have to be the one to do it, I came up with the plan!” I protested
“Your plan, your work.” said Lucy with a harsh tone
“Alright fine.” I said
I had everyone get to the top floor of the barn with guns ready in case something went wrong. I opened the door and the piled in.
“Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!” I jumped up on the ladder
I got to the top and kicked the ladder down onto them. I took a match with some hay and lit up the barn. The plan worked and we jumped out sprinting back to the car to pull the walker out from under it.
“Holy shit that was awesome!” Cedric laughed
“Yeah, but let’s celebrate while we’re on the road.” I said
Lucy pulled the walker out from underneath the vehicle, we got in and sighed with relief. I looked at my watch
“It’s gonna get dark soon, we need to hurry.” I warned
“It’ll only take about 2 hours to reach Greenwood.” Lucy foretold
“Alright now if you don’t mind i’m gonna get back to my nap.” I said
“Go ahead i’ll make sure to wake you up before we get there.” Cyndia reassured
“Thanks, I hope you don’t mind if I accidentally use you as a pillow?” I laughed
Cyndia chuckled “Yeah that’ll be fine.”
I fell asleep in a matter of minutes. All of a sudden a truck hit our car and 5 men got out and shot everyone except Cyndia which they tortured. I woke up in a cold sweat as I was being looked at with concern
“Are you alright?” Cyndia asked
“Yeah i’m fine, just had a nightmare that’s all.” I replied
“It’s good timing that you woke up actually we just arrived in Greenwood.” reported Cyndia
“Alright pick out some spots we’ll gather supplies and lets head to the old planetarium.” said Jane
We drove out to the old planetarium and looked around outside for a while before entering. We opened the doors and looked at some of the pictures.
“Wow, these pictures are fantastic!” marveled Cyndia
“They’re something else aren’t they?” I said
“Lets clear this place out.” said Troy
I looked in one of the bathrooms and noticed just how clean it was. I walked back out and saw everyone happy. Troy checked out the room to operate the machine he thought it was clear until a walker came out of nowhere and bit his hand.
“AAAAGGGHHH SHIT!!!” Troy screamed
I dug my knife into it’s skull and looked on in horror as Troy was staring at his hand with a bite mark.
“Oh shit!” I said
End of Episode 1
Your Choices:
Chapter 1: You chose to wait outside
Chapter 2: You chose to keep moving
Chapter 3: You chose to stay in a house
Chapter 4: You chose to wait it out in safety
Chapter 5: You chose to leave Lexington as soon as possible
Episode 1: A New Life Chapter 6: Sum Total
[Leave Lexington as soon as possible]
“I agree with Lucy we need to get the fuck out of her… moree!” I argued
“Alright lets pack everything up!” I ordered
We started to gather everything that we would need but we heard a bang at the door. I looked out and there were 5 men searching for us.
“Shit everyone get down and keep quiet!” I whispered
I took my stuff and got it into the car in the backyard everyone else followed we slowly got into our car and revved the engine. The men ran back and started to fire at us but we drove away quick enough for them not to hit one of us.
“Where are we gonna go?” Cyndia asked
“Ask Lucy she’s the one driving.” i replied
“We’re going to Greenwood, we can find some place to stay.” Lucy stated
“No, fuck cities i’m not getting shot and choked again!” I shouted
“We’re going to stay at a place outside of town, we can board it up and go into the cit… [view original content]
Episode 1: A New Life Chapter 6: Sum Total
[Leave Lexington as soon as possible]
“I agree with Lucy we need to get the fuck out of her… moree!” I argued
“Alright lets pack everything up!” I ordered
We started to gather everything that we would need but we heard a bang at the door. I looked out and there were 5 men searching for us.
“Shit everyone get down and keep quiet!” I whispered
I took my stuff and got it into the car in the backyard everyone else followed we slowly got into our car and revved the engine. The men ran back and started to fire at us but we drove away quick enough for them not to hit one of us.
“Where are we gonna go?” Cyndia asked
“Ask Lucy she’s the one driving.” i replied
“We’re going to Greenwood, we can find some place to stay.” Lucy stated
“No, fuck cities i’m not getting shot and choked again!” I shouted
“We’re going to stay at a place outside of town, we can board it up and go into the cit… [view original content]
Episode 2 probably won't be released till Next Monday or so, I'm gonna be on vacation and prep for writing, choices, titles, and music takes a while but when I do release I might go 2 chapters a day. Thanks for reading and have a great 4th of July!
I thought of of what we could do besides letting him die. I decided cutting it off might work. I got out my hatchet and looked at Troy.
I’m so sorry.” I faltered
I took a fierce swing at Troys wrist and it made it 25% of the way through and i chopped again
“AAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!” Troy screamed in pain
“I’m so sorry!” I yelled
I took one more swing and it cut through Troy looked at it and passed out. I I called out for Cedric, he brought supplies we could use to clean it and wrap it to prevent infection.
“What the fuck did you do!” Lucy yelled
“I thought this could save his life!” I rebuttled
“Well you better be fucking right!” Lucy replied
Cedric went to work on Troys arm, I stood back in disbelief at what I did to him. I desperately hoped that cutting it off would work. I took a seat and put my hands into my hair and thought about whether or not it could work I wanted nothing more than Troy to pull through.
“Alright, I’ve got everything under control, but I need to stay here and monitor him otherwise he may die.” Cedric announced
Lucy had started to cry, I felt really bad about it but there was nothing better to do. I could sense that a supply run was in order as we don’t have many antibiotics and Troy’s going to need plenty. I’m most likely going to be the one called for duty as i’m the one who chopped it off.
“We’re running low on antibiotics and Troy’s going to need them for quite a while.” Cedric professed
“I’ll go, I’m the one who chopped it in the first place.” I replied
“I’ll go with you.” said Jane
“Alright it’ll be safer that way.” I replied
Jane and I left the building but not before Cyndia ran up and kissed my cheek and gave me good luck.
