What if....Clementine met Lee's ex-wife?

edited July 2014 in The Walking Dead

I'm just spitballing here, but in my opinion if Clem met Lee's ex it would make for a very interesting episode, like for example, they meet and introduce themselves by first names only, then they go back to wherever the ex's hideout is then they start talking about someone they knew in the past (Lee) and while clem talks about him in reverence Lee's ex only talks about him with hate, and tries to tell clem what a horrible man he was, or clem meets the ex and goes back to the hideout to find out it's the Everette's house and uncovers clues about Lee's past and his ex-wife's past, I don't know but like I said, I would like to see it happen, post your thoughts.
P.S. Idk if this would count as fan-fic, first post on the forums.



  • If we did meet her maybe she'd regret how she treated him. But, if we were, I'm not sure how to react. Would I be mad? Yes, but you have to consider (as horrible it is) Lee never would've met Clementine if his wife was faithful. Depending on how she treats his memory will be how I react towards her.

  • I'm not so sure that the ex would be so regretful, Lee killed her lover, practically in front of her BEFORE the world went to hell, and Lee also said something like he had hurt her very bad and that they hadn 't been very close towards the end of their relationship.

    Conduit42 posted: »

    If we did meet her maybe she'd regret how she treated him. But, if we were, I'm not sure how to react. Would I be mad? Yes, but you have to

  • To be honest, it depends on how telltale show her as, if she is nice who regrets hurting Lee but upset at the fact that he killed the senator, then maybe I can sympathize with her. But if she acts like she all that and hates Lee with a fiery passion, then I'll be mad at her. But like I said, its up to Telltale to present her as a character that we'll hate or like. I don't hate her but I don't like her, so I'm neutral right now with her.

  • Telltale hasn't said anything about an ex-wife (not that I know of anyway) so until they do I'm gonna stick to my theory of the vengeful ex who thinks Lee deserved what happened to him

    Hunted35 posted: »

    To be honest, it depends on how telltale show her as, if she is nice who regrets hurting Lee but upset at the fact that he killed the senato

  • I've never thought of this. You're a genius.

  • This is simple..

    I would call her a dirty slut and blow the bitches face off.. end of episode....

    But I have thought about if we met lee's wife before, dont think we will tho..

  • Chances of meeting Lee's ex-wife are nil. What's the point beyond putting in more drama? It's in the past. It cannot be changed. Best to move on and perhaps forget.

    If she did appear, why would she speak ill of Lee? The two got married so at one point they did care for each other. Teachers don't make that much money, not even professors, so she wasn't a gold digger ... when Lee married her anyway. Her going for the senator might suggest otherwise or she just was attracted to power at that point in her life. The only time the two went separate ways was when SHE cheated on HIM. So she'd only have herself to blame for the senator's death. She could have picked a better place to rendezvous with her lover than where she did when Lee caught them for instance. If anyone would speak ill of another, it'd be Lee speaking ill of her. Yet he kept it civil.

    Why would she honestly even care about her ex-husband several years later anyway? Avoiding getting eaten by walkers, trying to find food, water, and shelter, and finding a stable group would take precedence over something that occurred before everything went to hell. Priorities. If she's still harping over what Lee did, she would have died a long time ago.

  • I don't think it'd be that simple :P, but I'm pretty sure IF telltale made this idea into a future episode they would use the episode as an opportunity to delve into Lee's past and maybe convince the ex that she is wrong, or maybe the ex could convince clem (and maybe that rash bastard Kenny) that Lee was a bloodthirsty killer. Or like you said, we could blow that bitches face off :)

    Craticus posted: »

    This is simple.. I would call her a dirty slut and blow the bitches face off.. end of episode.... But I have thought about if we met lee's wife before, dont think we will tho..

