The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • How fast is this website on a computer?

  • Shit, sorry, my phones spellcheck thing.... Lord Arvo, Forgive me,Hail Arvo, full of chicken, the dance is with thee. Blessed art thou amonst Clukers and blessed is the one who died for you, Mike. Holy Arvo, Father of Mike, pray for us peasants now and in the hour of our fast. Chicken.

    Arvo* not Avro

  • Pretty fast, depending on internet provider and browser, but it's way better than mobile, haha.

    How fast is this website on a computer?

  • @Sardines

    Well, I think my friend won't be having the bbq today. How about another livestream?

  • Really freaken fast. I left my computer at home so I'm pissed right now using a phone. SMART MOVE RACHEL.

    How fast is this website on a computer?

  • She's playing Town of Salem with us while chatting on Skype and all. Wanna join?

    @Sardines Well, I think my friend won't be having the bbq today. How about another livestream?

  • Really freaken fast. I left my computer at home so I'm pissed right now using a phone. SMART MOVE RACHEL.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I love Town Of Salem!

    Rafoli posted: »

    She's playing Town of Salem with us while chatting on Skype and all. Wanna join?

  • Do you have steam? If you have what's your name there?

  • Ah, thanks. I don't use skype, didn't like it too much, heh. I'll probably go somewhere then.

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    Rafoli posted: »

    She's playing Town of Salem with us while chatting on Skype and all. Wanna join?

  • These notifications are so useful...

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  • lol, REALLY useful

    These notifications are so useful...

  • Why not just unfollow discussions that you don't care about anymore?

    These notifications are so useful...

  • 1) too lazy

    2) I might go back to them one day.

    3) because I don't have to. :p

    Why not just unfollow discussions that you don't care about anymore?

  • Everybody celebrating the 4th of July. And I'm at home like:

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  • lol, same here, rain rain go away.....

    Everybody celebrating the 4th of July. And I'm at home like:

  • 93 notifications? Damn, I never get that.

    These notifications are so useful...

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I don't celebrate it either.

    Everybody celebrating the 4th of July. And I'm at home like:

  • It's freaking pouring outside my house man XD
    My friend was having a big fourth of July party today, but the storm pushed it to tomorrow.

    Everybody celebrating the 4th of July. And I'm at home like:

  • They never go below the 90's.

    Deceptio posted: »

    93 notifications? Damn, I never get that.

  • The rain better stop before it gets dark. -_-

    Everybody celebrating the 4th of July. And I'm at home like:

  • Really? My notifications are stuck at like, 10, and when I get on I always have like 20-35 notifications. So basically, I get 10-15 notifications total. Man, I suck.

    They never go below the 90's.

  • Same here, I suck more :(

    Deceptio posted: »

    Really? My notifications are stuck at like, 10, and when I get on I always have like 20-35 notifications. So basically, I get 10-15 notifications total. Man, I suck.

  • If I were you I'd go out and celebrate in the rain, I LOVE RAIN.

    The rain better stop before it gets dark. -_-

  • Well we want to see the fireworks tonight, #WeWantFireworks

    If I were you I'd go out and celebrate in the rain, I LOVE RAIN.

  • I don't like rain. It just adds humidity and that doesn't do too good with my hair. -_-

    And I'm driving in a car right now. So if I went out the car door to " go outside" it wouldn't end good. And Now I'm feeling car sick, sigh

    If I were you I'd go out and celebrate in the rain, I LOVE RAIN.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Here have these fireworks:

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Well we want to see the fireworks tonight, #WeWantFireworks

  • When it rains I always dance and play around in the rain. I don't care if I get sick.

    I don't like rain. It just adds humidity and that doesn't do too good with my hair. -_- And I'm driving in a car right now. So if I went out the car door to " go outside" it wouldn't end good. And Now I'm feeling car sick, sigh

  • Thanks, Let us pray to make sure the fireworks tonight won't get rained out... :Hail Kenny, full of boats, the 'stache is with thee.

    Blessed art thou amongst urbans and blessed is the fruit of thy loins, Duck.

    Holy Kenny, Father of Duck, pray for us shitbirds now and in the hour of our bite, amen.. ANDHail Arvo, full of chicken, the dance is with thee. Blessed art thou amonst Clukers and blessed is the one who died for you, Mike. Holy Arvo, Father of Mike, pray for us peasants now and in the hour of our fast. Chicken.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Here have these fireworks:

  • FUUUUUUUU I slept in til 5, I'm so sorry @TWDFan86, I missed seeing you go, I should have set an alarm ;-;

    c r I e s

  • Yeah, Rigtail's races are bad.

  • edited July 2014

    Nothing disturbs me like usual on this thread so I guess it's up to me reply if you want a few more there is a few on these crazy death memes ;)

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  • edited July 2014

    Damn, Did the Joker come and plan these, hmmmm....

  • Don't say that, Noncy ;-;

    That's 75 F. SEVENTY FIVE. THAT'S NOT HOT. Yeah, you're gonna die in Mexico. There's no way of avoiding it.

  • Hum...sure thing i 4th of July where we live after all...but i hope it won't be a complete flop as a result...if anything i'll just test your deathmatch if it fails and no one shows up...

    Which might happen...Joe's gone, Devyn's going to see some fireworks and i don't know about the others...we'll see...

    Btw i finally made the official FOTD Crew last night, just add me on the social club and i'll add you to our crew :D

    Hey password I'm going to play tonight when it's 8 pm in Canada here. I hope you're ready to try out my deathmatch! Anyway see you then! Bye!

  • Uhhhhh, You and 53% of players don't know what year it is...

    Just woke up.

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