“Please, don’t get into any trouble out there.” begged Cyndia
“I’ll try not to, can’t make any promises though.” I replied
Jane and I walked out the door, not knowing what was in store for us. I looked around the area in search of an walkers, just in case the doors were to easy to open.
“So what’s up with you and Cyndia?” Jane grinned
“Nothing, we’re just good friends.” I denied
“Bullshit, I know romance when I see it.” Jane replied
“Alright fine yes, Cyndia and I have feelings for one another.” I confessed
“It’s cool, I don’t really care as long as she’s happy.” Jane replied
We kept walking and noticed 3 walkers ahead. I grabbed my knife and stabbed the walker in the head and it dropped down, I then kicked one in the chest and pulled my knife out of the skull and jammed it into the skull of another.
“Damn, you’ve got the fighting spirit right now don’t you?” Jane smirked
“It’s because of what happened to Troy he’s my best friend.” I grumbled
“Maybe cutting it off worked, it’s sure as hell better than just sitting and waiting for death to come knocking on the door!” Jane gushed
“Yeah I guess you’re right, I just hope he’s ok.” I said
We walked up about 4 blocks and finally saw the pharmacy. I opened it up slowly awaiting anything. I looked over the counter and found what we needed. I turned back around and saw a gun pointed at my head. Goddamnit why the fuck do I always get the gun pointed at me!
“Woah...Woah...Let’s just take it down a notch.” I said
“I’m Bradley O’Cart and you are?” He said
“I’m Cody, what do you want from me?” I asked
“I’m just gonna need all of your stuff pretty boy.” he replied
“You can go fuck yourself.” I growled
“Don’t act tough, I can see you’re the type of person that’ll sell out his own group so tell me where are they at?” Bradley asked
“I’m not going to tell you shit, now get that gun out of my face before I get pissed off.” I growled
“Hahahaha I’m just fucking with ya, I wanted to know if I could get some help.” said Bradley
“What kind of help?’ I asked
“I need a place to stay and so does my sister Katie.” answered Bradley
“Well now that you’ve put a gun in my face and threatened me there’s a very unlikely chance i’ll say yes.” I said
I could see Jane waiting to attack him but I motioned her to come next to me. I didn’t want to take any chances with this guy.
“What are you two jackasses doing here?” Bradley scoffed
“None of your damn business.” I said
“Don’t be so impolite, it was just a simple question.” Bradley nagged
“We don’t have time for this, we need to go.” I told Jane
We started to leave the pharmacy when Bradley looked at us with suspicion. He started to walk the other way and Jane and I were left wondering why that man was such an ass.
“Alright it won’t be long till we’re back at the planetarium.” I said
“Good my feet are killing me!” Jane whined
We reached the planetarium and burst through the doors and ran to Cedric with the antibiotics.
“Will this be enough?” I asked
“Yeah this should last us quite a while, thank you both!” Cedric answered
I saw Lucy in the corner sobbing and I felt terrible for what I did but if it meant saving his life I couldn’t take a chance. I walked slowly over to Cyndia who was asleep in her bed, I lied down next to her and drifted off to sleep.
1 Day Later…
I looked around and everyone was boarding up any open spots in the building, I looked out one of the windows and noticed just how little walkers were out. I walked to the restroom and splashed water on my face. I walked back out to see everyone interacting with each other. It made me happy to see everyone get along how they did. I was finally finding peace, I hoped that everything could get better for us than how it’s been the past week.
“It’s nice to see everyone have a good conversation.” I said
“Yeah, it’s good that we all get to know each other it’ll make the stay a lot less boring.” said Cyndia
“Everyone I would like to say, Troy is going to pull through if he was going to become a walker it would’ve already been noticeable.” Cedric announced
I looked on in disbelief I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, if you chop off the limb quick enough you won’t turn. Holy shit maybe this could save us all one day! I thought
Lucy ran over to Troy and started crying tears of happiness. I could tell that he meant the world to her. I smiled and sat next to Cyndia she slowly held my hand and smiled with me. Hope was starting to rebuild within us all.
1 Day Later..
I could feel the cold wind blow on by, I looked around and heard the constant moaning of the walkers, I wish someone could just come along and wipe them all out. I knew it would never happen. I already knew that there society would probably never be rebuilt. Troy walked up and sat by me and I glanced at his now non-existent hand
“How do you feel?” I asked
“Alright it’s just really weird, I would have died if not for you.” said Troy with a happy tone
“It all happened so fast, I figured I might as well try.” I said
“I understand and I thank you, you saved my life.” Troy smiled
“Troy you need to get back to bed!” Lucy shouted
“Better get back.” Troy sighed
“Alright see ya later, get to feeling better.” I said
Troy walked back into the planetarium, I was still outside admiring the nice weather. Cyndia walked outside and sat down next to me.
“How are you feeling today?” Cyndia asked
“Fine I guess, I just can’t believe it’s already been over a week.” I noted
“It’s been one hell of a week, I’m glad I met you though.” Cyndia smiled
“I’m glad I met you two.” I smiled back
We both got closer and held each other, I couldn’t help but feel that something was coming.
“Let’s go back inside.” I said
“Alright, so how do you like the planetarium?” Cyndia asked
“It’s fine I guess, I wish it would have AC though.” I said
“That would be great, it’s getting a lot hotter out recently and I could use a nice hot shower.” said Cyndia
“We could all use a nice shower.” I confessed
“Cody we need some more food, would you mind going with Cyndia to look around?” Lucy asked
“Yeah, let me get my pack ready.” i answered
I packed up my pistol, knife, a water bottle, and a can of peach slices. I was content with my inventory so I decided to head out.
