The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Well that was blunt. I'm not sure she'll believe me, though...

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Do it.

  • edited July 2014

    Never let your inner thoughts boil inside it will destroy you if you feel the need to write that letter you obviously feel the need to let her know something. Give her the letter and then your free this is just going to be annoying you till you peak up the courage to do it. I told my mam my inner thoughts at very critical times of my life when I struggled with various stuff and thangs and she never once let me down or judged me but sorted the problem with care your mam wants whats best for you it's not just important but essential she sees that letter to help her get a better understanding of your current mentality and about how you see things and your feelings to relate/help you :D

    Azlyn posted: »

    So, uh, i made this letter for mum for her birthday. Knowing that her not understanding me lately really got to her and all, i thought maybe

  • Yeah, I watched it when it aired! So damn hipster!

    Azlyn posted: »

    I like how almost everybody up in this crib started watching SnK. That means the originals are hipsters. Booyah!

  • I am laughing my butt off right now. My sides hurt. xD

    "Your face is bear!"

  • If she mocks you, she doesn't need your respect. She's a parent, and she should act like a parent.

    You should do what you think is right.

    Azlyn posted: »

    I am just scared that she won't take me seriously, that she thinks the only reason i'm giving that letter to her is to get her pity, use it

  • LOL I love that one.

    Azlyn posted: »

    I am laughing my butt off right now. My sides hurt. xD "Your face is bear!"

  • xDDD

    "Is Grace into beasting?"


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    LOL I love that one.

  • Just give her a card telling her how much you love and appreciate her. Leave that other stuff out for now.

    Azlyn posted: »

    I just thought that, maybe... I mean, she's my mother. I love her a lot, and i know i made her suffer by pushing her away and all, so i thought maybe she'd understand...


    ^My life right now.

  • Has anyone seen Sons of Anarchy? If so, is it any good? I was wanting to watch it. <.<

  • Tell me on steam ples ;_;

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Tell us what you thought when you finished.

    Azlyn posted: »


  • If anyone should be on your side in your life it should be your mom; unless she's been cruel to you don't push her away, she should have your best interests at heart. If you feel you can best communicate with her through writing then give her the letter. She will either understand and be helpful or not, but either way she'll know. If it goes bad at least you tried to communicate with her and any future issues regarding this will be on her lack of consideration and not your lack of communication.

    Azlyn posted: »

    So, uh, i made this letter for mum for her birthday. Knowing that her not understanding me lately really got to her and all, i thought maybe

  • GOUSTTTT told me it's good.

    Twistee posted: »

    Has anyone seen Sons of Anarchy? If so, is it any good? I was wanting to watch it. <.<

  • Alt text


    Twistee posted: »

    ... WOBBLE!

  • I really want to punch that jello for some reason...

    Markd4547 posted: »


  • I just found out today that an upside-down cross doesn't actually mean any kind of opposition to Christianity!

    The upside-down cross represents Apostle Peter's crucifixion, who was crucified upside down in Rome because he thought he was unworthy of being crucified like Jesus was.

  • It's not. It's just a lighting glitch.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Do you know about the creepy Easter Egg in Luigi's Mansion? At some point, you can see the shadow of a hanging Luigi. It's SO cool. Do you see it? The shadow, i mean. It looks as if Luigi committed suicide. It is AWESOME.

  • Working on Chapter Six of my story as we speak... or type... or whatever.

    It's a good one. Much more action and such.

  • Nice. How many chapters do you plan your story to have?

    Working on Chapter Six of my story as we speak... or type... or whatever. It's a good one. Much more action and such.

  • As many as is needed. You can't really plan this stuff out, else you start to worry yourself when you stray from it. I will have as many chapters as it takes in order to complete my story to a satisfying conclusion.

    Deceptio posted: »

    Nice. How many chapters do you plan your story to have?

  • Sounds great. Do you think you will be posting it here when you're done? Or I imagine it would be way too long.

    As many as is needed. You can't really plan this stuff out, else you start to worry yourself when you stray from it. I will have as many chapters as it takes in order to complete my story to a satisfying conclusion.

  • I want to stop sharing this information with the internet until I get this story connected to some sort of online account of mine in fear of plagiarism. If a writer steals my concept, there may be legal issues since I don't have it copyrighted really.

