Forum Contest #11

Hey guys! This is the 11th contest I'm posting on this account. Here's the description for anyone who is new!
Hello, I'm ShaleReeve and I'll be posting lots of contests on this account! Some of them will be a "competition" where there will be a winner, or it might be some sort of trivia of some sort. I'll try to get in at least one contest per week, but I may do more! I won't post them on a certain day, so always be on the lookout! I will always name the threads "Forum Contest (insert number here)." So if you are stuck trying to find the contest, that's what it's called! I'll also post them on the The Walking Dead section first, so people can notice it since most people stay in that section. It will move to the Forum Games eventually, where people can keep conversing and participating. I'll normally announce the winners about 2 days later on that same thread, so keep checking on the thread to see the winners if you are interested! (Also keep in mind that I only joined recently, so excuse me if any of these contests have been done before. Thanks!)
After following the major success of Forum Contest #10, I came up with an idea that other people agreed on. I decided that I will do another one with new people, and then after that one (this one), I will combine the entries of this contest and #10 and make it one big final contest called The Forum User Elimination Game.
I don't think this contest will be as good as #10, due to it being a sequel and getting less submissions, which I expected (#10 received 29 submissions while this one only received 20). This is just pretty much a "filler" for the big one! So that means that the Forum User Elimination Game will consists of 49 total members! That's one off of 50! That's really amazing guys, thank you for your submissions!
Also, mods, may you please keep this in TWD section for at least 25 minutes so that people can notice it? I don't want this to go as slow as #10 did due to being moved to the Forum Games so quickly. Thanks!
To clarify, this is basically like the TWD and TWAU elimination games but with forum users instead.
From Forum Contest #10: I will also say that I'm trying to avoid making this a popularity contest. This is the main reason I've been holding this idea off, but like I said before, I received positive responses on the idea. I don't want people to get sad or upset if they get eliminated, this is just a friendly competition. I even said in the submission thread that if you are afraid you are going to get upset over being eliminated in this contest, don't enter. So if you get eliminated, don't feel bad! You don't have to vote for your "favorite" member all the time, just see who you would like to win. Again, I don't intend this to become a war or to make people sad, but more of a friendly competition and just have fun and have friendly competitive tension between everyone. With that being said, here we go!
-ANYONE CAN VOTE -Eliminated members will appear in bold. -You can only vote once each round, and only vote for one person each round. -Once a member has received 5 votes, they will be eliminated and a new round will begin. -You are allowed to change your vote, as long as we are still in the same round. -All votes of previous rounds do not count. -Eliminated members may still vote. -Last member remaining wins. -Have fun!
Welcome_to_Woodbury-ELIMINATED ROUND 7
Clubremix_Guetta-ELIMINATED ROUND 8
Random Round Pick.... JimmyTheRustler.
I should also mention that there is a severe thunderstorm heading my way, I can already hear the thunder booming incredibly loud, so I may lose power. If that happens, someone can just keep track of the rounds. Thank you!
Random pick... Clubremix_Guetta.
I'm just gonna pull a Dojo the entire time and random pick. ^_^
Aaaaaand... Honzian
For those of you who have no idea what to do:
With that said, I got "papai46". Sorry buddy.
All random. HERO_1000
Lol wat, randomness will pick...
Random Vote....
Ummm, so I just pick a random one? Okay.
Random papai46
Randomizer picked SuperChocoLatte
Random vote is Deceptio
What's up with all the random votes? I know you don't want to hurt anybody's feelings but it is a contest, and it wouldn't be much fun winning if you won at random.
Sorry brah. I'm giving the people I don't know a chance.
Yep, I was right. My power went off as soon as I posted this and it isn't even raining out yet.
And lots of random picks, Forum Contest #10 wasn't like this! Haha.
Ehh, it's fun doing it in the first few rounds, I know I'll have to start choosing but I just hate that feeling. -_-
Round 1 so far:
You automatically win the game and you're not even in it just for having Dale as your profile picture.
I hope you win. And don't worry, no one will judge, or at least I hope not. I wasn't mad at the people who voted me off... Okay maybe I was for a minute but I forgave them!
Best of luck to everyone else!
Honzian sorry I never heard of you though :P
Random pick.... Its_That_Guy. Sorry
Sorry for acting clueless, but how do I decide who to pick? Most people seem to be using the randomizer, but that sort of defeats the purpose of the whole "users pick" idea, since the randomizer is picking. Do I vote for the person I like the least or the one I know the least? Like what goes into deciding who you vote off?
Whoever or however you want. I don't use a randomizer, I just close my eyes and move my finger around, but that's just me.
Happy forum games may the odds be ever in your favour
I'm new to this also but what I figured I do is either pick the person who I don't know or when it starts coming down to it I'm most likely going to pick the most well liked because i love cheering for the underdog. but hey that's just me :P
I vote for Honzian
oh oops i missed the beginning of this! well anyway, here's my vote
HelloWorld123 i guess? i just picked a name i didnt recognize, i'm sorry ;_;
Better late than never ^_^
It's like chosing teams for sport in school all over again... Least popular ones get picked last dammit, I THOUGHT WE WERE ALL NERDS AROUND HERE? xD
Now this is a nice thing to wake up to, I already have 4 votes.
Well whatever, I don't recall seeing Nonatastic pretty much ever outside of this contest, so him I guess?
I don't really know how to do this so excuse me if I somehow mess it up.
I vote Ben stays with us. :P
The Randomizer has Picked: "Welcome_to_Woodbury".
Oh nooo
You don't want my vote? Cries
Just kidding.
We need more votes...!
I don't know if i can vote, but if i can then I vote for honzian.
wrong post.