  • edited July 2014

    This game is all about the past, people wanting to go back to the way things were, Kenny wants his family back, Sarita obsesses about Kenny's past, and if I remember correctly Lee mentioned to Clem (in my playthrough anyway) that all anyone lived for anymore is to go back to the way things were. Clem even said in Crawford (ch. 4) that she missed her school. Many of these characters have survived for years (and are currently surviving) although not very well (with Sarita's arm situation and Kenny's eye situation) but surviving nonetheless.
    Also- refer to one of my previous replies, Lee did hurt his ex and they were not close towards the end, she would probably hate Lee because Lee neglected her needs, then killed the person who was making her happy.

    Chances of meeting Lee's ex-wife are nil. What's the point beyond putting in more drama? It's in the past. It cannot be changed. Best to

  • Judging from the fact that Lee's wife was a cheating little bitch, I wouldn't even bet dirt on her being alive.

  • I guess she didn't completely love Lee :c

    Summbuddy posted: »

    I'm not so sure that the ex would be so regretful, Lee killed her lover, practically in front of her BEFORE the world went to hell, and Lee

  • I doubt things will go completely back to the way things were... at least not until the far future, since they have to dispose of all the dead and find a cure while trying to survive from the living.

  • edited July 2014

    I had the same thought! Holy crap, I thought I was the only one.

    Alt text

    Anyway I think that would be awesome! That was such an important event, and I don't think it got enough attention. It would be interesting to bring that back and find out more about what happened and what Lee was like before.

  • Which is completely insane, putting aside what he did. He's so good, you know? Some people are just like that and I guess he just lost his way for a while after that.

    prink34320 posted: »

    I guess she didn't completely love Lee :c

  • I'm pretty sure he didn't mean to kill the guy she was having an affair with.

    Impalala posted: »

    Which is completely insane, putting aside what he did. He's so good, you know? Some people are just like that and I guess he just lost his way for a while after that.

  • Yeah, I think so too. But, we still don't have that many details which is why I want his ex to make an appearance. But, there's no telling what Telltale will do or if they even considered this. So, I guess we'll just have to use what little we know.

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    But, I still think the most reliable possibility is that it was an accident. But who knows?

    prink34320 posted: »

    I'm pretty sure he didn't mean to kill the guy she was having an affair with.

  • I think he did mean to kill the senator, in my playthrough Lee admitted to the group he was a convicted murderer and he told someone that one day he didn't go to work and walked in on his wife having the affair, and he killed the senator

    prink34320 posted: »

    I'm pretty sure he didn't mean to kill the guy she was having an affair with.

  • In my game, he said he got in a fight and he accidentally killed the senator. But he was talking to Clementine and I was replaying it and choosing all the jerky decisions for fun, so who knows.

    Summbuddy posted: »

    I think he did mean to kill the senator, in my playthrough Lee admitted to the group he was a convicted murderer and he told someone that one day he didn't go to work and walked in on his wife having the affair, and he killed the senator

  • You people are all WRONG. Have none of you played Season 1 Episode 5? When Lee talks to the stranger, Lee admits to killing his ex-wife and the senator!

  • Um, he said he only killed senator, not the wife.

    You people are all WRONG. Have none of you played Season 1 Episode 5? When Lee talks to the stranger, Lee admits to killing his ex-wife and the senator!

  • i had a earlier theory that Rebecca was Lee's ex wife but i guess I'm wrong

  • If she was that'll be so messed up on such a high note. But she does have some similarities to Lee's wife. Both cheated on their man and both feel pain about the affair. But to be honest, even though Rebecca cheated on Alivin, she knew what she have done and she felt so bad about it. Also, instead of continuing the affair, she went back to Alvin as her lover unlike Lee's wife who kept continuing the affair. I like Rebecca more than I can say of Lee's wife and that just my opinion.

    Yo-da-Man posted: »

    i had a earlier theory that Rebecca was Lee's ex wife but i guess I'm wrong

  • He only says he hurt his ex-wife very bad

    You people are all WRONG. Have none of you played Season 1 Episode 5? When Lee talks to the stranger, Lee admits to killing his ex-wife and the senator!

