The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • [removed]

    I downvoted every comment that replied to me in a mean way . Im not a "downvote troll" . But yeah I would expect to be called that when I have the balls to stand up and say these things .

  • edited July 2014

    Alt text

    Pm if you have a problem with me or just continue trolling your choice this is my last statement on the issue I'm not spamming this thread with your attention seeking bullsh*t anymore

    I follow you? I voted you out of the contest because I dont like you, thats it. What else? This statement doesn't say your name anywhere loo

  • "Urban Update" haha

    Dark_Star posted: »

    Bro, calm down! There's no need for these kind of words. URBAN UPDATE: You can't tell the difference what is serious and what is a joke on the internet I guess. I'm sorry. My bad.

  • "You're stupid" Do you realize you're saying that after taking poctures of a downvoted comment that even if I did downvote them, it's not ban worthy unlike what you told me? Keep the circus please.

  • He's the one who had to barge in and say that, while randomly down voting comments, he's the only one to blame for this.

    Dark_Star posted: »

    She's right. Guys, don't fight... seriously... it's not worth it...


    Dark_Star posted: »

    She's right. Guys, don't fight... seriously... it's not worth it...

  • I have a problem with selfish people. I'd bring up how he's selfish but the mods warned me once. He's a bad friend .

    I don't like you. How could you not like Mark? He's like one of the nicest and most upbeat people on here.

  • i'm all for 'freedom of speech' as you claim, but... did you really have to make this post? honestly, you claim not to be a troll, but that's basically what this is - you made this post because you wanted to make the people of this thread angry. (possibly because you wanted to report them, as you just did with AWESOMEO.) i mean, there's honestly no other point to it. it's like walking into a lion's den and saying "man, lions are annoying." (i mean, provided that the lions can understand human speech and... you know, maybe this analogy isn't the greatest.) of course the (sentient) lions have a possibility of attacking you, you've just insulted them.

    and if you're going to say "i didn't insult the people" or whatever - this thread is just a general chat for a SPECIFIC SET OF PEOPLE? so, in saying that... you were, indirectly of course, insulting everyone? and i'm sure you knew it very well.

    please don't claim to not be a troll when you clearly were looking to get a rise out of someone and cause trouble.

    This thread is annoying .

  • [removed]

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Pm if you have a problem with me or just continue trolling your choice this is my last statement on the issue I'm not spamming this thread with your attention seeking bullsh*t anymore

  • edited July 2014

    I guess there's gonna be ''The Forum Wars'' soon. We have to stop this! Things are getting out of control.


  • I knew you'd say that, but people who randomly downvote comments and liking their own comments to make it look as if they are right ARE stupid! I can see through your lies, don't you get it? We can all see through you rlies.

    "You're stupid" Do you realize you're saying that after taking poctures of a downvoted comment that even if I did downvote them, it's not ban worthy unlike what you told me? Keep the circus please.

  • NAH this will spice things up muahahaha.

    Dark_Star posted: »

    I guess there's gonna be ''The Forum Wars'' soon. We have to stop this! Things are getting out of control.

  • [removed]

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I knew you'd say that, but people who randomly downvote comments and liking their own comments to make it look as if they are right ARE stupid! I can see through your lies, don't you get it? We can all see through you rlies.

  • YOU... SHITBIRD... :D

    NAH this will spice things up muahahaha.

  • Just ignore him.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    He's the one who had to barge in and say that, while randomly down voting comments, he's the only one to blame for this.

  • A better job than yours at least, trying to cover the fact that you are a troll by acting righteous and teasing us, you have a well known past, so just leave please.

  • [removed]

    First of all Im american, where I'm from i have freedom of speech. Im the one who needs to calm down? I've been called a downvote troll and my mom has been insulted...

  • Just keep your shit to yourself.

  • You could've calmly argued with me about MY OPINION. Instead you insulted me and come up with absurd theories. Besides, get over dislikes dude, are you 10? All your friends are doing it to me and I haven't said anything

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    He's the one who had to barge in and say that, while randomly down voting comments, he's the only one to blame for this.

  • :D

    Dark_Star posted: »

    YOU... SHITBIRD...

  • Then let me show you the door kind sir...

    We don't need your negativity and senseless bashing in this thread, not on my watch kiddo B/

  • That guy is known for his bad habits, don't mind anything he says, hell try being smart as he replies to this comment with a meaningless sentence, and I'll have at least 3 dislikes from him and his invisible buddies now, so please just don't take anything he says seriously.

  • edited July 2014

    Bro, please that's enough! Don't add more fuel to the fire. BOTH OF YOU!!! After all these arguments you had I know saying ''I'm sorry.'' to eachother is hard but not impossible. You and @AWESOMEO need to finish this argument right now! I mean what for really... for a thread?