“Where do you wanna go?” I asked
“Maybe we should go hunting or we could check one of the supermarkets.” said Cyndia
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 1: A New Home
“Oh shit!’ I said
I thought of of what we could do besides letting him die. I decided c… moreutting it off might work. I got out my hatchet and looked at Troy.
I’m so sorry.” I faltered
I took a fierce swing at Troys wrist and it made it 25% of the way through and i chopped again
“AAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!” Troy screamed in pain
“I’m so sorry!” I yelled
I took one more swing and it cut through Troy looked at it and passed out. I I called out for Cedric, he brought supplies we could use to clean it and wrap it to prevent infection.
“What the fuck did you do!” Lucy yelled
“I thought this could save his life!” I rebuttled
“Well you better be fucking right!” Lucy replied
Cedric went to work on Troys arm, I stood back in disbelief at what I did to him. I desperately hoped that cutting it off would work. I took a seat and put my hands into my hair and thought about whether or not … [view original content]
Bradley, what a prick. Hope he gets a chance to get better Glad that Troy seems to be in stable condition though.
I just noticed that the word document I use to save the character bio is incomplete and I'm not sure if I completed that in the submission or if I just copypasted it. Could you please check if the personality box for Bradley stops mid-sentence?
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 1: A New Home
“Oh shit!’ I said
I thought of of what we could do besides letting him die. I decided c… moreutting it off might work. I got out my hatchet and looked at Troy.
I’m so sorry.” I faltered
I took a fierce swing at Troys wrist and it made it 25% of the way through and i chopped again
“AAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!” Troy screamed in pain
“I’m so sorry!” I yelled
I took one more swing and it cut through Troy looked at it and passed out. I I called out for Cedric, he brought supplies we could use to clean it and wrap it to prevent infection.
“What the fuck did you do!” Lucy yelled
“I thought this could save his life!” I rebuttled
“Well you better be fucking right!” Lucy replied
Cedric went to work on Troys arm, I stood back in disbelief at what I did to him. I desperately hoped that cutting it off would work. I took a seat and put my hands into my hair and thought about whether or not … [view original content]
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 1: A New Home
“Oh shit!’ I said
I thought of of what we could do besides letting him die. I decided c… moreutting it off might work. I got out my hatchet and looked at Troy.
I’m so sorry.” I faltered
I took a fierce swing at Troys wrist and it made it 25% of the way through and i chopped again
“AAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!” Troy screamed in pain
“I’m so sorry!” I yelled
I took one more swing and it cut through Troy looked at it and passed out. I I called out for Cedric, he brought supplies we could use to clean it and wrap it to prevent infection.
“What the fuck did you do!” Lucy yelled
“I thought this could save his life!” I rebuttled
“Well you better be fucking right!” Lucy replied
Cedric went to work on Troys arm, I stood back in disbelief at what I did to him. I desperately hoped that cutting it off would work. I took a seat and put my hands into my hair and thought about whether or not … [view original content]
[Stay in a House]
[Stay in a House]
[Stay in a House]
Voting has closed, we'll be staying in a house for a while, but will we be safe?
It's gonna be a pretty long chapter today so get ready!
The Walking Dead: The Fallen World Episode 1 Chapter 4: Revelations
[Stay in a House]
“A school’s just a hotspot for trouble I think our best bet would be to stay in a house for a while.” I said
“Well then let’s get going we only have a few hours till sundown.” Jane foretold
We got back in the car and drove off in search of a nice house. We pulled up to a house with windows in pretty tactical spots. I got out and got my gun ready as I approached the door. I opened it slowly expecting the worse. But the all I noticed was a normal house that seemed a tiny bit rickety. When I got in I took a look around and quickly called for the others.
“Looks clear so far, why don’t you guys lag behind in case this all goes to hell.” I said sternly
“You got it sweetie.” replied Cyndia
I took the main floor while Cyndia and Jane took the upstairs Troy and I took the middle floor while Lucy was covering the door.
“Clear!” Cyndia shouted
“Clear!” I shouted back
We barricaded the door with the couch that was in the sitting room. We lit some candles around the main floor of the house which provided us with enough light to see each other and our surroundings.
“So, do you guys wanna like tell us what you were doing before the dead started walking.” Cyndia asked hoping for a way to pass the time
“I was going to graduate college the first day of the outbreak, I felt that nothing could ruin just how happy I was. I left to go to the school and Lucy and I started to talk and thought we could pass the time and go see Troy. When we got there we saw Policemen, Paramedics, and all of the neighbors. Lucy and I decided to wait a bit to see what was going on and that’s when Troy came to us and told us the story. We rushed back to the school for graduation, it was all going fine until…” I replied
“Until….what?” asked Cyndia with concern
“Anyway, we were on the road and checked this gas station in hope of finding some supplies.” I mumbled
“Troy could you please finish the story, I need to go into the other room for a minute.” I pleaded
“Sure thing bud, take all the time you need.” Troy replied with concern
I walked into the sitting room and started to tear up remembering what happened at graduation. I could overhear the others in the living room.
“So...what happened at the graduation that got Cody so upset?” Jane asked with concern
“His family died right in front of him and he couldn’t do anything to help.” Troy replied
Cyndia and Jane got a worried look on there face.
“I’m gonna go talk to him.” Cyndia decided
“Alright I’ll keep Jane company.” Troy told Cyndia
“So...what did you do before this all started?” Jane asked Troy
Sitting Room…
“Hey Cody.” said Cyndia
“Hey.” I replied
“I’m sorry about what happened to your family.” said Cyndia with deep sympathy
“Yeah, thanks…” I replied
She rested her arm on my shoulder and looked at me with concern of my well being. I looked back.
“I lost my family when this all started.” Cyndia confessed
“I’m sorry.” I replied
“It’s fine it wasn’t your fault, I just wish I would have gotten the chance to say goodbye.” Cyndia whimpered
She started to cry deeply, I reached out and she leaped into my arms hugging tightly. I hugged her back with tears in my eyes. We stayed like that for a while she sobbed and gripped tighter.
