The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Goodnight. B]

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    Azlyn posted: »

    Kay, i'm gonna go read. Night, guys. ^^

  • I'm trying to imagine this, but my mind cant go to that extent..

    Azlyn posted: »

    *throws bananas at you while riding Voldemort *

  • It's raining tacosss! out in the streeeet!

    Just open your mouth and close your eyesssss It's raining tacooossssss

  • :O Sincerely? OMG! Yes, do it do it do it xD

    Azlyn posted: »

    Maybe i'll post a picture. Maybe.

  • Drugs.

    Just drugs.

    I'm trying to imagine this, but my mind cant go to that extent..

  • :O Sincerely? OMG! Yes, do it do it do it xD

    Azlyn posted: »

    Maybe i'll post a picture. Maybe.

  • :O Sincerely? OMG! Yes, do it do it do it xD

    Azlyn posted: »

    Maybe i'll post a picture. Maybe.

  • Maybe i'll post a picture. Maybe.

    OKAY I wanted to catify Azlyn next, but she doesn't have a picture ;-; c r i e s

  • edited July 2014

    ATR! ATR next, lol.

    We'll leave it up to Az if she decides to do that. B]

    Edit: What is up with your comments today?

    OKAY I wanted to catify Azlyn next, but she doesn't have a picture ;-; c r i e s

  • lmfao i'm laughing so hard right now i just posted the same comment three times and it still didnt show up xD

    500% done

    ATR! ATR next, lol. We'll leave it up to Az if she decides to do that. B] Edit: What is up with your comments today?

  • Tacos, all you can eat! Lettuce and shells, cheese and meat, it's raining tacooossssss!!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    It's raining tacosss! out in the streeeet!

  • REALLY? :D

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    Azlyn posted: »

    Maybe i'll post a picture. Maybe.

  • edited July 2014

    Guuuuurl, you thought I forgot about you didn't you?

    Alt text :_:

    Guuuuurl, you thought I forgot about you didn't you? 2Kawaii4ThisWorld

  • edited July 2014

    I know, i saw it in my feed and i was like what the crap and checked here for them and didn't find them and... xD

    lmfao i'm laughing so hard right now i just posted the same comment three times and it still didnt show up xD 500% done

  • edited July 2014

    I'm cursed :p

    You know what, I'm not even gonna bother refreshing the page to see if they showed up. Whatever happens happens. Ya'll get my comments in your feed anyways.

    Azlyn posted: »

    I know, i saw it in my feed and i was like what the crap and checked here for them and didn't find them and... xD

  • Weird, I was gonna make my own cat picture for you, since I own a cat ear headband :o

    lmfao i'm laughing so hard right now i just posted the same comment three times and it still didnt show up xD 500% done

  • -starts dancing-

    Azlyn posted: »

    Maybe i'll post a picture. Maybe.

    edited July 2014

    Yum Yum Yum Yum Yumity Yum

    It's like a dreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeam!!!!!!!

    Tacos, all you can eat! Lettuce and shells, cheese and meat, it's raining tacooossssss!!

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    Awesome dem glasses so cool and dat flower so nice overall love it <3

    Okokokok, let's be serious now. Rachel's is probs my favourite... I mean, come on. @Dont_Look_Back lmao, i got a little carried away.

  • Wow, you guys seem so excited for such a little thing, it's so weird. x3

    -starts dancing-

  • Loki? whos that the Joker is the only villain ;D

    Azlyn posted: »

    You're not Loki, shat ap.

  • edited July 2014

    Haha, its not a little thing! :P


    Azlyn posted: »

    Wow, you guys seem so excited for such a little thing, it's so weird. x3

  • :o You should do it!! I can't put ears on your picture unfortunately, because your forehead is cut off :( I'll still try to make you kawaii though.

    Weird, I was gonna make my own cat picture for you, since I own a cat ear headband

  • It's just that I talked to you a lot without never knowing what you look like :3

    Azlyn posted: »

    Wow, you guys seem so excited for such a little thing, it's so weird. x3

  • night Azlyn :D

    Azlyn posted: »

    Kay, i'm gonna go read. Night, guys. ^^

  • Do it.

    Weird, I was gonna make my own cat picture for you, since I own a cat ear headband

  • edited July 2014

    lmao, you know whats weird? Not one of my comments have done that yet.

    I'm cursed You know what, I'm not even gonna bother refreshing the page to see if they showed up. Whatever happens happens. Ya'll get my comments in your feed anyways.

  • Lol, dafuq? Only seems to be happening to you, lmao.

    lmfao i'm laughing so hard right now i just posted the same comment three times and it still didnt show up xD 500% done

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    Azlyn :D

    Azlyn posted: »

    Wow, you guys seem so excited for such a little thing, it's so weird. x3

  • You need an intervention

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    Azlyn posted: »


  • Mark as a princess kitty? Hmm....

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    @Markd4547: Mark the princess cat, bow down basic b*tches hehehe

  • @AllThatRemains, I tried to make you look sooper kawaii, but I couldn't really think of anything to add. You were already too cute to begin with, lol. xD

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    O-O Aw really nice with the glasses and the flower very kawaii and awesome overall :'O

    @AllThatRemains, I tried to make you look sooper kawaii, but I couldn't really think of anything to add. You were already too cute to begin with, lol. xD

  • So kawaii!

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    @AllThatRemains, I tried to make you look sooper kawaii, but I couldn't really think of anything to add. You were already too cute to begin with, lol. xD

  • :D

    I'm stylin'

    @AllThatRemains, I tried to make you look sooper kawaii, but I couldn't really think of anything to add. You were already too cute to begin with, lol. xD

  • Kitty ear headband, plus catification ^-^

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    PS: In the photo above, I was doing Rachelle's "blue" trick to get dat Rachelle pout ;3

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  • Alt text

    Kitty ear headband, plus catification ^-^ PS: In the photo above, I was doing Rachelle's "blue" trick to get dat Rachelle pout ;3

  • You fools! Jaden is only a follower of the Cosmic Galaxy Llama! The evidence is all there! For example, Jaden is always squinting because he is blinded by the Galaxy Llamas millions of suns!

    This ^

  • edited July 2014

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    Kitty ear headband, plus catification ^-^ PS: In the photo above, I was doing Rachelle's "blue" trick to get dat Rachelle pout ;3

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