Season 2 Episode 4 Discussion: Out Now: PC/Mac, PS3, Vita, Xbox 360, iOS, Kindle, Android



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    Couldn't stop myself.

  • That looks like christas gun

    abelbennett posted: »

    Please telltale give me Amid The Ruins ;-; I'm gonna die from waiting

  • I'll have to agree with you when you say that snow is magical during Christmas, but any other time, it sucks. By January, it starts to suck (January is the middle of winter where I live).

    Crips posted: »

    Snow is magical, especially during Christmas.

  • So, what do you guys think. Is there gonna be a timeskip during the episode? Because we seemingly will start the episode just where we left off, but then second screen shows us snow. Maybe we'll have timeskip during our travel to Wellington like we had in episode 2 during our travel to the mountains?

  • Ohhh....sorry. Derp!

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I think Clem, Luke, Bonnie and Kenny, are being held up, not the other way. It kind of looks like they might be surrounded.

  • It rained for us in January, we got massive storms and rain. I would have preferd snow.

    I'll have to agree with you when you say that snow is magical during Christmas, but any other time, it sucks. By January, it starts to suck (January is the middle of winter where I live).

  • Our winter is nearly 4 months - November,December,January,February and somethimes in March we still have sucks,can't go out because of the cold...

    I'll have to agree with you when you say that snow is magical during Christmas, but any other time, it sucks. By January, it starts to suck (January is the middle of winter where I live).

  • I guess there can be a timeskip, but there also can be not.

    We can start when we left off, get out of the horde, reach the Parker's Run and then it can start snowing. Or even before we reach it.

    Kordas posted: »

    So, what do you guys think. Is there gonna be a timeskip during the episode? Because we seemingly will start the episode just where we left

  • Maybe it's gonna start snowing in this episode. That's my prediction.

    Kordas posted: »

    So, what do you guys think. Is there gonna be a timeskip during the episode? Because we seemingly will start the episode just where we left

  • This past winter where I live, the snow finally melted in April.

    FetchWalker posted: »

    Our winter is nearly 4 months - November,December,January,February and somethimes in March we still have sucks,can't go out because of the cold...

  • I'd rather have rain in January than snow. Trust me, snow is cold, wet, boring, a pain in the ass to shovel from my porch. It gets pretty nasty where I live.

    It rained for us in January, we got massive storms and rain. I would have preferd snow.

  • So at least if they do a timeskip it will be at least be after the episode starts.

    I'm kinda rooting for bonnie now

  • Should i be worried that mike, Rebecca, nick, and Sarah aren't in the second screenshot?

  • edited July 2014

    Nah, they probably deleted some of the characters like they did on the screenshot for episode 3

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    Kenny isn't on that screenshot, but in the game he is...

    Rylee posted: »

    Should i be worried that mike, Rebecca, nick, and Sarah aren't in the second screenshot?

  • I doubt that because with 1st screenshot they said that we'll see more news next week. 22 July is more likely.

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    Or July 15

  • They wouldn't show Nick because he's determinant, but Rebecca, Mike, Nick, Sarita and Jane may be off somewhere else.

    Rylee posted: »

    Should i be worried that mike, Rebecca, nick, and Sarah aren't in the second screenshot?

  • I think that guy with the rifle on the screenshot for ep. 3 is that guy with the pistol on the screenshot for ep. 4

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  • Well fuck.

    FetchWalker posted: »

    I think that guy with the rifle on the screenshot for ep. 3 is that guy with the pistol on the screenshot for ep. 4

  • Maybe.

    FetchWalker posted: »

    I think that guy with the rifle on the screenshot for ep. 3 is that guy with the pistol on the screenshot for ep. 4

  • True or telltale is just messing with us.... Maybe. #savenick

    They wouldn't show Nick because he's determinant, but Rebecca, Mike, Nick, Sarita and Jane may be off somewhere else.

  • Nate? Please?

    FetchWalker posted: »

    I think that guy with the rifle on the screenshot for ep. 3 is that guy with the pistol on the screenshot for ep. 4

  • It's weird that they didn't give us the key-screen so far. It was always the first one.

  • Probably later today?

    Crips posted: »

    It's weird that they didn't give us the key-screen so far. It was always the first one.

  • It'll probably be tweeted in a few hours, don't they also show four screenshots? If so, we should have another, along with the logo.

    Crips posted: »

    It's weird that they didn't give us the key-screen so far. It was always the first one.

  • edited July 2014

    Not always :Р

    1st screenshot episode 202 given for 2-3 weeks. Later, 2 and 3 screenshots.

    Then key-art and "Play Dead" inside with the trailer! =)

    Crips posted: »

    It's weird that they didn't give us the key-screen so far. It was always the first one.

  • If Sarita survives I don't they'd show her in the first screen because that would be a huge spoiler so they have just deleted Sarita from the screenshot so it doesn't give it away what happened to her. Or of course she could be dead, which is highly possible.

  • **1st sorry i just got a bit annoyed at 1nd

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Not always :Р 1st screenshot episode 202 given for 2-3 weeks. Later, 2 and 3 screenshots. Then key-art and "Play Dead" inside with the trailer!

  • This one time, he typed in "July 1th"

    ayylmao posted: »

    **1st sorry i just got a bit annoyed at 1nd

  • Yeah, I think more people would be behind Clem and Bonnie, between Kenny and Luke, pointing weapons too. So the group would be surrounded on all sides.

    I'm pretty sure Telltale removed at least other 3 or 4 models for that screenshot from the scene. It's seems that the group is sorrounded so the fact that there isn't anybody behind them would be just stupid.

  • I think the publishing screen captures are totalment versatile. I mean, that child elements are not very important.

    A character to consider, and that does not name anyone, is Leland.
    Because it's only link with the past of Bonnie.

    He can appear? I can not remember his fate at the end of 400 days ....

  • He's determimant. He can die in 400 Days, so, you know.

    Luitxi posted: »

    I think the publishing screen captures are totalment versatile. I mean, that child elements are not very important. A character to consid

  • Heya. ^_^

    Karnedg2013 posted: »


  • Depends if you're lying or not.

    Then, in the camp, when it arrives Tavia .... say something about him?

    I think it is an important determinant because Bonnie is the only character that goes with Tavia matter what ...

    Crips posted: »

    He's determimant. He can die in 400 Days, so, you know.

  • Luke is holding his K in such a noobish way lmao i thought he was strong

    How people with low fire arm experience and resistance against fire power hold em
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    How the tough guys hold em
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    BTW im a real gun freak so when is the M4 carbine showing up in Clementine's hands? :D
    Carl is a teenager and he was able to hold one in the series. :)

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    Guys im about 100% sure the guy in the second screenshot holding the gun is Victor, same hoodie and same skin colour, his skin colour was pretty unique too and why wouldn't telltale make the water choice matter?

  • Good thing we actually see Luke with the group in the teaser screenshot, instead of making him go 'missing' again.

  • I think the gun is in the screenshot VICTOR! The wounded in the river. but because of the decision to give water or not ....Look the photo of Wiki. His jacket is the same:

  • I remember the days where some people thought that Victor was the I thought you were dead guy.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Guys im about 100% sure the guy in the second screenshot holding the gun is Victor, same hoodie and same skin colour, his skin colour was pretty unique too and why wouldn't telltale make the water choice matter?

  • Well, she doesn't say anything. He can be lost somewhere or just died. I dunno.

  • I kneew it. Like i said before its Vicor.

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