The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • 1%= The Rich Fucks last forever i think he actually made sense for the first time OMG

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    @Welcome_to_Woodbury A new tweet from the walking legend:


    Sadly, my school was Catholic, so we weren't really allowed to ask many questions. It was basically just:

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    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I only talk back to them if they shut me up as I'm correcting them or something, I'm not gonna let them shut me up because I want to help, y

  • Damn alright :,(

    shhhhh let's not talk about her anymore

  • Lol why you changed it?

    Haha yeah

  • Lol, you just reminded me of how L used to use his feet for everything...

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    Analyzing this shit can be hard, but I think he may just talk about having 1% of the battery left on your phone, which seems like it lasts forever, until the phone shuts down, symbolizing the everlasting moment before you die where your life flashes before your eyes, and then comes the darkness, death, end.

    Wat does this meaaaaaan??? o_o

    edited July 2014

    We even saw a video that shows and explains ejaculation, and it was very detailed O_O

    I cried from laughter though, good times.

    OMFG WHAT NO WAY Sadly, my school was Catholic, so we weren't really allowed to ask many questions. It was basically just:

  • Oh shit..... that's deep, man. ;o


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Lol, you just reminded me of how L used to use his feet for everything... Analyzing this shit can be hard, but I think he may just ta

  • edited July 2014

    You're right, I'm not.

    I'm the total opposite...

    You are not a true American.

  • Haha thanks. :3 you're awesome as we'll, Pro.

    Lol! That made me laugh. DLB is too awesome right now. B]

  • I'm trying not to curse .

    Lol why you changed it?

  • It showed it, too? ;o

    dafuq kind of school did you go to daniel

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    We even saw a video that shows and explains ejaculation, and it was very detailed O_O I cried from laughter though, good times.

  • Whats the opposite?

    You're right, I'm not. I'm the total opposite...

  • We saw a video of women going into labor.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    We even saw a video that shows and explains ejaculation, and it was very detailed O_O I cried from laughter though, good times.

  • Hehe, yeah. Hopefully we will be ready...

    Well we can't live in fear of what might happen. If there comes a day when she does come here to start some shit (God have mercy on her soul), we'll be ready to protect ourselves.

  • Haha thanks. :3 you're awesome as we'll, Pro.

    Lol! That made me laugh. DLB is too awesome right now. B]

  • We will be. We've got each other's backs. :p

    Hehe, yeah. Hopefully we will be ready...

  • Oh shit.

    We saw a video of women going into labor.

    edited July 2014

    It wasn't porn or anything, just a biological video showing how the thing ejects the other thing, my school isn't religious or anything like that.

    It showed it, too? ;o dafuq kind of school did you go to daniel

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    Oh shit..... that's deep, man. ;o PRAISE JADEN

  • Canadian.

    Whats the opposite?

  • If she starts with anyone that is "innocent", I'm not going to sit and watch, especially anyone from here.

    M'kay. But if she ever got into an argument with just me, I'd probably start runnin tbh. But if she did to any of you, I wouldn't let that slide.

  • I had a feeling it was that or Soviet Russia.


  • I had a feeling it was that or Soviet Russia.


  • She's right xD


  • Can you PM what the heck she did? Ple... Plea... I cant say it but can you?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    If she starts with anyone that is "innocent", I'm not going to sit and watch, especially anyone from here.

    edited July 2014

    I don't really know either, I just know she was a troll that shipped Cluke, you need to ask someone else :/

    Can you PM what the heck she did? Ple... Plea... I cant say it but can you?

  • I found some amazing gifs...

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    The feels ;-;

  • Watched the first episode but it was the english dubbed one xD.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I found some amazing gifs... The feels ;-;

    edited July 2014

    Don't watch dubbed, dubbed version is shit ;-;


    Watched the first episode but it was the english dubbed one xD.

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  • Are you all gone? ;-;

    Ok... I'll wait...

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    O-O WTF!!! That was so intense I felt intimidated just reading the comments out of nowhere dayum :'O

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  • LOL Mark xD

    It was all for fun.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    O-O WTF!!! That was so intense I felt intimidated just reading the comments out of nowhere dayum :'O

  • XD dem angelic beats on firsttry I know dat feel :'D

    Here's another. And one for @Markd4547 when he sees this.

  • They be actin'

    Markd4547 posted: »

    O-O WTF!!! That was so intense I felt intimidated just reading the comments out of nowhere dayum :'O

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    That is so beautiful your very talented dat Clem 10/10 :'D

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    It's not often I can be satisfied with my "art", but I surprisingly can't wait for the speedart to go up for this... now I just need to take a looks through my songs...



    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Metallica anyone?

  • Strange :D


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