The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • When family and friends come over."Aw, look at little JonGon when he was a baby. Isn't he cute in that little dress, hehe."

    Jon-"Mom... please... don't do this to me right now..."

    JonGon posted: »

    I was like 2 or 3 bro lol.

  • Why is everyone getting so sick?!

    My headache lowered down,to where I can tolerate it. But yesterday, I felt like I was being beaten every second. ;-;

  • edited July 2014

    She's unique not complicated my sistah and everyone has problems but she more equipped then most people to deal with them believe me

    papai46 posted: »

    I'm not Mark but she isn't on steam either so i can't tell but shes a complicated girl, must be having problems

  • Cute!

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    Are we posting childhood pictures today?

  • Poor girl! 'hugs'

    My headache lowered down,to where I can tolerate it. But yesterday, I felt like I was being beaten every second. ;-;

  • Glad that the fever is going down.

    My headache lowered down,to where I can tolerate it. But yesterday, I felt like I was being beaten every second. ;-;

  • It's that kind of season. sneeze

    JonGon posted: »

    Why is everyone getting so sick?!

  • I be like

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    When family and friends come over."Aw, look at little JonGon when he was a baby. Isn't he cute in that little dress, hehe." Jon-"Mom... please... don't do this to me right now..."

  • edited July 2014

    :') Awesome video so true reminded me with my little niece yesterday walked into a toy shop she skipped all the barbies/pink stuff.and she wanted a toy machine gun and a a massive plastic sword I was never so proud :'D

    Watch this.

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    Aww so cute :'D

    Are we posting childhood pictures today?

  • Photoshop it in lmao!

    Lol, I have two pics of me doing the pout, but no action figure in them, haha. It won't be the same, man.

  • I hope you feel better ;-;

    My headache lowered down,to where I can tolerate it. But yesterday, I felt like I was being beaten every second. ;-;

  • It dropped from 38.9 to 38.2


    Glad that the fever is going down.

  • Damn, well I hope you feel better gurl. Get some rest!

    It's that kind of season. sneeze

  • Cuteness overload.

    JonGon posted: »

    Drinking beer so young... The second one was taken right after my brothers pushed me into a puddle lol.

  • That's good, I hope you get rid of this fast :)

    My headache lowered down,to where I can tolerate it. But yesterday, I felt like I was being beaten every second. ;-;

  • Old but gold.

    @Markd4547 and @Rafoli Lmao, I just remembered these!

  • Not school trip, she's traveling with her family. She's still on vacation, cuz it's summer there, I think.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Nah, she's just on a school trip.

  • Those punches kill me lol!

    @Markd4547 and @Rafoli Lmao, I just remembered these!

  • Isn't she in Greece? :b

    Rafoli posted: »

    Not school trip, she's traveling with her family. She's still on vacation, cuz it's summer there, I think.

  • edited July 2014

    XD best video ever

    another good one ^

    @Markd4547 and @Rafoli Lmao, I just remembered these!

  • Lol, nah, I'll just leave them like they are, haha. I'll probably show them mañana.

    JonGon posted: »

    Photoshop it in lmao!

  • Haha, really? :o

    JonGon posted: »

    So adorable! You look alot like my niece lol.

  • ...

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Don't look at the flowers...

    edited July 2014

    Goodnight, I hope I won't wake up to another hideous alarm :P

    "No matter what kind of wisdom dictates you the option you should pick, no one will be able to tell if it's right or wrong 'till you arrive to some sort of outcome, resulting from your choice. The only thing we're allowed to do is to believe we won't regret the choice we made."

  • Noooo...

    Just look at the flowers, SweetPea...

  • Good night. Hopefully the alarm doesn't come on again.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Goodnight, I hope I won't wake up to another hideous alarm :P "No matter what kind of wisd

  • Good night and never heard that quote it's awesome :D

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Goodnight, I hope I won't wake up to another hideous alarm :P "No matter what kind of wisd

  • edited July 2014

    You too? For me I hated those bangs for all of my childhood xD

    That girl on the left reminds me of when I had bangs like that as a kid.


    Have a peaceful night.^^

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Goodnight, I hope I won't wake up to another hideous alarm :P "No matter what kind of wisd

  • I know! My bro looks more excited than I did, and he wasn't the one who got the gift! :P

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    The joy of getting a Gameboy

  • Nighht. :3

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Goodnight, I hope I won't wake up to another hideous alarm :P "No matter what kind of wisd

  • edited July 2014

    Heh, I even have a picture. The picture was put on the fridge for everyone to see, and I cant take it off the fridge.. -_- So embarrassing. I WAS A UGLY BABY. I have a missing front tooth and everything! My god no.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    You too? For me I hated those bangs for all of my childhood xD

  • So that's when the drinking habit started, aye?

    JonGon posted: »

    Drinking beer so young... The second one was taken right after my brothers pushed me into a puddle lol.

  • I'll most likely miss them :( I'll be home around 5pm central...

    Lol, nah, I'll just leave them like they are, haha. I'll probably show them mañana.

  • Drinking habit?! What drinking habit...

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    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    So that's when the drinking habit started, aye?

  • <3

    AAAAHHHH so cute. ^-^

  • c':

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Aww so cute :'D

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