  • You know what so messed up about the whole Lee's wife affair. Is that the mother#@%ing senator slept with Lee's wife even though she was already married. I mean who with that high of a rank in the political role will go ahead and f#$% another man's wife. I mean, come on, you're representing your nation's government and you're doing that. That's why I hate when people like the senator make a mockery of what they stand for, just for shame man, for shame.

  • edited July 2014

    I was thinking the same thing, it would be an interesting episode. Having them argue, the player defends Lee calmly or violently and in the argument Clementine learns more about Lee's past, not just the murder of the senator but other things as well.

  • I misread the title as "What if Clementine was Lee's ex-wife" XD

  • to MyGuardianAngel

    "yeah chill"


    You people are all WRONG. Have none of you played Season 1 Episode 5? When Lee talks to the stranger, Lee admits to killing his ex-wife and the senator!

  • This could be a metaphor implying that when Lee killed the Senator, he hurt his wife indirectly because of her loss.

    Summbuddy posted: »

    He only says he hurt his ex-wife very bad

  • she would be like thank you for cheating on lee or else i wouldn't of met him

  • edited July 2014

    Alt text

    Rigtail posted: »

    I misread the title as "What if Clementine was Lee's ex-wife" XD

  • I'd like to think Lee had better taste in women.

    Yo-da-Man posted: »

    i had a earlier theory that Rebecca was Lee's ex wife but i guess I'm wrong

  • edited July 2014

    He also told Carley and the Stranger that him killing the state senator was an accident.

    Summbuddy posted: »

    I think he did mean to kill the senator, in my playthrough Lee admitted to the group he was a convicted murderer and he told someone that one day he didn't go to work and walked in on his wife having the affair, and he killed the senator

  • Id want an option to kick the scandalous bish in the cooter until she apologized

  • whoa that gif is weird

    Impalala posted: »

    I had the same thought! Holy crap, I thought I was the only one. Anyway I think that would be awesome! That was such an important eve

  • I had a theory before episode 3 released that we would find out through some random overheard dialog that Tavia was Lee's ex-wife. That a connection could be formed with her through that, leading to pretty much what happened with Bonnie instead, how she helped the group escape.

    Now, since no mention at all was made in ep. 3, I see that as less likely, but seemed worth noting here. Unless any survivors from Carver's camp go on a supply run and that's turns out to be who are holding up Clem's group in the photo. I don't know, but I was kind of hoping we would/will find out that if Lee's ex-wife is still alive, it's Tavia.

  • That is what I meant, sorry for the misunderstanding

    The-Flix posted: »

    This could be a metaphor implying that when Lee killed the Senator, he hurt his wife indirectly because of her loss.

  • Regardless, probably he just married the wrong woman.

    prink34320 posted: »

    I guess she didn't completely love Lee :c

  • Eeughhh.

    Mrbman9001 posted: »

    Regardless, probably he just married the wrong woman.

  • Well this is an old thread, and while the purpose of it being bumped was just for spam, it's definitely interesting to think about and begs the question, "How do you want your Clementine to react." You can have her be angry at Lee's ex because of the fact that she cheated on him and that she's is (sort of) the reason for him going to prison. However, you can have her be thankful because, if it wasn't for that, Lee would never have found Clementine and she might be dead in her treehouse if it wasn't for that. While I don't want any characters returning, and it would be a one in a million chance of meeting her, it would be interesting to see her come into the picture and have Clem find out who she is and see how it plays out.

  • TBH, I doubt Clementine would be as judgmental as an adult would. She's seen people do a lot worse than mere infidelity. Besides, she's seen how torn up Rebecca was about her 'affair.'

    I dunno. Lee murdered a man yet managed to redeem himself. Kenny (regardless of how I personally feel) is redeemed by the narrative. There ain't no reason why we can't forgive her - she's not even a murderer or child-shooter...

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