    Deceptio posted: »

    Sounds great. Do you think you will be posting it here when you're done? Or I imagine it would be way too long.

  • Gotcha. If you don't want to share it here or even anywhere, it's fine because I understand. Just take your time man because the plot and idea of this story seems fantastic and really interesting and I want it to come out the best it possibly can. Good luck!

    I want to stop sharing this information with the internet until I get this story connected to some sort of online account of mine in fear of

  • I'm sorry about whatever it is you're going through. I actually did something like this when I was around 12-13 after I got yelled at for my low grades. In my letter, I said pretty much what you said. And when I showed it to her, we had a heart to heart chat and things got a bit better.

    Little did I know what damage that letter actually caused. Years later, we had another conversation and she mentioned the letter. Even though it was never my intention and I never had it in mind at all, she thought I was thinking about committing suicide and that she thought that she failed as a mother after her and my Dad split up. Honestly, it really fucking scared me that that's what she got from the letter.

    I don't know who you are and I don't know what kind of life you have or the relationship you have with your mother. But seeing as how the relationship with our mothers seems similar, my advice to you is this:

    Sitting down and talking with your mother is the best way to get rid of any tension and conflict going on. If you do it with a letter, it can send a bad message to her and make her think that she's done wrong with you. If your goal is to make amends with her for whatever happened between you two, don't give her a letter that berates you for being "useless" or incompetent." It will just make her feel worse, especially if you give it to her on her birthday. Instead, write a letter telling her how much she means to you and just how much love and care for her. If you want her to take her seriously, show her that you want her to take you seriously. No letter. Face to face.

    Azlyn posted: »

    So, uh, i made this letter for mum for her birthday. Knowing that her not understanding me lately really got to her and all, i thought maybe

  • I'll share this snippet from Chapter Six:

    Qwaarn excused the guardians, and they disappeared inside the Temple of Meeting to clean up after the ritual from earlier. Qwaarn turned around to head to camp and tell the other followers the commands, only to be stopped by an eight foot tall black bull man with red eyes, a heavy double-bladed axe resting on his shoulder. Qwaarn sighed loudly, “Step aside, Tranar. I don’t have time for this.” Qwaarn attempted to go around, but Tranar let his axe fall before Qwaarn, blocking the way. Tranar then spoke in a deep and threatening tone, “Hmph! You think you can just walk away from this?”

    “Tranar, the last two times you fought for my position, you lost, and I spared you out of the kindness of my heart. If you fight me again, I won’t hesitate to end your miserable life. The Inmorte favors me, end of the story.”

    “Some things change, Qwaarn.” Tranar argued, “How do you know that The Inmorte hasn’t changed his favorite?”

    “You don’t want to test that, Tranar.”

    “Oh, but I do.”

    A small gathering of cultists began to circle around Qwaarn and Tranar, curious as to what is going on.

    Tranar kept pestering Qwaarn, “We will fight, and I will win. Whether or not I spare you… we will save that bit for after I knock you to the ground.”

    “Following your dreams can get you killed… it’s too bad you won’t stop following this one. I can’t complain though; you’re just another person to get out of my way.”

    Deceptio posted: »

    Gotcha. If you don't want to share it here or even anywhere, it's fine because I understand. Just take your time man because the plot and id

  • edited July 2014

    Gone to quiet so time for spam stuff and thungs :D

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  • edited July 2014

    it's a teddy so it's ok I think XD

    papai46 posted: »

    Poor koala!

  • I sent you a message on Skype.

    sardines posted: »

    well the danger to my health and my life has been mentioned before, but he still posts stuff without warnings. i don't think he's planning t

  • Devyn noooo ;-;

    Lol, I don't even know what to say anymore

    sardines posted: »

    Woodbury why ;_; Just kidding, I wouldn't cat fight you. Gustavbury is cute. I ship it.

  • I know! But still.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    it's a teddy so it's ok I think XD

  • XD

    papai46 posted: »

    I know! But still.

  • Hello, pretty!


  • Good... Is it afternoon in Mexico?


  • Lol, yeah, its almost 6.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Good... Is it afternoon in Mexico?

  • Alt text

    Hola chica :D


  • Hola Papai.

    papai46 posted: »

    Hello, pretty!

  • What's up Mark? :3

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Hola chica

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