The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I pressed that shit, fucking jumpscares almost killed me.

    Devvy y u press anne ;_; u kuld bi kill ;_;

  • I looked at the link to see if it has something weir on it, and I figured it's ok to check, I didn't think anyone would still post that old shit >.>

    Gobananas01 posted: »

    Nope. I've been on the internet too long to fall for that trick!

  • Its beautiful :')

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • Haha! #wobble xD

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I found an exclusive picture of Brent before he went into surgery:

  • C'mon EMO, it's ANNE! How couldn't you feel de trap!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I pressed that shit, fucking jumpscares almost killed me.

    edited July 2014

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    Translation: "A new strategic threat, Hamas revealed new aircraft".

    And the comment down there is "LOL wow now they have a fighter jet! I won't be able to sleep at night lol".

  • Those were great! hmmm put me on Patrick star

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    @Cluke_Is_Dumb When you wake up, tell me what you think about those, and maybe give me some ideas as to what should I make.

  • well the danger to my health and my life has been mentioned before, but he still posts stuff without warnings. i don't think he's planning to change that anytime soon. and i'm not a very confrontational person, so i'd probably sooner let it keep happening and have to be hospitalized than try and start a fight about it ;_; he can do what he wants, my health isn't his problem... i don't want to argue with him or anything ;_;

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Fuck that, it's about someone's health, you don't mess around with someone's physical health like that. He can keep doing it, but at least he needs to warn you, this is dangerous.

  • 'Kay.

    Those were great! hmmm put me on Patrick star

  • Currently catching up on the story thread. My god there's so much I missed! Just finished the part where Guilty told Shadow and Shale of planning to escape. I'm such an a-hole for killing Swaggy.

    SGK: Can I say something to my people?

    Me: BAM! Lol nope.

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    EWWW I must unsee this shit :'O

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    @Cluke_Is_Dumb KoolAidBrent.

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    Twistee posted: »



    C'mon EMO, it's ANNE! How couldn't you feel de trap!

  • I'm not low enough for Hookers, and I ONLY DRINK WHISKEY.

  • Because Woodburc can't spell.

    sardines posted: »

    ...why is he named gustaC tho? :P

  • edited July 2014

    After reading Shale's death, I don't know why, but I sadistically grinned. I feel like I'm becoming my story character whenever I read me doing horrible things. It's so cruel I want to draw it. Man I'm fucked in the head.

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    So, who here want's to kill me?

  • Im depressed too.

  • edited July 2014

    Why so sad? :(


    Im depressed too.

  • I'm like majorly depressed though, and it's for a stupid reason...

    Im depressed too.

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    I feel super thanks for asking XD

  • Sorry lil sis. I fell asleep. What is it?? ._.

    Hey Joe, guess what! Edit: dammit joe your supposed to reply with "what". -____

  • You're alive. o shit.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Hey, everyone! Long time no see.

  • edited July 2014

    I was like, "well, I guess this is it".

    Come on man !! Don't give up on life so easily...

    You would have let your 14 yo cousin drown you ? That's just sad man...

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Scary ass feeling for sure. I was like, "well, I guess this is it".

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    Your simply burning all your bridges we don't need to kill you your on a self-destructive path destroying your own community brick by brick if anything you should live so I can watch the chaos unfold as your community turns to ash before your eyes then when your finished your tantrum then my character will give you permission to die

    Alt text

    After reading Shale's death, I don't know why, but I sadistically grinned. I feel like I'm becoming my story character whenever I read me do

  • Nothing, I just want something to happen but it probably won't happen.

  • Yeah, I'm being stupid. Sorry :/

    I was like, "well, I guess this is it". Come on man !! Don't give up on life so easily... You would have let your 14 yo cousin drown you ? That's just sad man...

  • Yes I know. Very excited to witness my death, but I'll be sure to take you with me.

    On a side note, I'm gonna make a drawing of my character. :3

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Your simply burning all your bridges we don't need to kill you your on a self-destructive path destroying your own community brick by brick

  • edited July 2014

    Oh.... what happened? Did they move? :(

  • edited July 2014

    So I heard Pro might do a comic judging from what I read so far. I'm willing to make the comic covers once in while if that's true. I'll just make them on my spare time of course.

    Oh and my joker picture coming tomorrow.

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    Sounds awesome Can't wait to see in the drawing how you see your character in your head 6ft 8 with massive muscles and a Gatling gun I'd say XD

    Yes I know. Very excited to witness my death, but I'll be sure to take you with me. On a side note, I'm gonna make a drawing of my character.

  • By the way I'm just 3-4 part's away now! Gonna finally catch up tomorrow! :D

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Sounds awesome Can't wait to see in the drawing how you see your character in your head 6ft 8 with massive muscles and a Gatling gun I'd say XD

  • edited July 2014

    Cool spoiler I kill you and take your community XD

    By the way I'm just 3-4 part's away now! Gonna finally catch up tomorrow!

  • edited July 2014

    I'm addicted to AoT... Time to draw Clementine as a Survey Corps soldier :P

  • JON! YES!

    Can you draw Eren and Clem as Survey Corps soldiers? PLEASE?

    JonGon posted: »

    I'm addicted to AoT... Time to draw Clementine as a Survey Corps soldier :P

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    AWESOMEO posted: »

    JON! YES! Can you draw Eren and Clem as Survey Corps soldiers? PLEASE?

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