    You could've calmly argued with me about MY OPINION. Instead you insulted me and come up with absurd theories. Besides, get over dislikes dude, are you 10? All your friends are doing it to me and I haven't said anything

  • [removed]

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    That guy is known for his bad habits, don't mind anything he says, hell try being smart as he replies to this comment with a meaningless sen

  • I just want to add something here. When someone comes out here and wants to start an need to let them be and just keep on scrolling down. The mods will handle it, there is no point in trying to argue, it will just lead into vulgar words coming out and stuff that you didnt mean to say, but things like that will still get you banned.

    If you have a burn, adding hot water to that burn wont solve anything, its like that in this case, if you have someone who wants to argue, arguing wont solve anything, thats what they want us to do.

    sorry if I offend, that is just my 2 cents..carry on.

  • Celebration!

    Alt text

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    30K COMMENTS!!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!!

  • I applaud you for being different from the rest of them. But I will never apologize to these people . You have my respect for being this way

    Dark_Star posted: »

    Bro, please that's enough! Don't add more fuel to the fire. BOTH OF YOU!!! After all these arguments you had I know saying ''I'm sorry.'' to

  • Him ?!! Markd is the nicest guy around !!

    Just give me one example of why you seem to hate him so much...

    He doesn't deserve your hate and this thread doesn't need your negative presence. If you don't like it there's the metaphorical door...

    Alt text

    I have a problem with selfish people. I'd bring up how he's selfish but the mods warned me once. He's a bad friend .

  • edited July 2014

    Headless, please? These people are my family. So are you. They're not bad people. They are the best people in this forums. You'll love them once you know them more. Trust me! You can end this argument right now! Don't throw all of those away!

    I applaud you for being different from the rest of them. But I will never apologize to these people . You have my respect for being this way

  • Thanks Sniper.

    I'm just going to leave this as a new post since Horseman's comment already has several replies and mine wouldn't be as prominent. Horsem

  • "sentient lions"

    Best analogy ever Devyn xD

    sardines posted: »

    i'm all for 'freedom of speech' as you claim, but... did you really have to make this post? honestly, you claim not to be a troll, but that'

  • I'm just going to leave this as a new post since Horseman's comment already has several replies and mine wouldn't be as prominent.

    Horseman, you're welcome to voice your dislike on a thread and you aren't receiving any scorn so far from me, but at the same time, making a post about it wasn't really necessary. I'm not going to ban him or flag his post just for voicing his opinion (as long as he does not break the guidelines or start any trouble beyond saying he dislikes something), but I will ask that you just leave it be.

    Just as Horseman can ignore this thread if he doesn't like it, the rest of you can ignore his opinion if you don't like it. As long as he is not harassing users or spamming the thread, he is fine.

    I'm going to ask that everyone drop this and move on. As I said, I'm not flagging any posts that only voice a negative opinion, but I will flag posts if anybody insults another user.


  • Theories? You mean saying that you are rude and that you disliked comments which weren't even related to you? Oh please, don't play tricks on us, just because you try speak politely does not justify how rude you were, please leave this thread if you don't want any more fights going on, if you have any dignity, just leave, if we're so annoying, fucking leave.

    You could've calmly argued with me about MY OPINION. Instead you insulted me and come up with absurd theories. Besides, get over dislikes dude, are you 10? All your friends are doing it to me and I haven't said anything

  • Thing is, in a way you insulted us by saying this thread is annoying. Because if someone were to say a thread is annoying, its because of the people in it. A thread cant be annoying for no reason. So yeah, even though it was your opinion, it insulted us. And it was an opinion that didn't need to be stated, you should have kept it to yourself.

    And you must have knew it was going to cause controversy. And there was a way to avoid it. And that is by not coming to this thread. Like i said before, no one is forcing you to be here. And this thread is in telltale talk, so we can discuss whatever we please as long as its not breaking any forum rules.

    You could've calmly argued with me about MY OPINION. Instead you insulted me and come up with absurd theories. Besides, get over dislikes dude, are you 10? All your friends are doing it to me and I haven't said anything

  • He's a lhasa apso, just if you're wondering!

    So cute! I WANT ONE

  • You remind me of myself but don't use your hating on something like this, you don't say shit like this outloud. Keep it to yourself. Dislike the comments all you want... I don't know why you want to but... okay... then...???

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited July 2014

    Guys let's not drop the bomb today okay.

    HeadlessHorseman you stated your opinion, but is it really necessary to do it in a new comment? Also if you don't like this thread, why the why are you following it then.

    Lounge friends is it really necessary to act towards him in that way? He might be an arguing piece of shat but he just stated his opinion, just as he can ignore this thread you can ignore his comment.

    I brace myself for the dislikes.

  • Apparently only the mods know what a troll is, thank you!

    I'm just going to leave this as a new post since Horseman's comment already has several replies and mine wouldn't be as prominent. Horsem

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