“It’s’ll be safe with us, I promise.” I whispered
“Thanks, that means a lot” she said back
As she released she had kissed me on the cheek, and looked into my eyes with deep happiness.
“You wanna go back to the living room with me?” I asked
“Yeah let’s go back, thank you.” Cyndia smiled
We walked back into the living room with a deeper understanding of each other. Troy was talking with Jane and Lucy had fallen asleep
“I think we should all get some sleep, we need it.” I said to the group
“So, what happened back there?” Troy asked Cyndia
“We talked about what happened before, I think he’s a great guy. I mean I don’t know him well but from what I do know and from what I can see he’s a good person.” Cyndia confessed
“He is a great guy him and I have been friends since we were 8. We both went to school together and somehow ended up becoming friends, we have been till this day.” Troy told Cyndia
“Alright, I really need some sleep I’ll see you bright and early.” Cyndia told us
Jane was sleeping next to Cyndia, I didn’t know to much about Jane she seemed awfully quiet. I wondered whether she’s had it worse than the rest of us. I quickly fell asleep.
Day 4…
I woke up to Cyndia nudging me with her hand. She seemed to be in quite a good mood.
“Get up sleepyhead, you and I got voted to go on a supply run.” reported Cyndia
I yawned and started to get up, I noticed everyone else was asleep.
“So you’re saying everyone voted.” I grinned
“Yeah don’t question it let’s go.” Cyndia grinned back
We left a note on the wall telling the others what we were doing. We decided to not waste gas or risk the noise with the car.
“How’d you sleep?” Cyndia asked me
“Pretty good apart from my back aching, how about you?” I asked
“I’m not gonna lie that was the best sleep i’ve had in the past 4 days.” Cyndia replied
“Oh, why’s that?” I asked
“Well, I got a lot off my chest when we spoke last night.” she replied
“Same here, I feel a lot better talking to you helped a lot.” I smiled
“Thanks.” Cyndia smiled and blushed
“Where do you wanna look for supplies?” Cyndia asked
“Let’s check out the gas station first then we can circle around and pick up the rest of the supplies at the supermarket finally we’ll pick up some more ammo from the gun shop.” I reported
“That’s a great plan.” Cyndia looked at me and smiled, I smiled back
“I’m guessing it’ll take about 2 hours to finish it all up, if we don’t run into any problems.” I said
We turned the corner and saw 2 walkers. Cyndia grabbed her knife and jammed it into the skull of the shortest one. I used my pocket knife on the other and it fell to the ground with a thud.
“That went well, but I wonder why we haven’t run into anymore.” Cyndia wondered
“I don’t know, but I don’t plan on looking for ‘em.” I responded
We kept walking, it looked to be a rainy day. I felt a raindrop come to contact with my eye
“It’s gonna rain soon, we might wanna hurry this up.” I said
We reached the gas station, I opened the door and noticed that there was hardly anything except for a few energy bars and some bottled water. We packed it all up and headed to the gun shop.
“I guess we’re kind of lucky there wasn’t too much there.” Cyndia sighed
“Why do you say that?” I wondered
“Well we can pick up a lot more ammo now, that can come in handy.” Cyndia replied
“You’re probably right.” I mentioned
“Of course I’m probably right.” Cyndia smiled
We entered the gun shop and picked up some more ammo along with another rifle. We exited the store and walked towards the supermarket.
“I wonder how they’re doing back at the house.” I mentioned
“I’m sure they’re doing fine, Troy can protect them, wasn’t he a security guard?” Cyndia asked
“Yeah I guess we have nothing to worry about then, I just don’t want anyone getting hurt.” I said
“I agree I don’t know how I would feel if I lost Jane.” Cyndia added
“What’s the story there?” I asked
“Well, I lived in New York and I went to Cascades High School. She had moved here from the Netherlands, we pretty much became best friends in the matter of a week. We had gone through a lot together, she’s had a pretty tough life. Her parents got divorced when she was 12, it had to have been pretty rough on her. She went to the hospital because of her mom’s severe illness, but they made her leave after everything had gone down.” Cyndia explained
“Damn that has to really suck.” I replied
“Yeah, but now that we’ve all lost people we care about I guess we’re in the same position.” said Cyndia
We reached the supermarket I opened the door and was pleasantly surprised to see a surplus amount of food and bottled water. I ran in and quickly grabbed everything I could fit in the bag. Cyndia helped as well and we started to walk back to the house.
“I can’t believe how much we just got!” I said with happiness
“All this food could last us for a week! Cyndia said with delight
“I guess the only downside is we have some pretty heavy bags.” I laughed
Cyndia and I laughed for quite a bit. I had so much fun just going for a supply run, I was happy to be with someone I really connected with.
We got back to the house but nearly shit our pants when we saw how many walkers were around the house.
“Holy shit!” I whispered
“Let’s just wait it out!” Cyndia whispered back
[Wait it out in Safety] or [Help immediately]
End of Chapter Song:
[Help immediately]
Remember to choose wisely!
If you want to submit a character do it before June 30th I will be closing the submission box till July 8th
[Wait it out in Safety]
[Help immediately]
[Wait it out in Safety]
Wait it out in Safety
[Help immediately]
Voting will be closing at 10:00 P.M. Need one more vote or the story will be up to me!
The Walking Dead: The Fallen World Episode 1 Chapter 5: Survival of the Fittest
[Wait it out in Safety]
“We need to get the fuck out of here! Get in the car!’ I whispered with great distress
We rushed into the vehicle we saw parked at the end of the street. We quickly opened the doors and climbed inside we locked the doors and got low on the floor with our guns out ready for anything
“Oh shit, do you think they might’ve gotten out of there in time!” asked Cyndia
“I have no idea, hopefully they did are you ok?” I asked with care
“Yeah I’m doing fine, how about you?” Cyndia asked
“Just peachy besides the fact that we’re surrounded by hundreds of walkers!” I reminded
“Don’t be a smartass.” Cyndia said with annoyance
The car we were in smelt terrible, but I guess that was better than becoming a meal. I looked out the window to see what we could do.
“Shit, there’s no way out of here I have no idea what the fuck we’re going to do.” I muttered
“I’m fucking exhausted, I don’t know how much longer I can keep my eyes open.” Cyndia mentioned
I can’t blame her for being tired it was already 8:00 P.M. and we didn’t get much sleep the night before. I slowly drifted off to sleep as well as Cyndia.
2 Hours Later…
I awoke to the sounds of gunfire and I quickly woke Cyndia up, her head rose from my lap and she looked at me with fear.
“Who do you think that is?” Cyndia asked
“I don’t know, keep your head low i’m gonna check outside.” I answered
I looked outside and noticed that there were only 20 walkers left but as I looked to the right I saw the butt of a shotgun smashing the car window.
“Cyndia get your gun ready!” I yelled
Cyndia aimed at the strangers head but he continued to break the window and open the door. He dragged me out and his friend dragged Cyndia out.
“Wh-wh-who a-a-r-are you?” The man looked at me with extreme anger
“Back the fuck up and we won’t have any problems!” I shouted
He smashed the butt of the gun into my cheek and laughed hysterically
“Yo-you-you’re in no p-p-position to do an-any-anyth-anything.” the man growled
“Cyndia!” I yelled
“Sh-ut the f-uck u-p!” said the man
“Exactly who the fuck are you?” I asked him
“Gi-org-os Pa-pad-opl-los.” He responded
“Goddamn you really can’t speak well can you.” I pointed out
He hit me in the face with his shotgun again making me spit out lots of blood. I got up and punched him in the face repeatedly.
“Knock that shit off or the pretty little lady and I will have some fun.” A man said
Giorgos started to repeatedly punch me in the face but I reached out near the tire and jammed a shard of glass into his eye.
I picked up my gun and spun around to see the man holding Cyndia in his arms with a gun to her head.
“Please don’t’ I pleaded
I dropped my gun and he pointed it at me before I could duck he shot me and I fell with a thud.
“NOOOO!” Cyndia yelled
Cyndia elbowed the man in the gut kneed him in the crotch and while he was down shot him in the chest, she then ran over to me and pointed the gun at Giorgos. She took the glass shard out of his eye and jammed it into the other eye and ran to my side.
“Cody come on get up, the streets are clear!” Cyndia exclaimed
I started to drown in darkness as I saw Cyndia looking at me and shaking me
4 Hours Later…
I started to slowly see the world again as I woke up in the middle of the house that my group stayed in. I opened my eyelids to see a man above me working on my shoulder. I drifted back to sleep once more.
1 Hour Later…
I woke up fully to a damp room and Cyndia asleep next to me while Troy, Lucy, Jane, and some man stood over me with concerned looks on their face.
“Goddamn are you ok?” They all asked
“Well I was attacked by 2 men and got shot, so I guess as well as you would expect.” I responded
I leaned forward and the man reached out and put his hand on my good shoulder.
“You’ll be fine, you just need to take it easy for a while.” said the man
“Who are you?” I asked
“I’m Cedric Vaughn, I used to be a doctor before the world went to shit.” He replied
“Cedric helped us escape when walkers surrounded the house, we almost didn’t make it.” said Jane
“I guess my face doesn’t look to pretty right now does it?” i asked Cedric
“No I had to stitch it in 2 spots actually.” Cedric answered
“We noticed Cyndia was dragging you back to the house and we almost didn’t recognize you man” Troy said jokingly
“That asshole really got you good.” Lucy scoffed
“Well I stabbed the stuttering prick in the eye.” I grumbled
“Holy shit, hardcore dude!” Troy blurted
“What’s going on?” Jane asked
“He just needs the rest he’ll probably be asleep for a couple of days at least.” Cedric reported
I drifted back to sleep
Day 7…
I woke up feeling pretty good, but I leaned up too quick forgetting about my wound
“Ahh shit!” I grunted
“Hey don’t push yourself too hard.” Cyndia commanded
She placed her arm around my neck and helped me sit up.
“How many days has it been?” I asked
“It’s only been 2 days, Cedric said you would be fine but sleep was a key component in you getting better so I just let you be.” Cyndia answered
“Where is everyone?” I asked
“Cedric’s in the sitting room sleeping, Lucy, Jane, and Troy are off getting more medicine from the pharmacy then they’ll pick up some supplies from the supermarket.” Cyndia answered
“Did those guys hurt you?” I asked with deep concern
“No I got the jump on them as soon as that asshole shot you, I took care of him and the stuttering pedo.” Cyndia answered
“Thank you for saving me.: I smiled
“I can’t let YOU die Cody.” Cyndia smiled back
I got up and started to walk with Cyndia to the kitchen. I grabbed a water bottle and started to head back to the living room. I sat down and rested my back against the wall, Cyndia sat by me and leaned against me.
“I was worried you weren’t gonna make it.” Cyndia looked at me
“Well I wouldn’t have if you didn’t help me, I would have died if you weren’t there. You saved me Cyndia.” I smiled and gazed into her eyes
She gazed back into my eyes and we put our foreheads together, I then started to fall asleep.
2 Hours Later…
I kept my eyes shut for a while but Troy insisted that I get up. I agreed and let Cyndia’s head down slowly onto my pillow.
“What is it?” I asked annoyed
“Doc needs to switch out you bandages, come on get up.” said Troy
Troy pulled me up and walked me to the sitting room where Cedric awaited my arrival with medical supplies ready. He started to take off the old bandages. I decided it would be best if I didn’t look at my shoulder.
“This will only take about 5 minutes, don’t move around.” Cedric ordered
“Alright thanks docs.” I faltered
“No problem, just rest up after i’m done here no matter how much you think you’re ready to accomplish your best bet is to just stay here for a while longer.
“So where’s Lucy?” I asked Troy
“She’s in the other room, she’s pretty tired we got a lot of supplies and went through hell to get them.” Troy responded
“There you’re ready to go.” Cedric reported
I got up and walked slowly back to my sleeping bag and lied down next to Cyndia. I reached for my water bottle and opened the cap to take a sip. I drifted back to sleep
1 Hour Later…
“Get the fuck away from us!” I overhead Troy yell
I quickly got up and walked towards the sitting room and saw a man with an AK-47 pointed at everyone.
“Who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to kill my friends?!” the man yelled
Everyone remained silent, I slowly creeped up and stuck my pocket knife into his back and started to keep tugging the knife down his spine.
He turned around and started to choke me and slammed me into the wall. I couldn’t do anything but just stand there helpless waiting for help.
Jane sprung up and shot the man in the head. We all looked at Jane in surprise as she just sat back down and sighed with relief.
“Alright fuck this we need to leave, we have no idea how many more men are in that group and I don’t wanna find out!” Lucy yelled
“Cody needs to stay put, traveling won’t do anything to help him heal up!” Cedric argued
[Heal up at the House] or [Leave Lexington as soon as possible]
End of Chapter Song:
[Leave Lexington as soon as possible]
[Leave Lexington as soon as possible]. The shit is getting real! Btw, I want to ask you - will my characters appear in the story again? They only had a small cameo in Chapter 1.
[Leave Lexington as soon as possible]
They might come back, but will they be the same is the real question.
I hope they will.
I just want to show the world truly falling in this first episode
And you do it good
Btw, did you receive my letter?
I haven't checked yet I'll get on that
Damn those are great, I'm gonna be going over a lot of stuff today so I can get more story going good. Let's just say later we might meet a person worse than you could imagine
Tommorow's the final part! So hurry up and vote for the last choice of the episode!
Votings Closed we're going to leave Lexington as soon as possible. Hopefully it's the right choice!
The Episode Credits are going to really represent some of the story in chapter 6 so please listen when you're finished reading!
Episode 1: A New Life Chapter 6: Sum Total
[Leave Lexington as soon as possible]
“I agree with Lucy we need to get the fuck out of here!” I argued
“Alright lets pack everything up!” I ordered
We started to gather everything that we would need but we heard a bang at the door. I looked out and there were 5 men searching for us.
“Shit everyone get down and keep quiet!” I whispered
I took my stuff and got it into the car in the backyard everyone else followed we slowly got into our car and revved the engine. The men ran back and started to fire at us but we drove away quick enough for them not to hit one of us.
“Where are we gonna go?” Cyndia asked
“Ask Lucy she’s the one driving.” i replied
“We’re going to Greenwood, we can find some place to stay.” Lucy stated
“No, fuck cities i’m not getting shot and choked again!” I shouted
“We’re going to stay at a place outside of town, we can board it up and go into the city for supply runs.” Lucy argued
“Guys enough, let’s just take it easy and get some rest we’ll take shifts driving.” said Troy
I was in back with Cyndia and Cedric, Cedric fell asleep quick along with Troy and Jane.
“I hope where we’re going is safe.” sighed Cyndia
“We’ll keep each other safe.” I replied
I slowly drifted back to sleep with Cyndia
1 Hour Later…
I could hear everyone whispering to each other, I was too tired to even care.
“Keep your voices down or we’re fucked!” Jane whispered
“What are we going to do?” Lucy whispered
“Guys, just keep your calm and everything will be alright!” Troy interjected
I decided to find out what was going on with everyone so I looked up to see thousands of walkers in front of the car.
“Holy Shit!” I gasped
“Keep your voice down, we need to just sit and wait for them to clear out.” Cedric pointed out
“Have you seen how many there are down there they aren’t gonna clear out, we need to drive somewhere else.” Jane argued
“Let’s just get the fuck out of here.” I interjected
“I agree with that plan.” Cyndia announced
“Of course you do.” Lucy rolled her eyes
“Shut the fuck up.” Cyndia growled
“This isn’t helping!” I interjected
Lucy got mad and started to drive on a new road, she made the tires screech and almost hit a tree.
“Are you fucking serious Lucy, calm down!” Troy yelled
Lucy finally calmed down after that, but just as we thought we were in the clear we noticed 30 walkers on the road.
“Fuck this!” Lucy yelled
She started driving into the walkers mowing the down with the car until we got stuck with 23 still looking at us.
“Great fucking plan dumbass!” Jane yelled
“Everyone grab your stuff, we need to make a run for it!” I yelled
We grabbed all of our stuff and opened our doors and ran to a barn we saw off in the distance.
“Go...GO!!!” I yelled
We were sprinting for about 4 minutes until we finally reached the barn we got in and barricaded it. But we turned quickly to see 5 walkers.
“Oh shit!” Troy yelled
I got out my knife and drove it into the skull of the closest walker I could find. Lucy picked up a screwdriver that was lying around and drove it into another walkers skull. Cyndia pulled out her survival knife just as one was about to chomp my neck and stabbed it in the head.
“Thanks!” I said
“Thank me later!” she replied
Jane got a pitchfork and threw it into one of the walkers and walked up and smashed its head in. Troy quickly swung a hatchet into the walkers head.
“Well shit that was close!” I said
“No kidding, you were almost that things lunch.” Cyndia sighed
“Yeah, I guess we could just finish the others outside off quickly if we let only a few in at a time.” Jane elaborated
“Are you crazy we’ll get overrun by them!” Lucy objected
“It may be crazy but it just might work.” I revealed
“How do you propose we do it then captain!” Lucy argued
“Easy, have you ever heard of opening the door, taking a match and lighting this bitch.” I said sarcastically
Everyone looked at each other, and then looked at me.
“Alright why do I have to be the one to do it, I came up with the plan!” I protested
“Your plan, your work.” said Lucy with a harsh tone
“Alright fine.” I said
I had everyone get to the top floor of the barn with guns ready in case something went wrong. I opened the door and the piled in.
“Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!” I jumped up on the ladder
I got to the top and kicked the ladder down onto them. I took a match with some hay and lit up the barn. The plan worked and we jumped out sprinting back to the car to pull the walker out from under it.
“Holy shit that was awesome!” Cedric laughed
“Yeah, but let’s celebrate while we’re on the road.” I said
Lucy pulled the walker out from underneath the vehicle, we got in and sighed with relief. I looked at my watch
“It’s gonna get dark soon, we need to hurry.” I warned
“It’ll only take about 2 hours to reach Greenwood.” Lucy foretold
“Alright now if you don’t mind i’m gonna get back to my nap.” I said
“Go ahead i’ll make sure to wake you up before we get there.” Cyndia reassured
“Thanks, I hope you don’t mind if I accidentally use you as a pillow?” I laughed
Cyndia chuckled “Yeah that’ll be fine.”
I fell asleep in a matter of minutes. All of a sudden a truck hit our car and 5 men got out and shot everyone except Cyndia which they tortured. I woke up in a cold sweat as I was being looked at with concern
“Are you alright?” Cyndia asked
“Yeah i’m fine, just had a nightmare that’s all.” I replied
“It’s good timing that you woke up actually we just arrived in Greenwood.” reported Cyndia
“Alright pick out some spots we’ll gather supplies and lets head to the old planetarium.” said Jane
We drove out to the old planetarium and looked around outside for a while before entering. We opened the doors and looked at some of the pictures.
“Wow, these pictures are fantastic!” marveled Cyndia
“They’re something else aren’t they?” I said
“Lets clear this place out.” said Troy
I looked in one of the bathrooms and noticed just how clean it was. I walked back out and saw everyone happy. Troy checked out the room to operate the machine he thought it was clear until a walker came out of nowhere and bit his hand.
“AAAAGGGHHH SHIT!!!” Troy screamed
I dug my knife into it’s skull and looked on in horror as Troy was staring at his hand with a bite mark.
“Oh shit!” I said
End of Episode 1
Your Choices:
Chapter 1: You chose to wait outside
Chapter 2: You chose to keep moving
Chapter 3: You chose to stay in a house
Chapter 4: You chose to wait it out in safety
Chapter 5: You chose to leave Lexington as soon as possible
End of Episode Song:
Rip Troy.
i submit carver and i just want to say he not a bad guy
Why RIP? They could cut his hand off.
Poor Troy. Hopefully cutting off his hand will work.
Also, my compliments for the fine choice of music. It really works well with the chapters
I was listening to Out of Time Man while I was writing the chapter and decided that it would fit with someone being bitten
and thanks
Episode 2 probably won't be released till Next Monday or so, I'm gonna be on vacation and prep for writing, choices, titles, and music takes a while but when I do release I might go 2 chapters a day. Thanks for reading and have a great 4th of July!
Previously on the Fallen World...
"I wonder what's going on?" I said
"I have no idea." said mom
"Let's go visit Troy." I said
"Bite marks?" I asked
My whole family were torn apart by those creatures
Troy shot the man in both the knees and we drove away
We drove up to the supermarket and noticed two people walk in
"I'm Cyndia and this is Jane."
Giorgos bashed my face with the butt of a shotgun and I jammed a piece of glass in his eye. Cyndia finished the job
"He needs to heal up, leaving now won't help us any!" Cedric announced
I opened the barn doors and jumped up to the upper floor
"Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!" I yelled
I looked at Troy's hand in horror
"Oh shit" I said
Episode 2: Finding Peace Chapter 1: A New Home
“Oh shit!’ I said
I thought of of what we could do besides letting him die. I decided cutting it off might work. I got out my hatchet and looked at Troy.
I’m so sorry.” I faltered
I took a fierce swing at Troys wrist and it made it 25% of the way through and i chopped again
“AAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!” Troy screamed in pain
“I’m so sorry!” I yelled
I took one more swing and it cut through Troy looked at it and passed out. I I called out for Cedric, he brought supplies we could use to clean it and wrap it to prevent infection.
“What the fuck did you do!” Lucy yelled
“I thought this could save his life!” I rebuttled
“Well you better be fucking right!” Lucy replied
Cedric went to work on Troys arm, I stood back in disbelief at what I did to him. I desperately hoped that cutting it off would work. I took a seat and put my hands into my hair and thought about whether or not it could work I wanted nothing more than Troy to pull through.
“Alright, I’ve got everything under control, but I need to stay here and monitor him otherwise he may die.” Cedric announced
Lucy had started to cry, I felt really bad about it but there was nothing better to do. I could sense that a supply run was in order as we don’t have many antibiotics and Troy’s going to need plenty. I’m most likely going to be the one called for duty as i’m the one who chopped it off.
“We’re running low on antibiotics and Troy’s going to need them for quite a while.” Cedric professed
“I’ll go, I’m the one who chopped it in the first place.” I replied
“I’ll go with you.” said Jane
“Alright it’ll be safer that way.” I replied
Jane and I left the building but not before Cyndia ran up and kissed my cheek and gave me good luck.
“Please, don’t get into any trouble out there.” begged Cyndia
“I’ll try not to, can’t make any promises though.” I replied
Jane and I walked out the door, not knowing what was in store for us. I looked around the area in search of an walkers, just in case the doors were to easy to open.
“So what’s up with you and Cyndia?” Jane grinned
“Nothing, we’re just good friends.” I denied
“Bullshit, I know romance when I see it.” Jane replied
“Alright fine yes, Cyndia and I have feelings for one another.” I confessed
“It’s cool, I don’t really care as long as she’s happy.” Jane replied
We kept walking and noticed 3 walkers ahead. I grabbed my knife and stabbed the walker in the head and it dropped down, I then kicked one in the chest and pulled my knife out of the skull and jammed it into the skull of another.
“Damn, you’ve got the fighting spirit right now don’t you?” Jane smirked
“It’s because of what happened to Troy he’s my best friend.” I grumbled
“Maybe cutting it off worked, it’s sure as hell better than just sitting and waiting for death to come knocking on the door!” Jane gushed
“Yeah I guess you’re right, I just hope he’s ok.” I said
We walked up about 4 blocks and finally saw the pharmacy. I opened it up slowly awaiting anything. I looked over the counter and found what we needed. I turned back around and saw a gun pointed at my head. Goddamnit why the fuck do I always get the gun pointed at me!
“Woah...Woah...Let’s just take it down a notch.” I said
“I’m Bradley O’Cart and you are?” He said
“I’m Cody, what do you want from me?” I asked
“I’m just gonna need all of your stuff pretty boy.” he replied
“You can go fuck yourself.” I growled
“Don’t act tough, I can see you’re the type of person that’ll sell out his own group so tell me where are they at?” Bradley asked
“I’m not going to tell you shit, now get that gun out of my face before I get pissed off.” I growled
“Hahahaha I’m just fucking with ya, I wanted to know if I could get some help.” said Bradley
“What kind of help?’ I asked
“I need a place to stay and so does my sister Katie.” answered Bradley
“Well now that you’ve put a gun in my face and threatened me there’s a very unlikely chance i’ll say yes.” I said
I could see Jane waiting to attack him but I motioned her to come next to me. I didn’t want to take any chances with this guy.
“What are you two jackasses doing here?” Bradley scoffed
“None of your damn business.” I said
“Don’t be so impolite, it was just a simple question.” Bradley nagged
“We don’t have time for this, we need to go.” I told Jane
We started to leave the pharmacy when Bradley looked at us with suspicion. He started to walk the other way and Jane and I were left wondering why that man was such an ass.
“Alright it won’t be long till we’re back at the planetarium.” I said
“Good my feet are killing me!” Jane whined
We reached the planetarium and burst through the doors and ran to Cedric with the antibiotics.
“Will this be enough?” I asked
“Yeah this should last us quite a while, thank you both!” Cedric answered
I saw Lucy in the corner sobbing and I felt terrible for what I did but if it meant saving his life I couldn’t take a chance. I walked slowly over to Cyndia who was asleep in her bed, I lied down next to her and drifted off to sleep.
1 Day Later…
I looked around and everyone was boarding up any open spots in the building, I looked out one of the windows and noticed just how little walkers were out. I walked to the restroom and splashed water on my face. I walked back out to see everyone interacting with each other. It made me happy to see everyone get along how they did. I was finally finding peace, I hoped that everything could get better for us than how it’s been the past week.
“It’s nice to see everyone have a good conversation.” I said
“Yeah, it’s good that we all get to know each other it’ll make the stay a lot less boring.” said Cyndia
“Everyone I would like to say, Troy is going to pull through if he was going to become a walker it would’ve already been noticeable.” Cedric announced
I looked on in disbelief I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, if you chop off the limb quick enough you won’t turn. Holy shit maybe this could save us all one day! I thought
Lucy ran over to Troy and started crying tears of happiness. I could tell that he meant the world to her. I smiled and sat next to Cyndia she slowly held my hand and smiled with me. Hope was starting to rebuild within us all.
1 Day Later..
I could feel the cold wind blow on by, I looked around and heard the constant moaning of the walkers, I wish someone could just come along and wipe them all out. I knew it would never happen. I already knew that there society would probably never be rebuilt. Troy walked up and sat by me and I glanced at his now non-existent hand
“How do you feel?” I asked
“Alright it’s just really weird, I would have died if not for you.” said Troy with a happy tone
“It all happened so fast, I figured I might as well try.” I said
“I understand and I thank you, you saved my life.” Troy smiled
“Troy you need to get back to bed!” Lucy shouted
“Better get back.” Troy sighed
“Alright see ya later, get to feeling better.” I said
Troy walked back into the planetarium, I was still outside admiring the nice weather. Cyndia walked outside and sat down next to me.
“How are you feeling today?” Cyndia asked
“Fine I guess, I just can’t believe it’s already been over a week.” I noted
“It’s been one hell of a week, I’m glad I met you though.” Cyndia smiled
“I’m glad I met you two.” I smiled back
We both got closer and held each other, I couldn’t help but feel that something was coming.
“Let’s go back inside.” I said
“Alright, so how do you like the planetarium?” Cyndia asked
“It’s fine I guess, I wish it would have AC though.” I said
“That would be great, it’s getting a lot hotter out recently and I could use a nice hot shower.” said Cyndia
“We could all use a nice shower.” I confessed
“Cody we need some more food, would you mind going with Cyndia to look around?” Lucy asked
“Yeah, let me get my pack ready.” i answered
I packed up my pistol, knife, a water bottle, and a can of peach slices. I was content with my inventory so I decided to head out.
“Where do you wanna go?” I asked
“Maybe we should go hunting or we could check one of the supermarkets.” said Cyndia
[Go Hunting] or [Check Supermarkets]
End of Chapter Song:
[Check Supermarkets]
Bradley, what a prick. Hope he gets a chance to get better
Glad that Troy seems to be in stable condition though.
I just noticed that the word document I use to save the character bio is incomplete and I'm not sure if I completed that in the submission or if I just copypasted it. Could you please check if the personality box for Bradley stops mid-sentence?
[Check supermarkets]
[Check Supermarkets]